The Beacon RARITAN TOWNSHIP Every Reader of the Beacon should keep In mind that &«Wi trticlM and exprewlona the advertisements carry as much Jl opinion! on timely subjects from our "punch" as the news articles. Every readers. We welcome all such contri- advertiser has a message (or the read- butions and will publish them as far ers and uses this medium because ha as possible. But, it Is very important knows the readers desire to keep that all correspondence be signed by abreast of every advantage as well as the writer. know what's going on. (and Woodbridge ^Journal) Forda Office: Raritan Township Office: 465 New Brunswick Ave. The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Cor. Main St. & Route 25 VOL. VI. No. 33. FORDS AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1936. PRICE THREE CENTS RAMBLING REPORTER Important Questions Hurled At Alexander •Says- Gives Data FORDS FIREMEN AT it seems to me that exactly CLAMBAKE TOMORROW Madison, Seeking Second Ward Post eleven days from today there's LOCAL RULING IS ALEXANDER HITS gonna be lots of doings not FORDS. — The Fords fire only hereabouts but all over company will hold one of its these United States of Ameri- BEING TESTED IN GOP COMMITTEE noted clambakes at the fire- Gives Present Representative Chance ca. Of course it's only natural house in Corrielle street to- that we are interested in the morrow at 6 p. m. And pos- results of that day Nationally COMMON PLEAS itively, no tickets will be sold —but—what we're more inter FOR HIGH TAXES at the "door." To Answer Charges Before Election ested in is what will happen The bake is being prepared VALIDITY OF ORDINANCE, CHARGES PRESENT ADMIN- i — ' — • _ in every Middlesex village and REGULATING PEDDLERS, by that well-known and pop- farm on the same date— ISTRATION FOR RAISING ular bake-preparcr Ben Jen- which, by the way, is Novem- BEING STUDIED TAX RATE sen. So. if you know what's G.O.P. CANDIDATE ber 3—ELECTION DAY. good for you, you'll step on REPUBLICANS HIT RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—An or- FORDS.—Charging the township the gas today—breeze over to o - - o dinance regulating hawking and I don't think it's quite necessary Republican administration for giv- see one of the firemen—and peddling in the township and ing the taxpayers a chain of brok- plank your money on the line DISEGTS RECORD for me to tell you what the Nation TOP SPEED FOR adopted by the Raritan Township en promises, Committeeman Char- for a ticket, or two, or three. al picture is Nevertheless, it won't board of commissioners is under go amiss if I do venture to inform les J. Alexander, of this place, fire and whether or not it is valid Democratic candidate seeking re- you all that a fellow called Frank- rests upon the decision of Judge CAMPAIGN FINIS OF YOUNUIVAL lin Delano Roosevelt, who has had election this year, at a meeting of Adrian Lyon in the court of com- the Ladies' Democratic club of POLICE CONTINUE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE- the title of President of the United mon pleas at New Brunswick. MASS MEETINGS TONIGHT MAN ASKED TO REVEAL States for four years, but who has Fords, Tuesday night characteriz- The moot point was raised this ed the increase in the 1936 tax AND TUESDAY ARE HIGH ACCOMPLISHMENTS a lad named Jim Farley handling week when Jacob Gross, through his alphabet blocks, is seeking re- rate as '"the Republican adminis- SEARCH FOR HIT SPOTS OF FINALE his attorney, Harold J. Sylarew, tration's No. failure, inasmuch as election to the highest office in our appealed the decision of Recorder Madison Leads National government. MAYOR A. F, GREINER the 1935 rate had presumably been Victory Sure Alfred C. Urffer who convicted driven to an abnormally low level AND RON DRIVER o - - o Gross for violating the ordinance • * * • FORDS.—A ve.iy surpris- in an attempt, purely and simply FORDS. — Republican organiza- This fellow Roosevelt by peddling bread and rolls in the By Mayor August F. Greiner ed and startled citizenry of to win the electorate's approval in DRIER'S MAD DASH INTO tions throughout the second ward township. While numerous attempts have November 1935." the Second Ward of Wood- happens to be a Democrat GROUP OF CHILDREN of Woodbridge township are plan- —-at least he was when The complaint against Gross was been made to inject .hysteria into In this connection, Alexander INJURES FOUR bridge township is today he first sought the presi- made by Special Officer John Ca- the local campaign I think the peo- quoted from a survey prepared by ning to attend party rallies at ready to visit the polls and lamoneri and the arrest was made ple of Woodbridge Township may H. V Reilly & Company, of Hack- Keasbey next Tuesday night and dency. Since then, it is my on July 14. On August 21, Gross RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — Po- cast vote after vote for How- safely discount this desperate talk. ensack, township auditors, under lice of Raritan Township are con- here tonight, according to an- ard Madison, Republican belief he is everything but was convicted and given a suspend After all, there is no mystery date of January 20, 1936, comment nouncements issued by district ed sentence by Recorder Urffer. tinuing iheir search for a hit and candidate for township com- a Democrat. Let's .not for- surrounding the administration of ting on the fiscal condition of the run driver who ran down a group leaders last night. According to the briefs filed by township affairs during the last township at the close of 1935, as mitteeman, who, during the get, the Democratic party of children here last Saturday In addition to the two mass sess- Sklarew, it is pointed out that the three and one-half years. When follows: night shortly before 8 o'clock. past few days, revealed that is okay by me. We've had conviction should be reversed on we- took over the reins of govern- ions, district units will hold their good Democratic presi- "It is obvious that this $285,000 As a result of the driver's mad regular and individual meetings in his Democratic emulator the ground that Gross' activities ment we were faced with a ghast- (representing the balance remain- dents. But, when Roose- were not and are not hawking or dash through the group, two boys termitently from now until elec- "failed to accomplish single ly emergency in the form of $8,- ing after allowing for all necessary were seriously injured while two tion day. velt, after taking his oath peddling as defined in the ordi- 000,000 of debt; unpaid municipal operating expenses including state thing for the benefit of the nance. Furthermore, Sklarew girls sustained minor hurts. • • • • of office to uphold the and school employes; real hazards and county taxes, school levy, etc) According to the police, the ac- MOPELAWN. — Citizens of taxpayers of the Second points out that the ordinance is to the continuance of essential ser- would not have been sufficient \o Ward during his two years Constitution of the United improper in that it violates the cident occurred on Woodbridge Hopelawn, who are desirous of States, runs amuck and vices. The books were piled high pay interest on a debt of $6,000,000 avenue near the Raritan Township acquainting themselves with town of representation." Home Rule Act in attempting ti with delinquent taxes. and at the same time retire the goes against the Constitu- regulate a business conducted from Woodbridge Township line on the ship affairs, will .have an opportu- HOPELAWN ASKS Madison ot Uiis place, who had To cope with this emergency we debt in a reasonable length of Raritan Township side. nity tonight to attend a Republi- tion which has been the another municipality. installed very definite policies in time The picture is made even served a term as representative of Thomas L. Hansen, township at- Those injured are: John Doody, can rally at the Fords Casion and the people of the Second Ward, backbone of the United the municipal (building. Without darker when we consider thai 15, 324 Kirkland place, Perth Ani- receive information that will be of torney, is representing the town- going into detail to enumerate FOR 8TH GRADE has a record which boasts of many States, it's thumbs down there were in 1935 over-expendi- boy, possible fractured skull, lacer great benefit to them. ship in the controversy. (Continued on page 2) advantages given the taxpayers of for him as far as I'm con- tures, expenditures from reserved ation o,n the forehead and possible Howard Madison, candidate for Fords, Keasbey, Hopelawn, Iselin cerned. And, there's a apropriations of prior years, and fracture of the left ankle, and township committeeman from the and Colonia. It is this type of rep- emergency expenditures amount- Richard Freuhwirth, 16, of 33 second ward, will be the princi- FOR 60J>UP|LS resentation the people need today. goodly number feeling the ing in round figures to another 2NDWARD1EMS Bettrand avenue, Perth Amboy, la pal speaker. County and state can- BUS TO STOP AT HOPELAWN On the other hand, Charles J. way I do about it. SILT IS $79,000. This leads us to the con- cerations on right arm and scalp, didates will also attend, and Hun- clusion that the tax rate- which SCHOOL FOR TIME Alexander, J. Democratic commit- and a fractured right leg. Both garian spekers will 'be clled upon teeman from this ward, who is o - - o wns reduced from $6.74 in 1934 1o boys are at the Perth Amboy Gen- to address to gathering.
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