HERB: a robot that can Upsets abound in March Greek Sing exceeds separate Oreos • A4 Madness • A10 philanthropy goal • B8 SCITECH SPORTS PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan March 25, 2013 Volume 107, Issue 21 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 CMU, NSA search for student hackers Forum highlights personal wellness BRIAN TRIMBOLI structure developed by S4DD Assistant News Editor meant to “bring more inclu- sive conversation to campus,” In response to January’s according to Justin Mando, a Town Hall on Carnegie Mel- Ph.D. candidate in rhetoric lon culture, the student and an officer in S4DD. government — in conjunc- Around 80 people attend- tion with the department of ed the event, Mando said. student affairs — devised a “We asked anyone who strategy to combat the issues would be interested in at- discussed. An event orga- tending to fill out a survey nized by Students for a Delib- form that asked why they Annette Ko/Art Editor erative Democracy (S4DD) want to attend, rate how big was held in the University an issue it is, say what they South Korea. “A lot Center’s Rangos Hall last think of the issues at play. ALVIN MATHEW of people would be Tuesday. We had a really big response Staffwriter interested in com- The purpose of the event, from this, but it was also a puter security from according to S4DD’s program manageable response, so we Carnegie Mellon this opportunity,” manager and Ph.D. candi- randomly selected constitu- teamed up with the Brumley said. date in rhetoric Tim Dawson, ents to try and get the most National Security As a part of the was to “bring together multi- diverse response,” Dudley Agency (NSA) to cre- Toaster Wars com- ple voices, multiple perspec- said. ate a high school petition, high tives” and to facilitate con- S4DD, Dawson said, hacking competition school hackers versation on campus stress “helped develop surveys, known as “Toaster will be given a culture. helped develop background Wars,” which takes scenario Meela Dudley, student materials, helped them place April 26 to May 6. in which body vice president and cre- structure the event; we Sponsored by the they are ative and professional writ- helped train moderators and NSA and supported by told to ing double major, said that note -takers.” Carnegie Mellon’s own use their January’s Town Hall “opened At the roundtable event, hacking group, the Plaid w e go in, hacking the flood gates of conversa- small discussion groups of Parliament of Pwning (PPP), break into stuff, skills tion.” After the Town Hall, seven or eight people were Toaster Wars has been devel- and hack into to re- Dudley said that student gov- hosted at each table, assisted oped into a high-profile hack- things.” pair a ro- ernment needed “a stricter by a moderator and recorded ing competition. of the The PPP’s bot from way to collect that data, but by a note-taker. Afterward, It came into being through PPP’s adviser and an as- space and to we still wanted to have a there was a resource panel a large amount of effort put lead- sistant electrical and figure out some of his face-to-face conversation, and a Q&A session. These forth by PPP and the Enter- ers, the computer engineer- secrets. rather than a survey.” tainment Technology Center group often ing professor David Brumley According to the competi- The event was based on a See CULTURE, A3 (ETC). creates and competes in Cap- notes the PPP’s success. “PPP tion’s official website, “The Formed in 2009, the PPP ture the Flag hacking exer- is actually ranked in the world competition is a series of is self-described as a security cises. for security research groups, challenges centered around a interest group. According to “We create security puzzle even [among] professional unique story line where partic- Tyler Nighswander, senior type things for exploitation, teams.” It has competed in ipants must reverse engineer, computer science and phys- hacking, et cetera,” Night- various contests, and its next ics double major and also one swander explained. “Then competition is to be held in See HACKING, A3 Hunt for next CMU VP/CFO continues LAUREN WILLIAMS President of Campus Affairs negotiating research over- opinion regarding the posi- Junior Staffwriter and search committee chair head rates, developing budget tion. Michael Murphy, “One very plans, advising on property First-year logic and com- Carnegie Mellon Univer- important facet of the role be- acquisition, and monitoring putation major Deanna Daly sity in currently in the midst yond his or her immediate or- the effectiveness of interna- said, “I hope that the new of a search process for a new ganization … is collaborative tional initiatives. vice president is one who re- vice president and chief finan- involvement and leadership in “It is a critical role, if per- ally considers the position of cial officer. the whole of the administra- haps somewhat less visible to individuals, and not just the The position of vice presi- tion. President Jared Cohon students than some,” Murphy institution as a whole. Even dent and chief financial officer and Executive Vice President continued. though we are getting a great (CFO) — a singular position and Provost Mark Kamlet have Although many students education, being a student — organizes the central finan- nurtured this kind of team- are unfamiliar with the re- here is financially straining on cial services of the university, work exceptionally, in the best sponsibilities of the CFO, his our families, and I think that including the budget, payroll, Carnegie Mellon tradition.” or her actions play a vital role really has an impact on stu- accounts receivable and pay- Mark Kamlet is the current in- in the university’s day-to-day dent lifestyle. This is definitely able, the treasurer’s office, in- terim CFO. activity. When approached, something that I’m hoping to ternal audits, and sponsored Specific duties of the CFO most students were eager to see improved.” Photo courtesy of Tim Dawson projects. position include issues such learn more about the role The Center of Deliberative Democracy held an additional forum on According to current Vice as proposing tuition and fees, of the CFO and to give their See SEARCH, A3 Carnegie Mellon’s “stress culture.” Elections preview: candidates prepare for first debate Photos courtesy of the respective candidates From left to right, Thomas Healy with Caitlin Jones and Peter Masters with Lindsay MacGillivray, for student body president and vice president. BRENT HEARD and vice president (SBVP) student body president and ted an official platform to the dents feel about the various activities budget approval pro- NOËL UM will be held on Monday from vice president. Junior biology student government elections activities offered on campus. I cess. News Co-Editors 6–7:20 p.m. in McConomy Au- major Lindsay MacGillivray website. want to know what you want The candidates for SBVPO ditorium, and debates for stu- and sophomore social and de- The candidates for SBVPF to see more or less of, how you are sophomore business ma- With student government dent body vice president for cision sciences and philosophy are sophomore statistics major think your money should be jor Susanna Park, sophomore elections less than a week finance (SBVPF) and student double major Peter Masters Jalen Poteat and sophomore allocated, and what groups economics major Radowan away, students can look for- body vice president for organi- are running together; junior psychology major Joshua think about the process in- Khan, and junior psychology ward to hearing candidates for zations (SBVPO) will be held mechanical engineering and Swanson. volved with applying for, re- and decision science double Student Senate outline their on Tuesday 6:30–9:30 p.m. in engineering and public policy While Poteat has not sub- ceiving, and using funding.” major Corinne Rockoff. None platforms during debates, Rangos 3. double major Thomas Healy mitted a formal platform to He went on to state that of these candidates has sub- which will be held today and Polls will open online and junior business major the official elections website, he hopes to improve commu- mitted a formal platform. tomorrow. March 28 at noon and will Caitlin Jones run on the other Swanson stated, “One of my nication between the Joint The VPF debate will begin Debates for the positions of close April 2 at 6 p.m. ticket. first priorities would be to im- Funding Committee (JFC) student body president (SBP) Two tickets are running for Neither pair has submit- mediately find out how stu- and organizations during the See ELECTIONS, A3 A2 « thetartan.org/news The Tartan » March 25, 2013 FEATURE PHOTO NEWS IN BRIEF Nagoski presents influential music CMU professors attend London summit Mark Kryder, professor of the Chinese Academy of En- electrical and computer engi- gineering. neering, and Philip R. LeDuc, The purpose of the sum- professor of mechanical engi- mit is to put world-renowned neering, attended the Grand thinkers into discussions Challenges Summit at Savoy about the world’s most criti- Place in London from March cal issues. “This was a won- 12–13. derful opportunity to meet At the Grand Challenges leaders from a broad sector Summit, global thought lead- of academia, industry, and ers, including Bill Gates, dis- government,” LeDuc said. cussed ideas for solving some LeDuc won a competitive of the world’s most signifi- Grand Challenges Explora- cant problems. tions Award in 2011 from the Kryder, former director Bill & Melinda Gates Founda- of Carnegie Mellon’s Data tion for his work on nutrition Storage System Center, said for infants and children in that the summit allowed him underdeveloped countries.
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