VOL. 47 ISSUE 14 17 SE PT 30, 2013 UMSL'S INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWS • Fac Ity and staff ecog I ed a State of the Unive rsity A ress HEATHER WELBORN FEATURES EDITOR The echo of excited vOIces emanated out of the JC Penny auditorium on September 26, as faculty and staff filed in to take their seats for the State of the University Address. The annual event showcases the success of the university, '.vith awards issued to worthy University of Ivfissouri-St. Louis affiliated recipients. Hundreds of guests were in attendance and listened attentively to the address. Applause '.vas offered eagerly for each award recipient, as well as for especially impressive university statistics revealed in the presentation Glen Cope, Pnwost and lCe Chancellor for Academic Affairs offered 2. warm welc m e. to the audience before introducing Ch:lncellor Thomas George. The Chancellor began his St~lte of the Un.i\'ersity speech \vith "Rankings .;\\.\·ards :llld Other N eat Stuff," in which he listed the various points of l :MSL excellence, particularly in national recoglition. According to . cademic Analytics, rSL faculty Bnk third in the nation fnr public uni,-ersities. "Index of uniYersities with fewer than 15 doctoral programs shows us right behind Chancellor Thomas George delivers address \X'illiam & 1hry," the address recognition to distinguished arhletes 2015. Curators appron::d a Pha e 1 to UMSL. The Gerald and De:lOne "This wi.n makc~ him a triple explained. and alumni, he outlined his campus concept of Anheuser-Busch Hall, a Gitner Excellence 1ll Teaching crmvn \vinner," Provost Cope said. The presentation highlighted the goals for the future. His strategy 46,000 sguare-foot structure vlith Award was gwen to Stephanie "He bas previously won the award financial affordability of UMSL, statement is to increase the annual classrooms, faculty offices and DiPietro, assistant professor in the for both Research and Creativity citing a \\/ashington Monthly "Best nwnber of completed degrees by social areas. Groundbreaking is Department of Criminology and and Teaching." Bang for your Buck" list that ranks 20 percent by 2018, estimating out anticipated next year, with matched Criminal Justice. The ceremony was concluded U11SL 56th nationally. UMSL is one to around 3600 degrees. He stressed funds sought for the project. The event concluded ,vith the with a brief closing and thank you of only three Iviissouri universities the importance of student retention After thanking the crowd, Chancellor's Award for Excellence before guests gathered in the lobby v.:cith the distinction. According and degree completion, as well as Chancellor George turned the stage granted to five professors and for the reception. to the Online College Data Base, increased academic enhancement back over to Provost Cope, who three staff members for their "I think it's wonderful to be able UNISL is one of under twenty and approved campus expansion introduced ne\y faculty members exceptional dedication to research, to get together and celebrate the colleges in the state to reach the 20- projects. and employees of the month. She teaching and service. Of note was university like this," Patricia Zahn, 30 dub, identified as a yearly tuition The Recreation and \Vellness encouraged applause for the former Service av/ard winner Richard B. Community Outreach Manager of of under nventy-thousand dollars Center breaks ground this month, honorees and new emplo.'ees as Rosenfeld, Curators' Professor in Academic j\ffairs and winner of the and an 3yerage initial ~al.ar~r of over with the Science Learrung Building the~: srood for recognition. A,vards the Department of Crimi nology j fay 2013 Innovation and Creativity thirty thousand dollars. were then offered to faculty and and Crinunal ]cstice. set to begin in November. Both E mplo~'ee of the l\Jumh a\vard said. After Ch:1ncellor George offered buildings are projected to open in staff with over "':S year. of service ou.J Lf) z 2 THECU RRENT-ON lINE.COM SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 THE CURRENT STAFF ONLINE EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Sharon Pruitt Visit thecurrent-online.com for exclusive Managing Editor Hung Nguyen online content. This week: News Editor Hung Nguyen Features Editor Heather Welb_orn Sports Editor John "Sammy" Ludeman A&E Editor Cate Marquis Film reviews of "Rush" and "Don Jon" Opinions Editor Open TV review of The Simpsons' Annual Copy Editor Kat Riddler Staff Writers Albert Nail, Siyun Zhang, Halloween Special, "Trick or Treehouse Simonne Kimble, LaTwuanna Troupe, James Morris, Oanyel Poindexter, of Horror" Matthew Gianino, Paul Peanick, Anya Glushko, Karlyne Killebrew Our coverage of the Beijing Opera's Addy Lai, Erica Elleby performance at the Touhill DESIGN • More reviews Production Jenny Lin Photo/Design Editor Jenny Lin • More featu res Assistant Photo Editor Open Web Editor Cate Marquis • More comics Ass~~~~Produc~n PoppyZhu _B_ei~ji_ng~O~p_e_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Staff Photographers Siyun Zhang, Matthew Gianino, Adeela Langrial Artists Mike "MR" Nash, Greg Hartl BUSINESS Business Manager Cate Marquis Ju bile lashback compiled by Albert Nail Advertising Director Rachelle Brandel Distribution Manager Open The Current has been a part of UlviSL SInce 1966. In honor of the campus' 50th anniversary, we Social Media Director Sara Boehlin are reprinting articles from years past. This story originally ran on September 30, 1996. For more Advertising Associate Nicole LaVallee, Richard Dortch Jubilee Flashback, visit our \vebsite at thecurrent-online.com. What ever happened (Q St. Louis born actress CO T. CT Linda Blair? On September 30, 1996, Monica 388 MSC, 1 University Blvd Senecal, staff member of The Current, reported St. Louis, MO 631214400 chac Blair was in St, Louis at the Darkness Haunted Theme P~rk at Johnny Brock's Dungeon to chat Newsroom with fans and sign aucographs. The theme park is in 314-516-5174 [email protected] historical Soulard in Downtown St. Louis. Blair is originally from Kirkwood. Business/Advertising Blair is a child actress who is best known for 314-516-5316 playing the possessed child Regan in the 1973 film thecu [email protected] "The Exorcisr." Blair was a newcomer to acting at the Fax time, starring out at age' 6 as a model. She appeared 314-516-6811 in an obscure soap opera, "Hidden Faces," on NBC in the late 60's and appeared in her first film, "The Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Way We Live Now," in 1970. Blair would do The Exorcist II: The Heretic in Internships and Volunteer Positions 1977. Blair also starred in "Sarah T. - Portrait of a [email protected] Teenage Alcoholic" in 1975 a film that was a box Letters to the Editor office success due (0 the public's growing imerest in [email protected] seeing the s(Ories of troubled youth on screen. In many ways, her depiction of troubled youth in Twitter @UMSLTheCurrent fUm became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Facebook ITheCurrentStudentNews WANT THE FULL STORY? READ MORE AT THECURRENT-ONl'INE.COM T By Matth~w Gianino - -~--~- DAEJAH MARTIN MARVIN ANDREW LEWIS AARON KRAVISH Sophomore, Psychology Freshman, Music Sophomore, History Performance "I learned that UMSL has "I thought it was interesting 'The value of singing when really cool people. My RA Tla that the word 'shrapnel' it comes to playing an talks to me about everything. came from an officer in the instrument. If you can sing American Revolution. In my , She's always there for me. II it, you can hear it. If you can historical inquiry cfass we hear it, you can play it. JI read a book about [Henry ". Shrapne/J. " MON79Hl TUE 83HI THU 82H' SAT 65HI SUN 68H' 62LOW , 66LOW 68~ow 50LOW 51 LOW SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 1lrhr (.turrrnt NEWS 3 • D • ou -igns books at Mercantile HEATHER WELBORN FEATURES EDITOR Dr. Blanche Touhill hosted a innovations each chancellor book signing at the Mercantile brought to the university. ·Library on September 25. The Dr. Touhill began her legacy book, titled "A Photographic at UMSL as a professor in 1965, History of the University of when UMSL was in its second year. Missouri-St. louis: The First Fifty Within thirty years, Dr. Touhill Years," shows the history ofUMSL worked her way up to Chancellor, using photos taken through the and is credited with such successes years. The project was part of as computerizing the campus and the UMSl Jubilee celebration. securing significant institutional Attendees were invited to land grams used for university purchase the publication at the expansion. Her namesake, the event, and sit for a short chat Blanche M. Touhill Performing with the former chancellor as she Arts Center, hosts regional and penned personalized dedications internarionai productions from a on the inner cover page. Coffee variety of creative backgrounds. and gourmet cheese was served While never a musician herself, as guests mingled and shared Dr. Touhill has always been a university anecdotes from over proud supporter of the arts. "It's the years. important to be well-rounded," Dr. Touhill and Patricia Zahn, Community Outreach Manager of Academic Affairs The book took nearly two years Dr. Touhill said. sense "because she's a historian." discussing herself, referring to lecture presentation. She will be to complete, and incorporates Mary Rose, Dr. Touhill's herself as "just a St. louis native at the Mercantile Library again black and white campus footage administrative assistant during 1his academic background, girl." \'\1hen asked about her on October 1, and at the St. louis alongside written accounts of each the production of the publication, along with her chancellorship, dedication to urban development, County Library on Lindbergh chancellorship. Dr. Touhill used marvels at Dr. Touhill's stamina. allowed Dr. Touhill to travel the university library archives the globe many times over.
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