MD • DerSUMMERMatology 2009 | A •PUBLIC NephrologyATION for A FellowshipLUMNI & FRIENDS • Am of arilloT E X A S T ECH• Fa UNIVERSITYMily MeD iciHE ANLTe H• SMD/ C I E Np ChD E S C• E s Nurgery T E R • psychiatry • orthopaeDic surgery • pathology • lubbock • Anesthesiology • InterNal MeDiciNe • obstetrics and gyNecology • MD/MBA • DerMatology • urology • sports MeDiciNe Fellowship • EmergeNcy MeDiciNe • el paso • raDiology • FaMily and commuNity MeDiciNe • InterNal MeDiciNe • ophthalMology • geriatric Fellowship • pathology • MD/JD • paiN MaNageMeNt Fellowship • raDiology • surgery • peDiatricsschool • Anesthesiology of medicine • orthopaeDic surgery • psychiatry • EmergeNcy MeDiciNe • perMiaN basiN • DerMatology • Anesthesiology • peDiatrics • obstetrics and gyNecology • DerMatology • urology • woMeN’s health Fellowship • ophthalMology and Visual scieNces • carDioVascular Diseases Fellowship • obstetrics and gyNecology Fellowship • MD • DerMatology • Nephrology Fellowship • Amarillo • FaMily MeDiciNe • MD/phD • surgery • psychiatry • orthopaeDic surgery • pathology • lubbock • Anesthesiology • InterNal MeDiciNe • obstetrics and gyNecology • MD/MBA • DerMatology • urology • sports MeDiciNe Fellowship • EmergeNcy MeDiciNe • el paso • raDiology • FaMily and commuNity MeDiciNe • InterNal MeDiciNe • ophthalMology • geriatric Fellowship • pathology • MD/JD • paiN MaNageMeNt Fellowship • raDiology • surgery • peDiatrics • Anesthesiology • orthopaeDic surgery • psychiatry • EmergeNcy MeDiciNe • perMiaN basiN • DercelebratingMatology • An theesthesiology decades • peDiatrics • obstetrics and gyNecology • DerMatology • urology • woMeN’s health Fellowship • ophthalMology TABLE o f CON T EN T S on the cover C ELEBRATE THE MEMORIES How well do you know the School of Medicine? 24 Take a trip down memory lane through these tidbits of trivia. PRO P O N E N T O F P E D I AT R I C P RO P O R T I O N S 18 What once stole Stevie Wonder’s sight might soon be a problem of the past as researchers prepare a prescription for prevention of ROP. departments M I K E A N D H I S B I K E 22 Mike McGalliard’s day job can significantly 2 | OBSERVATIONS impact his leisure pursuits and those of others. 3 | ROUNDS Grand 13 | DISCOVERIES Research and Scholarly Activities 31 | ROUNDS Alumni 35 | ALUMNI PROFILES T HE BROTHERS H AYES 28 As boys, they did just about everything together. 40 | THE LAST WORD In their professional lives, the bond continues. Rick and Sharon Decker PULSE is published twice a year by Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Articles, photographs and illustrations from PULSE may be reprinted with permission, with credit given to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Please direct all inquiries concerning text and photography to TTUHSC Office of Communications, 3601 Fourth St., Lubbock, Texas, 79430, or to danette.baker@ ttuhsc.edu. TTUHSC is committed to the principle that in no aspect of its programs shall there be differences in the treatment of persons because of race, creed, national origin, age, sex or disability, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. Persons with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact the Office of Communications. Cop- ies of this publication have been distributed in compliance with the State Depository Law and are available for public use through the Texas State Publications Depository Program at the Texas State Li- brary and other state depository libraries. In compliance with HB 423, PULSE is now available in an electronic format. If you no longer want to receive the printed version, please notify the editor in writing. UPDATES ALUMNI ROGER WOLCOTT, MD SOM ’92 Works to enhance rehabilitation care for West Texans ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL In the Winter 2009 issue, attend opening day of the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine. We’ll in- DEVON FUHRMANN BYRD, MS, CCC-SLP, SOAHS ‘05 troduce you to the Class of 2013 and take a look (Speech-Language Pathology) inside TTUHSC’s new medical school. Improves lives of infants through alternative feeding methods NT ER ES C E S CI E NC EA LT H ERS I T Y H U NIV TE C H E X AS S o f T R I E ND L UM N I & F f o r A A T I O N U BLIC SUMMER 2008 | A P Collegiate track star Sally Kipyego BRANDY MCGINNIS, PHARMD, closes in on her ultimate goal SOP ‘04, W I N T E R 2 0 0 8 | A P U B L I C A T I O N f o r A L U M N I & F R I E N D S o f T E X Helps patients with cardiovascular A S T E C H U N I V E R S I T Y H E A LT H S C I E N C E S C E N T E R disease manage medications KUDOS! Wjtjpouif Cfuufs!Upnpsspxpg!b The Council for Advancement ELSA VELASQUEZ-WARD, BSN., and Support of Education, District IV SON ‘07 (Second Degree Program) recently presented Bronze and Silver awards Eases anxieties by addressing cultural barriers to PULSE recognizing content and design. The magazine also received two Silver ADDYs from the Lubbock Advertising Federation. Visit us online at www.ttuhsc.edu/communications/pulse EMILY BARRON-CASELLA, PHD Comments, concerns, compliments GSBS ‘81 We welcome your feedback on the (Anatomy) content of this issue as well as ideas Searches for a cause and possibly a cure for future magazines. Contact Danette Baker at [email protected] or call 806.743.2143. Summer 2009 | PULSE | 1 SUMMER 2009 · VOL. 20, NO. 1 Texas Tech University System Chancellor KENT HANCE Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center President JOHN C. BALDWIN, M.D. Associate Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement SID WALKER Managing Director, Institutional Advancement ANTICIPATING GLENNA BEYER Director of Communications THE NEXT 40 YEARS MARY CROYLE B Y S T E V E N B E R K , M . D Director of Development, Dean, School of Medicine School of Medicine LEIGH MCPHAUL The School of Medicine’s 40th anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect on our Director of Development, school’s accomplishments and our increasingly important relationship with the other Schools of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences schools of the Health Sciences Center. KENDRA BURRIS The School of Medicine has had a long-standing commitment to excellence in patient Director of Development – Amarillo Schools of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences care, medical education, research and community service. Our entering students have GAINOR DAVIS had the best credentials ever with GPA averages above 3.6 and MCAT averages of about Director of Development 30. Last year’s medical students had the highest USMLE 1 board pass rate ever, and our Paul L. Foster School of Medicine PATRICIA A. GONZALEZ LCME site visit resulted in a highly complementary report. Additionally, the TTUHSC Paul L. Foster School of Medicine will accept its first class this summer. Director of Development – Permian Basin JOY HARRIMAN Texas Tech Physicians, which includes more than 500 physicians on four campuses, Director of Development continues to expand services and add needed specialists. These physicians provide School of Pharmacy more than 600,000 visits in primary and specialty care. Our fund balance is stronger DESSIE LEFF than ever and our patient satisfaction scores as measured by the Press Ganey national PULSE E DITORIAL survey continue to rise. In Lubbock, the $36 million medical pavilion has given our pa- tients the most impressive facility in this region for patient care. Editor DANETTE BAKER All of these accomplishments have been enhanced by the collaborative efforts of Contributing Writers the schools of Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, Pharmacy, and the Graduate School of KIM DAVIS, REBECCA HARDIN, Biomedical Sciences. The institution as a whole has made great progress in building MARK HENDRICKS, BETH PHILLIPS, LISA RULEY, JO VAUGHAN, PATRICIA WILLIAMS nationally recognized research programs in such areas as cancer, alcohol and addiction, Designer blood brain barrier transport, membrane protein research and vaccine development. AMANDA SNEED, HARTSFIELD DESIGN NIH funding at the medical school has increased from $3.3 to $5.4 million in one year Contributing photographers and research expenditures are up from $7 million to $15 million. Our institutes such as NORM BARKER, MARK EMMONS, the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health, the Garrison Institute on Aging and the TONJA HAGY, NEAL HINKLE, JAMIE HINOJOSA, BETSY GOEBEL JONES, MARK KIRYLUK, F. Marie Hall Institute for Rural and Community Health provide significant opportuni- KATY MCCRACKEN, NATI PEREZ, LISA RULEY, JOHN SCHEIBER, LIZ WIDBY ties for collaborative research. Graphics In what can only be considered very difficult times for academic medical centers, JAMIE HINOJOSA TTUHSC’s School of Medicine continues to make great progress. Working together with Printer all schools, our students as well as all of our future health care providers will be better CRAFTSMAN PRINTERS INC. situated to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes. 2 | TTUHSC | Summer 2009 grand ROUNDS <<<She joined TTUHSC 28 years ago in a temporary position, but considers it an honor to be among the nursing school’s founding faculty. Can you Guess Who? see story on page 10 NEW LOCATION EXPANDS RESOURCES IN PAIN MANAGEMENT :: The International Pain Center has earned a reputation worldwide for successful treat- ments, attracting visiting physicians and patients from around the world. Now in its new location, the center can enhance services in pain management as well as support innovations in research and education. In November, the center relocated from Southwest Lubbock to the TTUHSC campus. The 12,700 square- foot, state-of-the-art facility has nine exam rooms, two procedures suites, two operating rooms, a nurses’ station, as well as space for preceptors, consultations, clinical operations support, and staff offices. Mark Boswell, M.D., Ph.D., chairman, Department of Anesthesiology and director of Construction of the center was made possible by a the International Pain Center; Laurie Lazott, M.D., fellow, International Pain Center; TTU System Chancellor Kent Hance; TTUHSC President John C.
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