MONfERREY I Gulf of Mexico o DURANGO ROMANTIC OLD MEXICO INVITES YOU TO THE 1956 NATIONAL CONVENTION FRATERNITY BADGES OF QUALITY -BY EIICO Order Your Badge From the Following List BADGE PRIC E LIST Pi Kappa Alpha No. 0 No. 2 No . 2'h Plain Bevel Bo rder ............................................... $ 6.25 $ 7.75 $ ....... Nugg et, Chased or Engraved Borde r .......... 7.25 B.75 CROWN SET JEWELED BADGES A ll Pearl .................................................................. 15.50 19 .50 23.25 Pe a rl, Ruby or Sa pphire Points ...................... 17 .50 21.50 25.25 Pearl, Emerald Po ints ........................................ IB.50 24.50 28 .25 Pe arl, Diamond Po ints ........................................ 29 .50 46.50 60.25 Pearl and Ruby o r Sa pphire Alternating .... 19.50 23 .50 27.25 Pea rl a nd Emerald Alternating ...................... 21.50 29.50 33 .25 Pe a rl a nd Diamond Alternating .................... 43 .50 73.50 97 .25 Diamond and Ruby or Sa pphire A lt e rnating ....................................................... ... 47.50 77 .50 101.25 Diamo nd and Emerald Alternating .............. 49.50 83 .50 107 .25 All Ruby or Sapphire .......................................... 23 .50 27.50 31.25 Ruby or Sapphire with Diamond Points ...... 35.50 52 .50 66 .25 All Emerald ............................................................ 27.50 39.50 43.25 Emerald with Diamond Points ........................ 3B .50 61.50 75.25 A ll Diamond .......................................................... 7 1.50 127.50 171.25 Diamond, Ruby o r Sapphire Points ................ 59.50 102.50 136 .25 Dia mond, Emerald Points ................................ 60.50 105 .50 139 .25 SMC Key- IOK Gold ................................................................ $9.25 Pledge Button ..................................................................... ......... 1.00 Official Recognition Button-IOK Gold .............................. 1.00 Monogram Recognitio n Button, yell ow gold filled ........ 1.50 All Prices Are Subje ct to 10'}'. Federal Tax IIKA OFFICIA L RING (Illustration twice a ctua l size) GUARD PINS O ne Letter Two Letter Pla in .................................................................................. $2.75 $ 4.25 C lose Set, Ha lf Pearl .... ............................................ 5.50 9.25 5546 IOK Gold , Sy nthet ic Ruby, e ncruste d gold letters ........ $34.50 5546-1 Same only sterling silver ........................................................ IB .75 Cro wn Set, W hole Pearl ............................................ 7.75 14.00 5546-2 IOK Gold , no stone, raised letters ...................................... 28 .00 All Prices Su b ject to 10'}'. Fed e ra l Tax 5546-3 Same o nly sterling silve r ........................................................ 10.00 ( Please give name of chapter or co ll e g e when ordering ) Plus Federal Ta x WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR BOOK OF TREA SUR ES FINE FRATERNITY RINGS COAT OF ARMS JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES Edwal"ds, Haldeman and Company P. 0 . BOX 123 Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Alpha DETROIT 32, MICHIGAN II KA EDWARDS , HALD EMAN & CO. Name·······-··········································--··-----·-····-··--··-·---···---··--··-···-···-····-·-···- P. 0 . Box 12 3 StreeL·-------·-····-····--·-···········--------· -- --··-· ·--·- ·--··-··········--··-----··-·--·--····-··-·-·--·-··· Detroit 32, Michigan City .. ·-···-·········--·---·-·-···-·-·-······-···-···---··-··--·-·· ···--······---····-·--·-·---····--·····-····· ... Send fo r fr ee copy of the BO OK OF TREASURES to Fraternity·-·-·····-···-····-······--·· ·-- ··- ·-·---······--·---·-·······--··-·········---·-·---·-·--···· -········ Chaplain j Corner March, 1956 Dear Brothers: AND + Of all the outdoor sport , m~HI~lll nIAM~ND quail hunting is the port de luxe. With OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY the increase in popLlation, the good Founded at the University of Virginia, March 1, 1868, by Julian Edward roads, the disappearance of wi ld and Wood, Littleton Wa11er Tazewe11, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick thinly inhabited la nds, to say nothing of Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. the great army of hunter , this wonderful This magazine is printed by ga me bird has become scarcer as his range Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas il nd habitat have narrowed. Life subscriptions are $10.00 for members initiated before September I, 1927. Subscription rate per year for these alumni is $1.00, for non­ The good old way to hunt was on members, $2.00. All members initiated since September I, 1927, have life horseback, which saved the hunter's legs subscriptions. Please promptly report changes of address-include both il nd gave him a wide view of the ranging old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy dogs. This method has been succeeded prints) are cordia11y invited. by "jeep" hunting, and slower ways of Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, transport. The large la ndowner and the The Shield and Diamontf Ma~azine. 577 University, Memphis 12. Tennessee well-to-do ca n aHord six or eight dogs Volume LXV, No.3 MARCH, 1956 on a hunt. In this way the dogs can be hunted in relays, and fresh dogs are al­ THE SHIELD AND DIAMOND is published four times a year at l14 East Second St., Little Rock, ways on h and. Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered as second class inatter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of While the writer has hunted either in March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section his boyhood home, or more rece ntly, by ll03, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. reason of the hospitality of friends, by all the above named methods, he has en­ CONTENTS joyed the last few years "walking," and Page hunting with " Molly." You should know Let's 'Talk About Historic, Picturesque Old Mexico .................................... 2 " Moll y." She is a highly bred little setter Hull Sparkplugs Trinity Chapter H ouse Corporation ····-························- 7 with a keen nose and great intelligence. She ca n hold out in slow hunting some Luis Ross Earns Plaudits as Matador ---------------- -------------------- 8 three 'or four hours, which about equals The College Fraternity-A Constmctive Force, by Powell B. McHaney .... 10 the wind and endurance of her master. Del ta-Gamrna Honors Outstanding Musicians ------------------------------------- 14 "Molly" is enthusiastic, cheerful, hopeful The 1956 Golden Members of Pi Kappa Alpha -------------------------------------- 16 and persistent. When her master is ready Senator Clements-Master Craftsman ··········---------------- ---- ---------------------------· 18 to give up, she gives him a quizzical look as if to say, "Are you a quitter, too? Cincinnati House Corporation President R eports -------------------- --~-- - ------- 21 Come on, let's go, there's a covey waiting Reginald 0. Shaw Memorial Organ Dedicated _ -------------- ......... __ 23 just over the fence." "Molly" can say, Chapter Eterna I --------------· ---------------------- _............. 28 too, with another, "This one thing I do." Directory -------------------- ---------------- ----------- ........... 46 Her nature and her training are to find Permanently Pinned _____ .. .. ......... ... ........ ... .. ______ _ 35 and hold a covey of quail, to trail and point a moving "single," to retrieve a Precious Packa ges -----------------· .... ····-------- __ ---------------------------------· -···--·----···· 35 dead or crippled bird. All of this she CHAPTER NEWS: does in magnificent fashion. She knows her "main business," she is no trifler­ Beta- 37, Zeta 27, Iota 45, Kappa 40, Omicron 45, Sigma 25, Upsilon 24, she does not "rna jor·· on minors, despite 37, 43; Alpha-Alpha 42, Alpha-Gamma 34, Alpha-Delta 24, Alpha-Zeta 25, the alluring smell of field sparrows, Alpha-Theta 39, Alpha-Iota 28, 39; Alpha-Kappa 15, Alpha-Lambda 34, "stink birds" and field rats, to say noth­ Alpha-Mu 27, Alpha-Xi 21, 31, 44; Alpha-Omicron 15, Alpha-Rho 41, ing of the temptation to take out after Alpha-Phi 26, Alpha-Omega 7, Beta-Beta 20, Beta-Zeta 20, Beta-Theta 40, the rabbit that jumps up right under her Beta-Kappa 32, Beta-Lambda 29, Beta- Mu 26, Beta-Xi 34, Beta-Omicron 30, nose. H er loyalty and her devotion to 38; Beta-Pi 42, Beta-Sigma 31, Beta-Upsil on 44, Gamma-Epsilon 36, Gamma­ her master and h er job are beyond all Kappa 44, Gamma-Rho 43, Gamma-S igma 23, Gamma-Tau 33, 40; Gamma­ praise. Our Maker se nds us to school Chi 36, Gamma-Omega 45, Delta-A lpha 32, Delta-Gamma 14, 44; Delta-Iota aga in and again to the lower animals. 39, 42; Delta-Lambda 29, Delta-Upsil on 39, Delta-Omega 30, Epsil on-Alpha From a long succe sion of dogs this writer 29, Epsilon-Zeta 13. has learned much . H e continues a highly pleasant educa tion with " Molly." Cover Your Chaplain, Our cover shows a picturesque map of Mexico which is currently the focal po int Dr. U. S. "Preacher" Gordon. 1 of interes t for members of Pi Kappa Alpha who plan to attend the 1956 ational --llKA-- Convention, Se ptember 2-6 in Mex ico City, with headquarters at H o tel Del Prado. Lee Tall ey, BK (Emory) , pre ident of The Leadership School will be held at lnstituto A ll ende, San Miguel de Allende, the Coca-Cola Export Corporation, was August 30 - September 2. The e wi ll be outstanding events in the history
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