C1-C4_FSJ_0510_COV:proof 4/15/10 8:55 PM Page C1 GETTING UP TO SPEED ■ BEFORE USAID ■ A CASE OF WANDERLUST $3.50 / MAY 2010 OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L STHE MAGAZINE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD? The Future of the Foreign Service C1-C4_FSJ_0510_COV:proof 4/15/10 8:55 PM Page C2 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:29 PM Page 1 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:29 PM Page 2 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:30 PM Page 3 OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L S CONTENTS May 2010 Volume 87, No. 5 F OCUS ON The Future of the Foreign Service THE CHALLENGE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / 17 It is time for the Foreign Service to pull together recent advances in training into a comprehensive plan. By Ronald E. Neumann DIPLOMACY 3.0: A PROGRESS REPORT / 24 Unlike the Diplomatic Readiness Initiative, Diplomacy 3.0 is envisioned as a long-term approach to FS hiring needs. Cover and inside illustration By Bob Guldin by Gary Kempston THE NEXT-GENERATION DEPARTMENT OF STATE PROJECT / 29 We must empower the Secretary of State to coordinate the entire PRESIDENT’S VIEWS / 5 U.S. international relations mechanism. Seeing Diplomacy As a Profession By Edward Marks By Susan R. Johnson THE “REFORM” OF FOREIGN SERVICE REFORM / 35 SPEAKING OUT / 14 The constant need to redefine the diplomatic mission and organize Time for State to Get Up to Speed accordingly continues to drive a debate that began in the late 1940s. By Tom Casey By Thomas D. Boyatt REFLECTIONS / 80 S/CRS: SMART POWER IN ACTION / 40 The Yukon Jack Manifesto An interview with Ambassador John Herbst, the Coordinator By Jonathan Mines for Reconstruction and Stabilization since 2006. By Steven Alan Honley LETTERS / 7 MARKETPLACE / 8 FS HERITAGE CYBERNOTES / 10 A LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE ON BOOKS / 63 U.S. FOREIGN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION / 45 IN MEMORY / 68 Building on time-tested models is the best way to create development INDEX TO cooperation institutions that can meet future challenges. ADVERTISERS / 78 By Glenn Rogers MAY 2010/FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 3 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/20/10 2:59 PM Page 4 OREIGN ERVICE CONTENTS FJ O U R N A L S EWS Editor AFSA N STEVEN ALAN HONLEY Senior Editor STATE SURVEY RESULTS: STRONG OPINIONS / 51 SUSAN B. MAITRA OUTREACH & TEAMWORK: AFSA’S EXPLORITAS PROGRAMS / 51 Associate Editor SHAWN DORMAN RIEFS GGELER B , A / 52 AFSA News Editor VP USAID: FSOS ARE NOT RAMBOS / 54 FRANCESCA KELLY Ad & Circulation Manager VP FAS: UP OR OUT, PART II / 55 ED MILTENBERGER GRANTING STUDENTS’ WISHES: LORI DEC / 59 Art Director CARYN SUKO SMITH CLASSIFIEDS / 60 Editorial Intern JENNIFER THOMPSON Advertising Intern JOSERELDA BOON EDITORIAL BOARD TED WILKINSON Chairman MAY G. BAPTISTA JOSEPH BRUNS STEPHEN W. B UCK JULIE GIANELLONI CONNOR JEFF GIAUQUE MARY E. GLANTZ D. IAN HOPPER GEORGE JONES LYNN W. R OCHE RIMA J. VYDMANTAS THE MAGAZINE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS Foreign Service Journal (ISSN 0146-3543), 2101 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037-2990 is published monthly with a combined July-August issue by the American Foreign Service Associa- tion (AFSA), a private, nonprofit organization. Material appearing herein represents the opin- ions of the writers and does not necessarily rep- resent the views of the Journal, the Editorial Board or AFSA. Writer queries and submissions are invited, preferably by e-mail. Journal sub- scription: AFSA members – $13 included in an- nual dues; others – $40. For foreign surface mail, add $18 per year; foreign airmail, $36 per year. Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C., and at additional mailing offices. Indexed by Public Affairs Information Services (PAIS). The Journal is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos or illustrations. Advertising inquiries are invited. The appearance of advertisements herein does not imply the endorsement of the services or goods offered. TELEPHONE: (202) 338-4045 FAX: (202) 338-8244 or (202) 338-6820 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.afsa.org; www.fsjournal.org © American Foreign Service Association, 2010. Printed in the U.S.A. Send address changes to: AFSA Attn: Address Change 2101 E Street N.W. Washington DC 20037-2990 Printed on 50-percent recycled paper, of which 10 percent is post-consumer waste. 4 FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL/MAY 2010 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:30 PM Page 5 PRESIDENT’S VIEWS Seeing Diplomacy As a Profession BY SUSAN R. JOHNSON Do you consider the For- derfunding and understaffing fessional responsibility to carry out the eign Service to be a diplomatic of America’s civilian foreign “management of violence.” service? Is it a profession, or affairs institutions. Huntington acknowledged diplo- just a job that anyone inter- But are we clear about matic service as a profession possessing ested in travel and international what foundational profes- “a high degree of specialization of labor affairs can dabble in for a few sional education and what and responsibilities ... which renders a years before moving on — or sort of short-term traning are collective service to society as a whole.” back — to business, nonprofits, needed to build the skills, ex- But he left the definition of the profes- teaching or politics? And if you do think pertise and sense of “corporateness” sion, and its professional education and it is a profession, is it one you and the America’s diplomats and development certification requirements, up to the public can define, believe in and be diplomats to determine. proud of? The first step is to AFSA believes that it is time to take Our military and intelligence serv- 3 up this task. We need to put forward a ices long ago recognized the need for define our profession. definition of our profession for scrutiny high-quality professional education (as and debate, as a first step toward devis- opposed to short-term training) to pro- professionals require? Would being ing an effective approach to in-service duce skilled practitioners and leaders, certified and perceived as professionals training. and have invested heavily in providing — like doctors, lawyers or teachers — Toward that end, the American it. With that history in mind, Secretary make a difference? Academy of Diplomacy has launched a of Defense Robert Gates and Admiral Former Deputy Secretary of State comprehensive study to address profes- Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint John Negroponte, the first speaker in sional education, training, and develop- Chiefs of Staff, among others, have spo- AFSA’s new lecture series, “Promoting mental assignments needed to produce ken out repeatedly about the need for Excellence in Diplomacy,” emphasized a high-value cadre of diplomatic service our nation to invest more resources in the critical need for foreign-language professionals with the knowledge and civilian foreign affairs agencies, such as proficiency and the ability to under- skills needed to meet present needs and the State Department and U.S. Agency stand and operate in other cultures. Ac- future evolving requirements. for International Development. cordingly, the greatest challenge for the AFSA, along with the Cox and Dela- Recently, 50 senior retired military Foreign Service is “recruiting, training, van Foundations, is funding this study leaders signed a letter to members of deploying, retaining and retraining offi- and will participate in the work of the Congress in which they supported Pres- cers” with the skills needed to carry out AAD Advisory Group that will provide ident Barack Obama’s FY 2011 Inter- America’s foreign policy. overall guidance and policy direction. national Affairs Budget request. In A little more than 50 years ago, AFSA wants to provide a channel for particular, they endorsed its commit- Samuel Huntington made the case for active-duty perspectives and input to ment to begin reversing the chronic un- military “officership” as a profession in this project, and we are exploring a va- his book, The Soldier and the State. He riety of ways to do this. If you are inter- Susan R. Johnson is the president of the defined a military professional as some- ested in these issues, please be in touch American Foreign Service Association. one with the intellectual skills and pro- with us at [email protected]. ■ MAY 2010/FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 5 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:31 PM Page 6 01-16_FSJ_0510_FRO:first 4/15/10 5:31 PM Page 7 LETTERS Now That’s Funny similar Foreign Service jobs to mine, eration of Multiple Sclerosis Societies, The cartoon in the January FSJ, Richard became president of Anatolia and sole fundraiser for Passports for “The Three-Martini Country Team College in Greece — the first job I was Pets, part of the successful campaign Meeting,” is the funniest thing I’ve offered on retirement 25 years ago, that ended the six-month quarantine seen in the magazine in 50 years. In only to have it whisked away at the last for dogs and cats entering the U.K. fact, I think it’s the only funny thing minute when the incumbent changed The work can be very rewarding I’ve seen in the FSJ in the same period! his mind about leaving. when you believe in the nonprofit or Harrison Sherwood I now teach and direct international charity that you represent — and the Senior Foreign Service, relations at a private American univer- remuneration is better than in most retired sity in London (and simultaneously di- teaching jobs. Considering all the Longstanton, U.K. rected an American graduate school in think-tanks and similar organizations Paris a few years ago). Jobs in acade- that need to raise money, this is a wide- Getting It Wrong mia, especially abroad, can be long- open field for FS alumni with their so- Chas Freeman’s article in your lasting and rewarding even when cial and communication skills.
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