SPECIAL INAUGURAL EDITION classe;; Sinclair's . today 1after 3 :30 inauguration today T W E V 0 I C 1: 0 I= HAW A I VoLUME XXI UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1942 No.4 incl&ir inauguration today ----~----------~----------------~----------------~--~--~~~----------------~ Navy Day Sinclair greets class presidents Army, navy, convocation• ' civic heads on Tuesday are· guests Ceremonies to start All students to meet at 4:30 in outdoor at amphitheatre theater; Ill schools at 9 :30-Sinclair will be represented A high ranking officer of the United States Navy will be guest Distinguished army, navy and speaker at the Navy Day convoca­ civic leaders will participate in the tion which will take place in the inauguration of Gregg M. Sinclair outdoor theatre next Tuesday, Oc­ as president· of the University of tober 27, at- 9:30, President Gregg Hawaii at 4:30 this afternoon at . M. Sinclair announced. the campus outdoor . theatre, an­ The Royal Hawaiian Band will nounced Paul S. Bachman, chair· play. man ,of the inauguration committee. All classes will be excused from One hundred and eleven institu­ 9: 30' to 10:30, President Sinclair tions of learning will be represent­ said. Hemenway hall, the library ed by delegates at the exercises. and the swimming pool will not be All University students will be opened to students, and everyone is . exy used from classes today at 3:30, expected to be_ at· the convocation. President Sinclair said. Students of Punahou school and The procession will assemble at Mid-Pacific institut~ will be guests 3:50 near Hawaii hall and start for at the assembly. the outdoor theatre at 4: 10. Prest- This convocation, · sponsored by ' , ~ I the University, is a part ~f a nation­ President Gregg M. Sinclair thanks 'Douglas Brier, ASUH prexy, for the student body inaugural gift of wide observance of Navy Day, Presi­ All students will assemble at the Waikiki (shady) end of the follow­ dent Sinclair added. Chairman of a chair for his desk. With them are the four class presidents. Each class is also pres~nting Mr. Sinclair in buildings: seniors, Dean hall; the National Navy Day· celebration with an inaugur(Ll gift of a chair for his office. Those shown are, left to right-President Sinclair, Douglas juniors, Gartley hat.l; sophomores, is Clarence Dillon of New York. Brier, Phyllis. Tam, senior; Richard Kosaki, freshman; Richard Kuykendall, sophomore; and Elbert Yee, Social Science; and freshmen, li­ Walter F. Dillingham is chairman junior. of the Navy Day celebration in Ho­ brary. Everyone is asked to be at their nolulu. Working with him are Oren respective buildings prompdy at E. Long, superintendent of public 3:50. instruction; Brother Paul Sibling, Freshmen, AWS to vote again principal of St. Louis College; Dr. ' . llomer F. Barnes, principal of Ka· dent Sinclair and Governor Stain· meh.ameha Schools for Boys and · back will lead the procession, fol­ Girls; Dr. Oscar F. Shepard, prin· Elections set lowed by Admiral Chester W. cipal of Punahou school; Mr. Wm. PROGRAM Nimitz and General Delos C. Em­ Buttles, asst. headmaster of Iolani for tomorrow mons, their aides, members ~f the board ·of regents, former regents, school; Mr. 0. W. Robinson; Mr. UNIVERSITY AMPHITHEATER 4:30 p.m. Joseph I. Bakken of Mid-Pacific in~ delegates of many lnstitutf.ons. Uni· ASUH, junior class Continued on page 6 stitute, and President Sinclair. balloting approved Also on the committee a~e Com­ GOVERNOR INGRAM M. STAINBACK manders Duffy, Allan, and Drake Presiding Due to misspelling and the Five instructors of the United States Navy. failure to insert names of all nom­ October 27 is also the birthday of Academic Procession inees on ballots at Friday's elec­ join UH staff Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president tions, reelection of- the freshman of the United States. Processional March Five new members have been secretary-treasurer office and coun­ added to the University faculty Royal Hawaiian Band cillors, and A WS sophomore coun­ this school year, according to in· cillor will be held tomorrow at formation received from President Scholarships Invocation Hemenway hall, the ASUH council Gregg M. Sinclair's office. The Reverend Henry P. Judd decided at a meeting on Saturday. In Business and Economics are open to students Andrew Ikezawa, junior in the two new instructors, Howard H. Alma Mater college of arts and sciences, who · Since the present holders have Moore and James Y. T. Leong. Mr. Student Chorus defeated Marian Chun for the of­ left the University, there are now Moore received his AB and LLB flee of ASUH vice-president last five territorial sch.olarsbips vacant, from Stanf.ord university. He lec­ Welcome to Distinguished Guests and Visitors Friday, is in charge of the fresh­ announced Dean Arthur R. Keller, tures on elementary business law. Governor Stainback man election to take place from territorial scholarship chairman. Mr. Leong received his BA from 8 :30·3: 30. Vacancies are for a senior from Greetings &om the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet and this University and his MBA from East Hawaii, three juniors, one the Pacific Oc:ecm Areas Running in this election for the the Harvard School of Business. secretary-treasurership are Samuel each from West Hawaii, Ewa half Admiral Chester W. Nimitz He teaches economics of retail of Oahu, and Kauat-Ntihau, and a Sasai, Jean Ono, Evelyn Ching, merchandising. sophomore from the Ewa half of Caroline Wong, Michie Okinaka, Harry Collins, associate profes­ Greetings &om the Commanding General of the and Walter Watson. The names of Oahu. In order to be eltgible fpr Hawaiian Department sor of English, Mrs. Janet B. Wim­ a scholarship, the applicant must the latter three failed to appear on Lieutenant General Delos C. Emmons berley, assistant in speech and com­ have resided in the district In which some of last week's ballots. positf.on, and Miss Mae Lum. gradu­ the vacancy occurs, and must be a Greetings &om the President of the University of Hawaii To be voted upon again because ate assistant in English, are the member of the same University · Alumni Association .· the name of Hisaku Yamashita was three new instructors in the Eng­ class as the former holder. Daniel K. Ainoa placed in the wrong ®lumn, the lish department. All appHcations must be written. list from which four boy and four Mr. Collins, who received his BA .All applicants J.llUSt be Hawaii­ girl councillors wm be elected is: from the University of Minnesota born, citizens of the United S4tes, Girls--Catherine Lees, Peggy Chun. and his M.A. from Columbia univer­ and must submit ~vtdences of birth, Zoe A. Beveridge, Llliy Lout. Muriel sity, taught Englfsh in Hiroshima, citizenship, and residence In their Lfni, Nyna Hamle, lllaile Gibson. Japan. for ma;uy years. lllrs. Wim­ respective districts. and Htsaku Yamashita: boys­ berly received her 1\U.. from the Students Ralph Goya. Daniel Inouye, Xaoru Ulilversity of Wash~n, while to present watanabe. Btll MCCracken, Eugene Miss Ll)ID received 'her B:dB :Cantlnued on e 6 media~ q, .O.~.~ ~!@I·ftllkl~l$~ ·· p.. thJs ~1'8- Jut .June. KA LEO 0 HAWAll, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1942 \ ' A ch·allenge accepted • • •• This End of tho R·ainbow President's classmate ·recalls The University of Hawaii has recently gained worldwide recognition - ordeals of frosh hazing days in being the only American university operating in an actual war com·_ At last we have someo~e .on the to wire home for money, whi bat zone. campus who knows about the haz­ they did. However~ a cablegr ...-Today, the 'University will claim another distinction, that of having - ing ordeals President Gregg M. came back saying, "Please . e the :first presidential inauguration in a combat area. Sinclair went through during -his plain." But more important than these claims is the fact that lh:~ University college days-incidents which he With no money in their pocke is operating without interruption since its resumption a few months hinted at but refused to go into thy hacl to walk to the other en of Tokyo in order to borrow su · after the United States' entry into World War II. detail at a recent convocation. This persons · is Harry Collins, :ficient money from a friend to wi The decision of responsible officials to keep the University and other a new instructor in English, who home. educational institutions open indicates that th~~e officials believe that 1 has known Mr. Sinclair for 34 Mr. Collins is a graduate'of th educationl must go on in spite of wartime restrictions and difficulties. years. Mr. Collins vividly recalls University of Minnesota a~d C It also indicates that these officials believe that the aemocratic spirit can lurtbia University~ For many yea Things We Have Always the hazing that both he and our he taught English in Hiroshi be kept alive, and the democratic process can b~st be kept in working Wondered About ... • president received from ~he then order by the maintenance o~ our schools. merciless sophomores. Higher _Normal college and t Why the bookstore always University of Literature and sc· Conversely, our educational institutions realize the important part "When we were freshmen, the seems to be out of the things we sophomores caught the president enc~ in Hiroshima, Japan. that they must play in the war effort. Indicative· of that &pirit is the want .. ... What is that brings · it and. cut his hair--one strip . down Commenting on the Universit ;revision of the school curriculum to fit wartme needs, and the voluntary OUt the innate propensity .in rWO· the back and another strip from of . Hawa.ii,-. Mr. Collins conclud men on the campus to wear slacks.
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