Nproceedingsew state record of tH eof H Hawaiianeterotrioza entomological cHenopodii society (2020) 52:1–3 1 NEW RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS New State Record of the Psyllid Heterotrioza chenopodii (Reuter, 1876) (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae) for Hawaii Diana M. Percy1, Paul D. Krushelnycky2, Cynthia B.A. King3, and Lindsay C. Young4 1Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 1Z4, email: [email protected] 2Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI, 96822 3Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, 1151 Punchbowl St., Room 325, Honolulu, HI 96813 4Pacific Rim Conservation, 3038 Oahu Ave., Honolulu, HI 96822 Abstract. We report the first state record of a widespread palaearctic psyllid spe- cies, Heterotrioza chenopodii (Reuter, 1876), for the state of Hawaii. This species belongs to a small genus of 13 species feeding exclusively on host plants in the plant family Amaranthaceae (Lauterer 1982, Burckhardt and Ouvrard 2012, Ouv- rard 2019). Recorded host genera are Atriplex, Beta, Chenopodium, and Spinacia (Ouvrard 2019). In Hawaii, a likely host plant is Atriplex suberecta, and possibly A. semibaccata and Chenopodium oahuense. Key words: Atriplex, Heterotrioza chenopodii, Hawaiian Islands, host plant, Oahu, new state record The native palaearctic distribution of the Hawaiian Islands in March, April, and Heterotrioza chenopodii (Reuter, 1876) is November are the long-winged form. extremely broad, ranging from Scandina- All new state records are from Kaena via and North Africa in the west to Japan Point, Oahu, both within the Natu- in the east (Ouvrard 2019). It is considered ral Area Reserve and in the adjacent introduced in North and South America Kaena Point State Park, 3–21 m el- (Percy et al. 2012). Distribution records evation, 21.57256°N–21.57542°N and for this species in the continental US were 158.27275°W–158.27974°W. The species recently reviewed, and the first record in was collected during each of three stan- North America dates from 1988 (Horton dardized arthropod surveys conducted et al. 2018). Horton et al. (2018) also re- in March 2010 (by LCY and associates), ported the presence of both morphological April 2012 (by CBAK and associates), forms in North America (a photoperiod- and April 2015 (by PDK and associates). induced polymorphism) (Lauterer 1982), In each survey, all vegetation within 5 m with the long-winged form occurring in radius circular plots was swept in a non- spring and summer (form aestivalis) and targeted fashion, but potential host plants the shortwinged form in autumn (form within the plots included the introduced autumnalis). All individuals collected in Atriplex semibaccata (native to Australia) 2 Percy et al. and the Hawaiian native Chenopodium high cell cu1. On Oahu, the most similar oahuense (both Amaranthaceae). Indi- wing shape to H. chenopodii is found in viduals were also captured in yellow pan Pariaconus ohiacola (Crawford 1918) (a traps and pitfall traps employed in the common species whose host is Metrosi- surveys. Subsequently, on November 28, deros polymorpha; Percy 2017) but the 2016, PDK conducted a targeted search for paramere of H. chenopodii is shorter and the species on plants of A. semibaccata, broader. In addition, H. chenopodii has Atriplex suberecta, and C. oahuense. In- an unusual pair of processes on the apical dividuals were only found on A. suberecta part of the aedeagus (see images in Horton (another Australian native introduced in et al. 2018). Lastly, no Hawaiian triozids the Hawaiian Islands). However, the are known from the dry lowland habitats habitat at the time was very dry. Despite in which H. chenopodii occurs or from checking plants for immatures, none were host plants in the family Amaranthaceae. observed. Additional collecting will be In addition to a morphological ex- required to confirm both the host plant amination, DNA sequences for two mi- and the host range. Twenty-three, eight, tochondrial regions, cytochrome oxidase and six specimens, stored in 70% ethanol, I [COI] and cytochrome B [cytB], were have been deposited in the University of sequenced from individuals collected on Hawaii Insect Museum, the Bernice P. Atriplex suberecta. Hawaiian samples had Bishop Museum, and the Hawaii Depart- identical sequences for the two regions, ment of Agriculture’s Plant Pest Control and these sequences were nearly identical Branch Collection, respectively. to sequences from an individual collected Specimen color of H. chenopodii is in Bulgaria, Europe (GenBank Acces- variable, mature specimens often have sion numbers: MG988841, MG989165; dark brown to black dorsal coloration Percy et al. 2018): COI 99.3% similar- (which can be more pronounced in males) ity, cytB 99.7% similarity, and all dif- on the head and thorax, and also on the ferences were at synonymous sites. terminal part of the antennae, with the The Hawaiian sequences have been ventrum and abdomen paler green to deposited in GenBank with Accession yellow/cream (Fig. 1). This type of color numbers: MT162454, MT162455 (COI) pattern is also found in members of the and MT176418, MT176419 (cytB) for re- bicoloratus group of triozids feeding on spectively: T4-PDK980-15 1m/1f “swept Metrosideros (Percy 2017), but the latter from various Chenopodiaceae,” and T4- are smaller in body size with rounded PDK981-15 1f ex Atriplex suberecta. The forewing apices. The simplest means of DNA voucher specimens are in the private identifying H. chenopodii from other collection of DMP (University of British triozid taxa in Hawaii is the shape and Columbia). structure of the forewing. In H. chenopodii The placement of Heterotrioza in a the forewing is distinctly broader in the recent phylogenomic study by Percy et middle, narrowing to an acute apex, with a al. (2018) places this genus with several relatively low cell cu1 and a short Rs vein. triozid taxa that are almost exclusively Of those Hawaiian taxa with a similarly Austro-Pacific in distribution, suggest- short Rs vein, most have either a rounded ing that the origins of Heterotrioza may forewing apex, with forewing widest in be within the eastern range of the genus. the apical third, or if with acute apex Nevertheless, it is almost certain that then the Rs vein is longer; in addition, all the occurrence in the Hawaiian Islands other Hawaiian triozids have a relatively is from recent introduction based on the New state record of Heterotrioza cHenopodii 3 Figure 1. Heterotrioza chenopodii specimens collected on Oahu (imaged after pres- ervation in ethanol); A, male dorsum; B, male lateral; C, female lateral. absence of historic records and relatively Lauterer, P. 1982. New data on the occurrence, minor mitochondrial gene divergence bionomics and taxonomy of some Czecho- from Western Europe. slovakian Psylloidea. Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Naturales 67: 133–162. Ouvrard, D. 2019. Psyl’list—the world Psyl- Acknowledgments loidea database; http://www.hemipterada- We thank the Hawaii Department of tabases.com/psyllist. (Accessed December Land and Natural Resources for funding, 5, 2019). permits, and access for this work, as well Percy, D.M. 2017. Making the most of your as Hawaii State Parks for permits and host: the Metrosideros-feeding psyllids access. We also thank D. Anderson, A. (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) of the Hawaiian Hardman, J. Masters, C. Ogura-Yamada, Islands. ZooKeys 649: 1–163. https://doi. S. Plentovich, and T. Rubenstein for field org/10.3897/ zookeys.649.10213 Percy, D.M., A. Crampton-Platt, S. Sveins- assistance. The authors thank David son, A.R. Lemmon, E.M. Lemmon, D. Horton and one anonymous reviewer for Ouvrard, and D. Burckhardt. 2018. Re- helpful comments. solving the psyllid tree of life: phylogenomic analyses of the superfamily Psylloidea Literature Cited (Hemiptera). Syst. Entomol. 43:762–776. Horton, D.R., E. Miliczky, T.M. Lewis, W.R. https://doi:10.1111/syen.12302 Cooper, T.D. Waters, C.H. Wohleb, R.S. Percy, D.M, A. Rung, and M.S. Hoddle. Zack, D.L. Johnson, and A.S. Jensen. 2012. An annotated checklist of the psyl- 2018. New North American records for the lids of California (Hemiptera: Psylloidea). Old World psyllid Heterotrioza chenopodii Zootaxa 3193:1–27. (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae) Reuter, O.M. 1876. Catalogus Psyllodearum with biological observations. Proc. Ento- in Fennia hactenus lectarum. Meddelanden mol. Soc. Wash. 120:134–152. https://doi. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 1:69–77. org/10.4289/0013-8797.120.1.134 .
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