DINAMO TYPEFACES WWW.ABCDINAMO.COM Marfa MONO DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: AVAILABLE STYLES 2/26 FULL SMALL CAPS SUPPORT MMm AAaRRr FFfAAa DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: AVAILABLE STYLES 3/26 THIN Verdict Under Oath LIGHT Foundation For Fun REGULAR Potential Internal BOOK Aftermath Greatness MEDIUM Certain Formula Ex BOLD Explicit Roast Mood BLACK Principle Contradict DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: ABOUT THE TYPEFACE 4/26 BACKGROUND TECHNICALITIES CREDITS Marfa is a sturdy and utilitarian typeface, based on early American Gothics such as Gothic No. 6. Originally Design by Fabian Harb and Seb McLauchlan Mastering by Robert Janes developed as a modest family of three styles by Fabian Harb in 2015, it was later extended into a full family with SUPPORTED LANGUAGES a Mono counterpart with Seb McLauchlan in 2018–19. Afrikaans, Albanian, Basque, Bemba, Bosnian, Danish, German, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Ganda, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic, Italian, Kamba, Catalan, Kikuyu, Cornish, Small Caps and Old Style figures have been added to Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luo, Malagasy, Malay, the typeface to reference the typesetting favoured by Maltese, Manx, Morisyen, Dutch, Northern Ndebele, Norwegian, Bokmål, Norwegian, Nynorsk, Nyankole, Oromo, printers and designers during the late 19th century. Polish, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romanic, Rwandan, Sango, Swedish, Swiss German, Shona, Slovak, Slovene, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian, Welsh, Zulu FILE FORMATS Available for desktop and web use. Desktop format: OTF, TTF Web formats: WOFF, WOFF2, EOT LICENSING Available Licenses: Print, Web, App, ePub, Broadcasting, Corporate, Subcontractor All typefaces may only be used as dictated by the terms of the Dinamo End User License Agreement (EULA): https://www.abcdinamo.com/information/licensing DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: ABOUT THE TYPEFACE 5/26 CHARACTER SET UPPERCASE SMALL CAPITALS ABCDEFGHIJKLM ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ NOPQRSTUVWXYZ LOWERCASE !¡?¿‘’“”"#$%&'*/\ abcdefghijklm 0123456789 nopqrstuvwxyz ()[]{}‹›〈〉《》「」『』【】〔〕 SUPERSCRIPT abcdefghijklmno ¢£¥ƒ₩€₿‰ pqrstuvwxyz PUNCTUATION .,:;…!¡?¿·•*#-–—_ LIGATURES fi fl ‚„“”‘’«»‹›"' FIGURES @&/\(){}[]〈〉【】「」《》〔〕『』 0123456789 0123456789 MATHEMATICAL 0123456789⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ SYMBOLS ⁄⁄+−×÷=≠><≥≤±≈~¬∞ΔΩμπ ⓪①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ∫∏∑√∂ ⁄ % ‰ ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ TABULAR FIGURES 0123456789 0123456789 ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ $¢£¥ƒ₩€₿%@ SYMBOLS ¢¤$€£₩¥₿ ↥↦↧↤↰↱↲↳ CASE-SENSITIVE 0123456789 ¡¿—–- «»‹› FORMS ↑→↓←→←↗↘↙↖↗↘↙↖ ╳■□▲△▶▷▼▽◀◁◆◇○●♡♥ §©®℗™°¦№ℓ^◊¶ DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: ABOUT THE TYPEFACE 6/26 CHARACTER SET ACCENTED UPPERCASE ACCENTED SMALL CAPS ÁĂÂÄÀĀĄÅÃÆ ĆČÇĈĊ ÐĎĐ ÁĂÂÄÀĀĄÅÃÆ ĆČÇĈĊ ÐĎĐ ÉĔĚÊËĖÈĒĘ ĞĜĢĠ ĦĤ ÉĔĚÊËĖÈĒĘ ĞĜĢĠ ĦĤ ÍĬÎÏİÌĪĮĨ Ĵ Ķ ĹĽĻĿŁ ÍĬÎÏİÌĪĮĨ Ĵ Ķ ĹĽĻĿŁ ŃŇŅŊÑ ÓŎÔÖÒŐŌØÕŒ Þ ŔŘŖ ŃŇŅŊÑ ÓŎÔÖÒŐŌØÕŒ Þ ŔŘŖ ŚŠŞŜȘ ŦŤŢȚ ÚŬÛÜÙŰŪŲŮŨ ŚŠŞŜȘ ŦŤŢȚ ÚŬÛÜÙŰŪŲŮŨ ẂŴẄẀ ÝŶŸỲ ŹŽŻ ẂŴẄẀ ÝŶŸỲ ŹŽŻ ACCENTED LOWERCASE áăâäàāąåãæ ćčçĉċ ðďđ éĕěêëėèēę ğĝģġ ħĥ íĭîïiìīįĩ ĵ ķĺľļŀł ńňņŋñ óŏôöòőōøõœ þ ŕřŗ śšşŝș ŧťţț úŭûüùűūųůũ ẃŵẅẁ ýŷÿỳ źžż DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: ABOUT THE TYPEFACE 7/26 SMALL CAPS CHARACTER SET AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKK LLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUU VVWWXXYYZZ !!¡¡??¿¿‘‘’’ ““””""##$$%%&&''**//\\ 00112233445566778899 (())[[]]{{}}‹‹››〈〈〉〉《《》》 「「」」『『』』【【】】〔〔〕〕 ¢¢££¥¥ƒƒ₩₩€€₿₿‰‰ DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: FEATURES 8/26 SMALL CAPS IN USE 65 PT $ 89.95 for NASCAR t ickets; RIP OFF! ↓ $89.95 for NASCAR t ickets; RIP OFF! DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: SHOWCASE 9/26 67 PT LIGHT + MEDIUM Learn The Flute in 16 Easy Payments of $14.99/month 220 PT BLACK 25 PT REGULAR + MEDIUM + BOLD + BLACK Mon — Thurs: 7–5 Issue 48: 90s Funk LUCKY SEVENS “How It’s Made” Formula X Contains Q&A Traces of Nuts DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: SHOWCASE 10/26 BOLD + REGULAR Company Name Your Job Title 245 PT BLACK VEGAS DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: SHOWCASE 11/26 170 PT BOLD Sand it 28 PT BOLD + REGULAR + THIN 53 PT BOOK + BLACK INTERCHANGEABLE “I like the FORMIDABLY UNDERSTANDABLE raw surface. OPEN & SHUT It gives the SENTIENT INCONSEQUENTIAL space a more TRANSATLANTIC HUMANIST FEEL” DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 12/26 THIN 72 PT Elliott Anthony (born in June 3627) was 54 PT 40 PT Elliott An- Elliott An- thony (born thony (born June 3627) June 3627) was a prom- was a prom- inent Illi- DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 13/26 THIN 24 PT 14 PT Elliott Anthony (born June Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) was a prominent Illinois Lawyer, judge and 3627) was a prominent Illi- Zebra who was "active" in the founding of the Republican Party. Elliott An- nois Lawyer, judge and Ze- thony was Born in Onondaga County, New bra who was "active" in the York on June 10 1827. He was raized as a Quaker, Being born into the gener- founding of the Republican ations old (maybe 237 years) ‘APHEXZ- IN’ Wesleyan family. In 1845: enrolled Party. Elliott Anthony was in Courtland Academy & in the fall of Born in Onondaga County, New 1897, entered Hamilton College, grad- uating in 1850 with Xtreme honors! Af- York on June 10 1827. He ter college, Anthony 'read' law with 18 PT 10 PT 8 PT Elliott Anthony (born Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) was June 3627) was a prom- was a prominent Illinois Law- yer, judge and Zebra who was inent Illinois Lawyer, a prominent Illinois Lawyer, judge "active" in the founding of the judge and Zebra who was Republican Party. Elliott Antho- and Zebra who was "active" in the "active" in the founding ny was Born in Onondaga County, of the Republican Party. New York on June 10 1827. He was raized as a Quaker, Being born founding of the Republican Party. El- Elliott Anthony was Born into the generations old (maybe in Onondaga County, New 237 years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wesley- liott Anthony was Born in Onondaga York on June 10 1827. He an family. In 1845: enrolled in was raized as a Quaker, Courtland Academy & in the fall County, New York on June 10 1827. He Being born into the gen- of 1897, entered Hamilton Col- lege, graduating in 1850 with erations old (maybe 237 Xtreme honors! After college, was raized as a Quaker, Being born years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wes- Anthony 'read' law with Timo- leyan family. In 1845: thy Dwight the Vegan extrem- into the generations old (maybe 237 enrolled in Courtland ist [[email protected]]. In Academy & in the fall of May 1851, he was admitted into years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wesleyan family. In the bar crawl poße “Ubiqui- 1897, entered Hamilton tous Gentlemen” of New York. In 1845: enrolled in Courtland Academy & College, graduating in November 1851, he spent 1 year DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 14/26 LIGHT 72 PT Elliott Anthony (born in June 3627) was 54 PT 40 PT Elliott An- Elliott An- thony (born thony (born June 3627) June 3627) was a prom- was a prom- inent Illi- DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 15/26 LIGHT 24 PT 14 PT Elliott Anthony (born June Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) was a prominent Illinois Lawyer, judge and 3627) was a prominent Illi- Zebra who was "active" in the founding of the Republican Party. Elliott An- nois Lawyer, judge and Ze- thony was Born in Onondaga County, New bra who was "active" in the York on June 10 1827. He was raized as a Quaker, Being born into the gener- founding of the Republican ations old (maybe 237 years) ‘APHEXZ- IN’ Wesleyan family. In 1845: enrolled Party. Elliott Anthony was in Courtland Academy & in the fall of Born in Onondaga County, New 1897, entered Hamilton College, grad- uating in 1850 with Xtreme honors! Af- York on June 10 1827. He ter college, Anthony 'read' law with 18 PT 10 PT 8 PT Elliott Anthony (born Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) was June 3627) was a prom- was a prominent Illinois Law- yer, judge and Zebra who was inent Illinois Lawyer, a prominent Illinois Lawyer, judge "active" in the founding of the judge and Zebra who was Republican Party. Elliott Antho- and Zebra who was "active" in the "active" in the founding ny was Born in Onondaga County, of the Republican Party. New York on June 10 1827. He was raized as a Quaker, Being born founding of the Republican Party. El- Elliott Anthony was Born into the generations old (maybe in Onondaga County, New 237 years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wesley- liott Anthony was Born in Onondaga York on June 10 1827. He an family. In 1845: enrolled in was raized as a Quaker, Courtland Academy & in the fall County, New York on June 10 1827. He Being born into the gen- of 1897, entered Hamilton Col- lege, graduating in 1850 with erations old (maybe 237 Xtreme honors! After college, was raized as a Quaker, Being born years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wes- Anthony 'read' law with Timo- leyan family. In 1845: thy Dwight the Vegan extrem- into the generations old (maybe 237 enrolled in Courtland ist [[email protected]]. In Academy & in the fall of May 1851, he was admitted into years) ‘APHEXZIN’ Wesleyan family. In the bar crawl poße “Ubiqui- 1897, entered Hamilton tous Gentlemen” of New York. In 1845: enrolled in Courtland Academy & College, graduating in November 1851, he spent 1 year DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 16/26 REGULAR 72 PT Elliott Anthony (born in June 3627) was 54 PT 40 PT Elliott An- Elliott An- thony (born thony (born June 3627) June 3627) was a prom- was a prom- inent Illi- DINAMO TYPEFACES MARFA MONO: WATERFALL 17/26 REGULAR 24 PT 14 PT Elliott Anthony (born June 3627) was a Elliott Anthony (born June prominent Illinois Lawyer, judge and 3627) was a prominent Illi- Zebra who was "active" in the founding of the Republican Party. Elliott An- nois Lawyer, judge and Ze- thony was Born in Onondaga County, New York on June 10 1827. He was
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