THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL"" 7.1007. tention. It la aald that her vole has undergone remarkable development in The Store Noted for Itewt Goode at Lowest Frier.! her recent studies. The other assisting artists ars already known to the Port- land publlo. The program follows: (a) Prelude Dramatlque, (b) Petite Valse. (c) Hcberso-Etud- e d'Octaves, R. A, JUicchesf; (a) "Non plu dl flort." from "Clemens dl Tito" (Mosart), (b) "Oh let me speak" (Chad wick), (c) Creole Serenade" Rltter), (d) Eostaoy" STYLES (Asdltl), Mrs. Ines Hlbbard; Concerto No. 4 In D minor (Vleuxtemps). Joseph Meredith Roeencrants; Proloro, from "I Pagllaccl" (Leoncavallo); John -- Claire Mentletbl Rhapsody In O minor Misses' and Children's (Brahms). Mlaa Franoea Batchblor; ) Chanson d'Automne, (b) ."A Te" (Loo-chesl- ). Miss Elisabeth Harwas; Alle- gro con brio, Mlnuetto (Haydn), Mo- -- Wearables , , ment Musical (Lucchesl), Miss lie v i v iT - rjwuyr m .... nors Gregory, first violin; Miss Sue.1 j ex- - during the present' season was an Laimbee, second violin; William Chand Tber it no qwestson about the style and quality of our Children's Gar- stupidity, Capriee-Val- hibition Of Incomprehensible ler, viola; A. W. Larson, cello; s ments.' They're superior in every way to the ordinary kind and yon don't Nnt oniv eras she needed for the Wag (Salnt-Saens- ), R. A. LucchssL ner, roles; she Is singer s --versatile have pay a cent morel The materials,' cut and finishing are exactly the a Dlppel. and able, like Jean d Besske, to do first-clas- s work in Italian and ' tame a In our women's wear and we doubt if there is a store on the coast opera. ' ; in rrench as well as in German LEVER, PIANISTE showing so wide a range of styles and fabrics. ". Make it a point to come Conrled offered her 11 appearances, G two-by-fo- ur Surprises Audience WAS only a llttl taat tht (rand up and down a cold lobby. which was llttls . short of an Insult in and see this splendid showing whether, you intend buying or not In opera, but it servea . to mow us And. Incidentally, - the composer of He waited tilt the eleventh hour before pro- -- Scbumann-Heink. Ordering , la on me Xa Oloconda" (with a hard O) Is he engaged Oadskl and 4 by mail, please state distinctly size and color, wanted. what coins in music - A genuine pleasure and Surprise was world and awakened airaln old long-In- n nounced as If spelled Punkyaly, . and then he talks about having In store for those who attended the for mora of Us kind. Of course. more Italian operas next year and presentation of Miss Ethel Palmer by Portland la not big enough to' support prates about a decline of Interest In her Instructor, Charles Dlerke, last Sat- Coats own. Only New and operat ' Misses Linen Suits Child's White ' opera of lta Tork German urday sventng at Ellers Recital hall. MISTAKE oppor- ' - New Orleans can do. that on because iONRIED'S '"Conned" . mlsuke are th Miss Palmer played a good and ' varied Misses' Linenv Suits, in pretty Children's white pique and duck It ta so big; the other becauae it la ao W Bears Bitter Fruit tunity of Hammersteln. Be has en- program and ths delight of ths audience Coats, with circular collar, em- '. New Orleana the people raged Nordic for next season, for styles,) natural,; white, blue and musical. In ...- ....... In ber accomplishment took ths form broidery trimmed, very stylish. 1 would aa aeon think of going without Italian, French and German opera. Be of long-continu- applause. check,- - ages 10 to 14., Special, every-da- y go wlta-o- ut Bchumann-Heln- k. their dinners s t The New Tork Evening Post sums Is negotiating with ' came San Special, 2.50, 1.T5 and 1.25 -- Miss Palmer her after th (15.00, 94.SO their grand opera every season. up situation He. will have Renaud again, a splendid ' nd........3.00 f f the of operaav as Francisco disaster sfter some time But the venturea of the paat two opera house of New Tork In the fol- dramatis singer,' In Oerma pent la-stu- with. Mansfeldt ; She Is yeara have shown that Portland la fond lowing: '. well as tn French. He has Campanlnl, a southern Oregon girl of rather deli- lChild'slSailor Suits Misses Wash Dresses opera support It Mr. Conrled waa mads manager who there Is every reason ta think, ' of and will It when "When wilt cate physlqus and the power of her "MissetWish-Drewesr-i- n- best-- cornea; so there la no reason why we of the Metropolitan opera house h delight New Yorkers as a Wagner eon-- playing Is unexpected. Her work glows Children's Sailor Suits, in white ahould not have It every year. There with brilliancy and strength; her tech- and colnrai ' rnarle ' with belt anl quattty percale, in polka dot pat- are course, who aay It beyond yet those, of that nique Is reproach, and she ages 4 6. Special, terns, ages 10 to 14; regular $2.50 V must be second rate If It comes to the plays with time mustclanly feeling. Her to each, Is mean spirit values. Special ' Paclflo coast, but this a tone Is beautiful big and smooth and and ...?)3.00 ..: ...fl.TS that deserves oontempt Why take it round, with not a single . rough tone Pn .. for granted that everything that comes even In her loudest passages. It Is not west Is inferior and that It comes west every day that one meets a young wo- Children's Dresses Misses Dress Skirts support power, ex- , because It can no longer find man who plays with such Colored in light eeatf And.lt might be well to remem-hc- v pression snd color snd on feels safs In Children's Wash Dresses, Made of worsted material that the manner In which the first predicting for her much success. in a great assortment of styles and and dark grays,' plaited style and . venture Is supported decides whether Ths progrsm of Miss Palmer's recital in ages 4 14 years. Each, regular $2.25 grade. ' Special, while another, and maybe a better, shall come Is given below. A repetition of ths from to : the next year. ,. , Llsst "Cantlque d'Armour" was Imper- 93.50 down to ..50e the lot' lasts' ......,;......f 1.50 all seems that .there atively demanded for Its composition But after It Palmer's brilliant could not be much question as to the Is Just suited to Miss NQTIL Our line of children's wear is strictly new and up to date ia . merit of the San Carlo company. They styl. She goes from hers te give con- every particular, No old goods for sale at any price. , v ". had the requisites of good opera certs In southern Oregon snd will doubt- good orchestra, a good chorus, good less sustain there th reputation ahe ' acquired among ths critical musi- 4 soloists, a good director.' The first has ' Portland. - nierni uniorcunieiy ivit nq ih(h- -' cians of ' great Nordic wae hardly Th program was: ': slon. for the '. Bach-Buao- ul : - enough to counteract - the effects of a Chaconns, SPECIAL SALX Table Linens an act Hark. Hark the Lrk..,.Schubrt-Llas- t long and tiresome wait, without Schubert-Lle-st an orchestra, soenery . hastily adapted Der Wanderer..... The following specials fronthe together, cold, draughty house Rondo Brlllant Weber and put Salnt-Saen- e and GRAY SUITINGS linen aisle on Monday only and exceedingly commonplace muela The Swan TAN sae "singers did their best, and the Cantlqu d Amour Llsst at the prices qupted; . .All the Allegr- - vArensky '. players after they were given ehanoe Chopin GREAT VALULS Bcherso In B Flat Minor.. ...... 60-in- when their, music had arrived did theirs, ch all linen Table Damask,' - . , bat exhaustion showed In their work W are showing the largest and best selection of the new silver bleached and regular price .and the) did not have the enthusiasm tan and gray suitings in the citjr. For Monday, Tuesday and 75c. Special, Monday only, a . of warm house to raise them above kROMI NENT WOMEN 10 Samples on yard BO the circumstances, for the house, too, Wednesday we quote great bargains., sent v- ' S was tired. And so those who went request. , 58-in- Table Damask, white' Only the first night were unfortunates, 38-in- 38-in- 4f , bleached, good ch and silver weight . they did not true estimate of ch gray mixture, in a tan panama, beautiful for ret - -- Spe- .. t,a events of and splendid 40c quality, - the company's value. , .. w.. ntiia muslcsl ths great variety of Stripes, new shade; 75c value. Spe- ( I for cial, yard : The perrormsno ox uoneme Ik month, has a compelling slgnlflcancs checks .;' and plaids. Spe- cial .......... ....BO a 2e people, April 17 '. ah owed had recovered all Portland for 18-in- that the artists cial ....50s 44-in- tan panama, in fine satin finished Table . were concert will bs tendered t th .......U. their normal conditions and they 44-in- ch sev- - , to Miss Elisabeth Har- gray suitings, in spring weight; regular $1.00 Napkins, fast selvage, rich floral able to do themselves Justice. Their Helllg theatre $1-0- came up to the atandard expected was, soprano, to mark her approaching eral new mixed effects; quality. Special ....... 85 patterns; our regular price $1.25. ' t.work Italy, ahe hopea to quality. Special ..T5) Monday, a reports. departure wher 44-in- dozen of them from previous The for ch chiffon panama, iq ,05 so vocal studies with eminent 46-in- gray panamas, light opera was Interesting will oonstlnu begin her new tan shade, very stylish.
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