Pub isher SStatement s you start the new year with new paths of hope. ROUTES Magazine at your As the Publisher of ROUTES A fingertip , think not of starting Magazine, I promise that the entire a new year per se, but think of begin­ ROUTES family will work hard to ning a new way of living. At this period make 1978 a year in which your leisure of time, most of us reflect on what has time can be used to the fullest and a occurred in the past year. It is a time to year that will be as entertaining for you calculate and assess your gains and it is as it will be for us . a time to realize that perhaps there were Our wish is that as you turn the pages of no losses after all. It is a time to place ROUTES, you will find just the right the events of the past year in their activity, product or message. proper perspectives. Realizing that no We warmly welcome our new subscrib­ matter how fruitless or no matter how ers and advertisers. We wish each of vain, you have gained some ground by you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. traveling new routes of new values and PUBLISHER 4 ROUTES, A Guide to Black Entertainment, January 1978 ROUTES MAGAZINE, A Guide to Black Entertainment. Our cover was photographed by Anthony Barboza. Furs provided by Alvin Campbell, 352 Seventh Avenue. Dress provided by D. Willis of F.I.D.C., 253 West 26th Street. Male attire provided by Van Gils, Inc., 40 West 55th Street. Styling and make-up by David Carrington. Ronald Bunn FEATURES Publisher David L. Vaughn 10 Which Way Is Up Howard Brook Garland Editor 12 The Descendants of Mike Agnes 0. Bunn and Phoebe Ava R. Fuller Managing Editor 13 Are The Blues All Washed Up? Wayne Edwards David Carrington Art D1rector 17 Discovering Art From Ethiopia to Harlem Donald F. Driver Earl Augustus Circulation Director 20 Dyann & Gregg: Moving Ahead Peter Bailey page JO Ad vertising Director 27 The Natural Wonders Leona Hipp Robert Toomer, Jr. 30 The New York Knicks: Young Marcia Kilpatrick Subscription Sales and Running Marlene Chavis 36 Disco Scene Wayne Edwards Editorial Staff 38 Atlanta Georgia Kathleen A. Jackson Peter Bailey Marlene Chavis Theatre 43 The Designers' Touch Marlene Chavis Sports/Fashion Donald F. Driver DEPARTMENTS Arts page 13 3 Publisher's Page Wayne Edwards Music 4 Between Our Covers f Routes Response AvaR. Fuller Travel 7 Highlights Howard Brock Garland 8 Free For All Med1a 16 Apple Routes Theda Palmer-Head Routes' Roots Routes' Roots 46 Leona Hipp Kids Kenneth S. Sweeney LISTINGS page 27 Free For All 11 Media Willie Walton Dimng 15 Music Gwendolyn Wamer 19 Art/Museums Books 23 Theatre Terri Washington Apple Roots 29 Kids 35 Sports Wnters/Researchers 37 Dining/Disco Hilda Clarke Beverly Lindsay Morris S. Perry, Jr. Robert Toomer, Jr. Wayne Williams RAD PUBUSHING, INC. - Ronald Bunn President and CEO Dav1d L Vaughn Vice Pres1d ent Agnes 0 . Bunn Secretary Robert Toomer, Jr. Volume 1, Number 4, <s> RAD Publishing, Inc. 1978. ROUTES is published monthly at 4310 Kissena Blvd., Flush· Treasurer ing, N.Y. 11355. Subscription Office-Box 767, Flushing, N.Y. 11352. Editorial and Circulation Headquarters- 230 West 41st St., N.Y., N.Y. 10036, Telephone (212) 840·7290. Subscription Rates: In the United States and Henry 0. Coston Possessions $12 per year, Elsewhere $15. Printed in U.S.A. Foreign Subscription payable in advance. All Rights D1rector Reserved. Cover and contents may not be reproduced in whole o r part without prior written permissio~ . Controlled circulation paid at New York, N.Y. Between Our Covers r-~~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-- ow that the party is over nity through apathy. Attitudes that round us. Let us resolve to know and and we've tried to ring out entertain thoughts of " Let someone care about our rights and to make the old year and bring in else do it" spreads apathy like a those choices that will serve us best. 1the new in high style. and now that cancer. Even if we could indulge in a ROUTES is the medium for the smoke has cleared the air, before bit of revisionist history, we cannot reenacting the hope that has suc­ we completely turn our thoughts forestall the results of this neglect cumbed to apathy, injustice and dis­ toward the New Year we must pause that is sure to follow. trust. And in doing so, we want to and reflect on the past. In the fleeting January is a time for making res­ spare you false hope and care to moments of 1977, were things as we olutions and for making plans that show you reality as we see it-are­ would have wanted them to be? Did govern our positive behavior during ality that is not cluttered with degra­ we do anything different? Did we the year ahead. Though we cannot dation, lust or disillusionment. make efforts to change things or change what has already happened, Reading is a way of knowledge, were we complacent and apathetic we can be determined that they will experiencing vicarious propositions toward environmental elements? not occur again. Since we are the and broadening the scope of life With the election of a new presi­ medium in the arena of entertain­ styles. It is hoped that in 1978 you dent, did he bring hope? Have we ment and leisure rather than politics, will a vail yourself of the readings we seen pledges fulfilled or the promise we offer a chance for resolution in present and that in doing so, you will of things to come? Right here in this field. Will we continue to watch be pleased to the utmost. Between New York City, with the ctisappear­ businesses that relate to our needs, our covers you will find a fresh ance of Blacks from New York City leisure or otherwise, close before viewpoint, a fresh diary of activities politics, did we do our part to influ­ they have hardly opened their doors? and a fresh look at quality. And, we ence our Black representation? And, Will we stand by and watch our es­ promise in the New Year to keep that in the aftermath of New York City's tablished institutions such as the quality alive and qualitatively ap­ blackout did we share in the drama Schomburg or Dance Theatre of Har­ pealing. of looting and stealing or did we de­ lem expire because of lack of sup­ Enjoy life and its offerings; and lete the occasion from our tp.inds? port? Do we say again, "Let some­ while doing so, keep ROUTES high These things are now an unfortunate one else do it?'' Or do we say, "I am on your list of things to experience in part of history that cannot be rewrit­ that someone else!" Let us resolve to 1978. David L. Vaughn ten. Such events find their opportu- get involved in the activities that sur- Editor ROUTES RESPONSES such a grace and deliciousness. thoughts and goodies galore. I beg to Things remained under control remain the wife of a satisfied sub­ until I got to the second column with scriber to your new ROUTES My husband brought home from "macaroni baked with bubbly Magazine. the office, a copy of ROUTES toasted cheese, or yams candied on Sunny Hye Rapp Magazine. I began reading it from the outside and moist and tender on (Mrs. Newton Rapp) cover to cover, picture to picture. the inside." Well , that just about did Elizabeth, N.J. And wait 'til l tell you what hap­ it! To the freezer this gal went. Put pened when I began to read "Thank her hands on a container of honey You, Sister Jones!" flavored Haagen Dazs ice cream and It happened that this reading took blew that day's diet. I am not say­ Hallelujah! My copies finally ar­ place on a twenty-four hour orange ing that 1 am sorry about it-but rived. They' re beautiful and stella. juice and honey fast, along with rather 1 am confessing that I shall May "the Force" continue with you some bullion soup. And, that's just await my husband bringing home through a long and success filled fu­ fine, but I had no idea what my mind ROUTES' next edition. And, if once ture. was getting into. And as I began again I am invited into Sister Jones' Thanks. Keep up the excellent reading about having dinner after home for dinner or perhaps a friend work. church with Sister Jones .. I of hers, I plan on being prepared. I Clyde E. Munn began to smell the wonderful cook­ aim to put two containers of ice St. Croix, V.I. ing aromas. Why it put me right cream under "hold" because just be­ back into my dearest Mother's tween you and me, I found that one kitchen , watching Mom and wonder­ was not enough. ing if I would ever learn to cook with So, thanks a lot. Love and 6 ROUTES, A Guide 10 Black Emerwinment, January 1978 JANUARY Cissy Houston will not only Stanley Turrentine will pack ROUTES has discovered just who appear New Years Eve Night, them in at the Village Gate. will be appearing in the "Big Ap­ 1 but she will be at the Bottom 1 ple" during this month. H!Gf!­ Normal admission is $5.50 cover. Line New Years Day, too. However, for New Year's Eve, L/GHTS are presented as specwl 111- better check ahead by calling terests for special people.
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