Musi c Departmen t Present s Annua l Christma s Concer t * ¥ ¥ Ehlert , Mille r Director s of Organization s The music department of Du- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DULUTH STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE iuth State Teachers college will present its annual Christmas Vol 10 Duiuth , Minnesota , Wednesday , Decembe r 16, 1942 No. 3 concert this evening at 8:15 p. m. in the college auditorium. Fea- tured will be the college orches- Kindergarte n Departmen t Home Ecs Send tra, under the direction of R. Dale Miller, and the college choir, directed by Jackson K. Receive s Facult y Member s Sweet s to the Servic e Ehlert. A short interlude will be Remember the day you walked and coerced out of your pockets, furnished by a string quartet. home because you gave your last are now in the form of candy and Both the orchestra and the choir Otto and Holme s Physics DepH have received wide recognition dime to a good-looking blonde cookies . boxes and boxes of waving a tag at you? Remember and popularity on recent tours Lead Reading s Offers Course them on the way to former stu- throughout the Northwest. the explanations you made to dents of State in the service of At Festivitie s In Electronics mother for the cup of sugar our country. Every crumb of The program will open with which disappeared from the fam- sugar carries a special message the singing of the national an- ily "deposit box"? Well, the The annual Christmas tea, Because of an urgent need for from us to them that we're them, followed by several selec- other afternoon I dropped into given by the kindergarten de- trained men and women in the tions played by the orchestra. the home ec. lab. It was the thinking of them and hope to partment for the faculty, was line of radio and sound equip- These orchestral number include busiest place I've ever seen . see them soon. The home ec. leld Tuesday in the kindergarten ment, the Duiuth State Teachers "Intermezzo" from "L'Arlle- old-fashioned molasses taffy all girls have done it again, with rooms at 3:30 p. m. college this year is offering a sienne,II by Bizet; the "March" over hands, faces, and floor; the help of the students and The traditional custom of three-quarter course in electron- and "Dance Arabe" from the caramels being cradled in glass faculty. You all had "a finger in reading a Christmas story was ics under Dr. Z. V. Harvalik of "Nutcracker Suite," by Tschai- jars; fudge boiling fragrantly; the pie," so give yourself an continued this year, and the the physics department. All stu- kovsky; and three of German's nuts' being cracked in resourceful extra pat today . that is, if biblical story "The First Christ- dents who have taken general "Dances from Nell Gwynne," feminine ways. All this activity mas" was read by Delores physics or who are now enrolled your hands aren't paralyzed including "Country Dance," meant that your donations, Otto. Jane Holmes led the in a physics course are eligible from beating candy. It's possible, "Pastorale," and "Merrymaker's which were so charmingly coaxed reading of "Twas the Night for this training. believe me. Dance." The orchestra will con- clude with "Scenes Pittoresque," Before Christmas." It is especia ly advisable. Dr. Committees for the Christ- "Angelus," and "Fete Boheme" Harvalik said, that women of the by Massenet. mas party were: favors, Patricia college enroll in the course in Colleg e Receive s COMING EVENTS Monroe, chairman, Helen Ran- order that they may be prepared This will be the orchestra's Christmas Concert in evening tala and Patricia Shampine; in- to replace male operators and Darlin g Librar y first performance under the di- vitations, Antonine van Ryzin, technicians in radio broadcast- Dec. 17 rection of Dr. Miller, the new Basketbaii at Superior chairman, Jane Daugherty, Mae ing stations, who have been A "valuable contribution to instrumental instructor at the Irene Johnson and Caroline drafted for war needs. our astronomy collection," ac- Dec. 18 college. Members of the orches- Vacation begins Johnson; programs, Phyllis Mur- The problem of the present cording to Miss Beulah Larson, tra are Harry Bianco, Robert ray, chairman, Dorothy Mc- scarcity of trained radio men, librarian, is the* bequest of his Jan. 4 Biglow, Marie Blewett, Robert Ciasses resume Carty, Adeline Walle, Eileen caused by the navy's recent call private library by the late John Bowman, Wilma Brenner, Erpelding, Donna Bodin, and for both professional and ama- H. Darling, prominent Duiuth Blanche Graton, Edward Greve, Jane Holmes; refreshments, teur radio men, was answered astronomer and engineer, to the Ronald Henwood, William Hill, Wilma Brenner, chairman, Mar- when the American Institute of library of the Duiuth State Alumn i Discus s Robert Jackgon, John Kolarik, garet Cosgrove; sprigs. Alberta Physics recommended that all Teachers college. The bequest Wilho Korpinen, George Lam- Mohaupt, chairman. Rose Tol- colleges curtail advanced physics includes approximately 175 vol- Scholarshi p Fund pert, Ruby Ann Mattson, Joan lefson; candy, Delores Otto, courses for the present, in favor umes, all concerned with astron- Mumma, Elsie Mae Olson, Doris chairman, Elizabeth Rowe, Eliz- omy or closely allied sciences, of physics courses directly re- At a meeting of the Duiuth Opheim, Janet Peterson, La abeth McDonald, Margaret and ranging from the earliest lated to the war effort. The move State Teachers College Alumni Vonne SeSring, James Strang, Long, Zonda M iller, Mary Louise books on the subject to 1941 was endorsed by the U. S. Office association held at Washburn Arthur Swanson, Vivian Tofte- Wirth, and Mary Mattila. publications. of Education in Washington. hall, Dec. 4, it was voted to in- land, and Mary Wigg. Miss Ebba Aronson and Miss The complete course consists About a dozen very old and corporate the association and Led by Mr. Ehlert, the State Ruth Green, club advisers, and of three parts. The first, offered rare books of high value, per- provide five-dollar life member- college choir will present three Miss Juliann Sarette, Kinder- in the fall quarter this year, was sonal scrapbooks, and miscel- ships in addition to the annual groups of choral selections. In- garten club president, are in an introduction to electronics. laneous pamphlets and publica- memberships now offered. cluded in the first group will be charge of general arrangements. The second and third parts, to be tions of astronomical societies Officers of the association this "O Praise the Name of the offered in the winter and spring also make up the collection. year are Barbara Kershaw, presi- Lord," "The Great Angelic quarters, are concerned with An ancient arithmetic book dent; Frances Riddle, vice-presi- Host," "The Shepherd Psalm," Christmas Seal Sale applications of electronics. 264 years old, stating on its title dent; and Gladys S. Barber, and "None Oftier Lamb." The In the course offered this win- page that it was published in secretary-treasurer. choir will sing "The Night Will Far Below Average ter quarter, designated as meas- 1678 in London by William Ley- The E. W. Bohannon scholar- Never Stay," "My Lovely Ce- uring and sound equipment, the bourn and printed by Tho. ship and loan fund was created lia," "The Beggar's Wail," and Calling all cars! Calling all students will learn how to build James for George Sawbridge, is by the association and is one of "Madame Jeanette." cars! Public enemy loose in your amplifiers, cut records, and use one of the valuable curios in its major contributions to the Following the second group vicinity! other applications of sound. They the collection. Called a Treatise college. Continued on page 2, column i While millions of dollars are will also discuss listening de- on Arithmetic, the yellowed book spent yearly for abolition of vices used in U-boats and air- is divided into four sections. crime, and every taxpayer do- planes. Record players, record- Vulgar Arithmetick, Decimal Duiuth State Is Center for nates a portion of his taxes will- ers, and sound movie films will Arithmetick, Instrumental ingly for this purpose, yet no be studied. Arithmetick, and Abridgement of the Precepts of Algebra. A Northeastern Film Library specific amount is set aside for In the spring, radio and tele- front section entitled "To the the campaign against one of the vision wil be covered. This The visual education depart- fields. The films are all black and Reader" closes with this plea: country's worst enemies, tuber- course, a continuation of the ment at D.S.T.C., which was white, have a sound track, and culosis. work of the first and second "This Treatise thus finished I organized three years ago at the are 400 feet in length. The run- If you do not believe that this quarters, will acquaint the stu- freely offer unto thee, desiring instigation of President Sorenson ning time is eleven minutes. enemy is loose in your vicinity, dents with high frequency equip- thy friendly acceptance, and and under the supervision of pardon, for such faults as may Every week a certain number let statistics speak for them- ment. Dr. Harvalik will discuss Dean George S. Corfield, is the of films are separated from those selves. During the past year the radio transmitters and receivers possible have escaped the Press, depository for the films of the or myself, and in so doing thou being sent out to schools, and St. Louis County Tuberculosis for broadcasting short-waves and Northeastern Cooperative li- these, known as "dead" films, association spent $70 at the ultra-short waves. The course wilt encourage him, who is brary.
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