27530 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 18, 2005 leadership and unwavering courage aboard Speaker Miller began his political career in Gifford Miller is an extraordinarily talented the USS Melvin. I hope that you will join me my office. He rose quickly from an entry level and hard-working public servant. Although in honoring the life and service of Admiral position in my Washington office to running term limits are bringing an end to his Speaker- Barry K. Atkins and offering our most sincere my New York district office. From the begin- ship, I am hopeful that he will remain active in condolences to his family and friends. ning his talents were obvious. He was hard- public life. New York city needs him. f working and dedicated, drafting legislation to Mr. Speaker, I request that my colleagues fund the development of pocket parks in urban join me in paying tribute to Speaker Gifford IN HONOR OF KEITH SHAFFER areas and other matters. Recognizing his abili- Miller, a remarkable public servant and com- ties, I soon promoted him to run my district of- munity leader. HON. SAM FARR fice. f OF CALIFORNIA As Chief of Staff in my New York office, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established himself as a knowledgeable, com- STATEMENT IN HONOR OF CURTIS MCCLAIN Friday, November 18, 2005 mitted leader in the community. Most of all, Speaker Miller clearly loves New York City, Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and wants to make this the best possible honor the life and legacy of Keith Shaffer, an HON. NANCY PELOSI place to live. Thus, when he ran for City OF CALIFORNIA influential and much beloved member of the Council in a special election, he had enor- community in the Santa Cruz area. Mr. Shaffer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mous credibility and was able to defeat a well- lived a life of dedicated and generous service Friday, November 18, 2005 known opponent. to his community. He is survived by his wife I will never forget that election. Called for Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Elinor Shaffer; his two sons, William and Rich- the dead of winter, petitioning took place on honor Curtis McClain, a champion of the trade ard Shaffer; daughter-in-law Alana Shaffer; chilly street comers in dreadful weather. I union movement and trailblazer for racial and his two grandsons. joined Miller and his volunteers in standing out equality, who passed away November 6 after Mr. Shaffer was born in the San Joaquin in freezing temperatures. People were im- a long battle with cancer. Friends and col- Valley town of Atwater, on October 15, 1915. pressed by his energy, drive and cheerfulness, leagues will gather on December 3 to pay trib- After serving as a naval aviator during World even in appalling conditions. They saw clearly ute to his lifetime of service to the working War II, he eventually moved to the Santa Cruz that he was going to work hard for his con- men and women of America. area in 1950, where he took over his brother’s stituents, and he always has. Born of humble means in Akron, Ohio, floral business. While Mr. Shaffer was a suc- Miller quickly established himself as a smart World War II provided Curtis passage to a cessful businessman, he also found time to and aggressive legislator, who was able to new life. After his discharge he relocated to give back to the community, by serving on nu- stand up for his district. He passed laws to re- San Francisco to find work. He found it in merous school boards, the Dominican Hospital duce noise, increase voter participation and ILWU Warehouse Local 6 working at Schmidt Advisory Board, the Rotary Club of Santa protect the environment. Lithography. He said, ‘‘I went into the paper Cruz, the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce, On January 9, 2002, Miller was unanimously seasoning department where work was and the California Automobile Association. Mr. elected by his colleagues to the post of City sweaty, hot and dusty. Although it was the last Shaffer was a shining example of dedication Council Speaker. For the last 4 years, Miller place I wanted to work, I needed the job so I and devotion to citizens of the community. has led the New York City Council, overseeing stayed for 14 years.’’ In 1937, Keith Shaffer married his childhood the passage of all new laws and the city’s $47 Curtis became frustrated by post-war dis- sweetheart Elinor George. Along with his wife billion budget. As part of the budget agree- crimination against African-Americans in the Elinor, and his two sons, William and Richard, ment for FY2005, Miller fought for and won labor movement. Being passed over repeat- the other love of Mr. Shaffer’s life was his or- $50 million in tax cuts for more than 700,000 edly for promotion due to race inspired Curtis chids. Mr. Shaffer was well known within the workers through the passage of New York to form a group of African-Americans in Local floral community for his creation of several hy- City’s first Earned Income Tax Credit. 6 called the Frontiersmen. Their encourage- brid orchids, most notably his ‘‘Capitola Moon- Under his leadership, the Council has ment and that of International and other local light,’’ which was recognized by the Royal passed more legislation than any previous officers drew Curtis into leadership positions. Horticulture Society with its highest honor, and council, including bills to extend a living wage In 1960, Curtis became in the first African- perhaps his favorite, the ‘‘Elinor Shaffer.’’ to 50,000 workers, protect children from lead American to be elected Business Agent for Mr. Speaker, the service of local members paint poisoning, provide training and education Local 6. of the community are an asset to this Nation, to people moving from welfare to work, require By 1969, Curtis was an important labor and I am deeply grateful for the contributions every city hospital to offer emergency contra- leader in San Francisco and was elected of Mr. Shaffer. The passing of Mr. Shaffer is ception to sexual assault victims, provide more Local President, followed 2 years later by a a painful loss for the community. It is clear school nurses to more city students and es- position on the International Executive Com- that Keith Shaffer has made a lasting impact tablish tax credits to encourage greater energy mittee of the ILWU. In 1977, he broke another on the community, and I join the Santa Cruz saving and cleaner air. racial barrier when he was elected ILWU Sec- area in honoring the memory of Mr. Shaffer. Throughout his term as Speaker, Miller was retary-Treasurer, the position he held until re- f forced to battle the mayor and Governor to tirement in 1990. IN RECOGNITION OF NEW YORK preserve New York’s priorities. He was re- Curtis served with ILWU International Presi- CITY COUNCIL SPEAKER GIF- markably successful. Miller led the Council in dent Jimmy Herman. Together they fought for FORD MILLER overturning mayoral vetoes 21 times, more a democratic and diverse trade union and times than any previous Council. These may- guided their membership through turbulent HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY oral overrides enabled much-needed legisla- times. OF NEW YORK tion to become law, including measures to Longtime Local 6 leader LeRoy King, who provide rape victims with emergency contra- helped found the Trailblazers with Curtis, re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ception, expand access to birth control, pro- members: ‘‘He was a natural leader. He Friday, November 18, 2005 vide training for people moving from welfare to helped lead the efforts to break the color line, Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay work, prevent homeowners from being unrea- not only in the ILWU, but in other unions and tribute to Gifford Miller, Speaker of the New sonably fined and protect our air and water. in the community. He was an outstanding ne- York City Council. Speaker Miller led the As a result of his efforts in budget fights, hun- gotiator and union officer. And he took care of Council through four contentious years, win- dreds of millions of dollars have been restored business for the members.’’ ning on issues that are important to New York- to the City budget for health care, child care, Curtis was a tireless advocate of working ers. He has been an exceptional City Council college scholarships, libraries, senior citizens people. He helped form the alliance between Speaker who has truly made New York City a and HIV/AIDS prevention. In 2002, Miller’s the Teamsters and the ILWU that created the better place to live. As a colleague, an ally Education First campaign helped prevent hun- Northern California Warehouse Council, and a friend, he has been one of the best dreds of millions in proposed cuts to New York whose influence stretched to the Oregon bor- public servants around. City’s public schools. der. Curtis was also instrumental in the civil VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:05 Mar 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00313 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK20\BR18NO05.DAT BR18NO05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 18, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27531 rights movement, opening up employment op- his love of music (his ‘‘unforgiving mistress’’) trum, and been acknowledged by his industry portunities to people of color in San Fran- called to him no matter where he was. On for his lifetime of achievement. Yet, he con- cisco’s auto and burgeoning hotel and tourism international junkets with the UN and the Jew- tinues to work, bringing enjoyment to thou- industries.
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