NOTE TO USERS Page(s) not included in the original manuscript are unavailable from the author or university. The manuscript was microfilmed as received. 142,162 This is reproduction is the best copy available FAIR DEALING AND THE PURPOSES OF COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AN ANALY SIS OF FAIR DEALING IN THE COPYRIGHT LAW OF THE U.K. AND CANADA by CARYS JANE CRAIG A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Law in conformity with the requirement for the degree of Master of Laws Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada August, 2000 National Library Bibiiothèque nationale 1*1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington OttawaON KlAON4 Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Canada Canada YOU~Me Votre réfemnce Our file Notre refdrence The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seIl reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimes reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Tlrc -focus of tlzis thesis is the fair dealing defence in the British and Caizadiarz cop~-~-ightsystenrs. The pzxpose of the thesis is twofold: first. to reveal the iirudeqrrncies of the defence in its present statutoty fom; second. to reveal the rekrrionship benveetz these inadeqriacies and a larger failure to understand the nature arrci r-ofe of fair dealiizg iuithirz cop-vright policy. With respecr to the first irzqicin, the thesis argues that the present fair dealing provisions in the U.K. and Canada are sturrrror-il\. I-estrictive, r-igidly limiïed in application, and crippled with arbitrary and pedmtic distiizctiorrs. These provisions are compared unfavourably to the LIS fair use ~rzocief. iv/zic/z allows for a flerible and inclusive fair use inqzriry, pernzi~tïitg reasoized arralysis and princz@led consideration of the policy issues at stake. T/zc thesis is not, ho wever, corzcer-ned simply with legislative reform. Rath et-. ivith respect to the second inquiry, the thesis argues that fair dealing and, to some extent. fair use. srrffer at the harzds ofa common mischaracterriation of the rationale behind the CO~JV-ightystern. Mistaken plzilosop hies of copyright protection, grounded in inispiaced rzotions of moral or natttral entitlement, pervade copyright rhetoric and disgrise copyeht 's firndamer2taZZy instn~mental nature. Vfsions of 'Romantic Aurlzor-slzip ' and Lockean assunzptions regarding property acquisition lead to an Nzappr-opr-iate 1-iglzts-based and author-oriented understanding of copyright law. Szzch an rrrrderstandïng obsczu-es the origirzs of copyright and the public goals that iie at its cor-e, The inevita ble conseqtrence is the over-protection of copyright holders ' Uz terests at rhe esperzse of rrset-s and sociery. TIZCfltesis attempts to show that by relocating copyright within its instntrnental agcilcia arzd r-e-imagining its social and normative aims, we can establish a more appropriate theoretical framework with which to justzfj and explain the copyright s-VA-rmi.Within tlris framework. we rvill be better placed to identzfi the pirrposes belrimi cop-VI-ightas an incentive systern. In tum, this will allow us to recognise the rolc. of:fair- dealing as an integral nrechanism within the systern and not merely as a niar-ginrrl exception thereto. rnight then be possible to develop a functional urzdcr-standing of fair dealing consistent with the intent behind the doctrine and reflective of its importance withirz copyrr'ght policy. 1 would like to thank Denis Magnusson for sharing with me bis knowledge and insight in the field of copyrisht law, and for the confidence he displayed in me throughout the process of writing this thesis. 1 am gratefül to Mark Weisberg for his encouragement and Phyllis Reid for her help and dedication. 1 would also Lks to thank my family in Scotland for their love across al1 the miles, and for supporting my choices no matter how far away they take me. 1 would like to express my extreme gratikde to Conor Fitzpatrick and the whole Fitzpatrick family for their affection, their unfailing support and their belief in me. Many thanks also to my wonderfil fnends, both at home and in Canada, wliose fiîendship, they know, has been invaluable to me. Special thanks go to Ruth Dukes, Alan D. Stalker, Claire McDaid and Emily Grabham. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: AN HXSTORICAL OVERVIEW 1. The History of Copyright A. The Statutory Inception of Copyright i) The Historical Context ii) The First Statutov Copyright System iii) An Analysis of the Statute of Anne B. The Role of Case Law in the Development of C 1yright i) The Question of Literary Property ii) The Millar v Taylor Decision iii) The Donaldson v Becket Decision C. Conclusions on the History and Development of Copyright II. The History of Fair Use A. Locating Fair Use within Copyright Policy B. The Development of Fair Use in the Courts i) Fair Abridgement ii) The Arriva1 of Fair Use iii) The Rationale behind Fair Use C. Conclusions on the History and Developrnent of Fair Use III. A Brief Conclusion on the History of Copyright and Fair Use CHAPTER 2: FAIR DEALING IN U.K. COPYRIGHT LAW 1. Introduction: A Matter of Principle II. U.K. Legislation on Fair Dealing A. The Statutory History of Fair Dealing B. The Current Fair Dealing Provisions III. Case Law Under the 1988 Act A. What's Fair? B. Fairness v- Fair Dealing C. Criticisrn or Review D. Reporting Current Events E. Some Cornments on the Case Law F. A Perfect Illustration: The Pro Sieben Decision i) The decision at first instance ii) The decision of the Court of Appeal iii) Conclusions on the Pro Sieben case G. An Analysis of Fair Dealing before the Courts IV. Conclusions: Fair Dealing in the U.K. A. Fair Dealing and the Nature of Copyright B. The Problem with Fair Dealing in the U.K. CHAPTER 3: FAIR DEALING IN CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW 1. Introduction: The Problem with Canadian Law II. Canadian Legislation on Fair Dealing A. The Statutory History of Fair Dealing in Canada B. The Current Fair Dealing Provisions in Canada III. Canadian Case Law on Fair Dealing A. All's Not Fair B. 'Unfairness' in Fair Dealing C. 'Research or Private Study' D. 'Criticism and Review' i) The Michelin Case ii) The Avanti Case iii) The Hager Case iv) Conclusions on the 'Criticism and Review' Cases E. 'hïews Reporting' IV. Conclusions: Fair Dealing before the Canadian Courts A. Fair Dealing and the Nature of Copyright in Canada B. The Problern with Fair Dealing in Canada CHAPTER 4: A COMPARATIVE APPROACH: THE U.S. EXAMPLE 1. The Nature of US. Copyright Law and Fair Use A. The US. Constitutional Setting B. The Relationship Behveen Copyright and Constitutional Freedoms C. The Effect of the Constitutional Statement upon Fair Use II. Fair Use Legislation in US. Copyright Law A. The US. Fair Use Clause B. An Analysis of the U.S. Fair Use Provision i) Flexibility ii) The 'Balancing' Concept iii) Market Substitutability and the Public Good C. The US. Model: Does it Fit? III, Some Problems with the U.S- Model: Fair Use in the Courts A. Property Rhetoric and Judicial Reality B, The Focus upon Authors' Economic Interests i) Presumptions: Commercial Nature and the Effect on the Market (a) The Sony Case (b) The Harper & Row case (c) The 'Double Wharnmy': Sony and Harper & Row ii) The Consequences of Over-Emphasising Economic Interests IV. The Advantages of the US. Model A, Room for Reasoned Analysis B. An Illustration: Canzpbell Y Acziff-Rose Music, Inc. V, Conclusions on the USModel A. The Benefits of Section 107 B. CS. Fair Use within Copyright Philosophy C. A Solution? CHAPTER 5: THE LMISTAKENPHILOSOPHIES OF COPYRIGHT PROTECTION I. Introduction: The ProbIem of Copyright Rhetoric 163 11. The Vision of Romantic Authorship A. '.4uthorship', 'Origination'. and 'Objectification' i) The 'Author' ii) 'Originality' iii) Propertisation and the Concept of the 'Work' B. The Implications for Copyright i) Romantic Authorship and Copyright Policy ii) Rornantic Authorship and Fair Dealing (a) Favouring the 'Author' (b) Stigmatising the User C. Conclusioi-is on Romantic Authorship III. Private Property Theory 186 A. Locke's Theory of Acquisition of Property 187 i) The Fruits of Labour 187 ii) The Lockean Provisos 189 B. ProbIems with a Lockean AnaIysis of Intellectual Property 190 i) Interna1 Critiques of a Lockean Intellectual Property Theory 191 (a) Copyright and the 'Enough and as Good' Proviso 192 (b) Copyright and the 'No-Spoilage' Proviso 197 (c) Identieing the Labourer and the Product of his Labour 20 1 (d) The Question of Liberty 204 ii) External Critiques of Lockean Intellectual Property Theory 206 (a) Rethinking Locke on Property: A Departure From Deontology 207 (b) The Dansers of a Lockean AnaIysis 210 (c) The Effects of Property Theory upon Copyright and Fair Use 2 13 IV. Conclusion 218 CHAPTER 1: AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW 1. The Historv of Copvri~ht It is not uncornmon for pragmatic constructs to evolve, in the minds of those who use them over time, into a necessary and universal fact.
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