AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Barbara B. Nevins for the degree of Master of Science in Geology presented on December 14, 1982 Title: STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE RUSSELL RANCH OIL FIELD AND VICINITY, SOUTHERN COAST RANCES-(ALIFORN Abstract approved: Signature redacted for privacy. ' D. Robert(SA Yeats The Russell Ranch oil field is located in the southern Coast Rangeswest ofBakersfield, California. Detailed subsurface mapping shows that a northwest-oriented right-lateral wrench-fault system was active from possibly latest Oligocene to Pliocene time. The effects of Quaternary thrusting were superimposed on, and in- fluenced by, structures associated with the older wrench tectonic regime. The right-lateral shear system produced a complex pattern of right-stepping en echelon folds, dip-slip faults with normal separation, and strike-slip faults with both normal and reverse separation. Deformation along the wrench system began during de- position of the late Oligocene-earlv Miocene Soda Lake Shale and Painted Rock Sandstone members of the Vaqueros Formation, pro- duciu elongate en echelon submarine troughs and highs. Northerly trending growth faults of early Miocene age caused thickening of the late Saucesian-early Relizian Saltos Shale Member of the MontereyFormation and mayhave initiated growth of the Russell Ranch anticline. Northeast- to northwest-trending normal faults and northwest-trending strike-slipfaults ofthe Russell fault system were active during deposition of a sequence tentatively correlated with the Branch Canyon Sandstone and Santa Margarita Formation of middle and late Miocene age. Strike-slip faulting produced a complex interleaving of fault slices and juxtaposed slices of contrasting lithologies and orientations. Subsequent minor movement along the wrench system folded the base of the Morales Formation, of PJ.iocene-Pleistocene age, into elongate en echelon folds. The north-dipping Whiterock and Morales thrusts brought Miocene and younger strata southward over deposits as young as late Pleistocene. The Whiterock thrust changes southward from a southeasterly to an easterly strike. The upper plate was thrust southward, and structures in the lower plate apparently controlled the geometry of the developing fault plane. The thrust ramps as it overrides the normal and strike-slip faults of middle Mb- cene age; rootless folds similar to those found in the Caliente Range are present in the upper thrust plate above the tectonic ramps. Wrench-related faulting in the Cuyama basin predates similar movement along the San Aridreas fault to the northeast and may represent a strand of the proto-San Andreas fault. Quaternary thrusting in the basin was influenced by and now obscures the structures of the older wrench fault system; thrusting activity was probably contemporaneous with thrust faulting in the Trans- verse Ranges to the south. STRL'CTUPAL EVOLUTION OF THE RUSSELL RANCH OIL FIELD AND VICINITY, SOUTHERN COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA by Barbara B. Nevins A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed December 14, 1982 Commencement June 1983 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Robert S. Yeats acquainted me with Cuyama Valley and was available for guidance and advice thoughout the study. William J. M. Bazeley of Arco Exploration Company was instrumental in the origination and continued support of the project. T. W. Dibblee, Thom Davis, and Ernie Duebendorfer generously provided their un- published geologic maps of the area; Thom Davis also provided many enlightening field trips and discussions. Hans F. Schwing of Oregon State University shared the terrors of dodging killer snakes and spiders in the field, and never tired of discussing Cuyama Valley geology. Isabelle and Lamar Johnston generously gave me a home in Cuyama Valley during the summer of 1980. Karla Urbanowicz helped construct many cross-sections, and Edwin Howes deserves a special thanks for his excellent drafting and his once strong nerves. I would especially like to thank Alan R. Wallace, whose support and encouragement were overwhelming and unending through- out this endeavor. This project was funded under National Science Foundation grant EAR-802227l. Atlantic Richfield Company provided support for field work during the summer of 1980. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Geologic Setting I Methods 6 Previous Work 7 STRATIGRAPHY 9 General Statement 9 Crystalline Basement Complex 14 Unnamed Pre-Oligocène Marine Sedimentary Sequence 15 Siimnler Formation 17 Vaqueros Formation 19 Quail Canyon Sandstone Member 19 Soda Lake Shale Member 21 Painted Rock Sandstone Member 22 Monterey Formation 23 Saltos Shale Member 23 Whiterock Bluff Shale Member 24 Branch Canyon Sandstone 26 Santa Margarita Formation 27 Branch Canyon Sandstone-Santa Margarita Formation, 29 undifferentiated (BCSM) Morales Formation 30 Alluvium 32 STRUCTURE 34 General Statement 34 Pre-Caliente Range Structures 34 Vaqueros Age Deformation 36 Cox-type Faults 38 Russell Fault System 39 Morales Age Deformation 45 Caliente Range Faults 46 Whiterock Fault 47 Morales Fault 53 GEOLOGIC HISTORY 55 CONCLUSIONS 61 REFERENCES CITED 64 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Index Map of California 9 General index map of the Cuyama basin 3 Generalized geologic map of the Cuyama basin 5 Generalized stratigraphy of the Cuyama basin 10 Composite type electric log for the Russell Ranch 11 oil field, lower plate of the Whiterock fault Composite type electric log for the Russell Ranch 12 oil field, upper plate of the Whiterock fault Pre-Vaqueros subcrop map with isopachs of the 13 Simmler Formation Tectonic map of the Cuyama Valley 35 Stratigraphic correlation section of the 37 Vaqueros Formation Diagrammatic map of the facies boundary between 42 Branch Canyon Sandstone and the Monterey Formation Diagrammatic cross section of rootless folds 50 produced in thin-skinned tectonics Structure contour map of electric log marker 21 51 in the Saltos Shale Member of the Monterey Formation, upper plate of the Whiterock fault LIST OF PLATES Plate Pocket I Well base map and cross section locations II Well base map of Russell Ranch oil field and cross section locations III Geologic map of the Russell Ranch area IV Isopach map of the interval from electric log marker 25 in the Saltos Shale Member to the base of the Vaqueros Formation V Cross section A-A' VI Cross section B-B' VII Cross section C-C' VIII Cross section D-D' IX Cross section E-E' X Cross section F-F' XI Cross section c-c' XII Cross section H-H' XIII Cross section I-I' XIV Structure contour map of electric log marker 25 in the Saltos Shale Member of the Monterey Forma- tion in the Russell Ranch oil field XV Structure contour map of the Russell fault XVI Structure contour map of the base of the Morales Formation showing paleogeography XVII Structure contour map, of the Whiterock fault STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF THE RUSSELL RANCH OIL FIELD AND VICINITY, SOUTHERN COAST RANGES, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION The Russell Ranch oil field is one of two major fields in the Cuyama basin in the southern Coast Ranges between Bakersfield and San Luis Obispo, California (Figs. 1 and 2). Recent attempts to extend the oil fields have been unsuccessful, perhaps in part due to an inadequate understanding of the complex structural and stratigraphic relations in the Cuyama basin. The Cuyama basin is part of the southern Salinian block, a terrane west of the San Andreas fault and east of the Sur-Naci- miento fault, north of the Transverse Ranges province. Older structures in the Cuyama basin reflect strike-slip faulting, which is characteristic of the Salinian block, whereas younger structures resemble the Transverse Ranges in both orientation and reverse- fault style. A better understanding of the structural style and deformational history of the Russell Ranch oil field serves two purposes: (1) to aid future petroleum exploration in the Cuyama region, and (2) to contribute to the understanding of the neotec- tonic relation of the southern Salinian block to both the Trans- verse Ranges and the San Andreas fault. Geologic Setting The Coast Ranges of California, characterized by northwest- trending right-slip faults, are truncated to the south by the 2 Figure1. Index map. 0 T -N 0 (S' 0 ' -v Figure 2 Figure Bakersfield N0 'L. Mojave Desert 34°N '0 Little Los n Bernardino Angel Mountains '-p 0 00 200 300 Km 100 200 Mi 24° 1200 116°W \20° N90 /1 N GREAT VALLEY N AN RANGE FRAER GABRIEL satuFAULTRRIZO - . N 'V44 CHIMEN LAKE, 7k hr.V7 / kii. IL AP.CJI Ails N - s Figure 2. Tectonic Map of SIJRNACIMIENTO uAFAULT_____!EPAN7ARANGE souTh CuycL? A0 the Cuyama Basin. RNGE SANRAFAEL MTNS Strike-slipDotted FaultwhereReversecovered Fau / SCA I. E CALIFORNIA o Jo 20 Kin 0Orolano iiLdwJnJO ft. Howt$20 20° Anticline 4 Transverse Ranges province which is dominated by west-trending reverse faults. The Cuyarna basin is located in the southern Coast Ranges and lies near the boundary between the two structural prov- inces (Figs. 1 and 2). The Salinian block, located in the southern Coast Ranges, is characterized by gneissic and granitic basement. In contrast, the basement rocks of the Coast Ranges east of the San Andreas fault and west of the Sur-Nacimiento fault consist mainly of the Franciscan Formation. The Cuyama basin, located in the southern Salinian block, was filled by a succession of sedimentary units of middle to late Cenozoic age which overlapped both a pre- Oligocene sedimentary sequence and the crystalline basement (Fig. 3). The north-northwest-trending Russell fault transects the Cuyama basin and is probably the southeastern extension of the Red Hills-San Juan-Chimeneas fault system to the northwest (Schwade et al., 1958; Bartow, 1974). This fault system inter- sects the San Andreas fault north of Red Hills and separates gran- itic terrane on the west from predominantly gneissic terrane on the east (Ross, 1978). The present-day Cuyama Valley transects the Cuyama basin with a slightly north-of-west trend which is similar to orientations in the Transverse Ranges.
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