SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL CoMMENCEMENT Graduation Exercises SATURDAY MoRNING, MAY THIRTIETH MEN's GYMNASIUM, TEN o'CLocK MCMXLII Oregon State College PROGRAM Program number, First Suite m Eb. _____________________________________________ H olst (a) Chansonette (b) Intermezzo (c) March PROCESSIONAL-Grand March from suite "Sigurd Jorsalfar" ____ Crieg .r The audience will remain seated throughout the processional, but will rise following the bugle call when the Colors enter the auditorium and will remain standing until after the Invocation. The Star Spangled Banner Oregon State College R.O.T.C. Band INVOCATION-The Reverend Ernest William Warrington, M.A. Professor of Religion Piano Solo-Grande Valse Brillante, Op 18 _________________________ _p_ Chopin / Norma Patricia Siverson, '42 GREETINGS TO THE CLASS OF 1942- The Honorable Edward C. Sammons Member of State Board of Higher Education CoNFERRING OF DEGREEs-Francais Archibald Gilfillan, Ph.D. Acting President, Oregon State College Alma Mater ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Homer Maris RECESSIONAL-Grand March "The University" ______________________ Goldman Oregon State College R.O.T.C. Band The audience will remain seated until faculty and graduates have left the auditorium. Senior Honor Students Elections for 1942 Senior honors are conferred by the faculty Administrative Council upon those members of the Graduating class, candidates for a bachelor's degree, who throughout their entire college course have maintained the highest scholastic standing in their respective schools. A student to be eligible to such honor must have made a grade-point average of 3.25 or higher. Election is limited to ten per cent of the graduating members of a school. SCIENCE }ACK VV PETERSON RoBERT Ross BuNNELL CLYDE HENRY DuVALL, }R. MARTIN EVERETT pACKARD HELEN GRACE MURDOCK MILDRED LUCILE PERMAN AGRICULTURE ROBERT UPTON MACE MELVIN SMITH CuMMINGs FRANK VVILLARD SMITH, }R. MAE LEE FLEMING KENNETH LEoN RoBINSON } ACK DILLARD SATHER ELMER MELTON VVERTH JoHN VVILLIAM SouTHWORTH RoBERT Moss ALEXANDER JAMES BusHNELL PITNEY } ACK HUBERT BRODIE EDUCATION GRACE EMMA HANEKE FRANKLIN KORELL TOURTELLOTTE RHODA KATHRYN AVERY ]EAN MARIETTA KING FLORENCE ELIZABETH LUDWIG ENGINEERING VVILLIAM ALLEN BENTLEY STEPHEN VVING AKIN ARTHUR EuGENE OLsoN DoNALD JACOBY RoBERT VVEsT LuNDEEN EARLE VV ALLACE CHAMBERLAIN ToM VVooDROW BARBER DouGLAS FoRSYTHE MoRDOFF ROBERT ALBERT BRUNS DoNALD RICHARD OLSON EDWARD NORMAN SIDOR MELVIN BENARD NELSON HAROLD RAYMOND FRISBIE FORESTRY ALFRED AARON VVIENER RANDALL CLIFFORD GUYER DALE NESTRUD BEVER JosEPH CLINTON Ross HOME ECONOMICS MARION HELEN HESS ALICE pAULINE CUNNINGHAM ELAINE RoBERTS MILDRED ELIZABETH SwEENEY ADELE KNERR NORMA MAcDoNALD CORA BELLE ABBOTT HAAG CoNsTANCE MARIE BoDEKER DoROTHY }EAN HowELL BARBARA DEANE TRONDSEN MARGARET }EANNE LEWIS MARY DELPHINE DALLAIRE [ 3 1 Senior Honor Students-Continued PHARMACY BERNARD MILES OLIVA FEuNG BoK LEE MARGARET ANN WILSON SECRETARIAL SCIENCE MARY JANE CURRIER MARGERIE EwERT LuNDELL BETTY CHARLES ANDERSON DoROTHY HELEN WATSON ]EAN ALicE NoEL MARIENNE EWERT LUNDELL ]EAN DAVIES HONOR GRADUATES, MILITARY DEPARTMENT Under the regulations of the \Var Department, each university maintaining a Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit may designate at the close of the academic year as honor graduates five per cent of the total number of students enrolled in each unit. The students designated must be graduates of the institution and of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, selected on the basis of character, academic grades, and demonstrated efficiency in military work. INFANTRY UNIT RoBERT Ross BuNNELL FEuNG BoK LEE FIELD ARTILLERY UNIT KENNETH LEoN RoBINSON DALE NESTRUD BEVER ALFRED AARON WIENER MELVIN SMITH CUMMINGS RoBERT Moss ALEXANDER JOHN WILLIAM SouTHWORTH ENGINEERING UNIT STEPHEN WING AKIN / /;:;.. [ 4 l Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honor society founded at the University of Maine in 1897, stands for the unity and democracy of learning, and seeks to recognize and promote scholarship in all fields, the liberal arts and sciences as well as professional education. The following list includes those persons who have been elected by Phi Kappa Phi in 1942 and seniors and graduate students who are already members, the latter being indicated by aster­ isks. Juniors whose selection by Phi Kappa Phi was announced April 29, 1942 will be eligible for initiation next fall. Famlty EARL LEROY PACKARD, Ph.D., Dean and Director of General Research. MAUD MATHES VVrLSON, A.M., Home Economist, Agricultural Experiment Station Grad1tate St1tdents CARL MARTIN ANDERSON, Science GERALD WATSON KEILHOLTZ, Science ALOYSIUS JosEPH CLASSEN, Science *RoBERT McGILVERY, Science *\VrLBUR TARLETON CooNEY, Agriculture *MARGARET MoREHOUSE, Home Economics *LESTER DuNN, Forestry *DoN REx MoRRILL, Agriculture *EowARD EHLERS, Science *JEANNE PERKINS, Home Economics REX ALBERT ELDER, Engineering EDWARD Louis RADA, Agriculture *DOROT!!Y HARSTAD FENNER, Home Eco­ *ARNOLD SAMUEL RosENWALD, Agriculture nomiC CALVIN L RITCHIE, Science HENRY RAYMOND FonTMANN, Agriculture WILLIAM EARL RoAKE, Science *EUGENE GRANT, Engineering AMELIA GRACE SANSOM, Horne Economics *\VtLLIAM HERBERT HuGGINS, Engineering *HARRIET KING SrNNARD, Home Economics VVILLIAM ERNEST JoRGENSEN, General Studies Seniors *RoBERT Moss ALEXANDER, Agriculture HENRY SEvERUS MATSON, Secretarial *BETTY CHARLES ANDERSON, Secretarial Science Science \VILLIAM WERNER MATSON, Science RuooA KATHRYN AvERY, Education *JAMES ALLEN MARTIN, Education THOMAS \.VooDROW BARBER, Engineering *RoBERT UPTON MAcE, Agriculture ELIZA~ETH ANN BARTLETT, Home Eco- *DouGLAS FORSYTHE l\10RDOFF, Engineering nomtcs *HELEN Gt~ACE MuRDOCK, Science \VILLIAM ALLEN BENTLEY, Engineering MELVIN BENARD NELSON, Engineering DALE NESTRUD BEVER, Forestry *JEAN NoEL, Secretarial Science *JACK HuBERT BRODIE, Agriculture BERNARD MILES OLIVA, Pharmacy *RoBERT BRUNS, Engineering ARTHUR EuGENE OLSON, Engineering RoBERT Ross BuNNELL, Science *MARTIN EvERETT PACKARD, Science LEO ELSON CHAFFIN, Engineering *MILDRED LuciLE PERMAN, Science MELVIN SMITH CuMMINGS, Agriculture *JACK VV PETERSEN, Science *MARY JANE CURRIER, Secretarial Science *~1ARGER1E LuNDELL PHELPS, Secretarial l\1ARY DELPHINE DALLAIRE, Home Eco- Science nomics JAMES BusHNELL PITNEY, Agriculture JEAN DAviES, Secretarial Science *ELAINE ROBERTS, Home Economics RICHARD TUNSTALL DAVIS, Science *KENNETH LEON RoBINSON, Agriculture WILLIAM ALLEN DoERNER, Engineering *JACK DILLARD SATHER, Agriculture *CLYDE HENRY DuVALL, Science EDWARD NoRMAN SIDOR, Engineering HAROLD RAYMOND FRISBIE, Engineering FRANK WILLARD SMITH, JR., Agriculture RANDELL CLIFFORD GuvER, Forestry JoHN WILLIAM SouTHWORTH, Agriculture *GRACE EMMA HANEKE, Education *DuANE RussEL TAYLOR, Science KENNETH HEDBEIW, Science BARBARA DEANE TRONDSEN, Home Eco- *MARION HELEN HESS, Home Economics nomics VERA HoLLENBECK, Home Economics FRANK MARVIN TURNER, Agriculture vVANDA Jov HowE, Secretarial Science RoBERT ELTON VINCENT, Engineering *DoROTHY JEAN HowELL, Home Economics DoROTHY HELEN WATSON, Secretarial DoNALD JACOBY, Engineering Science JEAN MARIETTA KING, Education ELMER MELTON \VERTH, Agriculture *ADELE KNERR, Home Economics HELEN Lucv WHIPPLE, Science FEUNG BoK LEE, Pharmacy EuGENE EDMUND WHITE, Science HELOISE LEE, Home Economics *ALFRED AARON WIENER, Forestry *JEANNE LEwis, Home Economics *MARGARET ANN WILSON, Pharmacy FLORENCE ELIZABETH LuDWIG, Education *EDGAR LuM WoNG, Science *ROBERT WEST LuNDEEN, Engineering [ 5 l Sigma Xi (Elections 1942) The object of the Society of the Sigma Xi is to encourage original investigation in sci­ ence, pure and applied. The society elects to membership ori~inal investigators of noteworthy achievement and students who show promise of research abihty in the fie lds of mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, sciences of the earth, biology in its various branches including psychology, anthropology, medicine in its various branches, engineering in its various branches, and other closely allied fields. Members GORDON ALDERTON WILLIAM HERBERT HUGGINS CARL MARTIN ANDERSON GERALD WATSON KEILHOLTZ D ANIEL ERNEST BoNNELL WILSON STANLEY PRITCHETT HERBERT EwiNG HARPER JACK VVENDEL SIEGEL Associates ERNEST CLIFFORD ANDERSON ARTHUR EUGENE OLSON WARREN RICHARD BIGGERSTAFF DONALD RICHARD OLSON ALOYSIUS JosEPH CLASSEN BERNICE !RENE ORWIG HAROLD ERNEST DREGNE JACK VV PETERSON CLYDE HENRY DuVALL, JR. SISTER GEMMA PIENNETT REX ALFRED ELDER LEMAR FRED REMMERT HENRY RAYMOND FORTMANN VVILLIAM EARL RoAKE BRUCE GRAHAM JACK DILLARD SATHER EuGENE FREDERICK GRANT PHILLIP WILLIAM ScHNEIDER KENNETH HEDBERG FRANCIS LEONARD VAN VEEN RoBERT McGILVERY GLEN EDWARD VVILLIAMS FRED BAKER MORSE The Colors Distinctive of the Schools Used for tassels of caps of candidates for degrees The Graduate Division: Black The School of Science: Golden Yellow The School of Agriculture: Maize The School of Commerce (see note, page 10): Drab The School of Education: Light Blue The School of Engineering: Orange The School of Forestry: Russet The School of Home Economics: VVhite The Department of Nursing Education (Medical School): Golden Yellow The School of Phar macy: Olive Green The Department of Secretarial Science: Drab [ 6 1 Baccalaureate Degrees Oregon State College confers the following baccalaureate degrees: B.A., B.S., B.Agr., Ed.B., B.F., B.I.A., B.S.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences In the Oregon State System of Higher Education the field of the liberal arts and sciences is divided between the University
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