fastto&ikiiti "JM' fSftwaPSa - I- - " ..- 7 W 1 i UNiNUTICED, THE WEEK'S BANK CLEARINGS. h ITire almost wiped out the town of TROUBLE AMONG THE HANRAS. OTHERWISE THE CRITTENDEN PRESS Joshua, Tex. ID I Hnn llitniin. I.enven CIcrelnnd Tolnl Olcnrlnna, It It lucrenve nnd Coleman nnd Jnmcs Younger after MED UH Urn. Tho St. Louis municipal naacinulj Deercnae, in the l'rlnclpnl serving 25 years in the Stillwater mid MiIU for Huronc Olvluit finally passed tho general appro- rumasiiuD vi:i:iiir. Pursuers tin Slip. hns Cltlea of tlic Country. (Minn.) penitentiary for complicity in Her priation bill u'tfr tflvlug U"' , 0J North-field- tc MAltlO.V. : i i i KENTUCKY, bank robbery nnd murder nt Ne- sharks three months In which York, 13. Mob at Kansas City Wanted Cleveland, July 13. The Judge New July Tho following in 1S70, have been paroled. 0., Heeeo the city employes. compiled by common piers court has ap- table, Ilrndstieot, shows A score of Dowieites were arrested groes Charged With Assault- of the Columbia outsailed the Consti- 30 n Tho the bank clearings nt of the prin- 111,, pointed Senator Murk A. llannn gunr-din- in Evanston, after n riot partici- Davis. tution in tlieeupdefender's trial meet cipal clticH for tho week elided July 1901 1901 ing Miss Grace of the three children of his son, JULY. 4 pated in by the Zion guards. Friday. 11, with tho perrentngMof increase and ( I ),ui II. Hiiiiun, who is divorced from 3. In convention in Columbus the Frederick Uinger, a liiolder, aged decronse, ns compared vvljji tho cor SAT. A New York at S3J. KM. TEES. VID. THDR. tU. ? Ohio democrats nominated Col. James Ins wife. dispatch from yenra, was drowned while bathing week last yen r: PROBABLY CHOKE THEM TO DEATH lind arrived responding Kilbourne, of Columbus, for governor. WOULD mi,n thnt Mrs. linuua guiney, 111. I .... 5 6$ The thermometer renched 102 de- there with her three sons. Bonds centering nt Chicago nnd run- "TTTT grees in Chicago on 10th, which Her husband hnd obtained nn in- to form a phy- the ning west have agreed GlTI ToWl. I 7 10 13 I exceeded nil previous records of tho The Nriirnm Knocked alius I)nvl' junction in Cleveland, restraining her sical pool to maintain freight rates. JUL Jill local weather bureau. Kacort limciiftllile, unit Thru from renin Ing the children from the Mrs. Fanny Plntt, aged l8 years, of court. x 1775 T6T718" 1920J Seventeen persons were killed nnd llrnuucd Her Into n l'nrk, Knur jurisdiction of the Clevulnnd Qulney, lit., died nt the hoinu of her New Vork l..T.5j & 40 injured, some in n r- Mrs. lluiinn lulcly decided to go to Mo. IIORlBII llT.asu.svr 16 over fatnllv, Hundred l'oct Aitu- Governor sou, near Nelsonvllle, o HT 11 A leaving I IiIc-hk- iw.nsi "2T 22 "2324 25 26 27 collision between n Chicago it Alton Offer ii llrwnril. Kuropo again, nnd heforo At Allen, Kns., Brown's general !'lillftWtllilu 7 Cleveland, mortgaged the house building nnd Hi. I.otiln 4i.tqT.ui i u: passenger train and a freight near she store wns burned. Tho 39X1(1 1 $8,000. tMttkliUIKlt 40 50 $28 29 30 31 J Norton, Mo. Kansas City, Mo., July 13. Fridny Mr. linnna hud given her for stoek are a total loss. llAlllmorfl .......... 7S Flvo ns Rbc wns preparing to leave u wanted for Han r'runflUao 23.U&.MI a i persons committed suicide in night a crowd of 2,500 men and boys Just Michael Westorm, 1 injunction, i'liirliinatl ,, xo n Chicago and one mndc an unsuccess- surrounded the jnil and clamored for HlierilT arrived with the burglary and forgery In Minnesota Kiinaus City ful attempt. negroes, but could not get in. Mrs. linnna got Illinois, was nrrosted at Helena, Naw Oitxaui. 9.914 110 vengeance ngninst three nnd MlniiosHill It. TBI '. S7 with her ) ST Revenue war tax collections from charged with criminally assaulting over the back fence, and Mont. Dot Mil U.MU . Besides H.I1T.S1B June 13, 1898, to May 31, 1901, amount- Wednesday night, in children boarded the trnin. An wns destroyed bj fire nt CloteUnd ST1..' Miss Grace Davis, elevator boulavtltn IttM It highly-respectabl- wns accom 14,000 ed to $310,033,303. i a populous and e her children, Mrs. Hnnna Sallnn, Kns., together with Mllwnukne C.W4.J 9 7 . A RECORD The twentieth international Chris- neighborhood. Eight suspects, two of panied by tho Baroness do Pullautlt, bushels of wheat. Loss, $10,500; Insur-nnc- o, llurfakj G.m.m 4l WEEK'S n guest nt her house In OhihIiu MI.M tian Endeavor convention closed at whom, it was raid, had been identi- who hns been $0,000. Imllunattotts k 7l ttsl w . :i(Mi7 . Cincinnati. fied, were held in the jnil. Cleveland. Mr Hnnna carried her Pennsylvania women nre supplant- Dmtver 3101 is said to ilurlfonl 4.4M.TH V t An accident in n plate glnss factory Story of tlic Aaanult. right arm in a sling. She ing men'ns farm laborers. Scarcity of Itlrhmsnd llel.lll let! tlio News tho Seven nt Kokomo, Ind., will make it neces- Miss Davis escort. Verniee have hurt it climbing the fence. and a preference for outside Toledo 4.0, . All of Past and her latr UalventOII 6.l7.(Y r to amputate of five account for It. ! sary the arms Newton, were walking, when three ne Mra. Ilnnnn nll for Knrnpe. work llmistnn ic . Days Condensed. as whether Kllti Montreal S1.7U.09I ji men. sprnng upon them. Newton was -- The question to r groes New York. July 13. Attorneys for 11 wnvc dam- hns false teeth hns been raised TnruMu ij.m,:vi M.. The hot has done great Knocked senseless, nnd Miss Davis It. of Cleveland, obtained Glenn Dan llannn, W. Vn., - age to the crops in western stutcs. wns dragged 4C0 feet into a private McAdnin, in the supreme at her trial nt I'arkersburg, Weckl- IlnnU Statement. HOME AND FOREIGN ITEMS de- from Justice open IS. The Kansas corn crop is virtually park nnd assaulted. When she re- return-nbl- e but she refuses to her mouth. New Vork. July Thu statement ct court, a writ of habeas corpus, the associated bunks fur tho wnok ending stroyed. was Hnr-lingto- n Christopher Anderson, the nged covered consciousness her escort coiuinnmllng Mnry to-da- y Monday, on tho grave of iltuwi. Kows of tho Industrial Field, Personal The transport MeClellan sailed from still insensible. They are both in llannn to produce in court man who shot himself lvans, tMH.4.0; decroa S!.Wl.WO New York for the Philippines bearing his wife In the cemetery near Nebras- DtpotiU, ft;.Kl.Uv, dcercoae, 17.1l,. and Political Items, Happening critical condition. her three children. Mr. Hnnna, in his 00n. Senator Bacon, of Georgia, and sev- Roberts and Hollnnd, tho negroes the children wer ka City, Neb., died Friday. Circulation. J.10.C9,M)0; Increase.. JTn(X Homo and Abroad. petition, says thnt Icndora, $77,i?5,0, Increase. at eral members of the house of repre- suspected of annulling Miss Davis, of their liberty by their For the first time on record St. lgal !., con- restrained I,ouls sentatives, who will investigate were "swented," but neither admitted mother, on the pretense that she has passed a day (Friday) without Hpcl l7J.JIVt; Increase, JmwO ditions here. Mnrshnl the Issuance of a single mnrringr li- HesTvea. e(;u7.W0. Inerraae. J.lT.Kn complicity in the crime. n to their custody, nnd that he, det-reai- T1TE WOULD of La Vaea, Tex., right Hrirrve rvqulrad, jJ5,fAt5. THE NEWS PROM ALL The town Port Maxwell has taken every precaution father, hns been illegally deprived cense. t.tn,;o. wns swept away by a tornado, but no the F. aged 2ft Hurplua. i:,S9,7TS; Increaae, r7.S97.KM, to protect the men, and says he can of their ehnrge. A detective wns sent John Gllmnrc, years, and lives were lost. unmnrried, employed on DOMESTIC. successfully combat an attnek on the to the Hotel Savoy to serve the writ. the Hannibal Con! 4)11 nnd Children. The berry crop in Wisconsin is st & 15 railroad, was killed ld During the excessive hot weather jail. Mr. Hnnnn ncompnnled the detec- St. Joseph Louisville, Col., July 13. The a complete failure, and corn and Nrk-ro-n Mo, In New York city 089 persons died Still in Jnil. tives to the Hotel Savoy. When ho miles east of St. Joseph, daughter of Mrs. John Hark, i tobneco will be little better unless rain county of- Tho man killed by a Knty frctght irom its effects. Both the police and the arrived there he was told th.vt Mr.. son, nnd the clght-ycnr-o- ld daughter comes at once. Welch, 1. T., been Iden- Christ Jensen, a demented Swede, ficials are endeavoring to keep the Ilnnnn hnd sailed with her children t. nln near has of Jncob Peck, mnyor of this place, Gen. Gomez sailed from New York whereabouts of the negroes secret, tified ns Joseph Hnlton, son of n who assassinated two women and for Havana. He declared that he was on the steamer Menominee which are dead ns the rrault of nn explosion killed the innocent little daughter of but It is known that nil three nre in cleared the bar, bound for Loudun, wealthy cattleman of Nacogdoches, coat oil the Clnrkson home.
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