Periodical Vpa, PROPERTY |> VOL. VIII, NO. 50 0 DECEMBER 13, 1913 PRICE 25 CENTS •wWe FDbiio uibrair UOSTP^W >? til* /• ,-Tn «-.TTnnj ATI n X?ftO HOLLYWOOD FARM BREEDERS OF Registered Holstein-Fresian Cattle Registered Duroc-Jersey Swine PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF HOLLYWOOD CERTIFIED MILK HOLLYWOOD PORK SAUSAGE HOLLYWOOD FRESH EGGS Farm at Hollywood, Washington City Office 1418 Tenth Avenue PHONE EAST 151 Visitors Always Welcome at the Farm RUGS CARPETS LINOLEUM DRAPERIES THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT OF HOWARD D. THOMAS CO. LARGEST WHOLESALE CARPET AND RUG HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST Offers you better goods for less money than any other carpet and rug store in Seattle We're out ot the high rent zone; own the building where our business is located--YOU GET THE RESULTS Location: Fifth Avenue and Virginia Street 'VTVO {Blocks <Sast of JXCoore theatre <CW Blocks North of Westlake Market This Is a Facsimile of Our Gift Certificate Solve the problem of Christmas IOI4- presents. SECONQ AVE SKAT TLI: You buy the •us-.v certificate and the lady WE IMPORT DIRECT FROM FRANCE. can choose gloves, hose, umbrellas or silk underwear at her leisure. Our Gift Certifici either show the e will honor this Certificate for amount paid for GLOVES UMBR£UAS HOSIERY the same or indi­ NIAGARA SIUC-UUNDERW! cate the value by mentioning the stock V\ nu miter. _& m&. 1 P A G E O X E THE TOWN CRIER The Conservatism That Insures Security [s the FIRST principle with The Scandinavian American Bank. The methods that have been tested and proven through all the history of banking are carefully followed in your interest quite as much as our own. And after that comes Progress—which in our dictionary means a constant increase in our usefulness to the individual and the community. Suppose you are a young, struggling business man and have your account here. If you have capacity, and energy, and honesty, we soon get to know it. In such cases we are glad to extend to you a good banking credit and to recommend you for a good commercial credit. Thus aided, it will be nobody's fault but your own if you don't find your share of the room that is said to be SO plenty at the top. Suppose yim have a Savings Account here, and when it has grown to import ant size, you'd like to SO invest it that it will earn a higher rate of interest and still he safe. We shall be glad to show you exactly what the hank puts its money iii, m and to help you to make selections from your own investments. "Hi, So through every phase of hanking. We have the resources and the dispo­ inn a si.~,mint sition to extend to each and every depositor the fullest cooperation of which a 0N SAVINGS strong, conservative hank is capable. We are always pleased to take adequate m || ll ll 'IphSfa care of th*' requirements of the individual and the corporation; the hanker and the hank; the merchant, manufacturer, shipper; the man with exchange to buy or items to collect. Alaska Building, lome of the Scandinavian American Bank And here let US add that Small Accounts are still just as welcome as in our own smallest days; and the man, woman, hoy or girl, who is honest and thrifty, is at all times welcome to the very best service we can render. Savings Accounts opened from $1.00 upwards. YOU CAN DO IT BY MAIL—No matter where you live you can bank with us by mail. Even to write a letter is not necessary. The one important thing is to see that your name and address are enclosed with the deposit. Scandinavian American Bank j A. Chilberg .lalVt I,in,I J. E. Chilberg Directors: Alfred Hutu.' Perry Poison J v Lane ( •'..). ICriekson A. Q. Manson M. .1. Shaughnessy -RESOURCES OVER $11,000,000.00. PAGE TWO THE TOWN CRIER A PROGRESSIVE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION THE SEATTLE NATIONAL BANK ^ An account with this institution is the best al­ CAPITAL - - - . $ 1,000,000 SURPLUS - - - - 200,000 liance a merchant can TOTAL RESOURCES 16,000,000 make. Directors. •I. Furth, Chairman E. C Ames m^^i >__. Iv W. Andrews R. V. AtiUcnv Daniel Kelleher •I. W. Spongier F. K. Struve Officers. E. \Y. Andrews. President. •I. \V. Spangler, Vice-Pres. li. Y. Ankenv. Cashier. TI. C. MacDonald, Asst. Cash. ('. L. La< ira\ e. Assl. Cashier Wm, S. Peachy, Assl. Cashier Thirty Years of Public Service The Seal of Public Approval THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK is the The Seattle Public has expressed its Oldest national bank in Seattle, having been confidence in the established in 1882. Today it is a complete Washington Savings and Loan institution offering to the people a high standard of service and absolute security for funds. Association time and again. Not by words only, but by DEEDS Our assets increa^ n^rlv $1.000-000-00 last year OFFICERS. For 24 years we have averaged M. A. ARNOLD, President. D. H. MOSS, Vice-President and Cashier. M. McMICKEN, Vice-President. 6% C. A. PHILBRICK, Assistant Cashier. ON SAVINGS C. H. HOWELL, Assistant Cashier You Can Start With One Dollar. Hie Oldest DIRECTORS _._.__,« Peters Assets Strictly Savings E. O. Ames Jacob Furth William A;"1^ Over Institution i„ *er™a£ Cj^P1? Fm- ?• ^^mS Thaanum Three First National Bank ,, ., , . D. E. Frederick Ivar Janson William x Million B the State of r. B riniey L. O. Janeck •• " Favre Washington Raymond R. Frazier Hans Pederson -•• *•• PAGE THREE THE TOWN CRIER Nettleton - Bruce - Eschbach Co. Engineers and Contractors 902-3-4 American Bank Building SEATTLE Telephone Elliott 4748 BOLCOM MILLS, Inc LUMBER For Every Purpose invLTtoTnspea 17th Ave. N. W. and Shilshole our operations. q See the Big Logs Phone Ballard 141 sawed. PAGE FOUR THE TOWN CRIER Superlative Brace & Hergert Mill Co. in Train Luxury The Famous "OLYMPIAN" This New ALL-STEEL train to Butte, Miles City, Minneapolis, LUMBER St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago and all Points East via the Center of the City "MILWAUKEE" Carries Luxurious Lounge Observation Car with spacious La­ dies' Parlor in which afternoon tea is served; Club Rooms for the men, Lihrarv. Writing Room, Smoking and Buffel < lompart- ments, Telephone, Periodicals. Barber, Bath and Tailor Con- veniences. Drawing Room and Compartmenl Sleeping Cars. Factory and Warehouse Sites Dining Car with meals and service unsurpassed. All ears electric lighted—vacuum cleaned daily. for Lease NO EXTRA FARE ON THIS TRAIN. Leaves Tacoma 8:46 A. M. Seattle. 10:16 A. M. Daily. Another ALL-STEEL train, the "Columbian," leaves Tacoma Small Farms, Close In, 6:00 P. M., Seattle 7:30 P. M. daily. for Sale on Easy Terms For further information regarding fares, reservations, etc., call on or address A. l». CHAPMAN, .11... Gen'l. Agenl Passenger Dept. jr. L. CTRISWELLL, city Passenger Agent- Westlake Avenue at Valley Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Second and Cherry, Seattle Whether on City Streets an or Country Highways ^••••••••--------•---••-------•--------••_--_--_-«--_------i----^--B-^>^^^^^^^^>>--------i it is at this Season of the year that all those who must go about in the open most thor­ oughly appreciate the merits, the durability the satisfaction in use of UM> Substantial Brick Pavement The vast amount of public work The Washington Iron Works makes in which the products of our equipment for the Logging, Contract­ ing and Fishing industries; strong, sim­ plant are used is the best evi­ ple, efficient machinery designed witn dence of public demand and an intimate knowledge of requirements. public approval. <5P3HINGT5AT The Denny Renton Clay and Coal Company ^SEATTLE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON PAGE PIVE THE TOWN CRIER The Seattle Post-Intelligencer _V_B_________-B_____________B______-___-___-_-_-Q-N-^^ A. S. TAYLOR, Publisher SCOTT C. BONE, Editor Circulation:— Over 53,000 Daily Over 62,000 Sunday And Growing Steadily all the Time According to the Sworn State­ ments submitted to the government October 1, 1913, the Post-Intelli­ gencer was the only Seattle news­ paper showing a growth. DEPENDABLE CLEAN NEWS ADVERTISING The Newspaper Without a Grouch PAGE SI THE TOWN CRIER PAGE S E V E V THE TOWN CRIER CONFIDENCE is the principal foundation of our modern business structure. On the confidence which its readers have in it, de­ pends largely the advertising value of any publication. Il is generally conceded that the Seattle Star enjoys the confidence of its readers to a much greater extent than any other Seattle daily paper. The Star has been making steady and consistent advertising gains over L912, the gain in October alone being more than twenty eight thousand lines over October, 1912. A recently carefully conducted house-to-house canvass in a number of widely divergent sections of the city showed that 'The SEATTLE STAR is taken regularly in 64 per cent of the homes and in 25 per cent of the homes no other Seattle paper at all is taken This shows conclusively that the advertiser who wishes to cover this Held in anything like a thorough manner MUST USE THE STAR. There's food for thought here, Mr. Advertiser. The SEATTLE STAR occupies its own, modern, fireproof, concrete building at 1307-1309 Seventh Avenue - Phone Main 9400 The Metropolitan Building Company owns and operates a number of buildings. Among these buildings we have three first-clasv offce buildings in which we render the highest grade of office building service. We have been operating office buildings in this city for six years, in which time we have built up a Large clientele of satisfied tenants.
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