Queen of Angels Catholic Church Mission Statement We, the Queen of Angels Parish in Fort Wayne, Indiana of the Diocese of Fort Wayne/South Bend, declare that our primary mission is to accept the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ in fulfilling the Commandment of Love and Service to God and our neighbors. We, as a community of Christians, are called to bring the mission of Christ fulfilled in participation of the Eucharist and living out our faith and commitment through Christian stewardship in humility and appreciation. Pastoral Council Members * Brian Gillett * Julie Harber * Refugio Hernandez * Barb Brown * Cheryl Schneider * Joe Weldon * Stacie Gray * Andy Beltz * Cody Sharp Finance Council Members * Alan Bell * Tim Kearney * Tom Waning New Parishioners, Visitors, Welcome If you are new to Queen of Angels, please stop by or call the Parish Office to register and get acquainted. If moving, please notify the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism Church Office Address Please contact the Parish Office. 1500 W. State Blvd. 46808 Pastor Sacrament of Marriage Fr. Zak Barry ....................................................................................................... Office 482-9411 Couples planning to marry, please contact Pastor SIX MONTHS prior to the wedding date. Director of Faith Formation Michelle Meyer ................................................................................................ Office 482-9411 Communion Calls & Anointing of the Sick Please keep us informed of the sick and the shut-ins, particularly when Director of Music & Liturgy there is serious illness. Telephone anytime. Tom Remenschneider ................................................................................ Office 482-9411 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Business Manager We welcome persons interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. Richard McKee ................................................................................................ Office 482-9411 Sessions begin in late August. For more information, call the Parish Office. Parish Secretary Sacrament of Reconciliation Laverne Gladieux ......................................................................................... Office 482-9411 Thursday evening from 6:30 - 6:50 pm Saturday 9 am & 3 pm School Office Address Eucharistic Celebrations 1600 W. State Blvd. 46808 Weekend Schedule Principal Vigil Saturday at 4:00 pm; Sunday at 8:00 am and 10:30 am Dennis Wiegmann ...................................................................................... Office 483-8214 Holy Days & Weekdays School Secretary See Schedule inside Bulletin Christy Etter ...................................................................................................... Office 483-8214 Special Prayer Times Maintenance Supervisor Eucharistic Adoration: Every Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm November thru Robert Carr......................................................................................................... Office 483-8214 March Monsignor Faber Activities Center For rental information, please contact Laverne at the Parish Office. www.queenofangelsfw.org Bulletin Deadline Friday at Noon; sent to publisher the following Tuesday morning. FEBRUARY 24, 2019 • SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Intentions Liturgical Ministries March 2 & 3 Saturday, February 23 Altar Servers Vigil: 7th Ordinary Sunday 4:00 pm +Patricia Behrns 4:00 pm Nathan Gilbert, Thomas Hogg, Joe Neireiter +Mary Behrns-Idzi 8:00 am Jacob Nicholson, Erick Sibri, Need Volunteer 10:30 am Louie, Nicholas & Patrick Strack Sunday, February 24 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am For All Members of Our Parish Proclaimers of the Word 10:30 am +Fr. Laurence Tippmann 4:00 pm Jeremy Elder 8:00 am Alan Bell Monday, February 25 Weekday 10:30 am Paul Reitman, Mary Strack Tuesday, February 26 Eucharistic Ministers Weekday 4:00 pm Mary Beltz, Christy Etter, Joe Motherwell, Felicia Nino, Barb 8:30 am +Angeline R. Strahm Pentangelo Wednesday, February 27 8:00 am Mike Carr, Jean Henry, Sarah Hilger Weekday 10:30 am Carolyn Bookmyer, Rosie O’Keefe, Mary Strack 8:30 am +Daniel J. Spillers Hospitality Ministers Thursday, February 28 4:00 pm James & Kathryn Hogg Weekday 8:00 am Vic Bobay, Joseph H. Hilger 7:00 pm +Bill McArdle 10:30 am Rosie O’Keefe, Lea Roehling Friday, March 1 Weekday/World Day of Prayer Gift Bearers 8:30 am +Jerry F. Angel 4:00 pm Jeremy & Mary Elder Family 8:00 am Tom & Eileen Fenker Family Saturday, March 2 10:30 am Paul & Samantha Reitman Family Vigil: 8th Ordinary Sunday 4:00 pm For All Members of Our Parish Sunday, March 3 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am ++Ruth & John Hamm, Sr. Pray For Them 10:30 am +Evelyn Linder Please remember in your daily prayers Alice Bates, Ann Hogan, Audrey Roy, Barbara Geiger, Bud Bauer, Bunny Laskowski, Carol Smith, Catherine Graham, Christopher Brandell, Christopher Kirk, Sue Brown, Don Lazoff, Dorothy Hensinger, Emma Lazoff, Felicia Nino, Henri- Scripture Readings etta Parrot, Irma Gerhardstein, Jan Evers, Jean Shipka, Jim Harvey, John McEvoy, Julia Trahin, Kathy Lenz, Larry Schneider, Linda Readings for the week of February 24, 2019 Behrns Irwin, Linda Herron, Linda Szymczak, Margaret Brielmaier, Sunday: 1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 [8a]/1 Cor 15:45-49/Lk 6:27-38 Marian Jacquay, Marsha Jordan, Mary Hilger, Mary Ellen Schon, Monday: Sir 1:1-10/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Mk 9:14-29 Max Cambre, Michael Cole, Pat Gensic, Penny Hayes, Ralph Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40 [cf. 5]/ Maldeney, Ricky Talarico, Ron & Sharon Boren, Rosie Houser, Tom Mk 9:30-37 Behrns, Thomas Hensinger, Thomas Szymczak and Tom Lauer. Wednesday: Sir 4:11-19/Ps 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175 [165a]/Mk 9:38-40 Do you know of a parishioner that is in the hospital, in a nursing Thursday: Sir 5:1-8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/Mk 9:41- home or is homebound? Please call the Rectory (482-9411) with up- 50 dates. Friday: Sir 6:5-17/Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35 [35a]/Mk 10:1-12 Saturday: Sir 17:1-15/Ps 103:13-14, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 17]/ Online Giving Mk 10:13-16 Download the Online Giving app on your Next Sunday: Sir 27:4-7/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/1 mobile device, search for our Parish and begin giving. Cor 15:54-58/Lk 6:39-45 Your continued support helps sustain our parish. 2 Queen of Angels Fort Wayne, IN continued... Our Parish Support Budgeted Monthly Offertory……. $35,000.00 From the Pastor’s Desk... February to date ……………………$23,646.19 So now, our young ladies can wear an appropri- February 17, 2019 Other Collections ate vestment: a white alb because they are in Offertory ............................. $4,090.25 Children’s Collection ...............$34.95 the sanctuary which represents the heavenly Loose Collection .................... $368.50 Debt Reduction ......................$640.00 nature of the liturgy. The black scapular some- Online Giving ................... unavailable SVDP .......................................$20.00 what matches the black and white the male altar TOTAL .............................. $4,458.75 servers wear, but instead of being dressed as priests, they look very similar to cistercian nuns. So, not only are they dressed appropriate- From the Pastor’s Desk... ly for their gender and environment, but they can also be aided in reflecting on a possible What an interesting month it’s been, full of snow and ice, winter sports (speaking for myself, at least), freezing cold and fairly warm weather, the annu- religious vocation. al flu bug, many days off school, and much more. I’ve made some good pro- ~Fr. Zak gress this month in simply organizing files and office space, as well as begin- ning to prepare next year’s budget. On that note, I haven’t forgotten that I promised the parish a stewardship report. Next Parish Potluck I wasn’t thinking about the fact that we run a fiscal year from July-June, but I’ll Our next parish potluck will take place next provide at least some information here. As a parish, we report certain infor- Saturday, March 2, following our 4:00 pm mation to the diocese each calendar year. This includes information about our Mass, in the Activities Center. Please bring a parish size, sacraments celebrated that year, and some financial information. dish or two to share. We hope you will join Our report for last year states that we have 1184 registered parishioners in 497 us! families. We send out 286 adult envelopes, 125 of which are used on average each Sunday, and we print 300 bulletins each week. These are all numbers that Parish Fish Fry I hope to see increase over time, as we dedicate ourselves more and more to our Our Parish Fish Fry will be on Friday, call to be disciples of Jesus Christ who proclaim his Good News and call others March 8, 2019 from 4:30-7:30 pm. We are to a deeper union with Him in the Church. looking for some new faces to take part Our records show that of our parishioners, 112 attend Catholic grade-school in this supersized ministry. Middle & High and 52 attend Catholic high-school. We have 5 elementary students in religious School students are needed to help with education and no high-schoolers. Especially with the addition of our new prin- clearing & cleaning tables once people are cipal, Mr. Dennis Wiegmann, and many other ongoing improvements in our done eating, help with serving drinks, replen- Catholic school, I hope to see these numbers grow as well. As I mentioned last ishing side dishes, etc. We also need adult month, our Catholic school is one of our main parish ministries and provides countless opportunities for evangelization, Catholic formation and catechesis. volunteers during the day to help with the prep work such as setting up tables & chairs, The sacraments for the year are also reported to the diocese. In 2018, there were prepare food, help with dishes, etc. A sign up 5 infants and 1 adult baptized here at Queen of Angels. 22 children made their sheet is located on the table in the back of first communion and 11 were confirmed.
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