L d tV) tí\'-J ~ () .:t i, N ~ ::cp 2- '\ h~ On the pathways of the return flow of the ""cot') - .,,_.,-2" meridional overturning circulation in the tropical Atlantic MBl/ WHOJ LIBRARY by Woods Hole, MA Manne Biologial Laboratory WOOs Hole Oçeaiiographk Markus Jochum Institutln ' MoSco, University of Kiel, 1997 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 'L. and the """"" t \;."....) WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION ..' June 2002 ~,' ; (92002 Markus Jochum All rights reserved The author hereby grants MIT and WHOI permission to reproduce paper and elec- tronic copies of this thesis in whole or in part and to distribute them publicly Signature of Author 0000000.......... 0 0.. 0.. 0 0 0 0.. oint Program in Physical Oceanography Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution "1 June 2002 Paola Malanotte- Rizzoli Thesis Supervisor Accepted by 000.. 0... 0.. 0.00... 0.. .. 0.. 0..... Carl Wunsch Chair, Joint Committee for Physical Oceanography Massachusetts Institute of Technology I. and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .--'-~ _.'.... ....1. y ,. l' _.' , , On the pathways of the return flow of the meridional overturning circulation in the tropical Atlantic. by Markus Jochum Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution April 15, 2002 ) Abstract A numerical model of the tropical Atlantic ocean is used to investigate the upper layer pathways of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) in the tropical Atlantic. The main focus of this thesis is on those parts of the tropical circulation that are thought to be important for the MOC return flow, but whose dynamics have not been understood yet. It is shown how the particular structure of the tropical gyre and the MOC act to inhibit the flow of North Atlantic water into the equatorial thermocline. As a result, the upper layers of the tropical Atlantic are mainly fed by water from the South Atlantic. The processes that carry the South Atlantic water across the trop- ical Atlantic into the North Atlantic as part of the MOC are described here, and three processes that were hitherto not understood are explained as follows: The North Brazil Current rings are created as the result of the reflection of Rossby waves at the South American coast. These Rossby waves are generated by the barotropic ally unstable North Equatorial Countercurrent. The deep structure of the rings can be explained by merger of the wave's anticyclones with the deeper in- termediate eddies that are generated as the intermediate western boundary current crosses the equator. The bands of strong zonal velocity in intermediate depths along the equator have hitherto been explained as intermediate currents. Here, an alternative interpretation of the observations is offered: The Eulerian mean flow along the equator is negli- ) gible and the observations are the signature of strong seasonal Rossby waves. The previous interpretation of the observations can then be explained as aliasing of the tropical wave field. The Tsuchyia Jets are driven by the Eliassen-Palm flux of the tropical instability waves. The equatorial current system with its strong shears is unstable and gen- erates tropical instability waves. These waves cause a poleward temperature flux which steepens the isotherms which in turn generates are geostrophically balanced zonal flow. In the eastern part of the basin this zonal flow feeds the southeastward flow of the equatorial gyre. Thesis supervisor: Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli Title: Professor, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 Acknowledgments Looking back the last five years, I am stunned when I realize how many people it takes to create a thesis. Further reflection helps to blur the distinction between me as a creator of a thesis, and me as a saucepan that converts lots of love, ideas and money into a new idea. Each of these three ingredients are necessary, none of them is suffcient. Some people give a little bit of everything, some a lot of one ingredient, and of course there are also nonlinear interactions to be taken into account. This makes it almost impossible to acknowledge everybody in due manner (except for NASA and ONR ~ho generously funded me with their respective grants NAG5- 7194 and N00014-98-10881). Clearly, this thesis could not have been written without the love and support of my parents Ilona and Alois and my wife Elizabeth. Being Catholic, my family is of course more numerous than that and I am grateful to all of them for their support during the different stages of my life. My committee members Tony Busalacchi, Glenn Flierl, Breck Owens and Mike Spall are thanked for their seemingly endless doubts and their knowledgeable advice. This gratitude extends towards the student body of MIT and WHOI, and to Dave Fratantoni who let me see and touch a real North Brazil Current ring. My advisor Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli is more diffcult to place; depending on the time of the day and geographical location she makes a valuable contribution to each of the three aforementioned categories. This magic potion is probably the most im- portant ingredient of any, and especially my thesis. And then there is Raghu Murtugudde who told me always to mention him in the acknowledgments. I suspect not without reason. 4 From a certain Chinese encyclopedia: Animals are divided into: a) belonging to the Emperor b) embalmed c) tame d) sucking pigs e) sirens f) fabulous g) stray dogs h) included in the present classification i) frenzied j) innumerable k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush l) et cetera m) having just broken the water pitcher n) that from a long way off look like flies. ) (Jorge Luis Borges) ') ~ 5 Contents 1 Introduction 8 2 The influence of the MOC 15 2.1 Introduction 15 2.2 The model and the experiments 16 2.3 The flow field . 19 2.4 The tropical-subtropical pathways. 23 3 Description of the tropical circulation 29 3.1 The model configuration . 29 3.2 Overview of the upper layer circulation in the tropical Atlantic . 37 3.3 Description of the upper layer mean flow in the model 46 3.3.1 The thermocline waters 54 3.3.2 The surface waters . 59 4 4.1North Introduction.... Brazil Current rings 61 61 4.2 The Ring Shedding 62 4.2.1 Rings without wind. 62 6 4.2.2 No rings with wind 65 4.2.3 The role of Rossby waves . 66 4.2.4 The unstable NECC ... 72 4.3 The vertical structure, seasonality, and transport of NBC rings . 78 5 The flow of AAIW along the equator 88 5.1 Introduction. 88 5.2 Observations 89 5.3 The AAIW in the model 90 5.4 Synthesis of theory and observations 97 6 On the dynamics of the Tsuchyia Jets 110 6.1 Introduction............... .110 6.2 The structure of the Tsuchyia Jets in the model 113 6.3 Wave-zonal flow interaction 117 ) 7 Summary 126 ) 7 Chapter i Introduction During the last five decades, oceanographers have made a considerable effort to es- timate and understand the global mean circulation of the world's oceans. Together, the conclusion of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), the system- atic use of satellites and the widespread availability of fast computers since the last decade enabled scientists to provide a coherent, albeit vague picture of the global circulation (Ganachaud and Wunsch (2001)). In addition to these developments, there were also advancements in analytical methodology that led to theories about the western boundary currents or the vertical stratification of the ocean (see Ped- losky (1996) for an overview). These developments made clear that in large parts of the ocean the variability of the flow is much stronger than the mean circulation. Therefore the understanding of the ocean's variability is indispensable for the in- terpretation of observations and the assessment of theories. Furthermore, the ocean forms the lower boundary of the atmosphere and wil directly affect its thermal structure and its water content. This implies that the ocean is not passively driven by the atmosphere, but instead the ocean and the atmosphere should be treated as a coupled system. A classical example of a coupled, highly variable ocean-atmosphere system is the equatorial Pacific. Its strong interannual variability CEl Nino - South- ern Oscilation (ENSO)') causes a world wide shift in weather patterns and can only be understood by taking into account atmospheric as well as oceanic dynamics. By now, the equatorial Pacific is a well observed system, and it was even possible in recent years to predict the phases of different ENSO cycles (Cane et al. (1986), Chen et al. (1999)). 8 Although one would expect that the dynamics that control the equatorial Pacific are the same in all equatorial oceans, scientists have been less successful in under- standing the climate fluctuations in the tropical Atlantic (see Seager at al. (2001) for a recent analysis) Not only are there very few observations away from the western boundary along the American coast, but matters are complicated further by the more complex dynamics of the Atlantic ocean. Apart from the seasonal cycle, there are two modes that dominate the tropical Atlantic SST variability. The equatorial mode, which is similar to ENSO, influences the equatorial SST at interannual frequencies (Carton and Huang (1994)). The inter- hemispheric (or dipole) mode, affects the gradient of the SST between the northern and southern tropics (Servain (1991)) and therefore influences the position of the ITCZ. It has been shown, that these modes are correlated with ENSO (Delecluse et al.
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