- l 15, 1945 = -~ Partly CloUcl1 '<ft MEATS, FATS. book four rod ota nI" V2 IhroGrlt Z0 .ANT , ood t.brou. h Se pt . 1U) j At throu,h El valid tbroUl h IOWA: Parib eleady &ocIaT. o . ~ . 31\ .' 1 Ihrou, " Kl ,ood Ihro., 1t N ••• 3U. and LI Ibr.u. b QI valid Ibro .... Do • . 81. 8UGAll, lta.. p :II W&l'lDer &on1ch&. partleD­ . ood Ihrou. h D ••. 81 lor llvo poundo. 8UOE8, bo.k IarJ in DOIih anel wesi. t bree a lrpla. e .'amp. 1, 2•• and" .,. 'DO. IDdefJDltely. DAILY' IOWAN THE POrtions. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~======~========~s=========. ~==~==========================================~==============================~============c=======================~~ :IVE CENTS TUB ASSOCIATED PIlE8S IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1945 TUB AUOClA'I'q P.... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 302 • .. .. • Ire ' Rag~s a urrlcane RELEASED JAP PRISONERS AWAIT NAVAL TRANSPORTS • Clyde Herring, What's in a Name? 37 LeHers in This One · Big 5 Moves to Strip 200 Injured NOGALES. Ariz. (AP)-Tony former Iowa Papatheodorokoumounto'ttrogian­ Italy of Possessions In Huge Blaze akopoulos, Jr.• was born this week to proud parents, Mr. aQd Mrs. Papatheodorokoumountour­ LONDON (AP)-A responsible in some diplomatic quarters that r ogianakopouJos, Sr. Russia may have med for con­ ~enalor Dies source said last night that the Big AI Navy Base "Just thlnk what Tony. Jr., trol of one or more of the Dade­ has to look forward t,)." exults Five council of foreign ministers canese islands, guardian. of the Well Known/ Democrat Tony, Sr., "-the nation's long­ has decided tentatively to divest Dardanelles, and possibly some est monicker." Italy of her colonial empire and part of [wly', African empire. 50,000 Seek Shelter Served as Governor • to adopt a trusteeship arrangement The disposition of Italy's colon­ As 143 mph Winds Of State for 2 Term. •• - ----- ---:----. giving the uIUmate Independence ies consumed the greater part of to Italian colonies. yesterday's and today'S meetings ~weep Across Keys WASHINGTON (AP)- CJyde L. The informant said the couDell of the council. )[IAllI, 11'10 ., (AP) ~r Herring, 66. formel' lilemocratic had accepted the American view A p par e n tl y the Bljr Five Japs Defeated Enemy, calling Cor an international trus­ 200 pel'SOn were r ported in­ sena tor from Iowa, died here yes­ reached at least the basis of an , reduced teeship of the colOnies "in con­ agreement on the colonial ques­ jured 11lbt night in 8 ri~ at th terday in his hotel apartment of formity with the United Nations Ilon. since It turned over the com­ Is shoWl! I No Equal of Allies, a heart ailment. charter." pUcated issue to its deputies lor R ichmond navy blimp b 8 . 8 ~~~~.!) ,1~ 1 ~ [C iting served in the senate for The official communique issued fin I recommendations. violent tropical burri an tllat one term from 1937 to 1942 and MacArthur Declares earlier said the forelin ministers reached a p ak v locity of 143 had referred the Italian colonial also served two terms as governor m. p. h. w pt inl no ocr the Most War Criminals question to the council's deputies of Iowa, (rom 1932 to 1936. He with instruction to make the "Cull­ Household DDT Florida key . - has made his home in Washington Already in Custody est possi ble use ot the plan pro­ Hurricane warnln" were or­ si nce he sought reelection and was Of American Army posed by the American delega .. Solutions Vary to Suit dered hoisted over all of penin­ defeated in 1942. tion." Specific Uses sula Plorlda. 50,000 persons were First Demo. Governor TOKYO (AP)- General MacAr- This developmenl on the Ital­ ian peace settlement followed driven to seek emergency shelter Herring became Iowa's first thur clamped a tight censorship Democratic governor in 40 years earlier reports that Turkey had WASHINGTON (AP)-It you're in BOUth Florida alone, and at least and was the only Iowa Democrat on J apan's news industry yester­ sen t the council a note suggesting eon fu sed about how to use DDT- one death was reported.. elected both governor and United I " day, det:laring the empire was no international control of the bases now that It's becoming available Seventh navol district head­ leading to the Dardanelles. stra­ states senator. AMERICAN, .BRITISH AND C AN ADI~N prisoners from the Japanese Narumi Dalto camp, hold an equal of the Allies but "a defeated generally- here are some hot tips quarters said it had learned via He came to the senate alter de- American lIag as they were reewed at Arale railroad station to await UnJted states naval transport enemy which has not yet demon­ tegic link between the Mediter­ ranean and the Black Sea, and of from a department of agriculture radio communications that 213 leating Sen. L. J. Dickinson, Re- authorities. strated a right to a place among publican foe of the New Deal, for ------------- - - ---- - -------- - ------;------ vital interest to Russia. expert. naval pianes, 153 civilia n planes, civiJized nations." Stress U. S. Plan Dr. F. C. Bishop of the depart- 25 blimps and three gianl hangars All but a few of the top sabre­ While the council In a communi­ ment's bureau of entomology and had been destroyed ot the Rlch­ rattling militarists on his wanted que issued after the fourth day's ;~~~i~~~~~~:n~:e~:c~~~:~~~~~:i 'Grade' System Instituted at 'Eldora School 218' 000 Idle plant quarantine, in an interview. mond base. 30 miles .[rom here. list of suspected war criminals meeting, stressed the American were in custody. Those detained plan, it also told the deputies to gave these cardinal rul1!8 lor folks World'. Lu,esl included Lieut. Gen. Ma saharu take into consideration views of who want the stuft for ordinary The report. deseribLni the hani- ;~::l\:~ '.~j~:~:~T~ As Superi~tendent .Considers Military Plan In S;rikes . the other delegations. , Homma. held accountable for Ba­ domestic uses such as killing files. ars as the world's lariest slngle- Russia's Influence was streng­ several weeks. Three weeks .ago ELDORA (AP)-Reorganization are in grade one at the start. Taan's terrible "death march." mosquitoes, bedbugs. do, neas and arch wooden constructed haniars, I I thened ,further in the council with he returned here tro~ D.es Momes of the Eldora state training school Minor rule infractions or refusal I Jose Laurel. puppet president of cockroaches: a decision to add Poland. Ukraine added that all the alrcraft had where he had vlsitmg. for boys along military lines was to do work, they are reduced to the Philippines; his son, and Be- ~een I United Auto Workers and White Russia to the list of eclde on Uee been !lown to the ba e for refuge. He .became III early yesterday being considered yesterday by grade two and sent to the grade nigllo Aquino. head of the puppet 1. Make up your mind what countries Invited to submit views Fourteen of the bUmps were in and dIed lat: yesterd.ay afternoon Percy A. Lainson. acting superin': cottage. Ask General Motors Filipino assembly. were arrested specific use you Intend to make of in writing, if they wish, on the storage and no longer In commis­ of coronary hrombosls ol the pos- tendent. They are not confined more than by United States army authorities DDT - because. , lor example, a lwor heart Each cottage would be set Ull grade one boys and contin(le to For 30 Percent Boost at the health resort of Nara near Italian peace settlement. sion. ar~ry ~f ~ Russian Support form suitable for flies may not H orr;, n J k on a company plan with inmates eat in the general mess hall, but Osaka and taken to Yokohama. The novol spokesman said thot eh~a n By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS These countrJes would support be so good for cockroaches. he was orn Inear H~c fis.on• acting as officers under Lainson's they do. wear a distinctive uni- Japs to Investi,ate 2. Don't grab the tir t 001' lit 11 o'clock (CWT) ten searching M M 5 S79 t any demands Russia might press IC •• on ay . IS rs ed " 0 '" , .... t f 11 d th " d " " The number of idle thl'OIlgt\ (Domel in a homeland broadcast product you see on a store shelf. parnes were sUlI combing the de­ iob after he left publlc school was p~pos renslOn . ulcers, s ... pe ~ orm ea e . e gra e unuor",l' against the Italian colonies, it was work stoppages in major labor said a committee of the Japanese Read the label and see It DDT Is bris but at that time there were in Detroit where he became a VIsed by the cO.ttage manager. H they contmued to present dls­ believed. The opinion was voiced no Indications of any fatalities. Iriend of Henry Ford, whose auto- ",:,ould be responsIble. fo r the as- Clp!Jnary pr?blems, ~hey may be disputes in the nation rose to house of repres'entatlves had taken present in the proper concentra­ over "political investigation" acti­ tlon to suit your needs. Ambulances were called to mobile business was then in its slgnment and execution of work sent to ~onfinement In what pro- 218,000 yesterday. as the CIO­ Miami's municipally-owned Jock­ early stages. details. bably will be known as the "cor- United Automobile workers an­ vitles 01 the rightist. militaristic Here are the types of DDT ybu'll "great Japan political society." now lind or wlll eventually Llnd son Memorial hospital to remove He moved to Des Moines in 1910 Manager in C ha r g~ rection cottag\!." The old fire sta- nounced its decision to petition General MacArthur 70 pregnancy cases to make room and there became one of the big- Lalnson said the cottage :na~a~ .tion is ,being remo.~eled ?nd s~r- for a strike vote among 325,000 which was disbanded Friday.
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