'Sl , Serving the State The Unlveriity of Iowa Warm aJld b1llllW wlUt S llIlll! cbaDa'e \hrOQb Campus and Wednelldal. Wah ....,. Iowa City 9&; low, '75. IliJ'h MoJldaJ. rack e at 9': low, 77 • or_ Eat. 1868• - AP Leased Wire - Five Cen.. Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday, July 22, 1952 Vol. 86, No. 204 eafJ but r In Dted Je k_ Lot Ined lIrl\e Ire. lin f. IISl ar ro 5 emo .., • -· -• IPI SUI Summer Enrollment' Tofals 3 601 Quake Kills nlQU!ts As ,Bandwagon It" I I~ I . II 2,SOOMore Register ' In California; S!c~~~~"""~~~t~!.~~!~.~?n~t !. with Interlandi Polio Deaths d h announced his withdrawal fi'om the race for the Democratlc preslden- For Special Courses Pre ict Anot er Ual ~~~~~e~i~S~~ed a statement In which he dtchlred: "I have asked the Kentucky delegation not to present my name Summer session enrollment at Mount to 14 TEHACHAPI, CALIF. UP) - * ** to the convention." An earthquaKe of such shaUerlng The 74-year-old vice-president SUI totals 3,601 full-time residen, · c·t force that It literally moved had been one of the leadlnl fll- students, according to figures re­ At 5 fOUX f Y mountains hit this little town ures In speculation as to where leased Monday by President Virgil with Its greatest fury Monday, President Truman. would throw M. Hancher. SIOUX CITY (JP)-The nation's killing 11, injuring more than a his support tOr the noml. atlon. • worst polio epidemic claimed the score of others and leaving much The total included 899 veterans, of the town homeless. Unieal 8&r11le Blow life of Its 14th victim Monday as 0 bl t "'I did • II Tehachani is about 140 miles ne ow 0" scan aey.e 85 compared to the 1,611 veterans thousands of Sioux City children " S d h t k t registered last summer when the northeast of Los Angeles. un ay w en op spo esmen or swarmed to five polio study Nine ot the victims were chll- the AFL and CIO announce!! they enrollment was 4,320. clinics throughout. the city tor In- dren. They died in the dark as felt that Barkley was too old to Male enrollment this summer Is oculallon.. the quake sent walls 01 every make a successful race. 2,388 compared to 3,004 last year, The Jatest Sioux City victim major building In the town tumbl- Another Clllme i ••om:ilY, wlJen while 1,2 /3 women are enrolled, was 11 -year-old David Anderson ing. The big Tehachapi state prl- reliable reports spread that Tru,- compared to 1,316 last summer. of Sioux City who entered the son for women was badlY dam- man might alter aU throw his The total enrollment represents hospital Sunday. Council Bluffs aged, but there were no Injuries 8 drop of approximately 15 per among the frlgh tened felons. BULLETIN cent ,according to registrar Ted NURSES SENT TO SI9UX CITY WlU'ren VlsUIi Are... McCarrel, who declared the drop University hospitals reported Gov. Earl Warren, U. S. Sen . (JONVENTION HALL, Chlca,o, . was In Une with decreases in other Monday that It has sent three WlUiam F. Knovlland and state (Tuesday) (IP) - Con&es&ed Tex.. midwestern universities this sum- nurses to Sioux City to help with civil defensc leaders [lew to Te­ and Mlsst..appl deleptes told Ute mer. the polio epidemic. hachapi to personally assess the Demoerati" national convention damage. Aid was rushed over ear/f t..ta,. Ute)' do niK waDt to In addition to the full-time resi­ The three were sent In answer buckled highways, some of them vote on anI aeatln.. contest.. dent students, approximately 2,500 to a request from St. Joseph's hospltai, Sioux City, for trained partly blocked by landslides. PClul A. Dever The parly'. 1III&lonal commU&ee persons have registered in some Amid the rush to bring help to had voted, 10 sea' an&l-Truman 30 short courses, clinics, work­ polio personnel who would be Calls Ike "Unqualified" able to Instruct their staff. the stricken town came a cautious dele .. '",1ft 'bese NO s&!ltes. shops and conferences held on the a. &0 Those sent have had consider­ warning from a top-ranking seis­ Pro-Truman dele.. aiell plan campus this summer. Lasting from able experience in handling polio mologist that another quake might C&ITJ' Ute tlOates' &0 the col1ven­ one day to tbree weeks, the events cases at University hospitals. come within 36 hours, and an es­ Democratic Keynoter tion. timate [rom another that the - comprised SUl's "usiest program The Hospitals also said tha t earth ,high in the Tehachapi of summer activity In 53 years. they had received no new pollo backing to Gov. Adlai .E. Steven­ y mountains may have moved 40 to Tags Ike as INovice, Enrollment figures show that cases Sunday or Monday. son of Illinois. Ihe graduate college has the larg­ 50 fect along the fault Jine. At the same time, eager rank Tunnels Daffi3.l'cd and file Democrats appeared Mo n­ est number of studnts-2,338. Last recorded Its first polio fatality of Unqualified for Office summer's figure was 2,804. There were these other high­ day night to be bent on thrusting the year with tlie death of 8-year~ CONVENTION HALL. CHICA- lhe party presidential nomination In co mmenting on the summer lights as the assessments of dam­ old Billy Paulson. The two deaths GO (IP) _ Gov. Paul A. Dever of toward Adlai, Stevenson. .Tbe Ill­ s e s s ion enrollment, McCarrel agc took form hours after the brought to 16 Iowa's 1952 polio first violent ~hock: . Massachusetts Monday n1""t lam- inols governor did not , reach out stated, "Both the decline in vet­ total. ... to selz.e it - but neither did He An oil re!lnery was set aiire. basted the Repubhcans as "(osslll''' thrust It back. eran enrollment imd the decline Hundreds of children accom­ and still blazed hours later. and declared their nominee. And 85 the Democratle clans in the graduate college filUre in­ panied by their parents crowded Dr. Hugo Benlo!f oC California dicate that this year and nexl will Dwight D. Eisenhower. Is a com- Ii t .t I tl a1 ti t "- and from the convention floor your roving reporter brings you delegate Sioux City clinics in the nation's Instltule of Technology, Pasadena, lete novice unqua'I1IieA for the ~ eoe" n na on convep on 0 virtually see the end of the World Novotny - the views and opinions exp ressed do not necessarily reflect those third and final mass test to de­ told reporters that another earlh­ P I.L the keynote call to the political War I.veteran enrollments. A termine whether gamma globulln quake, possibly as strong or pr ·deney. campaign ahead, word raced ueat number of veterans wbo of this station or the delegate!" can curb the paralytic effects of stronger than Monday's, could fol­ In a keynote speech to the Dem- among them tbat President Tru­ completed their ~ndergraduate pollo. low. He said that about one time ocratlc national convention, Dever man ml'ht leap with them to a work went on to M.A. 'and Ph.D. Dr. William H. Hammon, epi­ in 20 is a quake of such magnI­ said the "selfish opportunists" Stevenson bandwagon. studies completed their work last demiologist at the University ot tude, that is the case. who chose Eisenhower are bent on Stevenson Becoma FavorUe CIO Stays Pat wIping out all social and economic All at once in the opening hours lear or are finishing It this year." (omedy Opera O,pens Tonight; Pittsllurgh w is directing the tests, sald the morninl turnout gains of the last 20 years. of the 31st Slarty convention. Stl!- alone surpassed the entire open­ Today's Convention "We have vanquished them be- venson had becolT~e the favorite 9 Convicts Escape In Steel Feud ing day's attendance ln previous fore _ wc shall vanquish them Of many bbewildered. leaderless CHICAGO (IDI _ Today's pro- del e,ates w 0 didn't know qulte studies in Utah and Texas. " I again," he declared In his pre- h t t H.iahliahf of Fine Arts Festival PITTSBURGH (A»-CIO United gram at the Democratic national pared text. were 0 urn for a presidential Kansas City Jail The children, between the ages convention: candidate. When they did begin By JIM GOLTZ Steelwqrkers told the steel Indus­ of I and 11 , have a 50-50 chance try Monday It must agree to full Day sesslon-lJ a.m. (Iowa time) Praise!!, Scoms a grass roots movement toward KANSAS CITY (IP) - Nine The most outstanding talents in fessor ot dramatic art, Is serving to receive an Injection of gamma compulsory union membership as PresidIng officer: Frank E. As keynote speeches invarIably Swtheovenhsao,n, b~nwassaytoinWgar~vera manaId] Ilrlsoners used an acetylene torch SUI's music and dramatic art de­ as dramatic director. Profs. Ar­ globulin, a protein fragment ot the price peace In the 50-<lay­ ' D tl II I do, Dever blended high praise ,,~ y to slice their way through three partments will be comblned to­ nold S. Gillette and Walter S. or whole human blood that contains M c KlOney, cmocra c nn ona over he just doesn't want to be old defense-economy crlppllng . for his own party with scorn and neel doors early Monday and es­ night In the opening performance Dewey have deslgned and exe­ polio anti-bodies.
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