Cameron chaos? 7 The volleyball team hopes to give sew meaning to that phrase when Duke faces THE CHRONICLE Georgia in the NCAAs. See Sports, p. 17.: DLKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 90. NO. 66 Senate passes ambitious GATT By DAVID SANGER ate debate, the broad expansion margin, 288-146. N.Y. Times News Service of the General Agreement on Final passage of the accord, WASHINGTON — The Sen­ Tariffs and Trade, or GATT, as nearly a year after the world's ate approved on Thursday the pact is generally known, trading nations initialed it, was night American participation in passed by a wide margin, 76-24. the last action ofthe 103rd Con­ the most ambitious global trade Earlier in the evening, a crucial gress and the last business be­ accord reached in four decades. procedural vote to waive Sen­ fore Republicans take control of Approval of the 124-nation ate rules against any bill that Congress next month. pact, by a far wider margin adds to the federal deficit The passage of GATT also is than expected, ended a dozen passed 68-32, eight votes more a major victory for the Clinton years of negotiations over the than necessary. administration, building on the lowering of tariffs and the cre­ The trade accord will cost sev­ narrow margin by which the ation ofthe World Trade Orga­ eral billion dollars in tariff rev­ North American Free Trade nization, a new, international enues. Agreement passed last year. body designed to police com­ The House of Representa­ Since January the White merce among nations. tives approved the agreement House and the nation's biggest Bob Dole presents Bill Clinton with the GATT vote Thursday. After two days of heated Sen­ on Tuesday by an even wider See GATT on page 15 •• Speaker bridges gap between scientific, gay communities Neurobiologists attest to validity of LeVay addresses study relating brain to sex preference value of research in proper context By SCOTT HALPERN California at Los Angeles By SCOTT HALPERN University researchers say showed that these nuclei were Controversial scientist Simon that neuroanatomist Simon more than twice as large in het­ LeVay discussed ways to recon­ LeVay's recent work document­ erosexual men as in hetero­ cile the gap between science ing biological differences in the sexual women. and the gay community in a brains of homosexual and het­ LeVay also found that these speech to about 300 attentive erosexual men is scientifically nuclei were about the same size listeners Thursday night. valid, though some are wary of in heterosexual women and ho­ the implications ofthe work. LeVay, a highly-regarded mosexual men. neuroanatomist who identified LeVay reported in 1991 that From these results, LeVay himself as gay at age 14, ad­ certain nuclei in one area ofthe has concluded that there is a dressed a variety of issues per­ brain are more than twice as biological basis governing tinent to both the scientific and large in heterosexual men than sexual preference, but several gay communities in an address in homosexual men. members ofthe gay community entitled "Queer science: The use The article, published by the have subsequently discredited and abuse of research into ho­ prestigious journal "Science," his work. Opponents claim that mosexuality." represented the first time a re­ it is impossible to separate the searcher had published com­ biological and sociological influ­ LeVay immediately gained parisons of these nuclei be­ ences on sexual orientation, and the audience's attention and tween human populations pre­ many question why LeVay laughter by joking that "Jesse sumed to be of different sexual studied the topic in the first Helms called me and suggested that I bring a bodyguard." He orientations. LeVay and re­ place. JASON LAUGHUN/THE CHRONICLE then went on to explain his re- searchers at the University of See SCIENCE on page 7 • Simon LeVay spoke about "queer science" Thursday. See LEVAY on page 6 • Policy pulpit Institute's architects create aura of motion By ANDRIA FORD institute will take place to­ When University architects day at 2 p.m. on the envisioned the Terry Sanford institute's lawn, located on Institute for Public Policy, they the corner of Towerview and wanted to make more than a Science Drives. concoction of mortar and bricks. The institute is growing "Duke is putting out the not only in size, but also in message," . said Noah stature. Some ofthe biggest Rosenblatt-Farrell, a graduate names in the business cur­ student in art history. "You've rently hold positions there: entered the world dialogue." David Gergen, former advi­ The building's architects at­ sor to President Clinton; tempted to create an appear­ Terry Sanford, former Uni­ ance of constant motion, of stu­ versity president and gover­ dents and faculty working to­ nor and senator from North gether on critical issues affect­ Carolina; and David Broder, TOM HOGARTY/THE CHRONICLE ing the entire world. a nationally syndicated col- The new Terry Sanford Institute for Public Policy will be officially dedicated today. The official dedication ofthe See INSTITUTE on page 9 • THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1994 World and National Newsfile NATO says dispute over Bosnia resolved Associated Press By ELAINE SCIOLINE shift by the Clinton administration in told reporters: "The crisis about _ Bakker released: Five years and N.Y. Times News Service the last several days that ended an is about Bosnia. It is not about NATO." two months after he went to prison BRUSSELS, Belgium — The United American-led strategy in NATO based Douglas Hurd, the British foreign sec­ for bilking thousands of contributors States and its NATO allies formally put on the assumption that the use of air retary, echoed Christopher in his formal to his PTL ministry, Jim Bakker, the their differences on Bosnia behind them power was an essential tool for coercing presentation to the other ministers, say­ former television evangelist, is a free Thursday for the sake of saving the the Serbs to make peace in Bosnia. ing: "Bosnia is not a test. NATO was not man again. Bakker, 54, divorced his unity of their 45-year-old security alli­ NATO has been called on to launch born to solve the Bosnia problem." wife of 30 years, Tammy Fay, in ance. prison and has since remarried. punitive air strikes for nearly a year. But Instead, foreign ministers lavished At the start ofa two-day meeting, for­ to hear the ministers talk at their an­ praise on the organization and on each BabOOIIS USed: Doctors are plan­ eign ministers of the alliance insisted nual fall meeting Thurs day, Bosnia was other for agreeing — after hours of con­ ning to inject bone marrow cells from that whatever happened in Bosnia did not NATO's problem. tentious debate — that by the end of baboons into people with AIDS. The not signal a crisis in NATO, even though "Bosnia was certainly on our minds next year, they will be willing to tell the scientists reason that if the immune the issue had been at the center of the today," Secretary of State Warren Chris­ countries ofthe rest of Europe what they system of a person with AIDS were alliance's concern for more than two topher said in an apparent effort to pa­ must do if they want to become mem­ replaced with cells from baboons, years. per over the embarrassing dispute with bers. which is impervious to most forms of The meeting also followed a policy the allies in a news conference. But, he See NATO on page 16 • the AIDS virus, the patient may be able to battle against the infection. Game developed: A computer Clinton plans to increase military spending game released by the federal govern­ ment lets you try to prevent the col­ lapse of the entire federal budget By DOUGLAS JEHL century. But administration officials also ac­ between the years 2020 and 2030. N.Y. Times News Service In addition to this $25 billion, Clinton knowledged that the timing and the The game, Budget Shadows, was de­ WASHINGTON — Trying to quiet said he would ask Congress for an emer­ staging of Thursday's pledge reflected signed by the staff of the Bipartisan Republican criticism that the military gency increase in this fiscal year's Pen­ a view that Clinton must do more to Commission on Entitlement and Tax is underfinanced, President Clinton held tagon budget to help cover the costs of head off what has been a strong line Reform. a Rose Garden ceremony Thursday to operations in Haiti, Kuwait, Bosnia and of Republican attack: that cuts in mili­ announce that he would seek a $25 bil­ offthe Cuban coast. Administration of­ tary spending since he took office al­ lion increase in military spending over ficials said later that this emergency most two years ago have left U.S. the next six years. request would total about $2 billion. forces incapable of carrying out their Weather With Defense Secretary William Perry Senior administration officials said declared mission of fighting two ma­ and the joint chiefs of staff at his side, Clinton's plan was recognition ofa need Weekend jor conflicts at once. Clinton outlined plans to improve readi­ to improve the readiness and the qual­ "We ask much of our military," the High: mid 60s • Partly cloudy ness and support military personnel. ity of life of military forces, which have president declared in presenting his ini­ Low: 50 • Winds: x.2-ish Among the purposes of the new money, been stretched so thin that the Penta­ tiative, "and we owe much to them." Christmas: An excuse for Zamphir he said, will be the troops' annual cost- gon last month conceded that three of Republican congressional leaders de­ and The Partridge Family to release of-living pay increases that Congress 12 Army divisions were not at peak scribed the plan as a welcome and im­ new albums has already authorized into the next readiness levels.
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