Tolzin tc■o Coeur dd'Alene — otoexhibhit at Hage:erman — ■ W s -7 iB d ^ rd s- ® I i iIm o n to n :w ins — - B 4 m m it n t s S ■ FricFriday.-May 25. 1990 . 635th 5 year. No. 145 Twin Falls,, tcIdaho ChilIna tr aide figlfht witth Contgress; lo o m i71 Wai t e r Khight-Riddcr Newlews Servicc trode bcbenefits it would hurt thce I C h in eese si people, would mean WASHINGTONDN — President higherr priccsp for Amcricon con­ Bush said Thursdaydoy he had dccid- sumers's iond would cost Americann “ conn t r o l cd-to-rcnew-Chiimina's preferential jobs. trade status for onoanother ycor, dis- The: ccongressional uproar wo^S............... ^ • ■ "ti’•ti' % counting congrcsscssional outrage immcdicdiate. "I think hc faccs somec - 11 - lhat he was rewari/arding a regime severe•e p ro b le m s h e re ," so idd ., i j that massacred its own citizcns House; SSpeaker Thomas Foley, D- alm ost exactly onene year] ago. W o shi. '"At the present time, I .......... souu g h t m “ I don’t think this is a reward to w ouldi ssoy he docs not have thc ’ f l B eijin g ," BMsh said.sai It is “not a votes to approve it." Tlie As.socialcdcd Press1 , spccial favor. It’st’s not a conces- SenatelOlc Majority Leader George __________ sion." he insistcijte d a l 0 White Mitchellell, D-Moine, promised to; 1 1 ............. .............. WASHINGTGTON — Legislftlion. Tlouse news conferffcrcnce where hc ^“aggres•essivcly otid vigorously" ---------------- - f e - restoring the auiliorityaull slates long cxer- announced his decisleision. , work t<to block Bush’s move,:! ■#. -.1 cised over thele waterw wiihin thcir bor- Saying thc extcxtension was "a whichh is "inconsislcnt withti , ■ dors hus beenI inliintroduced in Congress, difTicult decision,"1," Bush said that Amcricaican values." Idaho Rcpubliublican Larry Craig sub­ ifhe did not rtncvnew the 10-ycar- To. blblock the trode measure, mitted lhc bilbill in thc House on' old most-favored-i!d-nation (MFN) Congrejress would have to pass a Thursday, rc:reacting quickly to lIljB 3 50 5 ? J 22 7 /2 5 /° 'J 1 " re ssolution o of disapproval." ' B |B B M onday’s uniininiinimous U.S. Supreme, ?-P......................-r---------------- -j O nc3 Vwas introduced promptlyi . *' V Court decisionion giving' thc Federal, 1 1 2 7 W 2 3 22 0 0 S Thurstirsday in both the House andJ ' - 'J ^ L Energy Rcgulgulatory Commission' thc SeSenate. fc SALT LA<t CCITY ■ UT 1 5 aulhorily over/er sircam flows at thc, r lut .Bush would surely .veto doms il licenses.>es. su c hh a move, thus requiring ’H l ^ T h c'o ssau ltit onoi stole prim acy over two-thi-thirds majorities in both the B | j | i | l w ater came inn theihi midst of a rhetorical^ Houseuse and lhc Senate lo ovcr- ^^^B face-off bclwccveen the Northwest and’ rid e: ondo undo the preferential Los Angeles CouCounty over u proposol to' ^ trad]e e status, which grants thc siphon walcr;r ffrom thc Snuke und, f t low/esl e£ possible tariffs on n j c ' Columbia river?vers to drought-stricken, )orts to thc United Stales. Southern Colifonifomia. 'he administration was cal- lllljB "Water i-s oneone of our piosi precious Iting that thc outcry of oppo- com m odities,. onund wc'rc not about to’ on generated by Bush’s ........ Iclanylliing wrcrvrcnch it oway from .us r-^‘ B B ||||||^^JB :rtures to lhc repressive nol a Supremele CourtC ruling ond nol a Los Angeless CounlyC supervisor,” fconU acte^^ C hineincse regime lust year had 1200 d ie d tdown enough to let his Craig said. The Icgislaiiclalion would amend the ||||||||^H ^H ||H tradele |preferences policy prevail, Federal Power#er Act, which Justice- ' ly contrast. Bush said thc Sandni Day O'Connor,0 '( an Arizonon,' lilical climatc" in the Unitedd hoo ' M 96 used to supportlort Ihe water ruling she" les would moke it ‘•cxlraor- w rolc for the highigh court, urily difficult" to grant the ' Allhough lhthe cose involved a le.m ost-favorcd-nation star - to thc Soviets. ^ ^ * 7 federal dam, theihc olhcr 49 states backed ' . B ^ H ^ H ^ B _ 1 - APLM 1934 1 ^ 1 6 8aairaTiSraiSa^ 8 1 The'he president was referringg ■ California's claii:laim to primacy over tlic vehement congressional' President BushI sannounces his decisloiIon concerning f9 vored>d trade status for Chimn a federal governmenm ent on the issue. position to grunting trodec "Thc Supreme:me Court has relied on a leessions to thc Sovietss tion, and cmigralion lias,ha contin- K ong c c o n co m y w o u ld ho v e failedfal! and failing savingsJS a n d narro w inierprepreiulioh of the Federal- ilc they continue thcir dam-I- ucd from China ot respeccctable lev-, bccome "anxinxinnoccnt viclim of loansloa and contended thatat the Power Acl andid an01 unrealistic precedent ; ■ a g inng g economic blockade uff els," Bush soid. our'di.sputc wiwith Beijing” ifChino increasinginc billions of tax dcdollars to reach a decisiicision very threatening to ' Lithusluunia. lliot spccial tmde staluilus is whal 'were lo lose: prcfcrcnliolpi slotus. rcqtiircd'wcrereq not a bailoiout of slate water rightsjjhts," C raig said, Bestcsides, hc suid, “that is not oa thc United Slates exlend;ids to neor- Bush also3 sas id that C hina hod imprudentim^ thrift officials butut pro- Reversing thcthe high court ruling was ige wc’rc having to cross"" !y all its trading partnercrs. Bul. in taken "modestest'steps*' in the dircc- lectiontcci for their customers. • r ,!•' extrem ely criticatical iil Idaho, where reli- • ; . b e c:ause a i the trade stolus is.s thc case of China, it bccccame con- tionofhumanan rights Ihough. “they •• Declared he was “solislisficd censing proceec:eedings will lake place ccd. by law, lo u country’ss troversial after the June-e-4 slaugh- arc,'let’s foc'oce it. for from ude- wilhwit the budget summit talksks and lhc next(I I10 years on the Hells c m igigration i policies and thee tcr of pro-dcmocracy demonstra-dc quate." refusedrc f to be pinncd-dowiwn on Canyon complexilex of dams. 'icts continue to restrict cmi-I- tors in Tiananmen Squararc and thc Chinese importsim to thc United whetherwh hc would-supportI 0i tox Attorne/GciGeneral Jim Jones has lion, of Soviet Jews and oth-I- continuing crackdown onor suppon- Slates, whichch totaled 512 billion hike.hik warned that if lhthe decision stands, thc 3 1 1 1B M M -ers.TIThe Soviets are due lo con-I- crs of democratic reform;ins there. last year, wvould oi cosl 40 perccnt . * Called for restraint onn both federal commissnission would bo sure lo 1984 1985 1986,1J6 ,1987 1988 1989; sid eer r emigration reform lawss . U.S. businesses havcvc lob b ied more, .said Bush,Bu On other topics sidessid in the deadly Isroeli-,i-Arab increasedcd jstream flows through ^ ufler;r thet superpower summit inn " hard fo r ren ew al o f thtli c C h in a at ihe new s conferenceco. Bush: clashescla in'the IsrocU-occu:upicd ; those dams forbr power,i fish and possi- ; ■ B H H B B h I W ashishington May 31-Junc 3. m ost-favored-n'ation stsstatus, and • Said lehc would work with WcslWc Bunk und Gaza ond urgii ed bly even irrigatic;ation in Washington stato Sovn»»: aS.-CW/M Busin<ushoa3 AP/PalLyon# “MFN M i is based on emigra-,- Bush soid Thursday thatIt the Hong Congress to) protcctp depositors o f peacepea talks. and thot coulduld severely curtail the Council: Chinoso oovemmmmom availability o fwf water i in southern Idaho.' P r o - ch t o i c e 3[a< in s s h eould bicock Idalih o a n t iir ’ a b o r tiio n le g iss l a t i o n The Associated Press-s- • • • ■ ■ And if it comcs down tooatic.Lt.Gov. a '.Butpriro-choice advocates, an?mxiouiCto ' The pro-choiihoice side was guaranteed thithree Chase ensures unotllother plus for the pro- C.L;C. "Buleh" Otter has sasaid he would avoid losi)sing,momentum they seemcin ed to gain previously antiin ti-abodion Senate scats a;us o choice side. Bolh1 KerrickK< and Democrat BdlSE — Barringlg ;any major upsets in opposeop similar legislation. ih th e prprimary, remained conccncrncd that rcsuh of Tuesdirsday’s voting. They includee ithc Humberto FucntesI ofof Nampa, his opponent November, pro-choiC(3ice lawmakers should ■‘I’m not willing to conccdccde that they ure anti-abortjrtiori lawmakers might stilllill be able scat in Districti d 9 given up b y the rctirem<ment in Novcm'bcr, ore pro-i)ro-choicc. hold enough scats in1 tlithc 1991 Idaho Senate goinggo to have the voles, butIt I am willing lo lo w in ppassage of legislation wwilh stiff of Republicanan Sen. Norris “Doc" HydeIc of And in Boise, RepiRepublican state Rep. Ed lo efTectively bar passa;ssage of on anti-abortion concedeco that it’s going to be closc," Mike restn'ctiorons short o f those in H.B. 62625. Emmeit. GOP)P inominee Howord Koskcllolo o f O sb o m e and D emnocrot oc Don Lojek, both bill similar to .onehc approved by thc .HzHavcncr.ofJlwiiLEalls. directo:ctor.of thc poliiir____Ih a L b-bilL>!hich.v.:ould i .have .crccreated the Donnelly andind Democrat Terry Haunn of pro-choice candidates,Ues. orc vying for the seot Lcgislaturc this year.
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