Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 11/16 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. Juni Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Attentat in Orlando ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Vier Tote bei Terroranschlag in Tel Aviv ............................................................................................................ 2 3. Erweiterte Koalition und Friedensgespräche ................................................................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Attentat in Orlando rather than a gay club, as did his terrorist colleagues Die Schüsse im Homosexuellenclub von Orlando who slaughtered innocent revelers at the Bataclan in lassen Erinnerungen erwachen an das Attentat Paris. (…) from the perspective of the Islamic State Ende letzten Jahres im Pariser Bataclan. Ahnungs- (…), Paris with its cultural and entertainment institu- los drängeln sich die Menschen vor einer Bühne, als tions is as filthy as Orlando with its amusement die ersten Schüsse fallen, die sie als Teil der Show parks and LGBT life. (…) Many people visiting LGBT missinterpretieren, bevor sie sich der Gefahr be- venues like Pulse see them as a kind of refuge, a wusst werden. Zunächst unklar blieb, ob Omar Ma- safe space. They go there to be who they are, free teen, der Mann, der 49 Menschen in der „Pulse“-Bar of the constant pressure (…), like every other free erschoss, homophob war oder radikaler Muslim oder person. Many of the murdered and wounded at this beides. Der 29jährige Attentäter war US- club had already fallen victim to violence, persecu- Staatsbürger mit afghanischen Wurzeln, zum zwei- tion and humiliation. (…) For the victims, the murder ten Mal verheiratet und Vater eines kleinen Jungen. rampage in this cheerful, sun-soaked city is a double Er selbst erklärte noch kurz vor den Todesschüssen, blow (…). The LGBT community’s impressive suc- er sei inspiriert von den Attentätern von Boston und cesses, the major public events and the enormous dem Islamischen Staat treu verbunden. Ermittlungen changes in the lives of many of its members are real des FBI zufolge handelte der Mann auf eigene Initia- and important, but this is the half full part of the tive. Mateen drang mit einem Sturmgewehr und glass. The other half is filled with violence, discrimi- einer Pistole bewaffnet in den Club ein, schoss in nation and fear. (…) Openness, tolerance and equal die Menge und nahm dann Geiseln. Die Schießerei rights are a civilized society’s best answer to terror in Orlando ist der blutigste Anschlag in den USA seit and murder. (…) dem 11. September 2001. Bei einem Treffen mit Nitzan Horowitz, HAA, 13.06.16 Botschaftern der Nato-Mitgliedsstaaten erklärte Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu in Islam’s challenge Jerusalem, dass die Anschläge in Orlando und Tel (…) too much death and suffering are caused by Aviv Resultat „des gleichen Übels“ seien. those who claim to be acting in the name of Islam. (…) From Syria and Iraq to Nigeria, Sudan, Afghani- Between the Bataclan and Pulse: The unique stan and Pakistan, a great number of fatalities in suffering of Orlando massacre's victims armed conflicts around the world are in wars involv- It wouldn’t have been any less bad if Omar Mateen ing Muslims. The most numerous victims of Muslim had perpetrated the massacre at a “normal” club violence – including executions and lynchings – are 1 Muslim. (…) it is so crucial that moderate, peaceful the values of our faith. I fear that if we do not ade- Muslims speak out against the violence being car- quately face up to the enormity of what has hap- ried out in the name of Islam. (…) Islam is not the pened to LGBT people this week, we render our- only monotheistic faith that contains violent mes- selves hypocrites when we next demand that Jewish sages. Judaism has many of its own, such as the victims are treated first and foremost as Jewish concept of a holy war that justifies genocide (…) or victims. To allow such a situation would be intolera- harsh retribution for religious sins. But due to the ble, we must not allow it to come to pass. circumstances of Judaism’s development in exile, Jay Stoll, TOI, 13.06.16 many of its more militaristic or violent texts were spiritualized. (…) Similarly, Islam must undergo Horror revisits America change (…). Islam cannot exclusively be blamed for (…) Another Islamist terrorist attack in Barack the horrific act of pointless violence perpetrated in Obama's America -- the same America that decided Orlando (…). But this doesn’t exempt religious lead- to wipe the term "Islamist terrorism" from its lexicon. ers of all faiths from taking an unequivocal stand (…) The 29-year-old Mateen (…) held an American against violence in the name of religion. (…) passport and worked as a security guard for a com- Editorial, JPO, 13.06.16 pany that provides services to the federal govern- ment, but on judgment day he was first and foremost The fear that remains a jihadist, a murderer, terrorist; and only then, if at (…) If we continue to turn a blind eye, incidents such all -- an American. Something has gone wrong with as this will continue to occur. The fear is part of our the American dream. In America today there are daily struggle, and the tragedy in Orlando reopens those (…) who dream the jihadist dream. (…) The the wounds that have not yet healed from the mur- world was stunned by Sunday's horrific attack, der of Shira Banki at last year's Gay Pride Parade in which this time targeted the gay community. But is Jerusalem. (…) Just two weeks ago, an Israeli was anyone upset over homosexuals being brutally exe- arrested for inciting violence against the Jerusalem's cuted on a daily basis by Islamic State in Iraq and gay community, and now we hear the police has Syria? When they are thrown off of buildings, or investigated "suspicious" citizens in an attempt to burned alive? (…) for the jihadists everyone -- con- find out if they are planning to attend the various servatives and liberals alike -- are in the same boat. Pride events. We cannot remain calm. We no longer (…) The role of moderate Islam must be to de- feel safe when we walk down the street. When an nounce such attacks, instead of searching for ex- attack such as yesterday's takes place, we, the cuses. (…) victims of trauma, relive our experiences from last Boaz Bismuth, IHY, 13.06.16 year, along with all the others we must endure throughout the year. (…) I cannot understand why people should be scared to live as they choose just 2. Vier Tote bei Terroranschlag in Tel Aviv because other people don't understand or approve Schon schien es, als sei die aktuelle Welle von of their lifestyle. (…) An attack such as the one in zumeist mit Messern verübten Attentaten überstan- Orlando, like many other incidents around the world den. Auch deshalb ließ die Regierung über 80.000 and here in Israel, is often accompanied by a great zusätzliche Einreisegenehmigungen ausstellen für deal of ignorance and stigmata that exist in the Palästinenser aus dem Westjordanland, die Familie general population, and not just among the murder- in Israel haben und über den Ramadan- ers and those who incite to violence. (…) It is time Fastenmonat zu Besuch kommen wollten. Die Cous- for all of us to do some soul searching, to see what ins Ahmad Mussa Makhamreh und Khalid Muham- can be done to prevent the next hate crime. (…) mad Mussa Makhamreh aus Yatta, einem sozial Sarah Kala-Meir, IHY, 14.06.16 schwachen Vorort von Hebron, kamen in schwarzen Anzügen in das Tel Aviver Café Max Brenner und Prioritising victims at times of terror erregten keinen Verdacht. Erst als das Lokal sich (…) Every victim in that club was a victim of a ho- füllte, eröffneten die beiden Attentäter das Feuer auf mophobic murder. Simple. (…) When victims are die Gäste und töteten vier Menschen, bevor ihre victims for simply because they were born differently improvisierten Schusswaffen versagten. „Ich werde to others, even the slightest obfuscation over pre- mich nicht mit Lippenbekenntnissen zufriedenge- meditated motives must be rejected. (…) if we only ben“, kündigte Israels neuer Verteidigungsminister commit to hollow gestures of sympathy, we betray Avigdor Liberman an und forderte als erste Maß- 2 nahme, die Rückgabe der Leichen palästinensischer Liberman. (…) Liberman the politician was appeal- Terroristen zu stoppen. ing to populism when he made those comments. But Liberman the defense minister carries more serious Only solution to Palestinian terrorism is the end responsibilities on his shoulders. of the occupation Editorial, JPO, 09.06.16 (…) Israel has frozen 83,000 entry permits into Isra- el for family visits (…). These steps have just one The beating heart of Tel Aviv objective: To satisfy an Israeli public seeking re- (…) In the hours after the attack, the streets in the venge. (…) This impassioned and hollow talk, simi- area around Sarona emptied out. Perhaps this was lar to the acts of collective punishment, has no real due to fear or perhaps it was due to solidarity. It value. It will not protect the life of a single Israeli; it does not feel right to go and drink at a bar just a few will just increase the frustration and hatred among dozen meters from where four innocent people were those forced to live under Israeli occupation. In the murdered hours earlier. Any act of murder is terrible, end it will only push more young people to terrorism. but a terrorist attack in the heart of a city leaves a It’s amazing how the Israeli government does not lasting mark. The suicide bombing outside the Di- learn its lesson and recognize what should have zengoff Center in March 1996 is still seared in the been clear long ago: The terror will continue as long memories of many Tel Aviv residents. Such memo- as the Palestinian people have no hope on the hori- ries do not fade easily.
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