BUILDING A BETTER SOCIETY PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL Myanmar, India discuss trade, Scientific research proves effectiveness of yoga investment matters in New Delhi on health: Union Minister for Heath and Sports PAGE-2 PAGE-3 Vol. V, No. 315, 6th Waning of Tabodwe 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 25 February 2019 Adhipati Road, main building, of Yangonians line up for filming of Dhammaduta Chekinda Buddhist Line Walker-2 ANGONIANS chose to University in Hmawby inaugurated Y spend their weekend break trying to catch the film- ing of ‘Line Walker-2’, whose cast and crew were shooting scenes around the Sule Pagoda and Yangon City Hall “A helicopter scene, shootouts, and a car chase involving a gang of criminals with guns blazing were filmed yesterday for the Hong Kong action film. They were enter- taining to watch,” said Ko Ye Lin, an onlooker from South Dagon. Ko Soe Naing from 13th Street, Lanmadaw, expressed his amazement at watching an epic film scene being shot in Myanmar. Onlookers num- bered in the thousand yester- day, he added. Helicopter sequence Air Myanmar Aviation Services Co. Ltd provided the helicopter for a scene in the action film. The chopper was SEE PAGE-7 Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife present a replica the main building of the Dhammaduta Chekinda Buddhist University to Sayadaws. PHOTO: OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF DEFENCE SERVICES. CEREMONY to inaugu- bers of the Sangha led by Dham- and guests. The Senior General un- A rate the Adhipati Road maduta Dr Ashin Chekinda, At the ceremony, Quarter- veiled the stone plaque and (Chancellor’s Road) and the Commander-in-Chief of Defence master-General Lt-Gen Nyo title of the main building at the main building of the Dham- Services Senior General Min Saw, Commander of Yangon university. maduta Chekinda Buddhist Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Command Maj-Gen Thet Pon A ceremony of sharing University took place at Kyu Hla, Commander-in-Chief and Director Maj-Gen Maung merits gained followed in com- Chekindayama Monastery (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San Maung Myint of the Directo- memoration of the success- in Dhammaduta Zaytawun and wife, senior military officers rate of Military Engineers cut ful opening ceremony of the The crew of Line Walker-2 Tawya in Hmawby Township from the Office of the Command- the ribbon to open the Adhipati Adhipati Road and the main prepares a helicopter for a scene of Yangon Region yesterday. er-in-Chief, the commander of Road of Dhammaduta Chekin- building of the university. in the movie in downtown It was attended by mem- Yangon Command, well-wishers da Buddhist University. SEE PAGE-3 Yangon. PHOTO: WIN NAING INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS BUSINESS Yangon Book Home catches Myanmar Street hosts talks fire after cooking Productivity Center on library law, left unattended, planned for SMEs literature, arts 1 dead development PAGE-6 PAGE-6 PAGE-5 25 FEBRUARY 2019 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Myanmar, India discuss trade, investment matters Union Minister for Commerce nomic Advisor Shri Rohit Kumar Dr. Than Myint, who is visiting Parmar from Ministry of Con- New Delhi, the Republic of India, sumer Affairs, Food and Public on Saturday met with Special Distribution, and discussed the Secretary Shri N. Sivasailam matters related to easing In- of Logistic Division, Ministry dia’s pulses and beans import of Commerce and Industry, the policies so that Myanmar can Republic of India, and openly export more pulses and beans discussed the matters related India, and bilateral cooperation to facilitation of cross-border on increasing Myanmar’s pulses transport of goods and persons and beans export, especially to and services, two nations’ bilat- India in the coming years. eral trade and investment and In the afternoon, the Myan- promoting tourism industries. mar Ambassador and delegation Additionally, on 22 February, also met with Joint Secretary Myanmar delegation including of Asean Division from Minis- Myanmar Ambassador to India try of Commerce and Industry U Moe Kyaw Aung and Chair- Shri Rajineesh and party, and man of Myanmar Pulses, Beans discussed cooperation matters, and Sesame Seeds Merchants seeking the ways to increase Association (MPBSSMA) U Tun pulses and beans export from Lwin, also met with an Indian Myanmar to India.—MNA Myanmar Ambassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung discusses investment and trade matters with Indian delegation led by Senior Eco- (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun) governmental officials in New Delhi. PHOTO : MNA Union Minister pledges to provide capital, tech to SMEs UNION Minister for Industry U water sent by other ministries Khin Maung Cho visited the office for lab test at the pharmaceutical of the Directorate of Industrial research division of the Myanma Supervision and Inspection De- Pharmaceutical Industry. partment in Hinthada, Ayeyawady At the meeting hall of the di- Region on 23 February. vision, the Union Minister heard At the meeting with staff of a report on invention of new the office, the Union Minister drugs through research work, urged the staff to get in utmost presented by its in-charge. The efforts to provide capital and Union Minister spoke of the need technology for the progress of to conduct research and lab test SMEs, assuring contacts for the in accord with the international availability of technology for man- standards, maintain the quality of ufacturing value-added goods. He drugs through regular overhaul- said that the industries must be ing of the production machines, supervised to run in accordance manufacture quality drugs and with the laws and rules to pro- apply innovative means to attract tect natural environment and consumers, produce new types of social interest. “Staff must learn drugs in addition to distributing to skillfully apply their office ma- medicines that are important for Union Minister U Khin Maung Cho visits Industrial Supervision and Inspection Department in Hinthada terials,” he said, adding, “they public health and conduct test on 23 February. PHOTO: MNA should stay away from bribery on foodstuff. The functions of the and corruption, and work with division involve the work of test- cluding atomic absorption spec- troscopy, testing the Aflatoxin that in compiling their research pa- full confidence.” ing foodstuff, water, wastewater, tormeter (AAS), gas chromatog- may be contained in foodstuff and pers and testing and examining On 22 February, the Union drugs and related materials and raphy (GC), high performance endotoxin that can be found in the samples sent by the related Minister inspected new types of herbal plants through advance liquid chromatography (HPLC), drugs through mocroplate reader, ministries.—MNA (Translated medicines, foodstuff and waste- technologies and equipment in- fourier transform infrared spec- helping post graduate students by TMT) Domestic visitors flocking to Twinma Lake in high season LOCATED beside the Mony- the lake, which is surrounded by public and school holidays,” he wa-Yagyi-Kalewa Road in Kani coconut trees. Zaw Myo Maung said. “For the time being, the Township of Sagaing Region, the from Twinhte Village said the arrivals of tourists to the lake is Twinma Lake is packed with lo- area saw only a handful of do- relatively low. cal visitors this peak season, ac- mestic visitors in 2015 and 2016. The number of visitors is cording to residents. Earlier, the “The number of visitors to expected to increase once there Twinma Lake was famous for its the lake is gradually increasing is easy transportation access,” production of natural Spirulina, a year by year. In the current peak he said. Residents in the area blue-green algae. The production season, around 100 visitors came mainly rely on the lake for their of Spirulina has stopped since to the lake every day to enjoy its livelihood.—Ko Min (Indaw) Twinma Lake in Kani Township, Sagaing Region, the main source for 2017. Since then, residents have natural beauty. The lake is host- (Translated by Khaing Thandar natural spirulina in Myanmar. PHOTO : KO MIN (INDAW) created recreation sites around ing more visitors, especially on Lwin) 25 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Senior General comforts Pa-O ethnic leader U Aung Hkam Hti receiving medical treatment at military hospital FROM PAGE-1 gained. After the ceremony, the Member of the State Sang- Senior General and wife together ha Maha Nayaka Committee with those present offered meals Abbot of Nyaungthonbin Sa- to members of the Sangha. manekyaw Monastery Agga Following the ceremony, Maha Saddhammajotika Commander-in-Chief of De- Bhaddanta Tejosarabhivam- fence Services Senior Gener- sa read the words of advice of al Min Aung Hlaing, accom- Chairman of the State Sangha panied by his wife Daw Kyu Maha Nayaka Committee Ab- Kyu Hla and senior military bot of Bhamo Monastery from officers, went to the Military Mandalay Abhidhaja Maha Hospital (1000-bed) in Yangon Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga in the afternoon and comforted Maha Saddhammajotita Dr and gave words of encourage- Bhaddanta Kumarabhivamsa. ment to the Pa-O ethnic leader The Senior General sup- U Aung Hkam Hti receiving plicated giving a brief expla- treatment for pneumonia. nation of the purpose of the The Senior General met with Adhipati Road and the main Pa-O ethnic leader U Aung Hkam building of the university. Hti at the special intensive care Next, Senior General Min unit of the military hospital and Aung Hlaing and wife offered cordially asked about his health documents related to the con- conditions. After fulfilling neces- struction of the Adhipati Road sary requirements, the Senior Gen- Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents foodstuffs to Pa-O ethnic leader U Aung Hkam Hti at the of the Dhammaduta Chekinda special intensive care unit of the military hospital. PHOTO: MOSWRR eral presented him with foodstuffs.
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