EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Tom Poberezny Vol. 25, No_ 8 EdHor-in-Chief August 1997 JackCax EdHor CONTENTS Henry G . Frautschy Managing EdHor GoldaCax I Straight & Levell Espie "Butch" Joyce Art Director Mike Drucks 2 AlC News Computer Graphic Specialists Olivia L. Phillip Jennifer Larsen Mary Premeau 4 AeroMail Associate Editor Narm Petersen 5 ACNolunteerslTrish Dorlac Feature Writer Dennis Parks 8 From The Archives Page 13 Staff Photographers Jim Koepnick LeeAnn Abrams 13 Altitude Record Attempt IDon Lee Ken Lichtenberg Advertising/EdHorial Assistant 14 Sentimental Jouroey/Nonn Petersen Isabelle Wiske EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INC. 18 The Alaska Robin! OFFICERS H.G. Frautschy President VlCe -Presidenf Espie "Butch" Joyce George Daubner P.O. Box 35584 2448 Lough Lone 24 Mystery PlanelH.G. Frautschy Greensboro. NC 27425 Hartford. WI 53027 910/393-0344 414/673-5885 Secretary Treasurer 26 Pass It To Buck! Page 14 Steve Nessa ChariesHorris E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 2009 Highland Ave. 7215 East 46th SI. Albert Lea. MN 5f:I:X)7 Tulso. OK 74145 507/373-1674 918/622-MOO 27 Welcome New Members DIRECTORS John 8efendl GeneMonis 29 Calendar 7645 Echo Point Rd. 115C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Connon Falls, MN 5fI:XJ'I Roanoke. TX 76262 507/263-2414 817/491-9110 30 Vintage Trader! Phil Coulson RobefI C. "Bob- Brauer 28415 Springbrook Dr. 9345 S. Hoyne Membership Information Lawton. M149065 Chicogo. IL 60620 616/624-6490 312/779·2105 Page 18 Joe Dickey John S. CopeIood 55 Ookey Av. 28-3 Wdliamsburg CI. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Shrewsbury. MA 01545 812/537·9354 508/842-7867 Date A. Gustafson stanGomol 7724 Shady Hill Dr. 1042 90th Lone. NE Indianapolis. IN 46278 Minneapolis. MN 55434 317/293-4430 612/784-1172 FRONT COVER ... Ed Gelvin and his son Stanley took a vacation in the lower 48 from Robert Ucktelg 'Jeannie HiI their Central. Alaska home in Ed's newly restored"Alaska Robin. - a Curtiss Robin Ed 1708 Boy Ooks Dr. P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033 restored from a wreck he was able to recover from the Yukon river valley. EAA Albert Lea. MN 5f:I:X)7 507/373-2922 815/943-7205 ~~;p,:I.~~~===~ photo by Jim Koepnick. shat with a Canon EOS-ln equipped with an 80-200 mm lens. l/tIJ sec. @ f 9 on 100 ASA slide E-6 slide film. Dean RIchardson RobefI D. "Bob- Lumley 6701 Colony Dr. 1265 South 124thSt. Madison, WI 53717 Brookfield WI 53005 BACK COVER ... Winner of 0 Par Excellence award in the 1997 EAA Sport Aviation tIJ8/833-1291 414/782-2633 Art Competition. this is Nixon Galloway's oil painting "Photo Op.. 1938.- For more information on Nixon' s depiction of Roscoe Turner during the 1938 National Air S.H. OWes" Schmid GeoII RobIson Races. turn to page 2. 2359 Lefeber Avenue 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. Wauwatosa. WI 53213 New Hoven. IN 46774 414/771-1545 219/493-4724 George York 181 Sloboda Av. Mansfield, OH 44906 Copyright e 1997 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. 419/529-4378 VINTAGE AIRPlANE (ISSN 009Hi943) is published and owned exdusive/y by the EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WlSCOIlSin 54903-3086. DIRECTORS EMERITUS Periodicals Pos1age paid at Oshkosh, WISCOIlSin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate tor EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $27.00 tor current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is tor the publication of VINTAGE AIRPlANE. Membership is open Gene Chose E.E. "Buck" Hibert to all who are interested in aviation. 21 f§} Carlton Rd. P.O. Box 424 WI 54<;l()4 POSTMAS1Bl: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO Oshkosh, Union. IL tIJ 180 414/231·5002 815/923-4591 ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months tor delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTlSING - Antique/Classic Division does not gua'lInlee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive ADVISORS criticism and welcome any report of inferior men:handise obtained through OU' advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAl. POlICY: Readels are encouraged to submij stories and pIlotographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the Steve Krog Roger Gomoll authors. Responsibility tor accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. 930 Taro HL E 3238 Vicoria St. N Material should be sent to: Edftor, VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 4141426-4800. Hartford. WI 53027 St PaUl, MN 55126 4141966-7627 612/484-2303 The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTlQUElClASSIC DMSKlN, INTERNAnONAl AEROBAnc CLUB, WARIIlROS OF AMERICA are ® registered David Bennett tradernarI<s. THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION and EM ULTRAlIGHT CONYENTlON are_ 403 Tonner Ct. Roseville. CA 95678 of the above associations and their use by any person other the above association is strictly prohibited. than 91lr782-7025 STRAIGHT & LEVEL by Espie "Butch" Joyce This August issue of VINTAGE regional event that it is, it simply program, and also for the person who AIRPLANE is printed so that it can points out that a successful fly-in is restoring an aircraft in hopes that it be given away to a new or renewing requires organization and hard work to might win an award someday. member at the EAA Oshkosh make it happen. This year, as always, we will have Convention. Therefore, the Conven­ As you move around the USA, each some new and interesting Antiques, tion will be underway or history when region has its own landscape, weather Classics and Contemporary airplanes, most of you will be reading this issue. and aircraft. This is a variable that and we will be reporting to you about There are a great number of makes each fly-in have its own these aircraft in the future issues of aviation events that take place around personality. One item that we can VINTAGE for your enjoyment. By the country each year. These events control throughout all of these different being a member of the EAA take on a great variety of definitions. fly-ins is the judging of aircraft. Antique/Classic Division, you are able You have local events, statewide I have seen over the last 20 years to enjoy the VINTAGE AIRPLANE events, regional events, national events how the judging system has been the magazine 12 months each year. This and international events. The scope of force that has elevated the quality of is the only magazine totally devoted to each event!f1y-in is generally left to restorations to an all-time high. I have information of interest about the the sponsoring party, i.e., chapter or had some tell me that we should not be Antique, Classic and Contemporary local organization. There has been an judging, etc., but at Oshkosh this is an category of aircraft that is published effort to standardize the definition, but expected activity. Often it is each month on a regular basis. this effort has fallen short of its goal. responsible for a number of award I would really like to thank The reason for this shortfall is that in winners being brought to Oshkosh that everyone for their support of our 1 on 1 order to standardize, set guidelines or you might have }.~ever have seen were New Member Campaign to send in define an event or fly-in, there needs it not for the judging of these aircraft. new members. This Campaign is to be a datum line, if you will. Clearly We use a point system to score being very successful gaining us new the Oshkosh Convention is the aircraft while judging at Oshkosh. members. We will be continuing this standard for the international, as well This point system and the EAA effort for some time in the future so as the national event, in the United Judging Manual is intended to take keep those cards and letters coming. I States. Oshkosh is the yardstick others personality out of the jUdging process have personally been able to sign up choose to use as a guide. and standardize the way a winner is four new members and hope to set a I think that the success of the determined. I feel that the Oshkosh goal of four new members each Lakeland, Florida Sun 'n Fun EAA awards system has, and is meeting, quarter. Let's all see if we can push Fly-In is due, in a large part, to their this goa\. I would encourage other the Antique/Classic membership past being organized, keeping their events to bring their judging more in the 15,000 mark by the 1998 EAA presentation in the Oshkosh fashion. line with the EAA standards. There is Oshkosh Convention. Let's all pull in In no way should this statement take a new Revised EAA Judging Manual the same direction for the good of away from any of the hard work that at the printers, or should be finished by aviation (and the Antique/Classic the Lakeland people put forward to now. This is a great aid for those Division). Remember we are better make this Fly-In the successful Chief Judges to help standardize your together. Join us and have it all! ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 1 ZLiN TYPE CLUB David Sutton, 8 Knollwood Rd., Hack­ ettstown, NJ 07840, 908/813-3164 runs the Zlin Association.
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