Mar. 25 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 One ancient Greek statesman put it this America and Greece are strong allies, way. He said, ‘‘We are free to live exactly and we’re strategic partners. Our Nation as we please, yet we are ready to face any has been inspired by Greek ideals and en- danger.’’ He might as well have been talk- riched by Greek immigrants. Today, about ing about the United States of America. one million Americans claim Greek origin. Fortunately, we don’t face danger alone. They’ve made a mark in every field. Amer- There are other people who love freedom ica is better for the one million Americans as well in this world. Greece and America who live here. In my administration, John have been firm allies in the great struggles Negroponte heads our United Nations, and for liberty. Greece was one of only a hand- he’s doing a fine job. And as a part of ful of countries that fought alongside the my war council, the National Security United States in every major 20th century Council, sits George Tenet, whose advice war. And Americans will always remember and steady hand have been invaluable to Greek heroism and Greek sacrifice for the our success. sake of freedom. Today we honor Greek independence and the Greek spirit, a spirit of liberty and As the 21st century dawns, Greece and a spirit of courage, a spirit that values fam- America are—once again stand united, this ily and education and public service and time in the fight against terrorism. Greece faith, a spirit that has helped make America is a part of the coalition of nations helping what it is today. bring justice to those who would harm us, It is my honor to welcome you all here. harm the people of Greece, harm anybody May God bless Greece, and may God con- who loves freedom. The United States tinue to bless America. deeply appreciates the role Greece is play- ing in the war against terror. We thank NOTE: The President spoke at 1:27 p.m. in Greece for access to the military base in Room 450 of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Ex- Souda Bay, Crete, and for providing a naval ecutive Office Building. In his remarks, he frigate for patrolling the Arabian Sea. referred to Archbishop Demetrios, Primate And just as Greece has stood side by of the Greek Orthodox Church of America; side with the United States, the United Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs Yiannis States stands ready to encourage the con- Magriotis of Greece; Greek Ambassador to tinued warming of Greek and Turkish rela- the U.S. Alexandros Philon; and Cypriot Am- tions. We welcome the resumption of diplo- bassador to the U.S. Erato Kozakou- matic talks on Cyprus and hope that they Marcoullis. The Greek Independence Day will lead to a final settlement that strength- proclamation of March 25 is listed in Appen- ens regional peace and stability. dix D at the end of this volume. Remarks Announcing the Nominations of Dr. Elias Zerhouni To Be Director of the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Richard Carmona To Be Surgeon General March 26, 2002 Well, thank you, Tommy, very much, and tion’s strong efforts to improve our Nation’s welcome to the White House for this his- health care, to make sure that more Ameri- toric announcement. I appreciate your lead- cans get affordable health care, better pa- ership, Tommy, in leading this administra- tient protections, that the system puts our 498 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00498 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Mar. 26 patients first, the system understands the thank the Ambassador from Algeria for importance of our docs, and we value that being here as well. Thank you all for com- relationship, patient and doctor. ing. I also want to assure our fellow Ameri- The National Institutes of Health is en- cans that we’re going to make and are mak- tering a new era of medical promise. NIH ing an unprecedented commitment to med- researchers recently cracked the genetic ical research. And we’re improving our code, an amazing achievement with enor- public health system to make sure that we mous potential benefits. New diagnostic can respond quickly to any biological threat tools are alerting patients when they have that our country may face. We’re putting an elevated risk of certain diseases, so they sound health care policies in place and, as can take an active role in preventing them. importantly, putting a quality team in place. New treatment therapies will be tailor- And that’s what we’re here to discuss today. made for an individual’s genetic makeup. It’s my honor to nominate two fine men And many medical treatments will become to head important Government institutions, less invasive. American medicine is on the to take important jobs. My nominee to lead verge of dramatic progress against AIDS, the National Institute of Health is Elias against diabetes, and against heart disease. Zerhouni, and my nominee as the next Sur- We’re closing in on cancer’s cause and can- geon General is Richard Carmona. These cer’s cure. are distinguished physicians who have The anthrax attacks against American worked tirelessly to save lives and to im- citizens also demonstrated the need to prove lives. They bring exceptional knowl- strengthen our defenses against bioter- edge and skill to these critical jobs. And rorism. Medical research will improve our they are absolutely dedicated to improving ability to identify and respond and treat the health and well-being of all Americans. infectious diseases, whether they occur nat- It is my honor to welcome their families urally or are used as terrorist weapons. The here as well. Thank you all for coming, NIH has taken a leading role in this impor- Nadia Zerhouni and her children, and tant front on the war against terror. The Diane Carmona and her children. We wel- work of the National Institutes of Health come you all, and we’re glad you’re here. have never been more promising and never I want to thank the Acting NIH Director, been more important. Ruth Kirschstein, for being here as well. Leading the NIH is a great responsibility, Where are you, Ruth? There you are. and I have picked the right man to do Thank you so much, Ruth, for a fine job. so. Dr. Zerhouni and his wife immigrated I appreciate the Acting Surgeon General. to America from Algeria with $300 in their Ken, where are you? Ken, thank you for pocket, but a dream of opportunity. Today, being here, and thank you for your fine he is the executive vice dean of the Johns job as well. Hopkins University School of Medicine, the I want to thank the former NIH Direc- chairman of the department of radiology tor, Harold Varmus, for being here. Antonia and radiological science at Johns Hopkins, Novello is here. Thank you, Antonia. I re- and a professor of radiology and biomedical member you. [Laughter] She was a former engineering. He is an expert in biomedical Surgeon General under ‘‘41.’’ [Laughter] research and is committed to extending his And I’m so pleased that former House Mi- benefits to all Americans and all humanity. nority Leader Bob Michel, former Senator Dr. Zerhouni will also bring strong man- Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, former Con- agement skills to the NIH, and they are gressman John Porter, as well, from Illinois, needed. This is a large and complex organi- is here. Thank you all for coming. We’re zation. The NIH budget has grown dra- honored you’re here. And I also want to matically from around $2 billion in 1975 499 r 24 2004 10:45 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00499 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193762A.XXX 193762A Mar. 26 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 to more than $23 billion today. And my Dr. Carmona currently serves as the clin- 2003 budget proposes an additional in- ical professor of surgery and clinical assist- crease of nearly $4 billion. I urge Congress ant professor of family and community to approve this increase, and when they medicine at the University of Arizona. He do, we will have completed my campaign is also the chairman of the State of Arizona commitment to double funding to this vital Southern Regional Emergency Medical Sys- medical research over the next 5 years. Dr. tem. He will bring to the Surgeon Gen- Zerhouni is well prepared to manage this eral’s Office a proven commitment to serv- rapidly growing institution during times of ice and a strong management background. great new opportunity and urgent bio- The next Surgeon General will address defense needs. He has supervised research three particularly urgent issues. First, the at Johns Hopkins, one of our Nation’s lead- Surgeon General administers the 5,600- ing research facilities. One former colleague member Public Health Service Commission calls him a quadruple threat: a doctor who Corps, health care professionals who are excels at teaching, researching, patient care, on call for emergency duty. Members of and management. this force were deployed in New York and Dr. Zerhouni shares my view that human Washington, DC, after the terrorist attacks life is precious and should not be exploited of September the 11th and during the an- or destroyed for the benefits of others. And thrax attacks that followed. Dr. Carmona he shares my view that the promise of ethi- has worked for many years in law enforce- cally conducted medical research is limit- ment and community preparedness, impor- tant preparation for any emergency that less.
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