MAR. 30] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 309 The Central Hawlce's Bay Bread Delivery Notice 1944 Officiating Ministers for 1944.-Notice No. 8 Registrar-General's Office, Wellington, 28th March, 1944. URSUANT to Regulation 4 of the Delivery Emergency Regu­ URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, the lations 1942, the Minister of Transport doth hereby give P P following names of officiating ministers within the meaning notice as follows :- of the said Act are published for general information:- 1. This notice may be cited as the Central Hawke's Bay Bread Delivery Notice 1944. The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly called the Church of England 2. This notice shall come into force on the Monday following the date of publication thereof in the Gazette. The Reverend Percy Scott Smallfield, Canon. 3. The scheme set out in the Schedule hereto is hereby provided The Roman Catholic Ciiurch for the district described in the said Schedule. The Reverend Charles William Lawler. · Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand SCHEDULE Chaplain Hugh Neal McCallum. THE CENTRAL HAWKE'S BAY BREAD DELIVERY NOTICE 1944 Brethren (1) lfoR the purposes of this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires,- Mr. Henry Y olland. " The district " means the area of the W aipukurau and P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar-General. Waipawa Boroughs at present constituted, and also the areas adjacent thereto as described in clause (3) hereof: Electfon of JJf ember of A ucklancl Land Boa.rd " Wholesale purchaser " means a person who purchases commodities for resale or for transport to an area outside DepartmEnt of Lands and Survey, the district, or for consumption at a military camp, Auckland, 21st Nlarch, 1944. hotel, hospital, or similar institution requiring large KENNETH MONTROSE GRAHAM, Returning Officer for supplies daily. I , the election of a member of the Auckland Land Board, (2) It shall be a condition of this scheme that- do hereby notify, in accordance with the provisions of section 47 of the Land Act, 1fl24, and the regulations made thereunder, that Bread shall be delivered within the boroughs of Waipukurau the only person nominated to fill the vacancy occurring on the and Waipawa to the premises of wholesale purchasers sa.id Board was Charles Walter Parfitt, of Pipiroa, Hauraki Plains. only. And I do therefore hereby declare that the said Charles \Valter (3) The following are the names and· addresses of the vendors Parfitt is duly elected a member of the Auckland Land Board for and the areas in which they may deliver :- a term of two :years as from the 6th day of May, 1944. K. M. GRAHAM, Returning Officer: Name of Vendor. Area. (L. and S. 22/748/1.) Waipawa Bakery, Ltd., The boroughs of Waipawa and Wai­ Price Order No. 203 ( requiring Retailers of Goods referred to in Price Waipawa pukurau and the County of Waipawa, Orders Nos. 142, 146, 156, 158, 177, 181, anrl 196 to display including the district of Onga Onga, Retail Prices) Tikokino, Pourere, and Omakere north of Waipawa to Corkscrew Gully URSUA...l\lT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of and Patangata Road to the Tuki P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939, * the Price Tribunal, Tuki River, and the main road to acting with the authority oft.he Minister of Industries and Commerce, W aipukurau up to and inclusive of doth hereby make the following Price Order:- · the Sanatorium Hill. C. J. Martin, Baker, Otane North of Otane to the Te Aute Hill and 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 203, and shall east to the Tuki Tuki river, west to . come into force on the 31st day of March, 1944. Argyll, and south to Patangata Road. 1 2. (1) Every reta.iler who offers or exposes for sale in any shop Central Hawke's Bay Co­ The Borough of Waipukurau. any goods to which any of the Price Orders referred to in the next op. Society, Ltd., Wai­ succeeding subclause applies shall keep in a prominent position pukurau in such proximity to the goods to which it relates as to be obviously J. W. Harrison, Baker, The Borough of Waipukurau. descriptive thereof a ticket, placard, or label on which shall be Waipukurau stated in legihle and prominent characters the retail price per pound of the goods. (2) The Price Orders referred to in the last preceding subclausc Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of March, 1944. are the following :- (a) Price Order No. 142 (relating to apples and pears)t: JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Transport. (b) Price Order No. 146 (relating to carrots, pa,rsnips, swedes, (TT. 33/68/4.) and cabbages)t : (c) Price Order No. 156 (relating to pumpkins, kumeras, and silver beet)§ : (d) Price Order No. 158 (relating to 'Yalnuts)II: (e) Price Order No. 177 (relating to tomatoes),T: Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1.944-Extension of (f) Price Order No. 181 (relating to onions)**: Application of Part IV (g) Price Order No. 196 (relating to main crop potatoes)tt. Dated at Wellington, this 29th clay of March, 1944. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence N pursua.nce of tre powers conferred upon him by Regulation of- rn of the IndustriaJ Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, I [L.S] W. J. HUNTER (,Judge), President. the Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby declare that LEO MUNRO, Associate Member. the provisions of Part IV of the said regulations do henceforth * Statutory Regulations, 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. apply to all persons emplo;yed in tramway services operated by the tGazette, 4th June, 1943, Vol. II, page 649. Dnnedin City Council. :j: Gazette, 20th July, 1943, Vol. II, page 795. § Gazette, 21st. September, 1943, Vol. III, page 1127. :1 Gazette, 23rd September, 1943, Vol. III, page 1144. Dated this 18th day of 1\'Jarch, 1944. '!; Gazette, 25th November, 1943, Vol. III, page 1414. ** Gazette, 2nd December, 1943, Vol. III, pa.ge 1433. A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. ti Gazette, 22nd February, 19,14, Vol. I, page 171. Notices under the RegulatiO'n8 Act, 1936 NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders as under:-:­ I Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Serial Date of Price (Postage Number. Enactment. ld. extra). I I Emergency Regulations Act, ll939 Revocation of the Invercargill Licensing Committee 1944/46 22/3/44 ld, Emergency Regulations 1944 Medical Advertisements Act, 1942 Medical Advertisements Procedure Rules 1943 1944/47 2/12/43 3d. Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. E. V. PA UL, Government Printer. .
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