RHiNHLA.NDER ^- PER.v:AiOi3NV MtSSiO.-v. OF T.-.S ^£F>CS,1..C O? CV.J ~.~O V.-iS -J^-VSJO .sJA.WOs-JS ess !i.-.sv Vi.-o -B-.-'-^^iT R«f. 108 B 9 January 19614. Excellency, Upon instructions from my Government and following our conversation earlier today I have the honour to state that the detailed terms of reference accepted by my Government in respect of the functions of the personal representative to be appointed by Tour Excellency are as follows: (1) To observe the peace-keeping operation and to report to Your Excellency thereon; (2) For this purpose he would have access to the Government of Cyprus through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic,to the President and Vice-President of the Republic or their representatives, to the British High Commissioner and the Greek and Turkish Ambassadors accredited to the Government of the Republic, and to the British commander of the peace-keeping force; (3) He would have freedom of movement and communications; v * - 2. (Ij.) His personal security and that of his staff would be assured; (5) He should not receive any individual complaints of any breach of the cease-fire agreement. I have in addition been authorized to state that the period of duty of Your Excellency's personal repre- sentative as United Nations observer in Cyprus will be three months and I am also authorized to state that ray Government is ready to undertake all the costs involved. According to instructions received from Cyprus I have the honour to request that the dispatch of the aforesaid personal representative be made with the least possible delay as his presence there is urgently awaited by my Government. Please accept, Excellency* the assurances of my highest consideration. Zenon Rossides Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General United Nations New York, N.Y. CC Secretary General United Nations New York As has been the case with regard to his earlier representations, before representations were made to Your ExcelDaacy by Mr.Rossides about the terms of reference of the United Nations Observer, I was again not consulted and consequently the approval of the Turkish Community was not obtained. This being so, Mr. Eossides has no right and authority to act on behalf of the Turkish Community. Be that as it may, I also considered it useful that You send a personal representative to Cyprus and wish to inform You of the approval of the Turkish Community of Cyprus in this respect. The terms of reference of Your personal representative should be as follows: 1- To observe the peace-keeping operation in Cyprus and to report on it to Your Excellency, 2- For this purpose the representative shall have access to the Government of Cyprus through the President and the Vice-President or their repres- entatives, to the British High Commissioner and the Turkish and Greek Ambassadors and to the British Commander of the peace-keeping force, 3- He would have freedom of movement and communications, A— His personal security and that of his staff would be assured, 5- He should noij receive any individual complaints of any breach of the cease-fire agreement. With my highest esteem, Dr. Kiicuk Vice-President Cyprus 12 January 1964 TSUEPKONS RW:NEI_ANDER 4-S375 PERMANENT MfSSlON C" "H^ KST?>U3L.:C OF CYPRU TO THE UNfTED WATJONS ?SS EAGT T3f.<n STREET NEW YORK 3!, II. Y. 13 January Exe»ll«ncy, Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to refer to the request contained in my letter of 9 January 196i|., and to say that nay Gov- ernment stands by the contents of that letter and the terms of reference in respect of the function* of the personal representative to be appointed by Your Excellency. Hjf Government has asked me to request for the earliest despatch of the aforesaid personal representative as United Nations Observer in Cyprus without the delay which any other inter- mediary steps would inevitably involve. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Zenon Hossides Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General United Nations New York, N.Y. TELEPHONE RHINEI-ANDEH A-3S7S PERMANENT MISSION OF THE REPUBLIC O:~ CVPRL.S TO THE UNITED NATIONS I5E EAST 7SNQ STREET MEW YORK 81i M, V. Ref. 108 B 15 January 196i|. Excellency, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's letter of today and to state that, further to ray letters dated 9 and 13 January 196i|. and to the conversation which I had with Your Excellency today, my Government has authorized me to confirm that all the coats involved in connexion with the request made by my Government for the sending of Your Excellency's personal representative to Cyprus as a United Nations observer for the period of three months, and under the terms of reference given in my letter of 9 January, will be borne by my Government. We are also in agreement that my Government's responsibility will cover the estimated level of costs that will be provided to Your Excellency by the aforesaid United Nations observer. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Zenon Rosaides Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General United Nations New York, H.Y. to ih@ eor«¥e.r^ati«Ki wld.efc I fea4 with b© ®0ei grat@^al if $&& •a^aid eoaf S^rsi fees a® ttet all tli« easts iswlimd in bj* jsssr Oov^rssssstt i'sr feh« aamdiag of s level ®£ fclt©&© aoet.^ will be provided to jwa -as. ses» 1 hair® i^^ei^igid fs*«ss. .n^r p^rscaal r^jf^saBtefeiv® Me r©eo && to t&« si® Sir, the Mr, I 145 Ban* ?2 Str@®t, Apt. If 1964 sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letters of 9 Jvuamj^r, 13 Jaauarj and 13 Jsaauary 19^4? come^niisg the requests of Your Fzesllenc^'s OoverEsieat for the sssding of a Personal to Cyprus. In considering your rstssxied aM insistent requests for the earliest dispatch of & Psrsoisal Hspresentative for Cyprus, 1 takaa isto aoeotyst tas information that you have gives rse iis.<s iBoreasisf seriousness of the situation IB the I Imve had is sis«! also the fs.et that ths So-vernaies-sts of 63?asce5 •fisarkey sad fee Onited KiBgdoas efea^r© in this concern aad that they have oapreessd tb® sj«se eoavictioa as you have expressed , that the ©arlj dispatch of 537 Personal Hepresentativ® as an Qbservar couH ooatriljtite to the lessenlog of tension In this a&jQnsKion 1 have ftud&ez- nated the olsrif le^ 1*3 your s*fflssi3SiestiOB of 15 lasmarj 19^4? Batasly that "all the §«sts iiivol^efi IB eoa.nexic® <sritk ths request sad© by sg GoveyissiQst for the se^diag of Your F.seell6r«sy*3 --srsenal rsprsastntativ-0 to Cyprus ss a njuteS Nations obs@:ever far tfee poriofi of tkres ^oatte, and sad©r the tarms of la sr$- Isttsr of 9 Jaattasy, will bs borfi© by my % that *Vsj? Oeweaaaaest's p^spoasi'bility ^111 cover the of costs that sill Ts« provided to Tour "soellenc^ 'tj the d tlsiteS If at loss o therefore deci«S«<3 l-o d«s%R&t® Lisutenaat (Jssersl '".S» Gyani as s^ .^ersoisa,! Represent stive and to sane! his to C to observe tlie progress of tho peace-^aafeiag [email protected] for ian initial period asteading to the esd of Fe'forasi^r 1964 » "V'ltfcin ibis psriodj Lieutssaat General Sja^i ^Sll rsport to me on feow the UsiteS Sstions Sbeerver could fasetior. SBC! ^e most sffactive is Pearaaneat Rafrsssntative of Cyprus to tfee ifeited fatiaas Sast ?gfid Strset, Apt Tork? Hew Toxfc - 2 - fulfilling the task as outlined in the request made by the Government of Cyprus and agreed to by the Governments of Greece9 Turkey and the United Kingdom. It is my intention to request Lieutenant General Gyani to proceed to Cyprus as soon as I have Your Excellency's confirmation that the above arrangements are accepted by your Sovernment* I should be grateful if you would convey the text of this letter to His Beatitude Mgr. Makariosj President of the Eepublic of Cyprus? at your earliest convenience. Upon the receipt of your Government's reply j, it is my intention to submit a further report to the Security Council. Accept, Sir9 the assurances of ragr highest consideration-. U fhant TELEPHON R.-iINZl-AMD£R 4-- ;V;ISSIGM OF THE REPUBLIC o.- CYPSUS TO THE UNITED NATIONS ISS EAST -73NO STREET NSW YORK 3i, fij. V. Hef . 108 B 16 January 1961; Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's letter of today, and to say in reply that my Government is in agreement with the terms contained therein. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Zenon Rossides Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General United Nations New York, N.Y. AD/vb 11 February 1964 Sir, Following; the request cabled today b,y the Acting f'inistor for- Pox^ign /iffairs of Cyprus, J, have the honour to attach horswith for transmission to the Kiinistor for foreign Affairs of Cyprusj copies of the communications received by the lecretai^- Osneral of ike United Nations, from the Vice-President of the Eapublic &y& Mr. TSaif Denktash. Accept? Sirs the assurances of mj" highest considerntion. J* Acting Chef de Cabinet His J32ceell©ney Mr.
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