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Why not get started at once with many sufferers complain about. an easy, delightful, tested treatment that has And, at the same time, it imparts a wonderful helped so many and may help you ... a treatment sense of freshness and exhilaration. Your scalp that doesn't fool but gets after the germs accom- glows and tingles. Your hair feels delightfully panying the infection. fresh. Just douse full strength Listerine Antiseptic on In clinical tests, Listerine Antiseptic, used twice scalp and hair and follow with vigorous rotary daily, brought marked improvement within a finger-tip massage for several minutes. month to 76% of the dandruff sufferers. Listerine this Combined with your regular hair-washing Antiseptic is the same antiseptic that has been acts as a precaution against infection. And, if the famous for more than 60 years in the field of infection has got the jump on you, the treatment oral hygiene. should be stepped up to morning and night fre- Louis, Mo. quency. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC the Tested Treatment — AMAZING STORIES 3 You Build These and Many Other National Radio Institute Radio Circuits with Kits I Supply Our 3ltt Year of Training Hon for Success In Radio You May Never See a Setter Time ta Get Started In Radio I will send you FREE, my Lesson, "Gettlns Ac- quainted with Receiver Servicing," to show ycu how practical it Is to learn Radio at home in spare time. I Trained It's a valuable I»esson. Study It— keep it— •if.'', it without obligation! And with this Lesson I'll send ray lU-page. illustrated book. "Win Rich Rewards These Men in Radio" FREE. It describes many fascinating jobs Radio offers, tells how N.R.I. Hives you Radio experience by practicing with SIX RIG KITS OF RADIO PARTS I send! ! 135 to J45aW««* orhinltie. In Own Shop Technicians and Operate "Previous to en- The future looks bright for we 11 -trained Radio rolling for your K Technicians, Operators. Keeping old Radios work- " " i training I lug ia booming the Radio Repair business. (13 per Profits are larger—and peacetime prospects are bright, loo. In a hard- Think of the neie boom In Radio Sales and Servicing ' ware store. Now I that's coming—when new Radios are aeain avail- ahie—when Frequency Modulation and Electronics can be promoted—when Television moves into its new era of expansion. Broad cas ting Stations. Aviation Radio. Police Radio. Loudspeaker Systems, Radio Manufacturinfi. alt employ qualified Radio Men at good pay—and most of these tieids have a big ooefcta j of business SUPER- $600 a Year built up during the war. piijs opportunities to ex- HETERODYNE In Spare Tims pand into new fields opened by wartime develop- CIRCUIT "At present I am ments. You may never again see a time when it doing bdmo time will bo so easy to set a start in Radio! (above) Preselec- • Many Beginners Soon Make tor, oscillator $5, $10 (above) you build mixer-first detec- a Week EXTRA in Spare Time early in Course. tor, i.f. stage, The day you enroll for my Course I start, sending tube - - you EXTRA MONEY JOB SHEETS that help show Vacuum mul- diode detector how to make EXTRA money fixing Radios in spare timeter, measures a.v.c stage, audio time while still learning I send you SIX big kite A.C.. D.C., B.P. stage. Brings in or Radio parts as part of my Course. Ton LEARN volts, D.C. cur- local and distant Radio fundamentals from my illustrated, easy-to- rents, resistance, stations. gi asp lessons- PRAOTICa what you learn by build- receiver output. ing real Radio Circuits—and USE your knowledEo Chief Engineer to make EXTRA money! A. M. SIGNAL. In Radio Station GENERATOR Moll Coupon for "When I shmed FREE Lesson and Book These are fast-movfng (left) build it up with N.R.I. I tiraea. The opportun beginners cow have yourself. 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OFF. /4U STORIES &mfakte t THOUGHT RECORDS OF LEMURIA (Novelet—25,000) By Richard S. Shaver 16 Illustrated by Virgil Finlay We heard raizes out of nowhere! Tken a phantom girl led him lo a weird world tar underground . WEEP NO MORE, MY ROBOT (Short—6,200) By Chester S. Geier 54 Illustrated by Malcolm Smith What should a lonely man do when the woman he loves leaves him? Could a robot make up the loss? INVADERS FROM THE MONSTER WORLD (Novelet— 16,000) By Edmond Hamilton 68 Illustrated by Bob Richmond There- was only one thing worse than having monsters in your hair: that was having no soma to drinkl THE RADIANT ROCK (Novelet— 10,000) By Frances M. Deegan 100 Illustrated by James Dev«r«ux // looked just like a piece ol inert rock—hut it could make all sorts of machinery hum like madl THE SCARLET SWORDSMEN (Novelet—20,000) By Don Wilcox 120 Illustrated by Arnold Kohn The scarlet swordsmen did their best to kilt, but there always teemed to be a new body to live in . PERIL FROM THE OUTLANDS (Short—5,600) By William Lawrence Hamling 154 All he had to do was fo turn a valve and a city would bn poisoned—and he'd be a traitor and outcast. I'LL BE FLEECED (Novelet— 12,000). ... By Berkeley Livingston 164 Illustrated by Rod Ruth Jason went seeking the golden fleece and whan he had it, made a coat of it—to be worn in 194SI Copyright IMS, ZIFF-DAVIS PUIUSHst** COMPANY M*mbcr of the Audit Bureau of Circulations t. S. Davis, Editor; Raymond A. Palmer, Managing Editor; Howard Browne, Assistant Art Director; Malcolm Smith. Assistant Art Director; H. G. Strong, Circulation Director; H. J. Morganroth. Production Director artwork. To facilitate han- postege attached, and ar- to whatever revision i* nee- meet requirements. Payment covers all authors', contributors' end contestants' rights title, and in and to the material accepted and will be made at our current rates upon acceptance. All ind drawings will be considered as part of material purchased. The names of all character* that fictitious. of I in short Stories, serials and semi-fiction articles that deal with types are Use a name that is the same as that of any living person is coincidental. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS JUNE 1945 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 2 /id FEATURES &*tfi£ete THE OBSERVATORY By The Editor 6 OPEN LETTER TO THE WORLD By Richard S. Shaver. 12 NOT YET, BUT SOON By John McCabe Moore 53 VIGNETTES OF FAMOUS SCIENTISTS By Alexander Blade . 66 THE MAROUIS OF ANGLESEY'S LEG . By Sandy Miller 98 AMAZING FACTS By A. Morris 99 PEACEFUL WEAPON OF WAR By Billy Decker 118 'ANTS MAKE WAR By Wayne Harris 119 . BETWIXT CUP AND LIP LIES THE GERM . By Carter T. Wainwright 153 SCIENTIFIC MYSTERIES By L. Taylor Hansen ... 185 CAN FIGURES BE FASCINATING? By J. P. Kayne 187 REPORT FROM THE FORGOTTEN PAST? By The Readers 188 DISCUSSIONS By The Readers 196 MICA SAILBOAT OF MERCURY By Henry Cade 208 Front eorar painting by Robert Gibson Jonai fflintraring a scans from "Thought Racord* of Lamuria" Back coym painting by Jamas 8. SattJai illustrating "Mica Sailboat of Moreury" Published QWtorlr ay ZIPF-I>AVT8 FTTMJSHIHa COMPANY at 540 North aTiehlma Avmne. CMeaso. 11, III. Haw Tort Offloe, Bmptra Mala BuJMJns. Now Turk. !. N. T. Wunliutoa OOm. aWAJsrvo International Huildlas, 1319 F, Street. N.W. London Ofltoa. Grand Build In a*. IWslnr Sauaw, 8TORIB8 I«doB, SDalamt rotorad a* aacoed slaea roaUar Ana H. IB**, at Uta Pott OSca. Chlc.ro.~ nii- AJNB oola. mate taa ad af March Srt. im. ftahacrtpttoa tt.SO for II lattm: Canada 11.00: INS J3.H. SutaMban abould allow at laaat two waeki for ohanaa of addroaa. AH •otmramHoauoaa i addreued to tho Abactor of Circulation.
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