S4732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 27, 2009 lights to go on when we flip a switch, and we plant was being closed, more than 130 ‘‘Hopefully, when we obtain the power con- do not expect our computers to shut down as ALCOA employees accepted the company’s tract, it will just be a matter of waiting for nature dictates. severance package. Others were laid off—245 the market to pick up again. The good thing Solar and wind electricity are available hourly workers and 80 of the salaried work- about aluminum is that it is used in more only part of the time that consumers de- force. and more applications. It’s going to be mand power. Solar cells produce no electric The London Metal Exchange price for alu- around for a long time.’’ power at night, and clouds greatly reduce minum is half what it was one year ago, so their output. The wind doesn’t blow at a con- prospects for any immediate change is nil. f stant rate, and sometimes it does not blow The demand for the 1.3 million pounds of GUANTANAMO BAY at all. molten metal that the smelting plant can If large-scale electric energy storage were produce does not exist in the current mar- Mr. JOHANNS. Mr. President, I rise viable, solar and wind intermittency would ketplace. to speak about the detainment facili- be less of a problem. However, large-scale Still, leadership at the company is hopeful ties at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. electric energy storage is possible only in that when the economy rebounds, Tennessee At the end of January of this year, the few locations where there are hydro- Smelting Operations will be in a position to be restarted. the President signed an Executive electric dams. But when we use hydroelectric order indicating his intention to close dams for electric energy storage, we reduce ‘‘We’re in the standard, ready position,’’ their electric power output, which would said Brett McBrayer Tennessee Primary Guantanamo. Unfortunately, the Exec- otherwise have been used by consumers. In Metals location manager. ‘‘The employees utive order was very short on detail. other words, we suffer a loss to gain power have done such an incredible job of preparing We do know the Justice Department is on demand from wind and solar. the plant to have it in as much a ready state reviewing the cases of individual de- At locations without such hydroelectric as possible.’’ Cranes are being moved up and down to tainees. We know the President would dams, which is most places, solar and wind keep them operational, and preventive main- like to move these detainees some- electricity systems must be backed up 100 tenance is being done so the plant will be where else. Unfortunately, 3 months percent by other forms of generation to en- prepared if and when the call comes to re- after the release of the Executive sure against blackouts. In today’s world, start. that backup power can only come from fossil order, that is about what we know ‘‘I can’t say enough about the employees. today. fuels. The way they faced the tough call and the Because of this need for full fossil fuel way they responded says a lot about the If the President still plans to close backup, the public will pay a large premium character of the employees in this region. Guantanamo Bay within a year, the for solar and wind—paying once for the solar That drives me even harder in discussions clock is ticking, and we only have 9 and wind system (made financially feasible with TVA to get a deal done,’’ McBrayer months until the deadline laid out in through substantial subsidies) and again for said. the Executive order. Indeed, the Presi- the fossil fuel system, which must be kept The deal McBrayer is looking for is a long- running at a low level at all times to be able dent’s supplemental request for Iraq range power contract with the Tennessee and Afghanistan includes $80 million to to quickly ramp up in cases of sudden de- Valley Authority—the current contract ex- clines in sunshine and wind. Thus, the total pires next year—that will allow Tennessee close Guantanamo. We know that $30 cost of such a system includes the cost of the Smelting Operations to be cost competitive million would go to the Justice Depart- solar and wind machines, their subsidies, and when metal prices rebound. That has hap- ment to shut down the facilities, re- the cost of the full backup power system pened at ALCOA smelting plants in other re- view detainee procedures, and to fund running in ‘‘spinning reserve.’’ gions where the company has negotiated future litigation. The other $50 million Finally, since solar and wind conditions more flexible prices with electricity sup- would go to the Department of Defense, are most favorable in the Southwest and the pliers. primarily to support the transfer of the center of the country, costly transmission ‘‘We’ve been in discussions with TVA for lines will be needed to move that lower-cost quite some time. It always seems more com- detainees and the associated personnel. solar and wind energy to population centers plicated than it needs to be, but there are a However, we do not know—and neither on the coasts. There must be considerable re- lot of issues,’’ McBrayer said. ‘‘The sooner does anyone else within the adminis- dundancy in those new transmission lines to we get a deal done, the stronger candidate tration or outside it—where the detain- guard against damage due to natural disas- we’ll be for a restart. The longer negotia- ees would go. I am troubled by this in- ters and terrorism, leading to considerable tions drag out, it seems to become harder. substantial approach and what appears additional costs. An agreement can’t happen soon enough.’’ to be a haphazard approach. This is a The climate change benefits that accrue TVA issued a statement indicating its de- from solar and wind power with 100 percent sire to reach an equitable agreement with matter vital for national security. fossil fuel backup are associated with the the aluminum company. Memories have dimmed and we forget fossil fuels not used at the standby power ‘‘ALCOA has long been a valued customer the days surrounding September 11. We plants. Because solar and wind have the ca- of TVA’s and we are working diligently to remember the day itself quite well— pacity to deliver only 30 to 40 percent of reach agreement on a long-term power con- the shock in the morning—but we seem their full power ratings in even the best loca- tract for the future. While these contract ne- to forget the resolve that came after tions, they provide a carbon dioxide reduc- gotiations are confidential, we are working that. The resolve was born of our un- to reach an agreement that will allow tion of less than 30 to 40 percent, considering derstanding that there was a global the fossil fuels needed for the ‘‘spinning re- ALCOA to operate its Tennessee facility serve.’’ That’s far less than the 100 percent while, at the same time, not disadvantaging network of violent extremists with that many people believe, and it all comes other Valley ratepayers,’’ said Jim Allen, a substantial international support dedi- with a high cost premium. TVA spokesman. cated to attacking the United States The United States will need an array of Brickey Beasley, president of United Steel- and its allies. Make no mistake about electric power production options to meet its workers Local 309, said he looks forward to it, these terrorists are highly dan- needs in the years ahead. Solar and wind will the day the South Plant Smelting Oper- gerous. By now, most Americans are ations reopens and also in maintaining the have their places, as will other renewables. probably familiar with the name Realistically, however, solar and wind will North Plant rolling mill. The Tapoco Divi- probably only provide a modest percentage sion of ALCOA—the four-dam hydroelectric Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. He is a of future U.S. power. Some serious realism in project on the Little Tennessee and Cheoah Guantanamo resident. Before his cap- energy planning is needed, preferably from rivers—should give Tennessee Operations an ture in 2003 and later transfer to Guan- analysts who are not backing one horse or edge over other locations, according to tanamo, he was one of al-Qaida’s top another. Beasley. agents and mastermind behind the Sep- We hope that TVA can help out some and tember 11 attacks. I believe this man [From the Daily Times] the economy can help some,’’ Beasley said, ‘‘We’ve got a great workforce that’s idle belongs in Guantanamo. With his con- ALCOA HOPES NEW POWER CONTRACT WILL right now.’’ tacts and his terrorist expertise, he BRING SMELTING RESTART McBrayer, who is chairman of the Ten- would be a menace to the United (By Robert Norris) nessee chamber of Commerce and Industry States and its allies should he ever be Ninety-five years after ALCOA Tennessee Board of Directors, said the impact of the set free. Operations fired up its first potline and shutdown goes beyond the employees imme- But he is only the operational face of seven weeks after the company shut down its diately affected. this contagion. Also in custody at last, the question remains: Will aluminum ‘‘Being from Blount county and this are ingots ever roll out of the South Plant a—recognizing the impact on East Ten- Guantanamo is Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, a again? nessee—there’s more than just the families lead operative in the September 11 ‘‘For some, the question is not so relevant impacted from the layoff.
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