GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SHIPPINO LOKSABHA *542 STARRED QUESTION NO' ToBEANswERED oN 36 APRIL'201t I'EVEIOPMENT OF WATERWAYS *542 : SHRI HANSHCHANDRA CHAVAN: SHRI MANSUKHBITAI DIIANJIBHAI VASAVA: statc: Will ttre Ministet of SHIPPING be pleascd to qla qfrtqfa dift tbc dwclopnent and use of watcrways in (a) the daails of the policy formulatcd rcgarding the countrY; at pr€sent in the country' location and (b) the details of watetways which are operational length'wise; in the oountry in near future' (c) the details of new waterways proposed to be developed location and length-wisc; and provided so far for this purpose? (d) the details of funds required along with the frrnds ANSWER MINISTEROF SHIPPING (SHRINITIN GADKARI) (a) to (d): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House ' Statement refered to in replv to oarts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Ouestion No. *542 for 05.042018 raised bv Shri Harishchandra Chavan & Shri Mausukhbhai Dhaniibhai Vasava. M.Ps on "Devolopment of Waterwavs' (a): 1l l inland waterways have been declated as 'National Waterways' (NWs) for their development for the purposes of shipping and navigation under the National Waterways Act, 2016. A list of these NWs is at Annex-[. Feasibility studies and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) are prepared to detennine the potential for navigability, cargo availability, cost of development etc. for t}le NWs. The contours of development of the NWs are finalized based on t}te outcome of the DPRs. (b): The details ofNWs which are operational at present is as under: Sl. No. National Waterway No. Length (km) Stotes t. National Waterway-l: Ganga- t620* Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bhagirathi-Hooghly River System Jharkhand, West (Haldia - Allahabad) Bengal Assam 2. National Waterway 2: Brahmaputra 891 River (Dhubri - Sadiya) 3. National Waterway 3: West Coast (Kottapuram Kollam), Canal - 20s Champakara and Udyogmandal Canals. Kerala @ from Hatdia to Varanasi (1390 km), Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) has been commissioned with the technical and financial support of World Bank at a total cost of Rs. 5369.1 8 crore. (c): As per the feasibility reports completed so far, 36 NWs have been found to be iectrnicatty viaule by the Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI). out ofthese 36 NWs, developmental activities have been initiated on 8 NWs in 2017-18. A list of the 8 NWs is .nclosid as Annex-II. The status of DPRs of the remaining 28 NWs is at Annex-III. The contours of development of the 28 NWs would be determined on the basis of the findings of their respective DPRs. (d)r The details of budgetary allocations to the IWAI from 2015-16 to 2018-19 and the reiui.ement of funds projicted by the IWAI for development of National Waterways from 20i 8-19 to 2022-23 are at Annex-IV. Annex-I List of 1ll National Waterwavs (Government of India has declared 111 waterways as National waterways through National Waterways Act 2016 enacted on 12.04.20112.04 ?.016\ st National Wetenvay Length No. No. (km) Details of Waterways STATES Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly Uttar Pradesh, I National Waterway I 1620 River System (Haldia Allahabad) Bihar, Jharkhand & - West Bengal Brahmaputra River lDhubri 2 National Waterway 2 891 - Assam -qrd!v4) West Coast Canal (Kottapuram - 205 Kollam), Champakara and 3 National Waterway 3 Udyogna4d4 Canals Kerala West Coast Canal (Kottapuram 170 - Eezhiks4e) Kakinada Canal (Kakinada 50 to Sqiahmundry) Godavari river (Bhadrachalam 171 to -lQjalmundry) Eluru Canal (Raj ahmundry 139 to Vijayawada) Krishna river (W azirabad 157 to !!iayawada) Commamur Canal (Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh, 113 to Peddaganjam) Telangana, 4 National Waterway 4 North Buckingham Canal Chhattisgarh, 316 (Peddaganjam to Central Station of Kamatak4 Tamil Clrcnnai) Nadu, Pondichery and Maharashtra South Buckingham canal (Central 110 Station of Chennai to Marakanam) Marakanam to Puducherry 22 tfuough Kaluvelly tank River Godavari (Bhadrachalam 1202 - Nashik) River Krishna (Wazirabad 636 - Galagali) 256 East Coast Canal and Matai river 265 Brahmani-Kharsua-Dhamra rivers 5 National Waterway 5 Mahanadi delta rivers (Consisting Odisha and West of Hansua river, Nunanal4 Bengal 67 Gobrinala" Khamasi river and Mahanadi river) 6 National Waterway 6 68 AAIRIVER Assam National Waterway 7 90 AJOY (AJAY) RIVER West Bengal ALAPPUZHA. 8 National Waterway 8 29 CHANGANASSERY CANAL Kerala ALAPPUZHA. _ Kerala 9 National Waterway 9 40 KOTTAYAM ATHIRAMPUZHA CANAL Altemate route: 11.5km l0 National Waterway l0 45 AMBA RIVER Maharashtra t1 National Waterway 1 I 99 ARLNAWATI-ARAN RIVER Maharashtra e...u+J- *? Ll- -2- sl. National Waterwsy Length No. No. (kn) Details of Waterways STATES SYSIEM t2 National Waterway 1- 5.5 ASI RIVER Uttar Pradesh 13 National Waterway l3 1I Kerala & Tamil Nadu 14 National Waterway 14 48 ^"r*"* tsAITARNI RTVER Odisha IJAI(KLS l5 National Waterway l5 135 WAR - MAYURAKSHI RTVER SYSTEM West Bengal 16 National Waterway 16 121 BARAK RIVER Assam 17 National Waterway l7 189 BEAS RIVER Etrnactrt fidestr &- Punj ab l8 Nationql Waterway 18 69 t'Erg ruvER Assam l9 National Waterway 19 67 BETWAzuVER Uttar Pradesh 20 National Waterway 20 95 tsHAVANI RIVER Tamil Nadu 21 National Waterway 21 t39 BHEEMA RIVER Kamataka & Telangana BIRUPA BADI 22 National Waterway 22 156 - GENCUTI - BRAHMANIRIVER SYSTFM Odisha ZJ National Waterway 23 f- 56 -tsUDHA BALANGA Odisha 24 National Waterway 24 61 CHAMBAL RIVER Uttar Pradesh 25 National Waterway 25 | 33 CHAPORA RIVER Goa 26 | National Waterway 26 51 CHENAB RIVER Jammu & Kashmir 27 | National Waterway 27 1"7 CUMBERJUA RIVER Goa DABHOL _VASHISHTI 28 National Waterway 28 45 CREEK RIVER SYSTEM Maharashtra 29 National Waterway 29 132 DAMODARRIVER West Eengal 30 Waterway 30 lQlgnql 109 L'EHING RIVER Assam 31 National Waterway 3l 114 DHANSIRI / CHATHE Assam 32 National Waterway 32 63 DIKHU RIVER I asrurn 33 National Waterway 33 61 IJOYANS RIVER I asru. 3+ National Waterway 34 137 l*"r,s*s"r 35 Nationai Waterway 35 r08 "yccaNat DWAREKESWAR RIVF,R West Bengal 36 National Waterway 36 119 DWARKARIVER West Bengal 37 National Waterway 37 296 GANDAKRIVER Bihar & Uttar Pradesh 38 National Waterway 38 62 GANGADHARRTVER Assam & West Bengal 39 National Waterway 39 49 GANOL RIVER -lggsleleya 40 National Waterway 40 354 GHAGHRA RIVER Bihar & Uttar Pradesh 41 National Waterway 4l 112 GHATAPRABHA RIVER Kamataka 42 National Waterway 42 514 GOMTI RIVER Uttar Pradesh 43 National Waterway 43 l0 GURUPURRIVER Kamataka 44 Ilgilqryt Waterway 44 63 ICHAMATI RTVER West Bengal 45 National Waterway 45 6s0 INDIRA GANDHI CANAI, Puqiab , Haryana &Rajashtan 46 National Waterway 46 35 INDUS RIVER Jammu & Kashmir 47 l.lglional Waterway 47 l1l JALANGI RIVER West Bengal <-s{".,}-{-..+-31- r ?- National Watenvay Length sl. Details of Watenvays STATES No. No. (km) JAWAI,LT.INI-RANN OF KUTCH 48 National Waterway 48 s90 Gujarat & Rajasthan RIVER SYSTEM 49 National V/aterway 49 1r0 JHELUM RWER Jammu & Kashmir Assam & 50 National Waterway 50 43 JINJIRAM zuVER Meehalaya 51 National Waterway 51 23 KABINI zuVER Karnataka s2 National Waterway 52 53 KALI RIVER Kamataka KALYAN-THANE.MUMBAI 53 National Waterway 53 145 WATERWAY, VASAI CR.EEK Maharashtra AND ULHAS RIVER SYSTEM Bihar & Uttar Natjonelppleryv,ay 54 86 KARAMNASA RIVER !t Pradesh KAVERI KOLLIDAM RIVER 5; National 55 311 - Tamil Nadu [p!erwa] SYSTEM 56 National Waterwav 56 22 KHERKAI RIVER Jharkhand 57 Natisqal Wate.r-way 57 50 KOPILI RIVER Assam -58 )$ejional Watcrway 58 236 KOSI zuVER Bihar 5q Netipnpl Waterway 59 19 KOTTAYAM-VAIKOM CANAL Kerala 60 Natioaal Waterway 60 80 KUMARI RIVER West Bengal 6l National Waterway 6l 28 KYNSHI RIVER Meghalaya Assam & Arunachal 62 National Waterway 62 86 LOHIT RIVER Pradesh 63 National Waterway 63 336 LLINI zuVER Raiasthan 64 National Waterway 64 426 MAHANADI RTVER Odisha 6s National Waterway 65 80 MAHANANDA RIVER West Bengal 66 National Waterway 66 247 MAHI RTVER Gujarat 67 National Waterway 67 94 MALAPRABHA zuVER Karnataka 68 National Waterway 68 4t MANDOVI RIVER Goa 69 National Waterway 69 5 MANIMUTHARU RIVER Tamil Nadu Maharashtra & 70 National Waterway 70 24s MANJARA RIVER Telangana 7t National Waterway 7l 27 MAPUSA / MOIDE RIVER Goa 72 National Waterway 72 59 NAG RIVER Maharashtra Maharashtra & 73 National Waterway 73 226 NARMADA RIVER Guiarat 74 National Waterway 74 79 NETRAVATHI RIVER Kamataka 75 National Waterway 75 142 PALAR RIVER Tamil Nadu PANCHAGANGAVALI 76 National Waterway 76 23 Kamataka (PANCHAGANGOLI) RIVER 77 National Waterway 77 20 PAZHYAR RIVER Tamil Nadu PENGANAGA _ WARDHA Maharashtra & 78 National Waterway 78 262 zuVER SYSTEM Telangana 79 National Waterway 79 28 PENNAR RIVER Andhra Pradesh 80 National Waterway 80 t26 PONNIYAR RIVER Tamil Nadu 81 National Waterway 8l 35 PLTNPLIN RIVER Bihar 82 National Waterway 82 58 PUTHIMARI RIVER Assam 83 National Waterway 83 31 RAJPURI CREEK Maharashtra c-"u{$---? 4l - - a,- Waterway Length sl. National Details of Waterways STATES No. No. (km) Jammu & Kashmir, 84 National Waterway 84 44 RAVI RIVER Himachal Pradesh & Puniab REVADANDA CREEK - Maharashtra 85 National Waterway 85 31 KUNDALIKA RIVER SYSTEM West Bengal 86 National WaterwaY 86 72 RUPNARAYAN RIVER Guiarat 87 National WaterwaY 87 2t0 SABARMATI zuVER Goa 88 National WaterwaY 88 t4 SAL RIVER SAVITRI RIVER (BANKOT 45 Maharashtra 89 National WaterwaY 89 CREEK) Kamataka 90 National WaterwaY 90 29 SHARAVATI zuVER SHASTRI zuVER. JAIGAL' Maharashtra 91 National WaterwaY 91 52 (.RF,F,K SYSTEM West Bengal 92 National WaterwaY 92 26 SILABATI RIVER RIVER Meghalaya 93 National WaterwaY 93 63 SIMSANG Bihar 94 National WaterwaY
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