SHOP EARLY FOR THE WESTFIELD LEADER CHRISTMAS GIFTS THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY .-YENTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 16 WKSTKlKI.li. NKW JKRSKY. TIU'KSD.A V. DKCK.M I!KK 12. 40P»ge»—10 Cent* We IW<1 •Rights'Panelists Teacher Salary Minimums Here Because <"hris(ni:i» tulh on a Wrdiiesday. it uill l>«' ai't'cssury (tir the Leader lo lit' published un Sean Avenues To Protests Win Easing Exceed Levels In New Measure Munday. llco. 31. ThereliHc. atl advertising and news eopy and photos for (lie Racial Parity hi" raising the miniinum claries of teachers in public school.- !»«• Christmas <-diti»n uf Dec 24 n,.d mlu law .Monday by Gov. Kit-hard J Hughe... «.|i |,aVl, |iai,, ,,,-f,^., must hi' submitted ;is early us *' Of Parking Ban In L'r.iiin County und none in Weslfield. Public M teachers lu-rc- m Center Establishes possible w itJi a deadline 4i( 5 p.m., Friday. !*•<-. .'«. for ull Or Kn ii.ud Khi>i!a. president of j • a loiter starting minimum than the new law a-quircs and are exccpl firsl [KiKe neus Hi-ins. the Weslliehl Itnaid of Kiliiciitwii; ' Ij- tu Summit '" lllc county in the maximum to he afl.iir.ed through Awards Program Hi'V Willi.un CiihiT, p.i.slur of Kii'Sl j , overalll salary rangerange. , : J^iptisi Chiueti aiul l-jwin Seiiui-ne ; vvaldt, pri'sidem nf I tie Wesllleld ! n,e Weslfield school district does Princi/Hils' Crouu Gilt's Kdw.ird J. Smilh. ACSW. executive North Ave. Area «. the highest starting salary in: ,, iiecior oi t!u- \Vi's!ik'ld Ciuiumuu'.y Area Cuiiimiliee for Human Kightsj , county at the fifth year, or mas- furVU'Vll / ribllli' 1 o j eiiier. announced that l)t Hubert Yard Site disctissi'd "Wh.ii C.in We.stliekl Du'.'"' I • H.unpin cy of the Center's board of in the field of minority rigiits. The Knulv, Set Other Objections Halt Move panel wtis the last session of the •^JirtS'U^t *<'""«» Buuierr • directors: has contributed $100 toward The State Senate Monday ap- Adult School course "Challenge of , New Jersey Education Associa- Westfield Principals' Croup :''Mi'l'!lsll"'<- "' •' m'w achievement Defense proved M hill iHTiiitUhig New Our Times: The Hijihlj. of Man." To Lengthen Elm St. Meter award program. Jcr.M'y li(»ttsi'U'ivi'ii lo enter bu\- entertained Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mayor IHnr A. Towl Jr., slated )nly two other school districts in lSustieic at a farewell reception Sun- The punies, e of the award program i 1 iup eouti'jttN uud vie for dinir ion County match WeMfield's [day afternoon at the home of Mr I >s to encourage Negro minor and i Aired to In a panelist, sent a w'rilton state- prl/es, Hoth luive berti iTMrU't- ment, lie was unable to attend when Hours, Add Orchard St. ir(ing salary of $5,100 at the four ; and Mrs. Howard Tomhiisoii of frfti i senior lush school students to apply i e<l under (hr slate's liillrrv lu« s. the program w as delayed for a week jr level. They are Hillside and j Clark SI. j Iheinsehe. and to provide an liicen i Door pt'1/.eN will bt* Wuai un- u> f r Back due to President Kennedy's Oeatli, onit'ittjtiily t;iMKle<l in ilm wob of pnrliamentary ,don. Those nearest to that fig-1 Ml, nu.ssit.,,.. durclor of personnel i " " ^"""n: '«•'!« P'«'"«'s. o I der Hie measure yet lu lie slniK'd !il llll TOWII'H The mayor s remarks wi'rc read diiic, Tiivvn ('(iiini'il Tuesday iiitrht in tlie Municipal > are (ninford, *s,0IW; o<-'o'«i| for tin-Westfield Public Schunls ha- •*»»' ' "> <tro|iotil.s and moll- i by liov. Klrhitrd J. fliiKhrs and 1 by Charles Morrison, president of iK, siiccct-dcd in .sluiiitinif ,'isi(i< a eontrovorsial pro- sms-Fanwood, $5,000; Springfield. • • -,-._.. v;il. vuu ; entry lit a tiiixlop ciintcst will IK' accepted (he (iosilion of principal ;i! I ° • "* People to think and plan ! At Trial I lie Westfield Civic Improvement As- jiarkiiiir oi'rimiitiri* luiKMtdment and tipproved a re- 000; Union, $5,000 and Union (ul r c IN'ruiltteit if (lie conies! dwit not p the Caldwell Iliyli School in Laid-1 '"'' ""'" " ' v"<-«li«ns as •'The siu'i.'Uion and moderator cif the dis t'miionii'y parking proliibiiinn resolution which had unty Regional, $5,000. well. j Voulh of Today arc the Citi/.i'tis of j milt lo die reliill cost of (hr vi,-*t'il Attorneys lor the Town of Westfield eussioti. The mayor stressed the jv'hilf Summit has a range of from Tomorrow."' ' rubi'd u .storm ul' protest. •Frank Alinioth, chairman of the are cxpeeled to conclude their de- need for education, both formal and 900 lo $10,800 compared to West Principals' Group, presented Mr. The awards will lie presented io fense of Town Councils selection of informal, for "open lines of com- Shortly after the mt'otitin openeil wilh Cnnncllman Id's $",.100 to $10,100, WestfieWs Iitissiere will) a gift on behalf of theindividuals who have shown the most a tract ol land on Lambcrls Mill Kd. munications between all segments Arthur llorih-r in tlu> role (if I'haii'mtiu due to the absence pdmhip at the fifth or master's group. progress durum Ihe Jour marking pe- as (he -site fur Ihe relocation oi theof tin* community" and for (lie real- Juycces to Hold (»f Mayor HUIT A. Towl Jr., a restriction on parking on the jrec level al $5,400 is $150 higher riods in Hie school year. Priority Town Yard today. istic look at the problem, rcaliyinK north side of North Avi>., itistiltittul last woek came un- in Linden's $5,350 with four other will be given to students as follows: The case is being heard liefore tli.tl a prithlcm in one part of town der fire. tool districts at $5,300. College preparatory, business course Yule Lighting Yuletide Program Superior Court Judi:c Millou l-'eller was a problem for all. The report from NJEA also show-1 and general course. in the Courthouse. i;h/alielh, and is Kev. Colter said churches needeil that Westfield is second only toi/\P rri I 1 Awards are seventh tirade, $25: in its second week. to restate their open nienilMTshii1 Ptirking North Avenue deli Plains • Kan wood Kouiona! Ul 1 JlDleilUX cighlh crude, $£>; ninth grade, $2r>; Contest Here The plamlills in the suit, the luwn- policy, give Christian interpretation The |iarlimentaiy piocediue mix- iK n recess, council re- |on8 HI of the 22 school districts in Iftth grade, $:» and lith grade. *:>U j ship of Scotch Plains and a group tn civil rights events and to support ti|> ciiine following Ihe introductior turned mill approved a revised rosn- | county in starting salaries for The award program will be admin- The We.slfield .layeees will spoil- | ol Scotch Plains and Westdeld prop- open bousing anil oilier integration by Councilniiin llerl)erl It. Welch Jr lutlii'i which now prohibits parking Ichors «ith sixth year or doctor's j istered by Ihe staff and rcprescnta Mir a Christmas light ing contest for At Senior High ! erty owners trying lo block Hie Ta movements Wesllield residents. All hollies ill lainniiu nf Iho police committee, on the ninth .side nf North Avo. from free lewis. Westfield's minimum I I tive of the board of directors of the j „,;,„„.inaquo„s |,,Pai'k k are;i a choice concluded Dr. Ittirtda filed the educaliott Wcstficld will aiitomallcally particl of i.n ordinance lo change Ibe park- Chirk St.. and rxlviirilnji 237 fet-t $3,600 with the Scotch Plains-Kan- Westfield Coninmnity Ccnlcr Associ- j | , . .. , j.-, Jlij;li School will present f lt M ( lji( |d (Coiiliiuied on pagi; 31 pate in this event, and regislratiot ing meler provisions on Kim St.we.-itvvnrd, . The prohlhiliun ends al nd opener at $100 more. its annual Christmas program 'i'liiirs- ation. l.uulsay M COIMIIS. lornier tti'.vn is nol ni'ccssary aceoritini; to l-ynn tom Orchard SI, to WalntH SI. andthe point where Ihe firsl of seven <l;l v al ll lll(l : [)(lon in the past Westfield has: I - ~ • 'l B--15 i>.m. in tin- lnclnuliiHls may apply for the etigmrer, was the firs! witness i'ailed I'.. Si'olt. pKijeel chiiiniiau. nun Orchnrd SI. 1U Cowperlhwaite residences are iocntod. li; Letters to Santa In compared economically with iuj' " srliool auditorium. awards by lilliiij; out an application by the town when the ilefen.se opened Prcliiiiinat y judging will Ue con I'l.. from two-hour nielers to 12 Krm-st Tiillwit of IHO North Ave, |er New Jersey commiiniliis j As is traditional, the choir, under ul the Center. Monday morning, lie had llown here ducted Monday, lice '.''A and 'Hint's hour meters on a |>eriiuioen( basis ariiii'd with arguments provided by licli include. Summit, CIKIIIKIIII. I the direclion nl Mrs. .lanel tl, (Jlca- 1 School ollicuk and c.tiidaiin- conn- (rum l.a .Itinla, Coin , lo testify on To Bring Replies day. I let1, y. The final .jiidgini; vvil Also in the same ordinance It was (hi Slate's Iliircnu of Ttufflo Safe- i son. will vocally accompany a se- 1 ty, related to traffic measures, in Hufee. Madison, Millburn. sel!ois niay rrcoiiiineiul stiuleuls tin- need lot the yard and the :ubis- at,e place Friday.
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