בס“ד Cheshvan 5776/2015 SPECIAL DAYS IN CHESHVAN Volume 26, Issue 8 In MarCheshvan, the first Beis HaMikdash was completed, but was not dedicated until Tishrei of the following year. MarCheshvan was ashamed, and so HaShem promised that the dedication of the Third Beis HaMikdash would be during MarCheshvan. (Yalkut Shimoni, Melachim I, 184) Zechariah HaNavi prophesied about the rebuilding of the Second Beis HaMikdash. Tishrei 30/October 13/Tuesday First Day Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan MarCheshvan 1/October 14/Wednesday Shnas Hakhel Day 2 Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan — Shlomoh HaMelech finished building the Beis HaMikdash, 2936 [Melachim I, 6:35] Cheshvan 2/October 15/Thursday The Rebbe RaShaB sent a Mashpiah and Yartzeit of R. Avrohom, son of R. Yisroel seven Talmidim to start Yeshivah Toras Noach, grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek, Emes, in Chevron, 5672 [1911]. father-in-law of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5698[1937]. Yartzeit of R. Yosef Engel, Talmudist, 5679 [1918]. Cheshvan 3/October 16/Friday Yartzeit of R. Yisroel of Rizhyn, 5611[1850]. IN HONOR OF THE BIRTHDAY OF THE REBBE RASHAB ~ CHOF CHESHVAN TZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCK PARK LUCKY BRIDES The fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom ing for a few minutes. However, that partic- DovBer, used to make frequent trips abroad ular afternoon he remained in that position in connection with various public matters. for a much longer time than usual. His eyes On such occasions he would take his only were half open, but he seemed as though he son, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok (who would be- were in a trance. His son began to feel un- come the sixth rebbe), with him, for he was easy. He did not want to disturb his father, his father’s personal secretary and right yet he felt he should somehow bring his fa- hand. ther back to this world. And so Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok began to pace the floor and to shuf- Once, when they were traveling abroad, in fle his feet, in the hope that the noise might Vienna, they rested in their hotel room after “wake” his father. But his father remained a busy morning. It was after their mid-day motionless. Then he moved the table in the meal, and the Rebbe reclined on a couch, as room and some chairs, to no avail. It was was his custom. He never stretched himself getting late in the afternoon, and his father Chabad Chodesh Cheshvan 5776 Chabad Chodesh Cheshvan CONGREGATION LEVI YI out for a proper nap, but would rest reclin- was deeply immersed in another world. (Continued on page 4) "...The day of the passing of the "On Shabbos," R. Eizik HaLevi Rizhyner, Cheshvan 3, 5611, was said, "when the Rizhyner said MarCheshvan 5/Oct. 18/Sunday very rainy. At three in the after- Torah—as was his custom—he Yartzeit of the sons of King noon in Lubavitch, the Tzemach stopped in the middle, told Tzidkiyahu, 3340, a fast of Tza- Tzedek called his servant to tear everyone to go out, and told me to dikim, . (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Kryiah for him and told him to stay. He said, "My advice is to send Chaim 580:2) bring him his Tefillin. At that time two people to the capital with these news by telegraph didn't exist. The arguments and the decree will be MarCheshvan 7/Oct. 20/Tuesday Rebbitzen asked him what annulled, with HaShem's help. And In Eretz Yisroel they begin asking in the (ותן טל ומטר לברכה) happened; he said the Rizhyner your Rebbe agrees with for rain had passed away, and he observed me." (Letter of the previous Shemoneh Esrei. Although they the practices of a mourner." [Sefer Lubavitcher Rebbe, Kovetz needed rain after Sukos, they HaSichos 5702, p. 105] Michtavim, 1) would wait fifteen days to pray for "...The Alter Rebbe first saw the it, until the last person could get Rizhyner at a meeting when the Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib of home from the Aliyah LiRegel to students of the Baal Shem Tov and Kopust, second son of the Tzemach the Beis HaMikdash without the Mezeritcher Magid gathered. Tzedek, 5627 [1866]. getting caught in the rain. (Taanis He said then of the Rizhyner, "Imru He was known as the Maharil. 10a, Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch, Tzadik Ki Tov"—"Say of the Tzadik He was born in 5568 [1808] The I:117) that he is good", since the Rizhyner Alter Rebbe was his Sandik. From was then seventeen ("Tov" is his youth he had great hiskashrus Yartzeit of R. Meir Shapiro, Gematria seventeen)..." with his grand-father, the Mitteler founder of the Daf Yomi, 5694 [The Rebbe MaHaRaSh related]: Rebbe. His grand-father used to [1933]. "When I was eight I went in on wait for him before reciting Shabbos to see my father, the Chassidus. The Mitteler Rebbe MarCheshvan 9/Oct. 22/ Tzemach Tzedek. He was sitting nicknamed him “mein Shtender” Thursday and studying the Zohar. He closed because he used to lean on him Yartzeit of R. Asher b. Yechiel, the it and said, "When the holy Tzadik while saying Chassidus. One time "RoSh", renowned codifier of of Rizhyn says Tehillim the whole the Mitteler Rebbe said eighteen Halachah, leader of German Jewry, world is open before him, and in hours of Chassidus, while leaning 5087 [1326]. the Tehillim of Shabbos he sees the on him the whole time. The source of all the matters of the Friediker Rebbe writes in Sefer M.Cheshvan 10/Oct. 23/Friday world and can correct them in Hasichos 5705 [1945] that the Yartzeit (and birthday, in 2196) of their source, and thus the decree is Maharil was a partner with a Gad son of Yaakov Avinu, 2321. rejected and cancelled. And I agree business man, and one time he (Midrash Tadshe) with the advice of the holy Tzadik made an account of the business of Rizhyn." and when he tallied it up he wrote, MCheshvan 11/Oct. 24/Shabbos And this was the story: There there is no place that is void of Yartzeit of Meshu- selach was great love between the Hashem. HaTzadik, 1656. HaShem delayed Tzemach Tzedek and R. Yisroel of A few months after the passing the Flood seven days in his honor. Rizhyn. Once there was a great of his father the Tzemach Tzedek, (Yalkut Shimoni 56) general crisis and the Tzemach he left the city of Lubavitch and Tzedek sent the Gaon, Tzadik, and settled in the city of Kopust. He Yartzeit of Rachel Imeinu, who Chasid, R. Eizik HaLevi Epstein of was only there for a few months. died while giving birth to Homel to R. Yisroel of Rizhyn to On Simchas Torah 5627 [1866] he Binyamin son of Yaakov Avinu, consult and plan with him about fell ill, and the third of Cheshvan, a and thus today is Binyamin’s annulling the decree. When R. half a year after the passing of his birthday, 2208. His Yartzeit was Eizik HaLevi came to the Rizhyner, father he was Nistalek. also today, 115 years later in he received him very graciously, 2323. and said: "We'll say a few chapters M.Cheshvan 4/Oct. 17/Shabbos of Tehillim, HaShem Yisborach will The Rambam r e a c h e d Yartzeit of R. Menachem Nochum light up the gates of light, and we'll Yerushalayim and set aside this of Czernobyl, student of the Baal see what happens." day as a private holiday for himself Shem Tov and the Mezeritcher and his family, 4825 [1165]. VOLUME 26, ISSUE 8 Page 2 Magid, author of Meor Einayim, (a person with good character Cheshvan 15/October 31/Wed 5558 [1797]. traits) and a person with a very Yartzeit of Matisyahu b. Yochanan One time R. Menachem No- strong heart. Kohen Gadol, 3622 [166 BCE]. chum was served milk and he did Personally, he went through not touch it. They asked him why many difficult times and suffered a Yartzeit of R. Leib Baal HaYesurim, he was not drinking it, he replied great deal. Nevertheless there was one of the great students of the that he did not see it, probably the always a smile on his face. He Alter Rebbe, 5597 [1837]. Before milk was not Cholov Yisroel. The never shed a tear for himself. But he passed away, he promised that Mishnah says, “Milk that was for the pain of another would he would help anyone who would milked by a Non-Jew and a Jew touch him very deeply, the smile have a tzorah, G-d forbid, and was not observing it,” He ex- would fade, his face would sadden, come to pray at his gravesite. He is plained this as, “If a Non-Jew his eyes would fill with tears and buried in Tzefas. milks, the Jew won’t see it. (This he would do everything to help the story was cited in a Ma’amar of the person in distress. Kristallnacht, 5697 [1938]. Rebbe Rashab, Sefer Ham’amorim Reb Zalman Aharon was a Baal 5666, and in Likutei Sichos Vol- Shmua and the Friediker Rebbe M.Cheshvan 16/October 29/ ume 5 pg. 140) heard from him many stories of the Thursday One time Friday night the can- previous Rebbeim. It is told that The Rebbe RaShaB left Lubavitch dles went out. The family called in once a child of one of the for Rostov-on-Don, 5676 [1915] a non-Jew to light the candles. Chassidim became sick and the because of the first world war. When R. Menachem Nochum child's father came to Reb Zalman M.Cheshvan 17/October 30/ came into the room, he was walk- for a Bracha.
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