Your ultimate source for official -D&D@adventures. · Sample file SpecialInsert: City of GreyhawkPoster Map By Denis Tetreault A living GrcyhawkJou rnal exclusive!Pr esentingan overheadview of Oerth'ssigna ­ turecity. thiss pecialposter mapshows Greyha wkin stunning detailand servesas the blueprintfor the campaign's"home base.· Gemof the Flaoacss:City of GrcyhawkMap Key .. .4 VolumeL Number2 Sprins-591CY By Denis Tetreaultand Erik Mona Everynumbered location for thisissue's poster map! From thedark alleys of theSlum Novcmbcr/Dcccmbcr.2000 Quarterto the bustlingdock s of the Wharves.this location list hasgot youcovered Editor Gemof the Flaoacss:The Artisan"s Cluartcr .... .....6 Erik Mona By Denis Tetreaultand Erik Mona .Assistut Editor The city of Greyhawkthrives on trade. Nowhereis this more evident than in the Stephen Radney-Macf arland city's Artisan's Quarter.home to merchants.artists. and craftsmen.Beyond the Art Director Petit Bazaar.bright coins are contrasted by dark secrets. Robert Raper TheWay of theLake .... ....................................12 GnphicDesigner By LanceHawvermale Leanne Kerrigan Riverscross the land like arteries. their tradegiving l,fe to the nationsof the Production Flanaess. The Rhenneebargefolk of the Lake of UnknownDepth s ply those Donna Woodcock riversat will.swearing fealty to no king.Di scover theirintriguing cu lture within. includingtwo newpre stige classessui table for LIVINGGREYHAWK play. WorldwideRPGA Mamgcr David Wisc g~<...,L.,,,'/c_~L..,' Publisher Wizards of the Coast. Inc. CampaignNews . .................. ........ 2 On theCover The latest rules updates. and a launch in the Duchy of Geoff Artist Matt Stawicki presents a Eochiridionof the Fiend-Sage....... ... 20 typical scene outside the Green Dragon Inn. in Crcyhawk's River Quarter. By Sean K Reynolds The Fiend-Sage of Rel Astra continuesto add entries to his encyclope­ MapIllustntions dia of the strangeand wonderfulcreatures of the Flanaess. This issue. Rob Lazzarctti hispen chronicles the animus.the valleyelf a new type of bullywug. The World of Crcyhawkcreated by E. Cary Cygax and the time-displacedgrigaur. Dispatches.... ........................... 28 News from aroundthe Flanaess. ContactList . 32 Contact informationSamplefor your home regionand the world file L -.... C,qU'#k "' 1-ra.a.1(d11t ofllC.l.l.l atgWM: of tk Rolcpl,y-. ~ A.ocil1ioa 1 M-k ·• L •iag CqU'# k uapaip). is ,-lwslicdbi-... u, ~ Winnh of dl,c Cout.lar.. (Wore) PO Benno. Katoa, W~~ 9EIC&-G707.Pt.ci.c::SOl/lM-6496. Fu: e/6fIUS11J/. [-a: Poly~ Wc.b:-.rpp.coa. Li•iagCttyUl' k Jc-ruJis aaJcd rra ta all C.,Jd..k~ RPCA• Nc.t-k acakn. Va, 17-bmfi..ip ,ata uc. USUl uud& ud Mwco USSli ll1,tt11,11io.llUSHI (air ...,_1).Pr iots•¥CI to~.,.,.,_, IIOI'"- 0.. o1 ,ddrca •asibe rtte.i'mf 111lust JOdays ,.o 10 dfothW; elm: cl.alift,o ~ Udltcrr.pttd dtlivuy . Uut:11 apttWu,...__u to11.t a»itnry ue: -..de:prKlr to ,..,lic.uioe. -.i,taiul •baincd for ,.W.U1ioa ia l,i.,iag Crc7~ k Jc-.t-uJ»1: am:ptd -.ty oa l.k ccada1io. tlt..t tl,c -.i,tcrW _,, lrc:cd,tcd ud ~ .. L .., .. Cc.yklwkJo-n.al. 'WoeC ud rlie RPCA Network -..u .Uc IIOOlhu .. of aucrwlt •utll .Cud 1M ,.tlticwor will calCJ••IO a W1'itltll ~• rcptdiag .._ WotCputs .1111Mln.11..-uc.•w. ,..,, to 11tc:~ Id •uttwh of~ m.-- to~ A• •do.~ alwl ~ ao ugt.1 &o ptbliaor pa.;1 - oilier 111.1..~ to ,.W-, ~ 1~111iKJ.cb,ay cOffhPtc:d -.i,tai&kol 1'\,,c .,; ,.,_, first oLuiaiacW1'inc. ptta-.oa l'O •to,,Leners~ 10 ,lie RPCA Nctworkor1tbrC.-..,.JJhc~,.i-..c-uda,yltc,.iatc:dia•lioltor .. put,ttKdoac:1ioaollKcditornbtlicaadct:IJIU-if1C1. llyfUflCIU01kr,,«ia.,.iti .. Uabotttiu.i:w.st ,d..1lic...,_UfnMd1'1li ..... Crcy~kJo.ruJuc.1.,._oltk..tanctrNJ .1111hora.1101.«C1WiJy1Ltopa.omol\VotC.&.c..1be.RPC..\Nciwork.,or1udf . StaacbtdDi«.lmattfota1i.Wri 1a1Cucldi-.Sccaar11! ...... C.*lila.Sc~ioRc,-.fot-.Mc•butilipFota1i.....«OthFor-ucru .i.bldr.froatlicRPCANct,ro,t, .1_.tpta.coa. ®-' """~ lndc.aatb o1NCcllty WJUtdtof tbc C.0-.. t.c. :\Jl I.ts llaawd.Otlicr p,odiact....a art rradulub09acd liy tlic coa puia ,.Wislwttllolt ptodi.cu. Utt ot, proct.c.1t..u.c: .,. •.,_, earic:» ol uMlca,.,b --M 1101be: «-rnitcl n, ~ io~su1-. Bpri~ . S~JC $ (J'lovrmbrr.ZOOO W~ER FANTASYN Preview rewards for playtcsting. The fol­ Next summer, Wizards of the lowing is RPGA HQ' s official Coast will take us back to a dun· LIVINGGREYH AWKPlaytcsting gcon that has haunted an entire Policy: A character in a playtcst generation of gamers. The folk of should experience the challenges the village of Hommlct fear that of the adventure as written. a new evil might be rising in the Therefore. if killed due to an nearby temple. once a bastion of a encounter that is later changed, cult dedicated to wicked elcmen· the character is dead. Time units talism. Return to the Templeof for the adventure arc spent when ElementalE vil. by Monte Cook, it is played. and the round should revisits the site of classic advcn· be recorded in the character's log tures such as Villageof on the date it was played. In short, Hommlet, Temple of Elemental all of the bad things that can hap· Evil, and more. At this year's pen to a character take place WINTERF ANTASY(Januar y 25- immediately. as they would if the 28). LIVING GREYHAWKpla yers adventure was being played al a will get an exclusive first glimpse sanctioned RPGA gathering. at a portion of the new mega­ However, treasure and experience adventure in a special event awardsarc not applied to the char· designed for characters of levels 1- actcr until after the scenario has 5. Registration for this four-hour been sanctioned by RPGA HQ event is on-site only. Return to and has officialJy debuted for gen· the Temple of ElementalEvil era! play. For example. if Robilar will run twice during the convcn· plays in a playtest of Return to Living Grcyhawk tion. at 9:00 AM on both Castle Greyhawkin January. he Gazetteer Now Available Saturday and Sunday. As a special suffers the risks immediately. He The LivingGre yhawk Gazetteer, benefit, some members will get a docs not cn;oy the rewards until a comprehensive sourccbook on chance to play the game with Return to Castle Greyhawkplays the world of Grcyhawk that Guests of Honor Monte Cook for the first time at a sanctioned serves as the baseline for the (author) and Andy Collins ( edi­ conventio n or game day. The sec· LIVINGGREYH AWK~ campaign. is tor) . In totally unrelated news, nario author is responsible for contacting RPGA HQ to get a now available wherever you buy the restorative services of final copy of his or her sanctioned rolcplaying games. Written by Hommlct's temple of St. Cuthbert will be available on-site scenario, and it is incumbent upon Living GreyhawkJ ournalco ntrib­ (for a small fee). on the off him or her to alert the playtestcrs utors Gary Holian, Scan K chance some characters don '1 sur· to the final approved treasure and Reynolds. F rcderick Wcining and vive the experience. This special experience for the adventure, our very own Erik Mona, the event is in addition to the previ­ including distributing treasure Gazetteer gives an overview of ously announced FestivalKnight. certificates if necessary. the history of the people and by Brian Hudson. nations of the Flanacss, as well as Who Let the Giants Out? information on more than 70 Playtcsting Policy Geoff's Legacy of Valor deities worshipped on Ocrth . A All good scenarios have been One of the most eagerly antici­ huge poster map reveals more of playtcstcd. and we're always happy pated RPGA events ever was the Grcyhawk's world than ever to hear that members have helped premiere of Living Grcyhawk at Samplebefore. Together, we're developing out authors by providing this thefile 2000 GENCON Game Fair. the fu turc of the world of valuable service. However. there Like a kid at Christmas time, it Grcyhawk. The LivingGr eyhawk seems to be some confusion about was inevitable that somebody Gazetteer is our starting point. how to manage in-character would try to sneak downstairs to 0 open a present early. This was the sec the integration of rolcplaying this defense.a shadow dragon arose case in the Mid-Atlantic region, with method acting. At one point, in the midst of the Dimwood, shat­ where attendees to Patriot Games a player who was attempting to tering the elven forces. in July got a sneak peak at their negotiate with Duke Owen for Similar misfortunes were LIVINGGREYHAWK country, the payment was shouted down with occurring throughout Geoff. Grand Duchy of Geoff. chants of "traitor." The head of Surviving characters gathered at The event was Legacyof the Rangers had to withstand a the capital of Corna, where a last Valor:The Fall of Geoff The vote of no-confidenceafter his stand was prepared. Betrayal from motivation was to give players a caution in the face of the giants. within ended this. An attempt on feel for the history of the region Another player was put on trial the life of the duke was synchro· by having them help to create it. after stolen diamond dust ( which nizcd with the exposure of the Knowing that characters would be had become a rare commodity} city's defenses from within. As starting in a war-torn. devastated was found on his person. The sub­ chaos broke loose, players begana country, the triad wanted to instill sequent investigation determined valiant street-by-street delaying a sense of national pride. Legacy that someone else had planted the action, which allowed many inno· of Valorwas set in the year 583 evidence after abscondingwith cent civilians to escape.This last CY.
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