Student Organization Guide Index of Organizations, Fall 2018 Updated 7.16.18 Active Minds at Southwestern University 55 Hispanics & Latinos Organization (HALO) 71 Sigma Delta Pi 52 Alpha Chi 38 Kappa Alpha Order 16 Sigma Phi Lambda 31 Alpha Delta Pi 12 Kappa Delta Chi 17 Sigma Tau Delta 53 Alpha Epsilon Delta 39 Kappa Delta Pi 43 Southwestern Astronomy Club 83 Alpha Kappa Alpha 13 Kappa Sigma 18 Southwestern Community Garden 84 Alpha Kappa Delta 40 Korouva Milkbar 72 Southwestern Economics Club 85 Alpha Lambda Delta 41 Lambda Pi Eta 44 Southwestern Mock Trial Team 86 Alpha Phi Omega 56 Lutheran Student Movement 29 Southwestern University Creative Writing Club 87 Alpha Xi Delta 14 Mask & Wig 7 Southwestern University Philosophy Society 88 A.M. Levy Jewish Student Association 24 Mathematical Association of America 8 Southwestern University Veterans Association 89 American Chemical Society 2 Megaphone 102 Southwestern University Young Life College 32 Animal Behavior Society 57 Men's Interfraternity Council (IFC) 19 The Spyglass 103 Art Association 3 Model United Nations 73 Student Athlete Advisory Council 35 Asian Student Association 58 Muslims & Allies 30 Student Foundation 90 Association of Computing Machinery 4 O.A.S.I.S. 9 Student Government Association 1 Best Buddies 59 Omicron Delta Kappa 45 Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 91 Beta Beta Beta 42 Phi Beta Kappa 46 Student Philanthropy Council 92 Better Together 25 Phi Delta Theta 20 Students for Environmental Activism & Brooks Prize Debate Society 60 Physics Club 10 Knowledge (SEAK) 93 Canterbury at SU 26 Pi Delta Phi 47 SU Animal Alliance 94 Cat Partners of Southwestern University 61 Pi Kappa Alpha 22 SU History Union 95 The Catalyst 62 Pi Kappa Lambda 48 SU Native 96 Catholic Student Association 27 Pi Mu Epsilon 49 SU Planned Piratehood 97 Cheerleaders 34 Pi Sigma Alpha 50 SU Pom Squad 36 Coalition for Diversity & Social Justice (CDSJ) 63 Pirate Hosts 74 SU Radio 104 College Democrats 64 Pirates for Pride 75 Sustain 98 College Republicans 65 Piratethon 76 Theatre for Social Justice 99 Delta Delta Delta 15 Pre-Dental Society 77 Transfer & Nontraditional Student Society 100 Delta Omicron 5 Pre-Law Society 11 Ultimate Frisbee 37 Ebony 66 Progressive Student Alliance 78 United Methodist Student Movement 33 E.M.P.I.R.E. 67 Psi Chi 51 University Programming Council (UPC) 101 Exercise is Medicine 68 Raising Awareness about Veganism to Upsilon Pi Epsilon 54 Fellowship of Christian Athletes 28 Everyone (RAVE) 79 Women’s Panhellenic Council 22 German Club 6 Robotics Club 80 Zeta Tau Alpha 23 The Golden Pirates 69 Rotaract 81 H.E.A.T. 70 Sailors & Sirens 82 1. Student Government 8. Mathematical Association of 15. Delta Delta Delta Association America Contact: Brenda Sanchez Contact: Sarah Shields Contact: Elyssa Sliheet Email: sanchez5 Email: shieldss Email: sliheete Purpose: a national sorority which Advisor: Jaime Woody Advisor: Therese Shelton shares an appreciation for Purpose: to provide a forum for Purpose: to spread the joy and individuality and a loyalty that lasts student opinions and concerns in excitement of math, promote the core beyond college life. order to increase communication values of Paideia, and encourage 16. Kappa Alpha Order between the student body and critical thought, rational expression, Contact: Alec McClure university community. and a desire to THINK! Email: mcclure3 9. O.A.S.I.S. Purpose: to create a lifetime DEPARTMENTAL Contact: Heather Turley experience which centers on 2. American Chemical Society Email: turleyh reverence to God, duty, honor, Contact: Julianna Mouat Advisor: Brenda Sendejo character and gentlemanly conduct. Email: mouatj Purpose: to encourage great 17. Kappa Delta Chi Advisor: Willis Weigand intellectual involvement and interest in Contact: Esther Ramos Purpose: to provide an opportunity for sociology and anthropology. Email: alphatau.president@ students of a chemical science to 10. Physics Club kappadeltachi.org become better acquainted with the Contact: Alexis Dimanche Advisor: Veronica Luna field and resources available to them. Email: dimancha Purpose: to promote service, 3. Art Association Advisor: Steven Alexander sisterhood, and the core values of Contact: Natalie Young Purpose: to foster wide student Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Email: youngn interest and participation in the fields Leadership among women at Advisor: Ron Geibel of physics and engineering. Southwestern University. Purpose: to promote interest in visual 11. Pre-Law Society 18. Kappa Sigma and other arts, unify art students, and Advisor: TBA Contact: Dillon Betros support the department. Purpose: to provide informational Email: betrosd 4. Association of Computing programs and admissions Purpose: one of the oldest and Machinery assistance for students interested in largest fraternities in North America Advisor: David Williamson pursuing law school. dedicated to the total development Email: williamd of today’s college man by fostering a GREEK/SOCIAL Purpose: to promote increased values-based fraternity environment ORGANIZATIONS knowledge and interest in the science on our principles of fellowship, and applications of computing. 12. Alpha Delta Pi leadership, scholarship, and service. 5. Delta Omicron Contact: Jorden Martz 19. Men’s Interfraternity Council Contact: Isabel Tweraser Email: martzj (IFC) Email: twerasei Purpose: a national sorority with Contact: Sam Cox Advisor: Bruce Cain women who embrace the principles Email: cox3 Purpose: a co-ed professional music of scholarship, leadership, service to Advisor: Derek Timourian fraternity that promotes music on others, and sisterhood. Purpose: a governing and legislative campus, in our community, and 13. Alpha Kappa Alpha body for fraternities which works for nationally. Contact: Nalyah Johnson the improvement of the fraternity 6. German Club Email: johnso19 system. Contact: Andrew Jezisek Advisor: Alicia Moore 20. Phi Delta Theta Email: jeziseka Purpose: to cultivate and encourage Contact: Zach Rowan Advisor: Erika Berroth high scholastic and ethical Email: rowanz Purpose: to promote an appreciation standards; promote unity and Purpose: an international, social of the German language and culture friendship among college women; fraternity committed to an intense in the community. alleviate problems concerning girls bond of friendship between brothers, 7. MasK & Wig and women; maintain a progressive to high academic achievement, and Contact: Bonnie Lambert interest in college life; and to provide to living life with integrity. Email: lambertb service to all mankind. 21. Pi Kappa Alpha Advisor: John Ore 14. Alpha Xi Delta Contact: Johnson Elrod Purpose: a student-run organization Contact: Julia Tape Email: elrodj committed to exposing the campus Email: tapej Purpose: a national men’s fraternity community to Theatre by giving Purpose: a national sorority which dedicated to developing men of students more opportunities to pursues full development of potential integrity, intellect, success, and high participate and perform in in a woman’s campus, chapter, and moral character. productions. personal life. 22. Women’s Panhellenic Council 29. Lutheran Student Movement 35. Student Athlete Advisory Contact: Lauren Gillespie Advisor: Megan Danner Council Email: gillespl Email: dannerm Contact: Jillian Jeane Advisor: Jaime Woody Purpose: to support and develop Email: jeanej Purpose: to compile standards the faith life of Lutheran students by Advisor: Doug Ross which govern recruiting and participation in opportunities for Purpose: to facilitate communication membership for sororities and Christian worship. between student-athletes, the promote the benefits of Greek life. 30. Muslims & Allies athletic department, and the NCAA, 23. Zeta Tau Alpha Contact: Zeynep Guven as well as promoting sportsmanship, Contact: Sarah Butterworth Email: guvenz leadership, and community Email: buttersw Advisor: Banafsheh Madaninejad involvement. Purpose: a national sorority striving Purpose: To teach members of the 36. SU Pom Squad to make a difference in the lives of student body about Islam, its Contact: Alexandra Vidaurri its members by developing the followers and history; to create a Email: vidaurrg potential of each individual. better understanding in the Advisor: Anna Castillo community about the Muslim Purpose: to unite talented young RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS people; to support Muslim and non- men and women in order to learn 24. A.M. Levy Jewish Student Muslim students as they learn more more about the art of dance through Association (JSA) about Islam. intense rehearsals and Advisor: Michael Saenger 31. Sigma Phi Lambda performances. Email: saengerm Contact: Susan Wright 37. Ultimate Frisbee Purpose: to foster Jewish identity at Email: wrights Advisor: Anna Castillo SU through fellowship, Advisor: Megan Danner Email: castilla religious/cultural activities, and Purpose: to glorify God by providing Purpose: to foster a student wide communication. a source of Christian fellowship to interest and participation in ultimate 25. Better Together Christian women who seek to know frisbee by providing programs and Contact: Leanne Johnson His person, His will, and His ways. services for interested students. Email: johnson18 32. Southwestern University SCHOLASTIC/HONORARY Advisor: Megan Danner Young Life College SOCIETIES Purpose: to foster dynamic Contact: Sydney Hubbard conversations across religious, Email: hubbards 38. Alpha Chi spiritual, and political lines. Advisor: Glenn Schwab Contact: Lauren Gillespie 26. Canterbury of SU Purpose:
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