The International Magazine of THE CHURCH OF GOD ~ ~~~ ~ VOL. XII, NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1963 WHY God’s Women Do Not Wear MAKE-UP Here is the answer to the question: “Is it a SIN?” Here are ull the FACTS-where, when, by whom, and why it originated --its history-what the BIBLE says about it. by Herbert W. Armstrong OST WOMEN, today, take the use GOD’SLAWS (I John 3:4).The Apostle thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done of make-up as a matter of course. Paul said he would not have known this evil in thy sight” (Psalm 51 :4). M To ask the question, “Is it wrong? what constituted sin; except by Gods David’s sin was against God alone! Is it a SIN?” would prove a little start- Law. He would not have known it was God’s laws were devised and set in ling, and probably ridiculous, to the sin to covet, had not the tenth com- motion for oar good. Do we not all average modern woman. mandment given him that knowledge. want to be happy? God’s laws are THE Your great - grandmother probably Many people today, by the same WAY to happiness. Do we not want to would not have thought such questions token, do not know whether it is sin to find everything and everybody at peace ridiculous. But the modern girl or wom- wear lipstick, or other make-up on the with us? God’s laws are THE WAY to an lives in a world in which it has be- face. They have not looked into God’s peace. They are the way to an interest- come as common to make up the face spiritual MIKKOH - His Law - to see ing, full, abundant life of real radiating as to put on clothes or arrange the whether make-up is sinful dirt on the JOY. They are the way to good health, hair. face! to prosperity, to the thrill of accorn- When we get so close to a habitual UNDERSTANDTHIS: God does not plishment and success. practise that we are surprised by these allow you to decide WHAT is sin. He Get this straight: questions, perhaps we need to stop right allows you to decide only WHETHER you 1) God forbids nothing that is good where we are, and take a hard look at will sin! for us. God’s laws forbid only what is THE FACTS! Before ancient Israel God set, on the bad for us-harmful to us or to others. one hand, right ways and blessings; and They are the way to pevent sickness Who Decides What is Sin! on the other hand, transgressions and and ill health, mental problems and dis- As God’s minister, I am commanded CURSES ending in eternal death. And He turbances, neuroses, heartaches, fears to lift up my voice and cry aloud, and commanded them: “CHOOSE!” He al- and worries, discouragements and frus- show God’s people their sins. Most peo- lowed them to choose the way of sin trations, boredoms and emptiness, pov- ple do not know what sin is. Most peo- and death; but He commanded them to erty and unhappiness. choose LIFE! You LaimJL decide WHAT plc assumc that sin is doing what thev 2) We cannot say that every custom is sin-but you may decide WHETHER -or society-believes to be wrong. or practise of this world’s society is to sin. And whatever you sow, that shall The very first thing we need to get “worldly,” wrong, sinful in Gods sight. you reap! It‘s inexorable! settled in our minds is this: GOD DOES Just the fact that a practise like the use SIN is against GOD, not people. King NOT ALLOW us TO DECIDE what IS of make-up is a universal custom in the David harmed a woman and her hus- SIN! Nor does He allow His ministers world does not, of itself, make it a sin. band when he forcibly committed adul- to decide it for you. GOD HIMSELFlays SIN is not defined or determined by tery with Bathsheba and then muidered down the law! God created and set in what may be or may not be a universal inexorable motion the laws it is SIN to her husband. But, in broken-hearted re- transgress. Sin is the transgression of pentance, David said to God: “Against (Please continue on page 4) 2 The GOOD NEWS Letters to the Editor Comments from French Broadcast that both of these pieces of literature are something very special -yes, the “Dear Sir: most interesting things I have ever “It sure is a good feeling to hear International magazine of read! ” someone speak of God as you do. Each THE CHURCH OF GOD Man from Frankfort am Main, ministerzng to its member! hfonday morning I leave for work, my W. Germany rcattered abrocd heart filed with joy from your broad- cast. Yet I also fear bxwse of the “The subjects you speak on are so in- -- ~ 70L. XI1 NO 1 things prophesied to come. I am 21 teresting and instructive that I contin- - ~~ years of age, and I bdieve in God. ually look forward to hearing you.” Published monthly at Pasadena, California Would you please write to me and help Man from Rilchingen-Iianweiler, c\ 1963 by Radio Church of God me grow.” W. Germany EDITOR I Ycung min from Saint-Michel, France I “I have received several issues of your HERBERTW. ARMSTRONG “I am wri:ing to tell you that I have magazine and have becomc vcry cn- never owned a Bible. Wculd you be thusiastic about them, also abmt your EXECUTIVE EDITOR , kind enougll to let me know where I booklet ‘Does God Exist.’ No one has Garner Ted Armstrong cm buy one and how much does it ever explained the Bible the way you do.” I cost.” Woman from Kassel, W. Germiny MANAGING EDITOR Man from Paris, France Herman L. Hoeh I “Thank you for “Die Reine Wahr- I “Please excuse my Inw grad?< on your hcit. Outside of the Bible it is the only SENIOR EDITOR Bible Course. Here are the rensons: first thing worth reading.” Roderick C. Meredith 1 of all I ail1 quite old, then I cannot se: Man from Lalor Park, N.S.W.. very clearly as I was badly wounded and Australia Arrociate Editors I mc,i!a:ed during the war-and finally I am beginning to lose my memory.” “I listen to Radio Luxembourg eariy Albert J. Portune David Jon Hill Man from Le Crensot, France each morning and also hear your pro- ContributinR Editors gram, which makes me especially prick “I was bap:iz-d when I was a child my ears. Mr. Klammer, if you W. A. Berg Ernest L. Martin up are Robert C. Boraker Raymond F. McNair and my education as a Christian stopped not a sect, please send me all the issues C. Wayne Ccle C. Paul Meredith after my first communion. That educa- of your magazine for 1962. We had al- Raymond C. Cole L. Leroy Neff tion was nothing more than belief in ways been searching tor the plain truth Charles V. Dorothy Ben~aminL. Rea Jack Lynn images and marvelous stories! Later, ah R. Elliott E. Torrance but had never found it. We couldn’t un- Selmer Hegvold Gerald Waterhouse an adolescent, I grew up having the derstand the Bib!e. We came home from Ronald Kelly Basil Woherton priest c!iant the high mass with a!l sorts church as empty as when we arrived. My Clint C. Zimmermnn of noises. This didn’t encourage me to husband, who recently died, was always pray. I therefore gave it up. It was by of the opinion that the truth was being Foods Consultants accident that I heard you early one deliberately kept from us.” m3rning. You immediately caught my Woman from Laichingen. W. Germany Velma Van der Veer interest as you seem to be a real guide. Mary E. Hegvold Isabel1 F. Hoeh Rose McDowell Please help me find the light.” “We heard you this morning at 7 a.m. Woman from L’Isle sur Sorgne, France We are always glad when we can hear your broadcast. You speak very clearly Editorial and Production Assistapits “Your prayers for my mother’s heal- for every man and speak to us directly James W. Robinson ing have been answered. Perhaps you from the heart.” rein-mber that she had ail enoriiiuus Donald G. McDonald Man from Geismar, E. Germany growth on the back of her head for over ten years. This growth finally broke “First of all I would like to thank BUSINESS MANAGER open and drained by itself without hurt- you for thc letter you sent me last ing her and she is now recovering from spring telling about the history of your Albert J. Portune it little by little, without suffering. God work. On the same day I received a let- be praised!” ter from another radio evangelist, who ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS to the Editor, From the daughter of a woman Box 11 1. Pasadena, California. warned us of your broadcasts. But as a Canadian members should address Post Office Box Mr. Apartian anointed steady listener and reader of yours, I 44, Station A, Vancouver 1, B. C., Canada. in Europe last summer haven’t been able to find one false doc- Our members in United Kingdom, Europe. and Africa should address the Editor Ambassador Col- trine in what you preach-everything lege. Bricket Wood. St. Albans: Herts., England.
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