1 0 L i EAPER. state Lists ,Voi. 3 No. 3 York, September 30, 1941 Price Five Cents Cancelled S e e P a g e 7 Practical Hints for Ey55EI CLERK, STENO S e e P a g e 7 Pay Raises ASKED FOR ALL U. S. EMPLOYEES S e e P a g e 3 Opportunities IN AVIATION AND MACHINE SHOPS S e e P a g e 8 A Lesson for Americans W hat the W ar Did to B ritish Civii Service S e e P a g e 9 May C ivil Servants S trike? S e e P a g e 3 p a g e T w o CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, September 30,1941 Federal Training Program Will Equip Y oungsters to W ork for U. S. Washington. — Thousands' of the next 16 months, or until Jan­ additional Federal employees, in uary 1, 1943. fact « minimum of at least 310,- There’s some guesswork about 000, will be hired by Uncle Sam these figures, it's to be admitted, in defense agencies alone within By CHARLES SULLIVAN but they are as official as can be had out of Washington. The fig­ ures were compiled by the Civil Service Commission after a sur­ U. S. M an-H unt for W orkers vey was made of each agency to determine the need for new em­ H ere Are the Im portant Shortages; Can You Fill One of These Problem s? ployees. Several defense agencies weren’t in a position to determine their Uncle Sam needs: chcmists and chemical engineers Bureau of Standards and the Na­ have been declared eligible but needs, all of which means that the CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL are the Ordnance Division of the tional Institute of Health, less than half of these have re­ actual hiring probably will exceed ENGINEERS: Among the agen­ War Department and the Chem­ Chemists and chemical engi­ fused appointments in Washing­ the estimates. The fact is that ton, and right now the registers cies that have been hounding the ical Warfare Service of the same neers with specialized training the Commission’s estimates for constitute the more serious short­ are virtually exhausted. Civil Service Commission for department. Also, the National the past year have been 17 per age, The supply is adequate in The registers, as set up Sept. 13, cent under actual hirings. some fields, but chemists who showed 357 eligibles for junior Shortages already exist in a have had specialized experience in tabulating machine operator, 562 number of job categories and be­ such fields as explosives, sound, eligibles for under-tabulating ma­ fore Uncle Sam gets through hir­ radio, and nonferrous metallurgy chine operator, 299 eligibles for ing for defense there will be are in great demand. junior alphabetic tabulating ma­ shortages in a great number of chine operator, and 361 eligibles IvINK TRAINER OPERATOR: fields unless the Commission be­ F u r n i t u r e ... for under-alphabetic tabulating gins a wide-spread training pro­ Believe it or not, but the Civil machine operator. Service Commission announced a gram for youngsters who want to AND WHEN TO BUY IT test for link trainer operator on METEOROLOGICAL OBSERV- enter the federal service. August 28, and three weeks later ER.S: The Weather Bureau in And that’s just what is planned. I V o W . i s tlic time to buy every ])iece of furniture only two persons had applied and the Commerce Department needs Training Expanded you iicfd. Yes, now is the liiiic to bu}', for you both had been disqualified for assistant observers in meteorology who will get $1,620. Applications The training division of the know that j)riccs are steadily rising. lack of training. U. S. Civil Service Commission is Now w hat is a link trainer op­ should be filed with the Civil Service Commission before Oc­ under Winston B. Stephens, who erator? Well, it seems that a is now rapidly expanding it.' But.. .buy in a shop Avhicli planned ahead. .and has link trainer is a new device to tober 23. Eligibles must have available 35,000 square feet of quality furniture completed at least two years of Here is what has been done with­ the aviation field. Specifically, in the past few days: of all tyjies on display, and thousands of pieces it’s a device designed to simulate college study in meteorology or have had at least two years of Guy Moffett, former administra­ eontraoted for before the present emergency. conditions of flight that occur in full-time, paid experience as a tor of the Spelman Fund, who planes in actual day and night handled Commission appoint­ flying. Such a machine is in­ meteorological observer. Other We Planned.. .a n d 3'ou’re guaranteed savings up to ments during Wor’.d War 1 to the stalled in the Munitions Building meteorological positions are open 50^^. So buy direct; just use your identification th at pay from $2,000 to $5,600. War and Navy departments, has in Washington and if you can been appointed assistant to Wil­ card. operate the apparatus, get in AGRICULTURAL S T A T I S- liam H. McReynolds, the Presi­ touch immediately with the Com­ TICIANS: For employment in dents administrative assistant on Come In ...See... Select...and Save at. mission and the War Department the Agricultural Marketing Serv­ personnel problems. He will co­ will be ever so grateful. ice of the Agriculture Depart­ ordinate training work as he TABULATING MACHINE OP­ ment. Positions pay from $1,600 developed training programs dur­ ERATORS: There is really a se­ to $2,620. Civil Service announce­ ing the first World War. He will rious shortage among these oper­ ments for these jobs will close also work on extension of the WELT FURNITURE CORP. ators. Agencies in urgent need on October 23. Classification Act to the field. Dean Herluf Olsen of the Amos 39-47 W est 19th St., Between 5th and 6th Aves. of tabulating machine operators JU N IO R PH YSICISTS: $2,000. are the War Department, Interior Other physicists jobs are open Tuck School at Dartmouth Uni­ 8-5350 Oix^n daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., incl. Sat. Department, Bituminous Coal Di­ th at pay from $2,600 to $5,600. versity has joined the training 3-8861 Oiuii Thur«<lH.vs till 9 r. M. vision, and the Social Security The junior grade tests will be staff to arrange for pre-service Board in Baltimore. “unassembled” for the first time. training at colleges and univer­ Welt Built Is Well Built’ It was more than four months This means that applicants will sities. He’ll induce educational ago that the Civil Service Com­ be graded on their experience and institutions to give courses that ijnnroTnroTnrinroTTnrBTrir^TroTnroTnnrTiroTnnnnnnroTnnn^ mission announced its exam for education. Those who qualified will equip youngsters to qualify junior and under-tabulating ma­ for the physicist option of the for federal jobs. chine operators, and for junior junior professional assistant test Dr. Earl Strong, who has been and under-alphabetic tabulating earlier this year need not apply teaching this summer at N.Y.U. Your Name Featured machine operators. To date, for and the eligibles will be trans- and Columbia, will be given the all four positions, around 1,500 fered to the new register. task for insuring an adequate Here is a way to help establish your name and supply of clerical workers for the intcgril^r in your comnuinity — Government, Others have been and will be Issue “J^ersonal” Checks of this bank Avitb hired to set up training courses YOUR NAME PRINTED ON EACH CHECK Investigator Eligibles for every type of federal workers from skilled mechanic to scientist. You’ll be surprised at the convenience and time saving you Watch The LEADER for furth­ effect by settling your acounts this easy way. Just consider er information on the new fed­ the high points of our TRUSTCO CHECK SERVICE Set Program for Y ear eral training program. 11.00 OPENS AM ACCOUNT - No ifrvico ACCOUNTS OPENED BY MAll— You m if charge made rrgardlcsi of how »mall your iljo mail your depoiin. A program of future activity for speedily and effectively by quali­ balance. Checki certified without chargt. ANYONE CAN OPEN AM ACCOUNT - Every the members of the U. S. Investi­ fied people. ASKS REPEAL ONLY COST 7Vsc PER CHECK DRAWN- jicifon— Federal, State or City emplcyef, gator Eligibles’ Association has Two Important Items Mo charge h r itrmi tlepositcd. busincH cr profe«iicnal man, hou»ewife or been outlined. The couise will be biioband and wife jointly— may u«e our At the October 9 meeting, the tTATEMC»!T MAILED with cancelled chocV* presented at a big mceUng sched­ OF HATCH ACT rhfciinj fjrilitiei. every three montlu it no coit. eligibles will probably learn about uled for October 9. Three main two important items which the ex­ “Repeal the Hatch Act.” Checks Printed With Your Name Delivered Immediately objectives were kept in mind dur­ ecutive board is probing. One of That’s the sentiment of Repre­ on Opening Account ing formul:ition of the program; these items concerns the certifi­ sentative Martin J. Kennedy, MaU your lu'xt pay cheek for depoNit. It Isn’t (1) to obtain the utmost possible cation of an eligible who is 29th New York, and it’s embodied in necessary to come to the bank to open your account. assignment of each investigator on a local assistant investigator a bill introduced last week .in All City, Federal or State employees given immediate credit list to specific positions for which list, while the eligible who is Congress.
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