Published monthly from October to May THE M. I. T. VOO DOO E ntered as second class matter at the Post by the Woopgaroo Society for the Students Office at Cambridge, Mass. of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 309 WALKER MEMORIAL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Member A. C. C. E. Copyright 1928 by the Woopgaroo Society Subscription $1.75 per year. The contents of this magazine must not be reprinted without permission New York, London, Paris . sym- bols of everything amusing, bizarre, hysteric I Moths by the thousand are drawn to them from afar, to be singed of their bank-rolls and peace of mind. When at last they stumble away, what have they really done? Seen half a dozen shows at $5 a ticket. Spent sev- eral dull dawns at the better-known and more stupid night clubs. Lived too expensively at a middle-class ho- tel. Eaten 30 mediocre dinners. With luck, met a few minor celebrities. I~IA Spent perhaps $2,500 for one month's incomplete entree into only one of the gay capitals of the world. They go hone wonderinq how they have missed so much of the advertised glamour. How pathetic I How extravagant I How much better to spend $1 for five months' intimacy with every- thing really amusing in all three dRead capitals .. under the expert guidance -IM of Vanity Fairl VANITY FAIR meet the wits of the world in its pages Hungary... Covarrubias, in Mexico... and a mounted on a brisk Pegasus? To host of contemporary Americans who are in- in the world of the arts. D knowyou likewhat tothey meet are cleverdoing, saying,people ternational figures thinking? To be acquainted with their latest Citizens of the world know their Vanity achievements in literature, art, music, drama? Fair as the most convenient and amusing re- To see their latest photographs? To hear their sume of intellectual and artistic news pub- latest bon mots? In short, to be am courant of lished. Its photographs and illustrations are all the delightful gossip of the studios, clubs, famous for their artistry. Its articles on golf dinner tables in New York, London, Paris? and bridge for their authority. Its reviews and That is what you get in Vanity Fair. criticism for their sparkling satire. John Rid- money to any In its pages you meet the brilliant minds of dell alone is worth twice the in English. a dozen countries ... Chesterton, Huxley, man majoring Mackenzie, Golding, in England ... Morand, Just sign your name to the coupon. scrib- Gide, Benito, Lepape, in France... Schnitzler, ble off a check for $1 . .. and you're all set for Meier-Graefe, in Germany . Molnir, in the college year. RALPH BARTON MAX BEERBOHM EDOUARD BENITO HEYWOOD BROUN JOHN DOS PAS- SOS COREY FORD BRUNO FRANK GILBERT GABRIEL PERCY HAMMOND "BOBBY" JONES WALTER LIPPMANN COMPTON MACKENZIE FRANS ROCKWELL KENT GEORGES LEPAPE STEI- CONTRIBUTORS MASEREEL GEORGE JEAN NATHAN DOROTHY PARKER HENRY RALEIGH EDOUARD CHEN DEEMS TAYLOR JIM TULLY ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT VANITY FAIR, GRAYBAR BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY Save 75 cents with this Coupon l Enclosed find $1 for which send me FIVE ISSUES of Vanity Fair begin- ning a' once. Bought singly, 5 copies at 35c each cost O Enclosed find $4.00 for ONE YEAR (12 issues) of Vanity Fair. $1.75 . .. through this Special Offer you Name...... .............................................. Street............. .................................... get them for $1 . a saving of 75c. City................... ............... MAY, 1929 The M. I. T. Voo Doo 1 Change Now To Light, Flexible, Beveled BOSTON AND NEW YORK Cool-Weight Soles In LIAN\AN SHOES ((Observation will show that men-of-fashion and men-of- I fI, affairs are wearing cool-weight shoes introduced by us. They not only bear the stamp of ele- gance, but they feel fine to the foot in summerheatand humid- ity.In accomplishing this,Hanan quality isof utmost importance. THE COPLEY -PLAZA HANAN & SON Copley Square, Boston Arthur L. Race, THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 37 SHOPS Managing Director Store Sore ~ Jordan Marsh Asepate Se ompan searate ild,, Flattering ! Yes, a BLUE suit does flatter Fifth Avenue, Central Park most men New York A1 Fred Sterry, President John D. Owen, Manager A Blue suit has class and swank . - a touch of formality that gives dignity - a man always looks his best in a BLUE suit. New York Two pairs of trousers with every suit-in blue serge, THE SAVOY-PLAZA unfinished worsted, and Fifth Avenue,Central Park, cheviot Henry A. Rost, Gnr D.Tw T Manager Our "All New England Forty" I H SAIXURY AZ WIHUJXT AA A C BLUE SUITS with extra trousers SECOND $40 FLOOR II I' 2 The M. I. T. Voo Doo MAY) 1929 The H. I. I. Voo Doo MAY, IQ2Q INDEX TO ADVERTISERS a PAGE Brooks Brothers 31 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. 3 PRIZE Coca-Cola Company Inside Back Cover College Humor . 2 Collins & Fairbanks Company . 26 WOVEL Command-Aire, Inc. S . 27 CONTEST M. Corvin . 30 Curtiss Airplane & Motor Company 22-23 write ffty words AM asked to Finchley Establishment 28 for this space announcing our Campus Novel Contest. Well, Gillette Safety Razor Company 29 here goes a Day Letter: Dear Collegians This Is to Advise You Hanan & Son I to Alter All Vacation Plans and Begin That Novel About Your Generation Harvard Co-operative Society, Inc. 26 You Have Always Wanted to Write Stop Our Contest Is Unique No Pro- Jordan Marsh Company . .I fessionals Allowed Stop Steal Type- with writers and Go into a Huddle Life Savers, Inc. 30 Yourselves You Can Underlined Win -The Editor Magazine Repeating Razor Company 25 FULES OF THE CONTEST: M.I.T. 32 Candidates must be enrolled in an American college as undergraduates, or graduates of not more than one year. Because we want a story about youth, we have chosen as Miller Drug Company. 30 your title: "I Lived This Story." It may be a novel of college life or college people in other environments, or your personal story. The Murray Printing Company 31 The sum of $3,000 will be paid to the winner for the richt to serialize the story in COLLEGE HUMOR, and to rtlb- lish it in book form, and will be in additionto all royalties 30 accruing from book publication. Motion picture and Myles Standish Flower Shop dramatic rights will remain with the author. We reserve the right to publish in serial and book form, according to the usual terms, any of the novels sub- The Nast Publications Inside Front Cover mitted, in addition to the prize winning serial. The contest will be judged by the editors of COLLEGE COMPANY. HUMOR and DOUBLEDAY, DORAN AND . d .c I Manuscripts rejected from the contest will be returned Plaza Hotels immediatelv. Typed manuscriots of 75,000 to 100.000 words (the ideal .Outside Back Cover length being 80,000) should he sent with return postage, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. your name and address to the Campus Prize Novel Con- test, CollegeHumor. 105) North La Salle Street. Chicago, Ill., or to the Campus Prize Novel Contest, Doubleday, 24 Doran and Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y. Rogers Peet Company The closing date of the contest is midnight, October 15, 1929. Walker Dining Service 24 By Walton Lunch Company 28 COLLEGE HUMoRw& Western Electric Company 21 DoUBLEDAYDONw MAY, 1929 The M. 1. T. Voo Doo 3 MAY, 1929 The H. I. 1. Voo IDoo 3 portunately for the tobacconists who make it, it has proven impossible to conceal the fact that Raleigh is not only a boldly new cigarette, but an honestly desirable one.z Its blend of pure leaf is unusual. The manner of the blend puflbypuf is unlike any other. - Its packet 1closed] protecis the plump firmness " 14 of each cigarette.. Its packet topenj offers you a fresh cigarette with a gesture worthy of that chivalrous tobacco -promoter, Sir Walter, himself .ljodvale , IKenh, y 4 The M. 1. T. Voo Doo MAY, 1929 . ThI~.I .V oIo A,12 7 1** i V R if Y Urai l SI I( Sw ELSA LI( MAy, 1929 The M. 1. T. Voo Doo 5 MIGHT NUMBDER WiI-O 31 AK 6 The M. I. T. Voo Doo MAY, 1929 6 Th H. 1.VooI~ooMAY,19I I A B L oll, LAW. A WAR ALWAYS GEVIS A BIOLOGICALLY JUs 7 v 4 onto AIRf- NOT AMU Ant, lwv A 04' Ow i -110 A SENIOR, WHILE WAITING FOR HIS DIPLOMA, FONDLY RECALLS HIS COURSE IN HISTORY Iii j] j.riiiz~- ii -ccI7Wf7IIZ~- Ui WUXTREE!! BOSWELL GLURPPE, VOO DOO MAN, WINS PRIZE SONG CONTEST SPONSORED BY "THE TECH" ALMA MATER SONG SELECTED! The other day Louisa May Alcott, blew. "My God, you wouldn't put a recently returned from a three days' dog out on a night like this," mouthed trip to Burp Center, near Popocatepetl, Moses. slunk into the Voo Doo office hand in "The hell I wouldn't," said the Gen- hand with good old Boswell Glurppe, eral Manager, and he picked up the Prize Song Editor of Voo Doo. They dog and put it out on a night like this, reeled heavily toward the deserted desk in a little Spanish town. of the General Manager, and sang out After the dog had gone out, the loud and clear for two horses' necks. I other members of the board went out SONG: "TECHNOLOGY, MY MOTHER!" don't mean they are horses' necks- in rapid succession. "Succession, Suc- Words and Music by Boswell Glurppe they wanted two basins of pizen. cession!" yelped Boswell. With glori- "With thy moss-covered profs and thy Perceiving their error almost the ous, sonorous cadence, he then swung foul-smelling labs, same day, the blushing couple admitted into his prize-winning song, which is Technology, covered with big limestone that they were error minded, or some- here printed almost word for word.
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