THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR NOVEMBER, 1931. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— ALDERMEN, BOARD OF— An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." General Welfare, Committee on, report of the— Resolution requesting heads of departments to grant In favor of adopting an ordinance to amend subdivision leaves of absence with pay to per diem employees on of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines "6. Restrictions, a." of section 149 of article 13 of Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1931, 10121. and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances relating to Resolution for sale of wares on streets of the City on stands within stoop lines and under elevated railroad account of Christmas holidays, 9885. larly to Broadway, Manhattan, 9673. stations, relating particularly to Broadway, Man- Traffic, Committee on, report of the, in favor of adopt- An ordinance to amend chapter 14, article 9, section 121 hattan, 9884. ing a resolution designating Daly avenue from Elsmere of the Code of Ordinances relating to licenses for junk In favor of adopting an ordinance to amend subdivision place to East 176th street, The Bronx, as a play dealers, 9674. "6. Restrictions. a." of section 149 of article 13 of street, 10120. An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances relating to ART COMMISSION— of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code stands within stoop lines and under elevated railroad of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines stations, relating particularly to Avenue J, Brook- Minutes of meetings held— and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- lyn, 9884. September 8, 1931, 9400. larly to Coney Island avenue, Brooklyn, 9674. Jurors, Commissioner of, Kings County, request for an October 13, 1931, 9787. An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." issue of special revenue bonds, $904.05, for the pur- Minutes of special meeting held November 2, 1931, 9788. of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code chase of office equipment, 9670. ARMORY BOARD— of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines Mayor, The, call for special meeting to consider the Proposals- and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- Budget for the year 1932, 9669. For furnishing and installing a complete new electric larly to Avenue J, Brooklyn, 9674. Minutes of special meeting held November 10, 1931, lighting system in the drill hall of the 2d Squadron, An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." 9669. 101st Cavalry Armory, 1339 Madison avenue, Man- of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code Minutes of stated meeting held— hattan, 9565. of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines November 10, 1931, 9670. For furnishing all the labor and material necessary to and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- November 17, 1931, 9881. install radiator shields at the armory cf the 258th larly to Broadway, Manhattan, 9885. November 24, 1931, 10117. Field Artillery, Kingsbridge road and Jerome ave- An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." Public hearing by the Committee on Finance on the nue, The Bronx, 9565. of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code Budget for 1932, 9669, 9981. For furnishing all the labor and materials required to of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines Public Letting, Committee on, report of the— install a ladies' toilet room at the armory of the and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Presi- 2d Battalion, Naval Militia, foot of 52d street, larly to Broadway, Manhattan, 10121. dent, Borough of Manhattan, to contract for the fur. Brooklyn, 9565. An ordinance to amend subdivision "6. Restrictions. a." nishing and installation of a complete Southwalk. For furnishing all the labor and materials required for of section 149 of article 13 of chapter 23 of the Code Emery testing machine, without public letting, at an the general construction work in connection with the of Ordinances, relating to "stands within stoop lines estimated cost of $5,000, 9672. construction of a new armory for the 104th Field and under elevated railroad stations," relating particu- In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Presi- Artillery at the southeast corner of 93d avenue and larly to Church avenue, Brooklyn, 10121. dent, Borough of Manhattan, to contract for the relo- 168th street, Jamaica, Queens, 9965. cation of the stairway of the elevated railway at Chief Probation Officer, Kings County Court, report of ASSESSORS, BOARD OF— Bowery and Canal street; estimated cost, $60,000; money collected from fines or penalties from N'ovem- without public letting, 9672. Completion of assessments and awards— her 1, 1930, to October 31, 1931, inclusive, 9670. In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Corn. Bronx, Borough of The, 9385, 9565, 9944, 10167. Communication from Police Commissioner, 9670. missioner of Purchase to purchase for the Depart- Brooklyn, Borough of, 9385, 9565, 9944, 10167. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various ment of Sanitation one Krupp dump truck, without Manhattan, Borough of, 9385, 9565, 9944, 10167. persons, 9673, 9885, 10120. public letting; cost, $4,500, 9673. Queens, Borough of, 9385, 9565, 9944, 10167. Establishment .of various grades of positions— In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Com- Richmond, Borough of, 9385. Clerk in the Department of City Planning, 9672. missioner of Parks, Borough of Manhattan, to con- Notice to present claims for damages— Clerk of the Works in Office of the President, Borough tract for rental of mechanical equipment with oper- Bronx, Borough of The, 9413. of The Bronx, 10178. ators, etc., chargeable to Code RDP-100-M-1, with• Brooklyn, Borough of, 9413. Deputy Warden in County Court of Kings County, out public letting ; amount. $3,200, 9885. Manhattan, Borough of, 9413. 9673. In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Presi- Queens, Borough of, 9413. Inspector of Construction in Department of Plant and dent, Borough of Queens, to purchase office equip- Richmond, Borough of, 9413. Structures, 10119, ment, etc.. for the new Municipal Courts at Flushing Report for quarter ended September 30, 1931, 9761. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— and Jamaica, Borough of Queens, without public BOARD MEETINGS, 9375. Resolution appropriating the sum of $2,250,000 corpo- letting; amount, $8,000, 10120. BRONX, BOROUGH OF THE— rate stock to be used by the Department of Water In favor of adopting a resolution authorizing the Com- Bureau of Buildings— Supply, Gas and Electricity and credited to funds missioner of Purchase to purchase for the Fire Approval of materials, 9793, 10129. CDW-53-A, 53-B, 53-C, 53-D and 53-E for water Department 20,000 feet of cotton rubber-lined fire Reports for weeks ended— main extensions for new buildings and ordinary im- hose, without public letting ; cost, $25,000, 10119. October 17 and 24, 1931, 9428. provements to the distribution system, 9883. Request for authority to contract, Parks, Commissioner October 31 and TTvember 7, 1931, 9840. Resolution appropriating corporate stock, $1,923.89, to of, Borough of Manhattan, 9670. November '.;. 1931, 10176. be used by the Department of Docks to pay the bill Request for authority to purchase without public letting— Extracts of minutes of Local Board meetings held, 9586. of costs as taxed by the Supreme Court in connec- Acting President, Borough of Queens, 9882, Local Board meetings, 9568. tion with the proceeding for the acquisition of title Bronx, President, Borough of The, 10119. Proposals— for the improvement of the waterfront between Brooklyn, President, Borough of, 9670. For furnishing and delivering 25,000 gallons fuel oil, West 23d and West 37th streets, Gravesend Bay, County Clerk, Kings County, 9884. 9376. Brooklyn, 10118. Finance, Department of. 10117. For furnishing and delivering 2,000 cubic yards of Resolution releasing the Dorman Commission Com- Higher Education. Board of, 10119. binder cement, 9376. pany from liquidated damages accrued under con- Parks, Commissioner of, Borough of The Bronx, For furnishing and delivering 7,500 cubic yards of tract with the Department of Hospitals, 10118. 10117. steam cinders, 9376. Resolution releasing the Vadsco Sales Corporation Public Welfare, Commissioner of, 10118. For furnishing all.labor and materials required for from liquidated damages accrued under contract with Purchase, Commissioner of, 9670, 10117. the construction and equipment of additions and the Department of Hospitals, 10118. Resolution amending resolution authorizing the Police alterations to the High Bridge Library Building of Transmission of the Budget for the year 1932, 9669. Commissioner to contract for the erection of three the New York Public Library, located on the south Finance, Committee on, report of the— broadcasting stations, together with 250 radio receiv- side of East 168th street from Shakespeare avenue In favor of adopting resolutions releasing the Russell ers, at a cost of $100,000, and 12 motorcycle armored to Woodycrest avenue, exclusive of plumbing, heat- Snow Plow Company and the Shepard-Niles Crane side cars at a cost of $7,776, in the open market, with- ing and electric work, 9376. and Hoist Company from liquidated damages accrued out public letting, chargeable to Code No. 1618, Motor For furnishing all labor and material required for while under contract with City departments, 9671. Vehicles and Equipment, 9670. the plumbing work in the additions and alterations In favor of adopting an ordinance selecting additional Resolution authorizing the Board of Education to pay to the High Bridge Library Building of the New site for the new Tuberculosis Hospital in the Bor- the sum of $1,090.58 for injuries alleged to have been York Public Library, located on the south side of ough of Brooklyn, 9671.
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