ACCENT: Hockney exhibits ‘real’ photos Chill out Windy and much cooler Wed- j nesday with a 50 percent //,//, chance of showers during the VIEWPOINT: New Jersey: hardly Hell morning. High in the mid 50s. VOL. XXI, NO. 116 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1988 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Task forces release recommendations By CHRIS MURPHY The health task force concerned itself Editor-in-Chief with five major areas in its report. Rs goals were to face “significant areas $hti(inrsitu of |Nutre Jhuitc The reports of four Notre Dame task of concern,’’ including a high propor­ forces have been completed and are ex­ tion of Notre Dame students who drink J'Tutrc JQlltlie, piiibiimu -16556 pected to be distributed to the campus excessively, the consumption of alcohol community today, according to Rich­ on football weekends, the level of drink­ d Eh. p , . l 6 , n l m .h l. "JBuIm ” ard Conklin, director of public relations ing at alumni reunions, the University’s Apr II. 1988 and information. responsibility to uphold state laws and “the axiom that without alcohol there TASK FORCE REPORTS is no social life.” Whole Health and the Use and Abuse Dear Members of the Notre Dame Community, see pages 4-5 of Alcohol Task Force head and Direc­ A year ago four Task Forces were appointed by me, by Provost tor of the University Counseling Center Timothy O'Meara and by Father David T. Tyson, C.S.C., Vice Presi­ The task forces have studied four Patrick Utz was satisfied with the ef­ dent for Student A ffa irs . They were to examine four Important aspects of University life: forts of the task force. areas of University life: • Whole Health and the Use and Abuse “Overall, I am pleased with the work. Marriage. Family and Other Life Commitments of Alcohol In some areas, there were some strong Whole Health and the Use and Abuse of Alcohol • Residentiality disagreements obviously. But that is The Quality of Teaching In a Research University Res I dent I a ! Ity • Marriage, Family and Other Life part and parcel of university life,” Utz Commitments said. I share these studies with you In this special edition of the • The Quality of Teaching in a Research Utz emphasized two things students Notre Dame Report. They are Important reading for anyone con­ cerned about our I I vIng-and-I earn Ing community. It Is now the University. should remember when reading the task of myself, Provost O'Meara and Father Tyson to consider care­ The reports concerning marriage and reports. First, the recommendations fu lly the recommendations made In light of resources.avaI IabIe to teaching were not available at press were for the whole Notre Dame com­ Implement them. In determining p r io ritie s , we should be grateful for your reactions. Kindly direct your comments to the person to time. munity, and not just directed at the stu­ whom the report was made. The reports of the task forces are only dent body. Second, the task force’s recommendations and not binding. The directive was not to w rite a set of rules. In closing I should like to commend the Committees for their excel lent work. Many hours——hours that could be spent much more reports have been presented to Univer­ Instead, the directive was to set up pos­ pleasantly— go Into this sort of Committee work, resulting In a sity President Father Edward Malloy, itive educational programs and social kind of camaraderie of discursiveness. The larger community Is In Provost Timothy O’Meara and Vice .your debt for the thoughtfulness with which you performed your alternatives. servIce. President for Student Affairs Father The residentiality task force focused David Tyson. on the “quality, sufficiency and vari­ Again, I encourage your own reactions to the reports. Malloy requested in the opening let­ ety” of living facilities. Other areas of Cord I a I Iy , ter accompanying the reports that stu­ concern in the report were student con­ dents direct comments to the adminis- duct in the dorms, the selection process ) u i tator to whom the report was directed. (Rev.) Edward A. Malltiy, C.S.C. for rectors and resident assistants and Pres I dent Malloy, O’Meara and Tyson ap­ the “relationship between pointed students, faculty and staff to the task forces last May. see TASK, page 4 Shriver awarded Laetare medal for work on Special Olympics By KATIE KEARNEY prestigious award given to bearing that truth and our faith Assistant Saint Mary’s Editor American Catholics. that their special witness to it In announcing the award, Fa­ will indeed prevail.” Eunice Kennedy Shriver, ther Malloy said, “Inscribed on Father Malloy explained that founder and chairman of Spe­ each Laetare Medal is the “each year we look for an out­ cial Olympics International, slogan, Truth is mighty and standing Catholic leader to will be awarded the 1988 will prevail.’ Last summer, honor. There are a lot of good Laetare Medal during the Uni­ while hosting the International Catholics out there,” he said, versity’s commencement Special Olympics, the Notre “but we narrow it down to one ceremonies May 15, according Dame community saw anew an who has dedicated their life in to Rev. Edward A. Malloy, ancient Christian truth: Christ a specific area of service or ac­ C.S.C., president of the Univer­ comes most often in the tivity.” sity of Notre Dame. stranger’s guise. By commend­ “ We recognize Mrs. Shriver ing Mrs. Shriver, the chief ar­ for her lifetime commitment to The Laetare Medal, Notre chitect of that celebration, we service and particularly her Dame’s highest honor, is emphasize our gratitude to all widely considered the most the Special Olympians for see LAETARE, page 9 HPC directs student reponse By DAN MURPHY reports), and there will be would just be considered Staff Reporter some strong response to it,” he adolescent.” said. Doyle said task forces will go Task force reports on alcohol to each dorm to hear student and residentiality, which were “ We feel it’s our job as stu­ response one week to 10 days confidentially distributed to dent government to head up the after the report’s release. A the HPC last week, will appear response,” said Doyle. “It’s transcription from each in student mailboxes today, ac­important that we respond in a meeting will be sent to Univer­ cording to Student Body Pres­ legitimate manner. If Mike sity President Father Edward ident Tom Doyle. (Paese, student body vice pres­ Malloy, who will be invited to The HPC received the ident) and I felt that the best attend all meetings, according reports early “to prevent a way to show the adm inistration to Doyle. rumor mill,” Doyle said at how we feel was to storm the The reports also address Love is in the air Tuesday’s HPC meeting. “I’m administration building, then marriage and family and A couple pauses for a moment on the bank of St. Mary's Lake. In spring, sure some of the students are that’s what we would’ve done. the lakes are often surrounded by students taking advantage of the warm going to be surprised (by the Something like that, I think, see HPC, page 3 temperatures. page 2 The Observer Wednesday, April 6, 1988 Of Interest Without the Easter Bunny, Representative John Hilerwill speak on “Election we’re all basket cases ’88” to all interested people and members of the College Republicans tonight at 7 p.m. in the Notre Dame Room Easter may be over, but the Easter Bunny of LaFortune. -The Observer remains a mystery. A popular icon of our egg- coloring culture. A creature that is at once cuteRegis University Counseling Centeris presenting the and cuddly and somehow able to provide mil­ Coccia first of a two part workshop titled “Women and Careers.” lions with baskets aplenty on Easter morning. The first workshop will be tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in But why do we attribute Easter benevolence to News Editor the Sorin Room in LaFortune. Tonight’s workshop will a bunny? focus on women and career decisions. Next week’s The answer is, why not? A rabbit is as good workshop will focus on balancing family and career. -The a symbol as any other for a holiday com­ Observer memorating the resurrection of Christ. A bird or a fish might suffice, but they lack the natural Italian Culture Week presents Giovanna Sanduskey charm of a soft, swift and taciturn bunny. lecturing on contemporary Italian art today at 4 p.m. in For one thing, rabbits are remarkably able the m edia center of the SMC library. -The Observer to multiply. It seems appropriate they should stand for a “new life.” It’s no coincidence that “Where Are You In Your Job Search” will be the most Easter candy comes in the shape of an topic of a workshop for graduating students scheduled for egg. An egg is the symbol of life. Easter, in tonight at 6:30 in 119 O’Shaughnessy. Jeff Rice, assistant case we forget, celebrates new life, too. All director of Career and Placement Services, will discuss right, you’re probably wondering what mam­ strategies to help secure that “elusive” job.-The Observer mals have to do with eggs. Biologically speak­ ing, well, nothing really. ChannclPost-GradVolunteerProgramrepresentatives Easter baskets (and their bearer) symbolize Scott Connelly (Notre Dame ’87) and Mary Ann Van Tassel a gathering or harvest of souls. Eggs represent (St. Mary’s ’87) will be available to talk to students today life, precious and fragile, needful of care and from 10 a.m.
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