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Informational Materials

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',•' --- ·- THAN'YOUTHINK. -, ·- For p_astors and church grouRs, [srael is where •.· the Bible'- andfellqwship.-trulycomjci,alille. _ 'lh tiles~ f~~pect~.1t;; ~ppe~IJs,16~\l'hel~ a.rid.; <.. Widely kFlbwn. ' .. , ·- . - ,. · .. ••••••~H ~ HOOOOOOOO •••••.• OO~H ~ oooC 000•0 • •. >-: ...... H••••~·•, ~ 00 • •• ' ISRAEL:THE PLANNING ·,·PROCESS. -~ . 6 . ·1f you want to ehs\Jr~ ;oGrisr,i'~l•trip i~ as transformative as its,an.be_(and sci often is). it' .pays to plan welL/i -- -- '"-,, · · - . ,.......,..., . (. ;·· ,·-_-., --,.. ·. -. ' . ' . .·l<~. theseJOt7d'and,true ,arl, trips inJ"fliFld. .... · IN GOOD FilTH-AJVfJ . - - . , • i! I. __ 1 . [: GOODCOMPANY ,, 1 101 - . .. , - --~ -_-_:: •._·:-_:">::\ .. ·-"-~_t. .( - _•; .. ·-"·<-': - . ·::-'L---:;:.:r,·· . There'\;•a re11son_2014was the i;,estyear: ever for ·::- -, ,,; North American travel to Israel. Here. chu(ch- _ .. ,_/,,'; . .•. based tr~YEllEl[Sfioifan' experi~n{e li!< otryer;, :1-·' ·.··_ ·:. ,.- -~ .·· .. :~ ",:':- -: __ ::_ -- '_ ·\<~ .. _:t•· >.~: :· ·;:- ..,~ '\: ·:: .. ~--- :••· ·.-. ::-~·-;; ~· .· .. i ~'.t~--"~ ----.::..._, .1/ · · THETOPIORECOMMENDED . <SITES AND EXPERIENCES FOR · ALLF.t\ITH-lJASED TRAVELERS ie;- - .•· ·::}~~f~]~5~ l~-•-i_~_~_-_~_~_-,_-_·~-·-,~•·_\_•~---- -~-=~------~- 2 CHURCHEXECUTIVE • l'AITH BASED TRAVEL. ISR.AEL churchexecutive.corn Received,by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 7:01 :00 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 7:01:00 PM FAITH-BASED TRAVEL I SRA EL • CHURCHEXECUTIVE 3 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/,2018 7:01:00 PM THI 'llmlf .\ ·.••· · ·· · /;r.iEXMRIIENCE; I ;,1 '.~l~litfiftfil\!JnrJ think'·~ · ·_ ·· ··:;'·(:/<:·_·-:-•-<:-:·:?··;:·.. :,,, ,-·-·_·:- ' .... _. _.:.·~-~~------· .- ·,_,; ; -. " ... ·: , :_ j',. 1-, ,.1:··_,<"'-1_.,.::..~-.::.-.~:-~ , . .,_~ .. •. ·,, FC>f ·p~stots,Jrd:tlll!TC'.h. groups,. !sr,ael. is. ~er~ fh!!Jl,ili!e ,...;,Jf!~'feU11'-YsNP;f,"tqily ..•• , ' ; '~?~:,~litf )nth~se t~~P~ts,i~ a!~ea1:~107g;J~lt~,;:t~l?lyki:ri·;':\ :;:;_~;:. \ \, .• >~•i(~~( .. What you riligl)t not realize' isthat lsI11el has netcer'beeh a more p9pular 'desti~ation/"'. ·; . ·:,:,:, -· th~ri itis tiglifnii~. Qr, hpw simple ttcafi lie to i!Iijp. a!tifi fhere.·0r:Mw:niµ~fi¢ah b,e <i?'>, ' ..•"" seei:i ai:ici experie!lced in relatiyely_lltpe tjhfe,'m'~ ;>,, ,, •·, :~~, :,J:.", ..1f. \ .' • ~;,-'° -0. \.: ' .--( - :..----.;.- (::' ·/4: ,aru~EJ<~ _~_-F_M_rt{:s'..1\srn_ TR AVE,f i SRAEL _ .. _ . '. ,,, _-_ ._-:: .• _ .. --._. ... _-· : ·.-_:~: '.•:, ._ ·._ / t:-~-~:~]·"_:-Z'i':__ ;·'\:, _- , _' , 'ch_~r~!!E!X~ut'ive:cOJ!l , : ___R~ec¢i.v1td by'NSD,jF ARA Registration Ugit)J2/2J/2Ql8 ]:0l;Q0 PM _· . •.... ,·, ,_;£;__ ~ --_...._ Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 12/21/2018 7:01:00 PM or people of fa_it_h, the allure o~ a trip to Israel is timeless. To walk where Jesus walked, 7 things pastors F and to experience the Land of the Bible, is a monumental experience. rt is als.o an u_np_aralleled fellowship opportunity - a journey that can begin _well in probably don't know advance of the trip with \essoils focused on the biblical import_ance of going to Israel. Thus, making the bible come to life. about Israel These once-in-a-bfetime aspects are resonating in a big way with church-based travelers: Data shows that 2or4 was the best year to date for. North American travel to If :,1CL1\iC, ,:.:;qr;?_id~rf·~I · rip to _15-r·a.e,I ~- fc1· Is_rael -e.spedally a111ong_Catholics and Evangelicals. yourself. ;.:--c·ur· lc:i"11ily u1·\,vil11 ~-i g1·bUr=; of ch.Hd' m e_m!J e 1· s :=:. you j;'ciu·1~1,::: ·h(::12 iS ;J(,0L}Y $,1(2_r l"'igriv,1ay:C 01' exceller1L ··::iii ·1el1!/C k, C'ilcl ·:::km1e·stic" f,1 Qhl•S Here's why. ·:he c~ne1 COLn\ry ,.,vith Eilat lr'l l""1C s·outh". ::"h-J ---c ce :11 rh•c.; ·1qnh, 011 Far pastars, a trip to Israel Isn't just a anca-ln-a-lfatlmeuperlanoa-thare's rr1okr,; . 'SO value In pfnsaplnandapln. Yqi,_1 cn01i_se slips Ttavelers to Israel often fall in love with the country. Many times, this affinity begins ~i"l.'i7cfrfds Of a~. ~j ":i Gilt: i\Shdod when a pastor travels to Israel alone, Or with family. cr1 [~,e iV1editerrau:•or.i anc J·cl n-c,c· J1cn The admiration is cont_agious, it seems, a_s the same pastors frequen_tly return every 75 inf'.21·11_ati0ri_2,I f:y l'.) ~211 (JL!l._iQn year or two with different groups of church members. Oflcn, the size of the group 16cctCd 10 rl'il,::'S traveling incre_a_ses wi_th every trip to Israel a pastor orchestrates. lrs:::.rn "...~0"•/•1.:1town ·e /\viv allCi 25 m lcs troill U1c The plannfnsprDCeSSls much simpler than yau nqhtthink. Booking th.rough a t_our operator is very (amiliar with Israel, versus using a travel site s\lch as Expedia or Otbitz, is highly recommended. To this end, an extensive list of tour operators and travel agencies is available on line. l) Th_ere are lofo._of options for 9ettin·~- there Most tour operators and travel agencies do everything for t_he pastor and the church As ;i1-:.:irly 25 ~.o :7qn.;-tc,p fl ght.:; '? d2y gg "1·qrn group, so they have a cle·ar schedule. Typically, the trip is organized into a daily itinerary, f'fo; L'l ·Ame-1'ica to ls:·cel. nCr onl~/ abdar::i tailored by the pa_stor according to his church's needs. When planning is approached this 11atio172I a1_1·li,~e (1::L AL) lJ~ t also on P.i1 way, the entire process is surprisingly simple. DelL:i. Uriiied srld l/S ,£\.11- The first_step is simply reaching out to one of these providers. 1) IJ'~. ~.-?_hgrtgx f.1.ighJ t.h9_r,, Y()JJ.,n,_ight tti.i.n_k, 1he-lllllC8 prabablywan't be what yau upact. In many ways, ft will be_ ~"r°Orr"1 ~h:• U ·;_,~C:st CcaSt tb Te1· r.._vii.1 (h--e Many times, the Israel experience is more emotional than anticipated - eVe'n for fli~:hL takes 10 hours. That's s·~n·fica7t'y people of faith. This reaction is parti_cularly palpable a_s travelers sh_are thei_r experiences f,:.cst¼~ chin [' 21/i.:_l_ng frCTfl til:2 _U.-S_. ~p_sl with loved ones and chu·rch members back home via Facebook, TwitteT, Instagram and co·c·si: rn HcvVaii YouTube. Through photos, videos and m·ore, th_eir spiritual interactions with biblical sites come alive, in real time, keeping everyone engaged in this highly unique e_xperi_ence. t·there are 8.3111ifiio111srae11s. _Evc:11 L·1oi/:i1~ Additionally, the atmosphere in Israel might su·rprise many pastors and church Israel is ·;:he Jev,,ish S,:2,:e 2.5% of 1s1·:ce is groups. While seeing and experiencing holy places depicted in the Bible, the journey is framed in the context of a very advanced and modern country. In fact, Isra_el is home to more cellphones and laptops ·per capita than any other countr'y iil the World. (For more 4) Connec_tivit_y is ke~. In isr·c1e:I the1·t'.Cll'l'• surpr:ising facts, see the sid_ebar, right.) rnc,rc c;:c-llphgnQs _l),:JQkst::Jr,::s. _IJPWP.S. ,1,~c' Yau can experience a lot In a raasD1111ble amount of time. To get the full Israel experience, many groups opt for a seven-to-ro-day trip. Not only does this timeframe work well for many travelers' work schedules, Israel is a small 5) _l_s_r_9g_l .. i.~.~-c,.1::i_s;_i_·g~xe:d. '·'$_iHcp.n V<JUt:!Y ~-~s.t/' mun try. This means travelers can traverse go from north to south- from snow tp desert lt'S'thl2 ,;,v•:Jr1t·s SEC:6Sd• 1;:r1·~·es't C1·eJt6 Of IT -in several hours. ':>OiLwar·i::· a11d·svsterns An experience-rich seven-day sample itineury is ava'ilable onlin_e, begin_nii:ig in Jaffa; continuing to Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, the Dead Sea rni:l.ny points G) The worldwide "gr_een" revolution began beyond;and concluding with a view of ancient Jerusalem as seen from the top of Mount of i_r:i_l_~r-~e:J ~ c:;_(:!_nJWY -~g9.. More uees per Olives, time spent at the Garden of Gethsemane, and a trip to the Garden Tornb. Cl(1·e ~cliie b·ee,~, :5!~1~-:"ed iil 15(2e 5i1lCe 190C Another seven-day itinerary lets cycling enthusiasts explore well-known sites of lh::.ill i:":", 211'.✓ othe:· CDUllT"'y' oinl1~ pL1net the Galilee, from Mount Carmel to _the sea of Galilee; from First Kings to the Gospel of ;\,id.i.,i.o.ric1llv. l_si,:1cl,s :.. ·_aJc·bc2n scla John; from Elijah and Deborah to Jesus ofNaz.areth. 361//fr fb· h;,ii(il°;(] V,'~7ter·f9~ ?() ye_0,·s. 2_11:::I Yet, while· pastors and church groups can ex-per-ience quite a bit _in this amount of w•rer-s.w,m, d1·i;ri··1·iQalion ,,;,v,015 in\,:enrecl Lime, return trips to Israel affotd the opportunity' for the Same travelers to see more and in isrcel.

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