Jpn. J. Trop. Agr. 47(4) : 250 -259, 2003 Differences in Growth and Starch Yield of Sago Palms (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) among Soil Types in Sarawak, Malaysia Yoshinori YAMAMOTO,Tetsushi YOSHIDA,Yuusuke GOTO1,Youji NITTA2, Ken-ichi KAKUDA3,Foh Shoon JONG4,5,Laiberi Biut HILARY4and Abdul Halim HASSAN6 Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, Nankoku-shi, Kochi 783-8502, Japan 1 Guraduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 981-8555, Japan 2 Faculty of Agriculture , Ibaraki University, Ami-machi, Ibaraki 300-0393, Japan 3 Faculty of Agriculture , Yamagata University, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata 997-8555, Japan 4 Department of Agriculture , Sarawak, Malaysia 5 Present address; PT. National Timber and Forest Products, Tebing-Tinggi, Riau, Indonesia 6 Land Custody and Development Authority (LCDA), CRAUN, Sarawak, Malaysia Abstract The growth and starch accumulation process of sago palms cultivated on deep (DPS) or shallow peat soil (SPS) and mineral soil (MS) at Mukah and Dalat in Sarawak, Malaysia, were analyzed to examine the effects of the soil types on the growth and starch production. For the sago palms cultivated on DPS, longer years were required to reach the harvesting stage, while values for growth parameters including leaf emergence, trunk elongation and increase in trunk weight and volume were lower and resulted in lower trunk weight and volume at the harvesting stage compared with the sago palms cultivated on SPS and MS. On the other hand, the starch accumulation in the pith of trunk was monitored in the same way and a substantial starch accumulation started in the 3rd and 4th years after trunk formation in the sago palms cultivated on MS or SPS and DPS, respectively, while the trunk length and weight at that time were about 3m and 250- 300kg, irrespective of the soil types. The soil types did not affect the average starch yield at the harvesting stage, i.e., 160- 180kg per palm (dry weight basis). However, these results might be due to the higher starch percentage in the pith of the sago palms cultivated on DPS associated with the favorable light conditions in the garden because of the short duration of the period after the opening of the garden compared with the sago palms cultivated on MS and SPS. Key Words: Growth rate, Growth stage, Metroxylon sagu, Starch accumulation, Years after trunk formation マ レ ー シ ア,サ ラ ワ ク 州 に お け る サ ゴ ヤ シ の 生 育 ・デ ン プ ン 収 量― 土 壌 の 種 類 に よ る 差 異― 山 本 由 徳 ・吉 田 徹 志 ・後 藤 雄 佐1・ 新 田 洋 司2・ 角 田3―3・Foh Shoon JONG4,5・Laiberi Biut HILARY 4 and Abdul Halim HASSAN6高 知 大 学 農 学 部 〒783-8502南 国 市 物 部 乙2001東 北 大 学 大 学 院 農 学 研 究 科 〒981-8555仙 台 市 青 葉 区 堤 通 雨 宮 町1-12茨 城 大 学 農 学 部 〒300-0393茨 城 県 阿 見 町 中 央3-21-13山 形 大 学 農 学 部 〒997-8555鶴 岡 市 若 葉 町1-234サ ラ ワ ク 州 農 業 局 マ レ ー シ ア,サ ラ ワ ク5現 在;PT.National Timber and Forest Products 6LCDA(CRAUN)マ レ ー シ ア,サ ラ ワ ク 要 約 サ ラ ワ ク 州 の ム カ と ダ ラ トに お い て,生 育 土 壌 の 種 類(深 い 泥 炭 質 土 壌;DPS,浅 い泥 炭 質 土 壌;SPS,鉱 質 土 壌;MS)を 異 にす る サ ゴ ヤ シ の 幹 立 ち後 か ら収 穫 期 に 至 る生 育 経 過 と デ ンプ ン蓄 積 経 過 を明 らか に して,土 壌 の種 類 に よ るデ ン プ ン生 産 性 の 差 異 につ い て 検 討 した.DPSに 生 育 す るサ ゴ ヤ シ は,MSやSPSに 生 育 す る サ ゴ ヤ シ に比 べ て,収 穫 ま で 年 数 が長 か っ た が,出 葉 速 度,樹 幹 伸 長 速 度,樹 幹 重 お よ び容 積 の 増 加 速 度 な ど の生 長 速 度 は 遅 く,収 穫 適 期 に お け る樹 幹 重 と容 積 はMSやSPSに 生 育 す るサ ゴ ヤ シ に 比 べ て劣 っ た.一 方,髄 部 の デ ン プ ン蓄 積 経 過 に は土 壌 の 種 類 に よ る 差 は認 め らな か っ た.髄 部 の 澱 粉 蓄 積 は,幹 立 ち 後 MSとSPSで は3年 目以 降,DPSで は4年 目以 降 に 急増 を開 始 し た が,そ の 時 の 樹 幹 長,樹 幹 重 は土 壌 の種 類 に 関 わ り な く,そ れ ぞ れ3mと250~300kgで あ っ た.収 穫 適 期 に お け る樹 幹 当 た りの デ ンプ ン収 量 は,土 壌 の種 類 に よ る差 は小 さ く,平 均 で160~180kg (乾燥 デ ンプ ン)で あ っ た が,こ れ に はDPSの サ ゴヤ シ 園 の 開 園 後 年 数 が 若 く,そ こ に生 育 す るサ ゴ ヤ シ の髄 部 デ ン プ ン含 有 率 が MSやSPSに 生 育 す る もの に比 べ て や や高 か っ た こ とが 密 接 に 関係 して い る と考 え ら れ た. キ ー ワ ー ド 生 育 時 期,生 長 速 度,デ ンプ ン蓄 積,Metyoxylon sagu,幹 立 ち 後 年 数 elevation of 700m (FLACH,1977). The underground Introduction environment varies in terms of soil types, level Sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) is mainly of water table, frequency of sea water invasion, distributed in swamp area with a high temperature degree of flooding in the rainy season, etc. and abundant sunshine located at latitude between (YAMAMOTO,1998). It was reported that sago 10•‹ North and South, and it can grow up to an palm is the only crop that can grow well on deep Received May 26, 2003 peat soil which is characterized by low pH Accepted Aug. 30, 2003 values, a high water table all the year round, a Yamamoto et al.: Starch yield of Sago Palms among soil types 251 deficiency in mineral elements, etc. without any improvement of these characteristics (SATO et Surveyed Areas and Experimental Methods al., 1979; TIE et al., 1977, 1991). Surveyed areas and methods In Sarawak, Malaysia, where commercial The surveys were carried out in farmers' production of sago starch is the most popular in gardens in the Mukah and Dalat Districts of the world, sago palms are planted over an area Sarawak State, Malaysia in 1996-1998 (Table 1). covering about 19,720ha with soil types consisting In the Mukah area, the farmers' gardens were of peat soil (62%) and mineral soil (33%), located in the Jebungan and Tellian villages east respectively. Moreover, in 38% of the peat soil and south of Mukah town, respectively (YAMAMOTO area, peat soil is more than 150cm deep, while et al., 2003). In the Jebungan village, soil types the remaining 24% area consists of shallow peat of the surveyed gardens consisted of shallow soil (TIE et al., 1991). The growth and starch peat soil (SPS) 20-60cm and 70-120cm thick or yield of the sago palms cultivated on different mineral soil (MS). The soil type of the gardens soil types in Sarawak, Malaysia were reported surveyed in the Tellian village consisted of MS. by SIM and AHMED (1978), TiE et al. (1991), In the Dalat area that is located about 20km YAMAGUcHIet al. (1994 and 1997), JONG and southwest of Mukah town, the surveys were F1.Acu (1995) and KANEKOet al. (1996). According conducted in the farmer's sago palm garden of to these reports, for the sago palms cultivated Balan village which is close to the Sungai Talau on deep peat soil, longer years from sucker Peat Research Station (STPRS) (YAMAGUCHI et planting or emergence to trunk formation and al., 1994) and the soil type of this garden harvesting stage were required and the values consisted of deep peat soil (DPS) 300-450cm of growth parameters including leaf expansion and thick. All the sago palms surveyed belonged to trunk elongation were lower. Starch productivity the non-spiny type. Although the planting space of sago palms cultivated on different soil types, of each surveyed sago palm garden was about however, is poorly documented and very few the same (9-lOm •~ 9-10m), the duration of the reports are available on the starch accumulation period after the opening of the garden in Dalat process in relation to the growth stages after was about less than 20 years and the garden was trunk formation (long, 1995; YAMAMOTOet al., younger than those in Mukah. 2003). One to three sago palms with different ages, This study was conducted to analyze the i.e., different years after trunk formation which differences in the growth and starch productivity were selected by the owner of the garden in one of sago palms cultivated on different soil types, to three area in each garden was felled using a i.e., deep and shallow peat soils and mineral soil chainsaw. The number of sampled sago palms in relation to the growth stages after trunk and their age are shown in Table 1. After felling, formation at Mukah and Dalat in Sarawak, growth parameters including palm height, trunk Malaysia.
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