Index for the Register Volumes 68-110 (1970-2012) A Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity, noted, A&M College (Lexington, Ky.), 96:55–58 108:169 A & P Store (Covington, Ky.): Abernathy, Jeff: To Hell and Back: Race desegregation of, 109:382 and Betrayal in the American Novel, Aaron, Ky.: and Garlin M. Conner, reviewed, 101:558–60 110:67, 70, 87 Abernathy, Ralph David, 99:29 Aaron Burr: The Years from Princeton to Abernethy, Thomas P., 71:69, 86, 450, Vice President, 1756–1805, by Milton 80:145, 149, 91:299 Lomask: reviewed, 79:82–84 Abiding Faith: A Sesquicentennial History Abbeville, N.C., 75:137 of Providence, Kentucky, 1840–1990, by Abbey, M. E., 93:289 James Duane Bolin: noted, 89:118 Abbey, Richard: and Keats family, Abilene, Kans., 105:463 106:49–50, 53–54 Abingdon, Va., 71:402, 72:210, 74:244, Abbot, W. W.: ed., The Papers of George 75:134, 93:273–74; during Civil War, Washington: Confederation Series, vol. 4, 108:78, 83, 109 April 1786–January 1787, reviewed, Abingdon Presbytery (Va., Tenn.), 80:279 94:183–84 abolitionism, 77:6–8, 89, 96:224–25, Abbott, B. A., 74:117 228–29; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:460; Abbott, Dorothy: Thomas D. Clark letter history of, 107:165; issue in Ky., to, 103:400 110:266–91; and John G. Fee, Abbott, Edith, 93:32 105:619–21; John T. Harrington's Abbott, Grace, 93:32 opinion of, 105:665; opposition to Abbott, H. P. Almon, 90:281 filibustering, 105:572; in Washington, Abbott, Martin: book reviews by, D.C., 68:132–46; and William Andrew 70:325–26, 71:108–9, 72:55–56 Jackson, 107:167–69 Abbott, Richard H.: Cobbler in Congress: "Abolitionism in Kentucky," by Wallace B. The Life of Henry Wilson, 1812–1875, Turner, 69:319–38 reviewed, 71:114–17; For Free Press and Abolitionists Remember: Antislavery Equal Rights: Republican Newspapers in Autobiographies and the Unfinished the Reconstruction South, reviewed, Work of Emancipation, by Julie Roy 103:803–5; The Republican Party and Jeffrey: reviewed, 107:450–52 the South, reviewed, 85:89–91 Above and Beyond: A History of the Medal ABC of Early Americana, by Eric Sloane, of Honor from the Civil War to Vietnam, 72:65 by editors of Boston Publishing A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbot: Comic History of Company: noted, 84:453 England, 77:115 Abraham, Henry J.: Justices and Abell, Alethia: See Spalding, Alethia Presidents: A Political History of Abell Appointments to the Supreme Court, Abell, Margaret, 68:263 noted, 84:453–54 Abell, Robert, 68:263 Abraham, Herbert, 90:353 Abell, Robert A., 68:263, 108:221 Abraham, Jo Walder, 90:353 Abercrombie, Mary, 90:252 Abraham, Mr.—, 81:388, 394, 397, 401, Abernathy, Greg: Deborah White, Ellis L. 403–4 Laudermilk, and Marc Evans, eds., Abraham and Mary Lincoln, by Kenneth Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An J. Winkle: listed, 110:609 Index Abraham Lincoln, by James M. American Revolution, by James M. McPherson, 106:461 McPherson, 108:316; reviewed, Abraham Lincoln, Constitutionalism, and 89:411–12 Equal Rights in the Civil War Era, by Abraham Lincoln and White America, by Herman Belz: reviewed, 96:201–3 Brian R. Dirck: reviewed, 110:599–602 Abraham Lincoln, Contemporary: An Abraham Lincoln: A Press Portrait, edited American Legacy, edited by Frank J. by Herbert Mitgang: noted, 88:490 Williams and William D. Pederson: Abraham Lincoln as a Man of Ideas, by reviewed, 94:182–83 Allen C. Guelzo: review essay, Abraham Lincoln, Esq.: The Legal Career 106:463–67 of America's Greatest President, edited Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial by Roger Billings and Frank J. Williams: Commission, 107:238, 253, 259–60 reviewed, 109:221–23 Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Abraham Lincoln, His Story in His Own Historic Site Bicentennial Workshop Words, by Ralph C. Newman: reviewed, (KHS), 106:303 73:426–28 Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia, The, by Abraham Lincoln: A Life, by Michael Mark E. Neely Jr.: reviewed, 81:79–81 Burlingham: review essay, 106:448–56 Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Abraham Lincoln: Amerikas großer Writings, by Roy P. Basler, 73:195 Präsident: Eine Biographie, by Jorg Abraham Lincoln in Kentucky Literature, Nägler, 106:441–43 by Willard Rouse Jillson, 72:307 "Abraham Lincoln: An African American Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum Perspective," by J. Blaine Hudson, (Harrogate, Tenn.): Thomas Lincoln 106:513–35 cupboard at, 106:484 Abraham Lincoln and a New Birth of Abraham Lincoln: Public Speaker, by Freedom: The Union and Slavery in the Waldo W. Braden: reviewed, 87:457–58 Diplomacy of the Civil War, by Howard Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, by Jones: reviewed, 98:431–32 Allen C. Guelzo: reviewed, 98:429–34 Abraham Lincoln and Horace Greeley, by Abraham Lincoln: Sources and Style of Gregory A. Borchard: listed, 110:610 Leadership, edited by Frank J. Williams, Abraham Lincoln and Robert Burns: William D. Pederson, and Vincent J. Connected Lives and Legends, by Ferenc Marsale, 81:386; reviewed, 93:341–42 Morton Szasz: reviewed, 107:112–16 Abraham Lincoln: Theologian of American Abraham Lincoln and the American Anguish, by Elton Trueblood: reviewed, Political Tradition, edited by John L. 72:422–23 Thomas: reviewed, 85:181–83 Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, by "Abraham Lincoln and the Danville Carl Sandburg, 106:448 Farmer: The President-Elect Discusses Abraham Lincoln: The Quest for Policy with a Kentuckian," by Mark J. Immortality, by Dwight G. Anderson: Stegmaier, 106:409–32 reviewed, 82:188–89 Abraham Lincoln and the Quakers, by Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, by Carl Daniel Bassuk: noted, 86:99 Sandburg, 106:448 "Abraham Lincoln and the Register," by Abrahams, Roger, 73:71 R. Darrell Meadows, 106:297–305 Abram, Job, 75:138 Abraham Lincoln and the Second Abram, Morris B., 99:41 2 Index Abrams, Douglas Carl: book review by, American Foreign Policy, by John T. 102:131–33 McNay: reviewed, 100:249–50 Abrams, Regina, 89:63 Achievement of Robert Penn Warren, by Abramson, Jeffrey: We, the Jury: The James H. Justus: reviewed, 81:81–82 Jury System and the Ideal of Democracy, Acker, Caroline Jean: Creating the reviewed, 94:212–13 American Junkie: Addiction Research in Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner, the Classic Era of Narcotic Control, 69:95, 84:343 reviewed, 101:185–87 Absentee Landowning & Exploitation in Acklen, Adelicia, 93:84 West Virginia, 1760–1920, by Barbara acroosteolysis: at B. F. Goodrich plant in Rasmussen: reviewed, 93:490–92 Louisville, Ky., 102:159–69 Absolute Massacre: The New Orleans Across a Great Divide: Continuity and Race Riot of July 30, 1866, by James G. Change in Native North American Hollandsworth Jr.: reviewed, 99:315–17 Societies, 1400-1900, by Laura L. Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Scheiber and Mark D. Mitchell: Inventories, by J. Estelle Stewart King, reviewed, 108:257–59 68:281 Across Fortune's Tracks: A Biography of Abyssinian Baptist Church (New York, William Rand Kenan Jr., by Walter E. N.Y.), 109:321 Campbell: reviewed, 95:110–11 Abzug, Robert H.: and Stephen E. Across the Years: Memories of a Virginian, Maizlish, eds., New Perspectives on Race by Virginius Dabney: reviewed, and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor 77:239–40 of Kenneth M. Stampp, reviewed, "Act and Testimony," by Robert J. 85:174–76 Breckinridge, 72:325–30 Acacia, John: Clark Clifford: The Wise Action for Appalachian Youth, 107:377, Man of Washington, reviewed, 381 109:269–71 Acton, John Emerich Edward, 85:157 Academicians in Government from Actors, Audiences, & Historic Theatres of Roosevelt to Roosevelt, by Paul B. Cook: Kentucky, by Marilyn Casto: reviewed, reviewed, 81:224–25 99:81–82 Academy and College: The History of the Actors Theatre (Louisville, Ky.): lobby of, Woman's College of Furman University, 106:60 by Judith T. Bainbridge: reviewed, Acts of God: The Unnatural History of 99:412–13 Natural Disaster in America, by Ted Academy Awards, 98:368, 370–71, 423 Steinberg: reviewed, 99:442–44 Academy of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Acuff, Roy, 80:175 Pa.), 105:255–56 Adair, John, 69:90, 71:158, 161, 164–65, Academy of St. Vincent (Union County, 171, 332, 72:86, 77:95, 99, 103–4, Ky.), 68:263 78:17, 82:121, 215, 218, 233, 88:246, Accomack County, Va., 69:44, 162, 100:341; on education, 82:217 70:25 Adair County, Ky., 71:411, 90:328, Accord, Irene: illus., 107:358 98:396, 399; courthouses in, 70:335; Acheson, Dean, 77:33–34, 45, 82:29, 33, free African Americans in, 109:299; 102:315, 104:431–32, 459 school integration, 101:254–55; Acheson and Empire: The British Accent in Trappists in, 97:359 3 Index Adairville, Ky., 72:13 70:123–24, 71:3, 445–46, 72:144, 153, Adam, John D.: "The Berea College 168, 182, 209, 280–81, 408, 419, Mission to the Mountains: Teacher 73:242, 244, 246, 250, 253–57, 263, Training, the Normal Department, and 267, 360, 374, 74:51, 55, 75:299–300, Rural Community Development," 318–19, 76:282–83, 78:124, 128, 110:33–66 130–31, 80:200, 82:21, 74–75, 85:6, Adams (Union transport ship), 74:6 9–10, 13, 27–28, 86:330, 88:253, Adams, Abigail, 72:403, 73:77 91:287, 94:355, 361, 100:55, 442, 451, Adams, Alexander E., 71:302 465, 471, 107:552; and Andrew Adams, Captain—, 108:106 Jackson, 100:452; election of 1824, Adams, Catherine Neuman: and Fred G. 102:504–5; foreign policy of, Neuman, The Story of Paducah, noted, 107:575–76; George C. Herring's 78:296 estimate of, 102:309–10; and Henry Adams, Della: and Lewis H.
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