RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF ANCIENT EGYPT 301 slides Prepared by Laszlo Sui yok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: EGYPT A-V.SCH 2 Metal Boxes Location: I8 The following slides of Ancient Egypt are from the collection of Fr. Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. They are arranged alpha-numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The list below provides a brief description of the slides and is copied verbatim from Schoder's own notes on the material. Box No.1: A -L Box No. 2: M - V BOX I A -L I. EGYPT: title * 2. EGYPT: Map of Nile area (Time-Life) 3. TEMPLE PLANS 4. EG. BLDG. PLANS 5. EGYPT: Threshing near Sakkarah 6. NILE: boats, n. Edfu 7. NILE: shore, near First Cataract 8. NUBIAN NILE shore 9. Date palm, Edfu 10. EGYPT: Water wheel, ox-powered II. OASIS Village, near Gabes, Tunisia 12. Camel, Thebes 13. ALEXANDRIA: Map Ptolemaic monuments 14. ALEXANDRIA: Ptolemaic + mod. plan (Marlowe) 15. ALEXANDRIA: Roman plan (Marlowe) 16. ALEXANDRIA: Ptolemaic plan (Marlowe) 17. ALEXANDRIA: simple plan 18. ALEXANDRIA: Pharos site in bay 19. ALEXANDRIA: outer harbor, Pharos site? K 20. ALEXANDRIA: 'Pompey's Column' K 21. ALEXANDRIA: Rom-Eg. underground Tomb int. 22. ALEXANDRIA: Rom-Eg. stat.in 1-2 c. catacomb 23. ALEXANDRIA: Rom-Eg. catacomb int., 1-2 c 24. ALEXANDRIA: 3 c. Rom. col., Sphinx at 'Serapeum' 25. Alexandria personified, 531 AD, St. John's, Jerash K 26. ALEXANDRIA: Lake Mareotis (anc. Nile harbor) 27. CAIRO: University approach 28. CAIRO: Citadel Mosque fr. above (*Costelloe) 29. CAIRO: minaret K R. V. Schoder. S.J./Ancient Egypt 30. CAIRO: Citadel, Mosque Moh. Ali, thru grill Mosque Suit. Hasam 31. CAIRO: Mosque of Mehemet Ali: Court, lustral fountain 32. CAIRO: Mosque Moh. Ali int., in Citadel 33. CAIRO: Mosque of Mehemet Ali int. (shaky) 34. CAIRO: ablution fountain, Mosque Mohammet Ali K 35. CAIRO: Cemetery, suburbs, fr. Mokkatam 36. CAIRO: Nile scene, Fellucah 37. CAIRO: Ramses II giant statue (*Costelo) 38. CAIRO: Heliopolis /Matarieh: Ch. of Exile 39. MATARIYEH (Heliopolis): Virgin's tree (sycamore) 40. ABYDOS: Plan 41. ABYDOS: Seti T.: corridor, columns 42. ABYDOS: Seti T.: Hall B wall relief 43. ABYDOS: Seti T : Seti enthrones, in corridor relief 44. ABYDOS: Seti T: G chapel (Osiris): ptd. relief 45. ABYDOS: Seti T: G side chapel (Osiris) : ptd. rel.: Sacred Boat 46. ABYDOS: Seti T: chapel rel: Khonsu offers bird: del. 47. ABYDOS: seti T: chapel rel: Khonsu offers birds to Amon, Mu 48. ABYDOS: Seti T.: side chapel wall rel. 49. ABYDOS: Seti T: E SIDE CHAPEL: ptd. rel. 50. ABYDOS: Seti T: e side chapel ptd. rel. 51. ABYDOS: Seti T: e side chapel: ptd. rel. 52. ABYDOS: Seti T: chapel rel: Ramses & son lasso bull: det. 53. ABU SIMBEL: 1st inner hall rel: Ramses II at KAdesh battle 54. ABU SIMBEL: Greek inscr., c.668: Arkhon & Pelekos, w. Psammetikos (on statue leg) 55. ABU SIMBEL: wall rel: Ramses II btw. Amon Re & PtahTotenen, as Hittite princes Ouerit-nofrit-oumare approaches to marry w. father 56. ABU SIMBEL: inmost sanctuary of sacred Bark 57. ABU SIMBEL: inmost sanct. rel: Sacred Bark, altar of sane!. 58. ABU SIMBEL: 1st inner hall rel: Kadesh encirclec, beseiged 59. ABU SIMBEL gen. main temple (Ramses II) 60. ABU SIMBEL: 1st inner hall: Ramses II as Osiris statues 61. ABU SIMBEL: front close 62. ABU SIMBEL: Colossal Pharaos * 63. ASSWAN: quarry; hole for fire, water to split granite 64. COLOSSI MEMNON: Greek graffiti 65. COLOSSI MEMNON, n. Thebes, 58' (Amenhopis III, c. 1375) 66. DENDERAH: Horus Temple facede 67. DENDERAH: Hathor Temple col. top det. 68. DENDERAH: Hathor T. Chapel of New Year ceiling: Nut (night) Encircling Hathor 69. DENDERAH: Temple roof, chapel 70. DENDERAH: Mammisi (birth- chapel) of Nectanebo, 18 D, XIV c.: int 71. DENDERAH: crypt rel: protecting hawks 72. DENDERAH: crypt gen., w. relief walls 73. DENDERAH: crypt rel: Horus hawk 74. DENDERAH: crypt rel: Neck-band, etc. 75. DEIR EL BAHARI: Hathor Chapel fr. above 76. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: Hatshepsut & gods rel. 77. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: anubis Chapel wall: sacred Vulture, Cobras 78. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: Anubis chapel reliefs 2 R. V. Schader. S.J./Ancient Egypt 79. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: Hatshepsut ptg. on wall 80. DEIR EL BAHARI: Chapel, 18 D: Tuthmosis III bf. Amon-Ra, Hathor (C) 81. DEIR EL BAHARI: Chapel, 18 D: Tuthmosis III bf. Amon-Ra, Hathor (C) 82. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: gen. approach c 1500 83. DEIR-EL-BAHARI, vaulted shrine 84. DEIR-EL-BAHARI: Chapel, 18 D: Tuthmosis III bf, amon-Ra, Hathor (C) 85. EDFU + KOM OMBO: PLans 86. EDFU: Horus T. from S (234x (237x57 ft, 12 ft. high) 237 87. EDFU: from pylon, fr. inner court 88. EDFU: Temple side wall ext. all (*Costelloe) 89. EDFU: Temple: side columns close (*Costelloe) 90. EDFU: S. pylon rel: Ptol. III battle 91. EDFU: Temple's inner court (*Costelloe) 92. EDFU: Temple: Court & Pylons fr. inside high (*Costelloe) 93. EDFU: hypostyle court column caps. 94. EDFU: Library off Pronaos 95. EDFU: Horus T. int. toward back sanct. 96. EDFU: E inner portal; carving 97. EDFU: Granite Horus statue (*Costelloe) 98. EDFU: small temple; front of Horus T 99. ESNA: facade capitals 100. ESNA: moulding above facade panel of Pt.w.goddeses & Knoum 101. ESNA: hypostyle hall int. gen. I 02. ESNA: hypostyle hall rel: Domitian offering 103. GIZEH: Pyramids # 104. PYRAMID CHEOPS 7 SPHINX FLOODLIT (*Costelloe) 105. GIZEH: Gt. Pyrm. top, view # I 06. GIZA: Sphinx lit at night I 07. GIZA: Sphinx, pyramids lit at night 108. GIZEH: Sphinx * 109. GIZEH: Sphinx (from book) I 10. GIZEH: modern flower garden I I I. HELIPOLIS: obelisk 1 12. KARNAK: Temples plan 113. KARNAK: Amon-Re Great Temple plan * I 14. KARNAK, LUXOR plans I I 5. KARNAK: ground plan of Amon temple 116. KARNAK: Avenue of Sphinxes,bf. tem. 117. KARNAK: Ave. of Sphinxes, n. Temple 118. KARNAK: gt.court fr. Chapel of Ramses III 119. KARNAK: Gt. temple: finished & unfinished columns 120. KARNAK: Obelisks Lotus Column 121. KARNAK: Lotus Column in court, up. 65' 122. KARNAK: Lotus column W 123. KARNAK: 2nd pylon reliefs (Ramses I) 124. KARNAK: Relief: Before Horus (*Costelo) 125. KARNAK: Col. base rel. in Ct: Bee, Duck 126. KARNAK: Ramses Seated (*Costelloe) 127. KARNAK: S pylon 7 rel: Thutmosis II slays captives 128. KARNAK; Hypostyle Hall int., 70' 3 R. V. Schoder. S.J./Ancient Egypt 129. KARNAK: Hypostyle court cols. (134) 130. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall cols. 131. KARNAK: Hypostule Hall col. tops, rafters 132. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall col. relief det. 133. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall rei. 134. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall rei: Crowning Upper 135. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall relief 136. KARNAK: Hypostyle relief: Ramses II w. Ibis, Horus 137. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall rei. 138. KARNAK: Hypostyle Hall relief: Ramses, god 139. KARNAK: T. West pylon Sphinxes 140. KARNAK: Ramses V T: holy of holies ct. 141. KARNAK: Ptolemaic cols., Ptah temple 142. KOM OMBO: Temple gen. fr. E (Ptolemaic, replacing Tuthmose III) 143. KOM OMBO: East reliefs (Tiberius') 144. KOM OMBO: 1st hypostyle Hall caps (all different) 145. KOM OMBO: 1st Hall: gods rei. on wall 146. KOM OMBO: 2nd Hall col. reliefs 147. LUXOR: Sunset on Nile, twd. Thebes 148. KOM OMBO: gods rei. on 2nd Hall wall 149. LUXOR 7 MEDINET HABU: Plans 150. LUXOR: Temple, Nile, to Valley of Kings # 151. LUXOR: Lotus cols & 13 cent mosqe with minaret of 1948 mosque 152. LUXOR: Temple center, Nile, fr. Pylon 153. LUXOR: Temple Colonnade (*Costelloe) 154. LUXOR: Gk. travellers' inscriptions on Temple wall 155. LUXOR: Chapel: back niche (*Costelloe) 156. LUXOR: Temple: gt court inner wall rei: Sacrifical procession 157. LUXOR: rei. by Tut on wall of long hall Musicians 158. LUXOR: Wall rei.: Goddes Mut 159. LUXOR: Temple rei: Toth, Anubis, Hathor, Horus, Ramses II on court wall 160. LUXOR: Wall rei. of inner court 161. LUXOR: facade rei of Temple front, pylons, statues, flags 162. LUXOR: T. rei: w. frt. pylon, stats, flags 163. LUXOR: T. rei: by Tut-ank-amon, w. soft Amarna style; on court wall 164. LUXOR: relief: Amen-hotep III, lotus birds 165. LUXOR: Temple rei: Queen Nefertari in Horus cap, behind leg of Ramses II statue 166. LUXOR: Rameses Standing: hd (*Costelloe) 167. LUXOR: Ramses II niles, Hebrew slaves 168. LUXOR: court, with Ramses II statues 169. LUXOR: Ramses II & 2 Niles joined: N BOX 2M -V 170. MEDINET HABU: RAMESEUM ext. gen. (*Costelloe) 171. MEDINET HABU: hunt carved pylon 1167 172. MEDINET HABU: inner court pillars 173. MEDINET HABU: T. Tuthmosis III (1 ); pylon of Ramses III (living rooms of harem above) 174. MEDINET HABU: Ramses II Hunting, on 1st pylon 4 R. V. Schoder. S.J./Ancient Egypt 175. MEMPHIS: granite Ramses II(monolith) now in Cairo 176. MEMPHIS: limestone Ramses II ( 44') monolith 177. RAMESEUM: Plan 178. RAMESEUM: gen. 179. RAMESSEUM: Ceiling and cols. fr. below 180. Rameseum lotus court pillars 181. RAMESEUM: Hypostyle hall rei. above door: Ramses II, wife 182. RAMESEUM: 1st pylon rei: Ramses II vs. Hittites at Kadesh 183. SAKKARAH: mastaba of Mira-Boka: Fishing relief, 5 D, c.2500 184. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Herons 185. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Donkeys 186. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Calves, horned oxen 187. REL: Cattle fording canal; Sakkarah, Te mastaba, detail * Grii 188. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Craftsmen 189. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Cattle, slaves 190. SAKKARAH: Ti rei: Cattle 191. SAKKARAH: Ti tomb relief: farming (2400) 192. SAKKARAH: Ti mastaba rei: Ti in boat on Nile: c. 2450 193. SAKKARAH: Ti mastaba rei: Driving Cattle; 5 D, c.2450 194.

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