From our House to your House... TViingsToPo .P laces to Go ...at the jersey shore TN >iywci Aynasy Bn¥ isyid OQ'r: a il Diiarid >ii¥d Aynasy IMES at the jersey shor< Asburvj Park, Avon-by-the-Sea, Belmar, Bradley Beach, Neptune, Neptune City, Ocean Grove, Point Pleasant BeacK Spring Lake, Sea Girt, Wall, Sr Surrounding Communities Since 187S Vo}. CXXJV No. 10 Township of Neptune Thursday, March 11, 1999 USPS 402420 35 cents Neptune Avon's City's ...LovGS S ftfSclo... Tax Rate Heinzinger Decreases Retires "ASBURY PARK PUBLIC UBRARY By Lois Ellermann ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY By Bonnie Graham Neptune City - M onday Avon-By-The-Sea - The night's Mayor/Council meet­ public hearing was held on ing of March 8, 1999 began the 1999 budget during with Borough Clerk Joel Monday’s Mayor/Commis- Popkin reading a letter of retirement from Neptune sioner meeting of March 8, City Police Lieutenant 1999. The new municipal Ronald Heinzinger, a police tax rate, at 1.006 per as­ officer since 1971, effective sessed $100 of valuation, is April 1,1999, to which Mayor a 6 cent decrease from the Deeves added, “He was an 1998 rate of 1.06. outstanding police officer Borough Clerk/Busi- and we wish him the best in ness Administrator Timothy his retirement." Gallagher explained how Resolutions were the decrease was reached. passed enabling United “Operating expenses were Fire Company #1 to have a cut by $80,000, which de­ parade to celebrate their creased the tax rate by 4 100th year anniversary to begin 12 noon on July 10, cents. We did not cut any 1999 and for the use of Me­ salaries, but every morial Park, and also de­ department's operating ex­ claring the month of April as penses were reduced - from Alcohol Awareness Preven­ the public works depart­ tion Month. ment to the library.” He con­ Mayor Deeves read a tinued, “We consolidated Joint Legislative Resolution our outstanding bond notes from Senator Joseph Palaia with Monmouth County. The and Assemblymen Steve sale of the Buckingham Corodemus and Tom Smith property and the increase in honoring Joel Popkin as construction fees raised the "Clerk of the Year” which he tax decrease to 8 1/2 cents. then presented to him However, we had He also announced that $40,000 less in the surplus, a public hearing will be held on March 22, 1999 on the and we lost revenue from 1999 Municipal Budget, and interest collected on delin­ that tickets are still available quent taxes, as many of our for the Mayor's Ball on April residents pay their taxes on 30th to be held at the Barclay time. The final reduction in Belmar. came to 6 cents.” It was also reported by Mr. Gallagher said that Mayor Deeves that in 1981, the 1999 budget is not “bare Richard Cuttrell, Sr., wrote a Esp6ei3lli] BdmSf’S Pstfiek’S D& bones”. ‘This budget will get book of the history of Nep­ us through 1999 without any tune City and now a History problems,” he said. Book committee has been Mayor Jerry Hauselt formed to update the con­ commented that the budget tents, by adding about 25 or will provide for a variety of 30 pages, and it will hope­ fully be printed and ready by mofQ - on ■ pSdSS 4',-ai]cl projects that are of great in­ the end of the year and fur­ * terest to the Borough of ther stated, “It is quite an Avon. “We will be able to accomplishment. Rick has address the drainage work ...Continued on page 17 ...Continued on page 16 Shooting Ranges and Parking Studies Talks By Stephanie Smith Neptune - A discussion on a and the Police shooting range. garding the current status of the a need to change the Plan to corridors and the Ocean Grove shooting range and two class­ If either are to be used, a sprin­ heat and air conditioning in the bring it up to today’s standards,” Parking Study. rooms took up the first hour of kler system would need to be Municipal Building. Johnson commented Committee- Mayor Michael Beson was particularly interested in perus­ iq»so Monday night’s Neptune Town­ installed. Even then, additional Engineering is seeking addi­ woman Patricia Monroe. Mr. J p A I L v j * ship Workshop. Township Ad­ costs would be incurred, such tional information and figures Taikina agreed and presented ing the Parking Study, but was I ministrator Philip Huhn brought as a special ceiling in the to present to the Committee. his suggestions. The priority concerned about the cost of in Johnson Engineering to dis­ shooting range. Township Planner, John projects discussed were the $12,500. Mr. Taikina explained cuss the basement project of Committeeman James Taikina joined the meeting to MicTTown Neighborhood Rede­ the breakdown of the cost and MAIMST%ET- BAAOLCY SCACH rOHN TRAVOLT.A the Municipal Building. Manning, Jr. asked for a com­ discuss the Master Plan and velopment Plan, the Shark the procedure needed to com­ Although the space is cur­ plete financial breakdown of the suggested changes to be River Waterfront Redevelop­ plete the study. For example, A C iv i rently not being used, there are costs to do all the work needed. made. ment Plan, the Route 66, Jump­ every parking place in Ocean ACTION classrooms There were also questions re­ ‘The Planning Board feels ing Brook Road and Route 33 ...Continued on page 15 MAr 11 1999 y V124 NIO Shark River Hills Hosts School Board Candidates Neptune - The Shark River Hills Property Owners’ Association, Inc., cordially invites all the residents of Neptune Township to the annual “School Board Candidates Night” on Tues­ day, March 16, 1999 at 8:15 P.M. The open forum will be held at the Township Municipal Building, 25 Neptune Boulevard, Committee Meeting Room (Room #120) due to renova­ tions at the Shark River Hills Firehouse. This program acquaints the voters of Neptune with the candidates and issues concerning our school system. Come and become famil­ iar with the principles of this very important election. Please join us on the 16th and remember to vote on Tuesday, April 20, 1999. School Board Election Pates Trenton - The New Jersey School Boards Association reports the following dates to remember for the upcoming 1999 Annual School Election - March 22, 1999 - Voter regis­ tration deadline - for citizens not currently registered to vote in their municipalities; April 13, 1999 - Deadline for applying for absentee ballot by mail; April 19, 1999 - Deadline for applying for absentee ballot in person to County Clerk (up to 3 p.m.); April 20, 1999 - Last day to submit absentee ballots to County Board of Elections (up to 8 p.m.), and April 20, 1999 - Annual School Election. The Easter Bunny's Coming to Wanamassa! Wanamassa - The Easter Bunny will be at the Wanamassa Fire House on Wickapecko Drive on Sunday, March 28, 1999. All children and families are invited to visit the Easter Bunny between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served and small gifts will b,e piven to all children. Pictures may be taken with the Easter Bunny for Neptune City's '$1 jbd. The pfoceeds from the picture sales will be given to the Ronald McDonald House. MediCenter Awards fioodwin The W ^nam^sa Ladies Auxiliary is hosting the event. Neptune City - Kelly Goodwin, shown accepting an award from Dan Mosca, President of the American Health Care Association, at a recent ceremony honoring her as the 1998 Pallone Tries to Block Volunteer of the Year by the New Jersey Association of Health Care Facilities (NJAHCF). NJAHCF is a statewide trade association representing New Jersey’s licensed nurs­ Construction On Wreck Pond ing homes, subacute care, adult day health care, assisted living and residential health Representative Frank Pallone, Jr., D-NJ, is calling on state officials to block construc­ care facilities. Their annual awards program recognizes nurses, volunteers and resi­ tion of a proposed assisted living facility at the western end of Wreck Pond. dents for their outstanding commitment and dedication to serving residents living in the Pallone said the project would damage the ecosystem of the pond and its surround­ State’s long term care facilities. ing area, while adding to the already congested traffic during the summer tourist season. As a volunteer at MediCenter, Neptune City, Goodwin was recognized for her out­ “I am requesting that any issuance of permits pertaining to the development of this site be standing volunteer efforts on behalf of the residents living at the nursing facility. Goodwin denied. Instead, I would like to assist local residents in obtaining government funding so volunteers Monday through Friday during the summer months and even rides her bike that this property adjacent to Wreck Pond would be preserved in its entirety as open one mile each way to be there. She works with the facility’s TLC club and helps transport space,” Pallone wrote in a letter to Commissioner Robert Shinn of the State Department residents, participates in pet therapy programs, delivers mail and helps with special of Environmental Protection (NJ DEP). Pallone sent similar letters to Kurt Kalb, DEP's events. Monmouth County Region Supervisor for the Board of Coastal Regulation, and the Tide- A resident of Fort Monmouth, Goodwin is a ninth grader who enjoys reading, playing lands Resource Council. The Wall Township Committee recently changed a zoning ordinance that would allow piano and most of all, visiting with her nursing home friends. She is an honor-roll student for Meridian Health Care Systems to construct the proposed facility on a 6.2-acre property who aspires to become a geriatric nurse.
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