Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on September 24, 2018. Mississippi State University Libraries P.O. Box 5408 Mississippi State 39762 [email protected] URL: http://library.msstate.edu/specialcollections Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Table of Contents Summary Information .................................................................................................................................... 3 Scope and Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Administrative Information ............................................................................................................................ 3 Collection Inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Series 28: Congressional Correspondence .................................................................................................. 4 - Page 2 - Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Summary Information Repository: Mississippi State University Libraries Title: Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence ID: CPRC.JCS.028 Date [inclusive]: 1948-1988 Physical Description: 9 Cubic Feet Language of the English Material: ^ Return to Table of Contents Scope and Contents This series contains correspondence with other members of Congress. It is arranged chronologically and alphabetically by the congressperson’s last name within the chronological arrangement. The dates include 1948-1988. ^ Return to Table of Contents Administrative Information Publication Statement Mississippi State University Libraries P.O. Box 5408 Mississippi State 39762 [email protected] URL: http://library.msstate.edu/specialcollections ^ Return to Table of Contents - Page 3- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Collection Inventory Series 28: Congressional Correspondence Title/Description Instances Abel-Fulton, 1974-1977 box 1 Abel, Hazel, 1954 box 1 folder 1 Abernathy, Thomas, 1947-1953 box 1 folder 2 Aiken, George, 1948-1975 box 1 folder 3 Allen, James B., 1969-1975 box 1 folder 4 Allott, Gordon, 1955-1972 box 1 folder 5 Anderson, Clinton, 1951-1971 box 1 folder 6 Anderson, Wendell, 1977-1978 box 1 folder 7 Annuzio, Frank, 1968 box 1 folder 8 Arends, L. C., 1965 box 1 folder 9 Barrett, Frank A., 1952, 1955-1956 box 1 folder 10 Bartlett, Dewey, 1975-1977 box 1 folder 11 Bartlett, E. L., 1954-1968 box 1 folder 12 Bass, Ross, 1966 box 1 folder 13 Bates, Bill, 1969 box 1 folder 14 Beall, J. Glenn, Jr., 1952-1974 box 1 folder 15 Beckworth, Lindley, 1961 box 1 folder 16 Beermann, Ralph F., 1961 box 1 folder 17 Bender, George, 1954 box 1 folder 18 Bennett, Charles E., 1969 box 1 folder 19 Bennett, Wallace F., 1951-1968 box 1 folder 20 Bennett, Wallace, 1969-1974 box 1 folder 21 Benton, William, 1950-1955 box 1 folder 22 Bible, Alan, 1954-1974 box 1 folder 23 Bilbo, Theodore G., 1947-April 16, 1948 box 1 folder 24 Bilbo, Theodore G., April 20-June 19549 box 1 folder 25 Bilbo, Theodore G., August 1948-February 1950 box 1 folder 26 - Page 4- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Bilbo, Theodore G., April-August 1950 box 1 folder 27 Blakley, William, 1957 box 1 folder 28 Boggs, Hale, 1962, 1969 box 1 folder 29 Boggs, J. Caleb, 1960-1971-1972 box 1 folder 30 Boland, Edward P., 1954, 1966 box 1 folder 31 Bonner, Herbert C., 1955 box 1 folder 32 Bottum, Joe, 1962 box 1 folder 33 Bowring, Eva, 1954 box 1 folder 34 Boykin, Frank W., 1962-1966, 1968 box 1 folder 35 Braskamp, Bernard, 1950 box 1 folder 36 Brewster, Daniel E., 1965, 1967 box 1 folder 37 Brewster, Owen, 1949 box 1 folder 38 Bricker, John W., 1952 box 1 folder 39 Bridges, Styles, 1952-1962 box 1 folder 40 Brock, Bill, 1970-1975 box 1 folder 41 Brooke, Edward, 1968-1977 box 1 folder 42 Brown, Ernest, 1954 box 1 folder 43 Brunsdale, C. Norman, 1960 box 1 folder 44 Buckley, James L., 1971-176 box 1 folder 45 Burdick, Quentin N., 1966 box 1 folder 46 Burke, James A., 1968 box 1 folder 47 Burke, Thomas A., 1954 box 1 folder 48 Bush, Prescott, 1952-1960 box 1 folder 49 Butler, Hugh, 194401952 box 1 folder 50 Butler, John Marshall, 1954, 1957 box 1 folder 51 Byrd, Harry F., 1948-1953 box 1 folder 52 Byrd, Harry F., 1954-1959 box 1 folder 54 Byrd, Harry F., 1960-1966 box 1 folder 54 Byrd, Robert C., 1964-1973 box 1 folder 55 Cabell, Earle, 1969 box 1 folder 56 Cain, Harry P, 1948-1953 box 1 folder 57 Capehart, Homer E., 1952-1960 box 1 folder 58 - Page 5- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Carlson, Frank, 1952-1972 box 1 folder 59 Carroll, John, 1962 box 1 folder 60 Case, Clifford P., 1954-1971 box 1 folder 61 Case, Francis, 1953-1960 box 1 folder 62 Case, Francis, 1959-1962 box 1 folder 63 Celler, Emanuel, 1968 box 1 folder 64 Chamberlain, Charles, 1968 box 1 folder 65 Chatham, Thurmond, 1955 box 1 folder 66 Chavez, Dennis, 1949 box 1 folder 67 Chavez, Dennis, 1954-1961 box 1 case 68 Chelf, Frank, 1965 box 1 folder 69 Church, Frank 1966 box 1 folder 70 Clark, Dick, 1974 box 1 folder 71 Clark, Joseph, 1957-1968 box 1 folder 72 Clements, Earle, 1953-1957 box 1 folder 73 Colmer, William M., 1948-1962 box 1 folder 74 Connally, Tom, 1949-1952 box 1 folder 75 Conte, Silvio, 1966 box 1 folder 76 Cook, Marlow, 1969-1974 box 1 folder 77 Cooley, Harold, 1956 box 1 folder 78 Cooper, John Sherman, 1952-1964 box 1 folder 79 Cooper, John Sherman, 1967-1975 box 1 folder 80 Cordon, Norris, 1959-1974 box 1 folder 81 Cotton, Norris, 1959-1974 box 1 folder 82 Cripps, Edward D., 1954 box 1 folder 83 Curtis, Carl T., 1954-1976 box 1 folder 84 Daniel, Charles E., 1954 box 1 folder 85 Daniel, Price, 1952-1956 box 1 folder 86 Darby, Harry, 1950 box 1 folder 87 Davis, Clifford, 1954 box 1 folder 88 Davis, James C., 1956 box 1 folder 89 Denton, Winfield K., 1965 box 1 folder 90 - Page 6- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 1955-1969 box 1 folder 91 Dodd, Thomas J., 1959-1970 box 1 folder 92 Dominick, Peter H., 1965-1973 box 1 folder 93 Donnell, Forrest, 1951 box 1 folder 94 Dorn, W. J. Bryan, 1964 box 1 folder 95 Douglas, Paul H., 1951-1962 box 1 folder 96 Duff, James H., 1952-1963 box 1 folder 97 Duke, Joe, 1965 box 1 folder 98 Dworshak, Henry C., 1948-1962 box 1 folder 99 Eastland, James O., 1948-1954 box 1 folder 100 Ecton, Zales N., 1951 box 1 folder 101 Edwards, Elaine, 1972 box 1 folder 102 Ellender, Allen J., 1948-1965 box 1 folder 103 Baltar, Jacinto, 1966-1972 box 1 folder 104 Engle, Clair, 1959 box 1 folder 105 Ervin, Sam J., 1954-1974 box 1 folder 106 Evans, Frank E., 1968 box 1 folder 107 Everett, Robert A., 1958 box 1 folder 108 Fannin, Paul, 1965-1976 box 1 folder 109 Ferguson, Homer, 1953-1954 box 1 folder 110 Findley, Paul 1969 box 1 folder 111 Flanders, Ralph E., 1950-1958 box 1 folder 112 Fong, Hiram L., 1966-1978 box 1 folder 113 Frear, J. Allen, Jr., 1949-1960 box 1 folder 114 Fulbright, J. William, 1947-1974 box 1 folder 115 Fulton, James G., 1966 box 1 folder 116 Gambrell-McNamara, 1948-1971 box 2 Gambrell, David H., 1971-1972 box 2 folder 1 Gathings, E. C., 1957 box 2 folder 2 George, Walter F., 1948-1957 box 2 folder 3 Gillette, Guy M., 1950-1956 box 2 folder 4 Goldwater, Barry, 1952-1964 box 2 folder 5 - Page 7- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Goodell, Charles E., 1970-1971 box 2 folder 6 Gore, Albert, 1952-1970 box 2 folder 7 Green, Theordore Francis, 1947-1963 carton 2 folder 8 Griffin, Charles H., 1968-1973 box 2 folder 9 Griffin, Robert P., 1966-1978 box 2 folder 10 Griffiths, Martha W., 1955, 1968 box 2 folder 11 Griswold, Dwight, 1952 box 2 folder 12 Gruening, Ernest, 1958-1959, 1970 box 2 folder 13 Gurney, Edward J., 1972 box 2 folder 14 Hagan, G. Elliott, 1961 box 2 folder 15 Hagan, Harlan, 1966 box 2 folder 16 Hall, Durwood, G., 1961 box 2 folder 17 Hansen, Clifford P., 1968-1979 box 2 folder 18 Harris, Frederick B., (Chaplain), 1957-1966 box 2 folder 19 Harris, Fred., 1965-1972 box 2 folder 20 Hart, Phillip A., 1958-1976 box 2 folder 21 Hartke, Vance, 1958-1972 box 2 folder 22 Haskell, Floyd K., 1977 box 2 folder 23 Hatfield, Mark, 1973-1978 box 2 folder 24 Hayden, Carl, 1949-1969 box 2 folder 25 Hays, Brooks., 1958 box 2 folder 26 Hebert, F. Edward, 1956-1973 carton 2 folder 27 Hechler, Ken, 1969 box 2 folder 28 Hendrickson, Robert C., 1949-1955 box 2 folder 29 Hennings, Thomas C., Jr., 1951-1960 box 2 folder 30 Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 1959-1967 box 2 folder 31 Hickey, J. J. 1961 box 2 folder 32 Hill, Lister, 1948-1957 box 2 folder 33 Hill, Lister, 1958-1968 box 2 folder 34 Hill, Lister, 1969-1971, no date box 2 folder 35 Hoblitzell, John D., Jr., 1958 box 2 folder 36 Hoey, Clyde R., 1948-1954 box 2 folder 37 - Page 8- Stennis, John C. Papers Series 28: Congressional Correspondence CPRC.JCS.028 Holland, Spessard L., 1947-1965 box 2 folder 38 Holland, Spessard L., 1966-1971 box 2 folder 39 Hosmer, Craig, 1967 box 2 folder 40 Hruska, Roma L., 1957-1976 box 2 folder 41 Hughes, Harold E., 1970-1974, no date box 2 folder 42 Humphrey, Hubert H., 1954-1967 box 2 folder 43 Humphrey, Hubert H., 1970-1978 box 2 folder 44 Hunt, Lester, 1949-1954 box 2 folder 45 Inouye, Daniel K., 1966 box 2 folder 46 Ives,
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