Journal of the House of Representatives SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS SECOND REGULAR SESSION 2017 - 2018 JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 Prepared by the JOURNAL SERVICE Plenary Affairs Bureau JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 CALL TO ORDER Biazon Billones At 4:00 p.m., Deputy Speaker Sharon S. Garin Biron called the session to order. Bolilia Bondoc NATIONAL ANTHEM AND PRAYER Bordado Bravo (A.) Pursuant to Section 73, Rule XI of the amended Bravo (M.V.) Provisional Rules of the House, the Members sang Brosas the National Anthem and thereafter, Rep. France L. Bulut-Begtang Castro delivered the invocation. Cagas Calixto-Rubiano ROLL CALL Caminero Campos Thereafter, on motion of Rep. Gerald Anthony Canama “Samsam” V. Gullas Jr., there being no objection, Casilao the Chair directed the Secretary General to call the Castelo Roll and the following Members were present: Castro (F.L.) Castro (F.H.) Abaya Cayetano Abayon Celeste Abu Cerafica Abueg Cerilles Acharon Chavez Acop Chipeco Acosta Co Acosta-Alba Cojuangco Advincula Cortes Agarao Cortuna Aggabao Crisologo Aglipay-Villar Cua Albano Cuaresma Alejano Cueva Almario Dalipe Almonte Datol Alonte Daza Alvarez (P.) De Jesus Amatong de Venecia Aragones De Vera Arcillas Defensor Arenas Del Mar Atienza Del Rosario Bagatsing Deloso-Montalla Banal Dimaporo (A.) Bataoil Dimaporo (M.K.) Bautista-Bandigan Durano Belaro Elago Belmonte (F.) Enverga Belmonte (J.C.) Erice Belmonte (R.) Eriguel Benitez Ermita-Buhain Bertiz Escudero 2 17 th Congress 2 nd Regular Session JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 Espino Montoro Estrella Nava Evardone Nieto Fariñas Noel Fernando Nograles (J.J.) Ferrer (J.) Nuñez-Malanyaon Ferrer (L.) Oaminal Ferriol-Pascual Ocampo Fortun Olivarez Fortuno Ong (E.) Garbin Ong (H.) Garcia (G.) Ortega (P.) Garcia (J.E.) Pacquiao Garcia-Albano Paduano Garin (S.) Palma Gasataya Pancho Gatchalian Panotes Geron Papandayan Go (A.C.) Pichay Go (M.) Pimentel Gomez Pineda Gonzaga Plaza Gonzales (A.D.) Primicias-Agabas Gonzalez Quimbo Gullas Radaza Hernandez Ramos Herrera-Dy Roa-Puno Hofer Rodriguez (I.) Jalosjos Rodriguez (M.) Kho Roman Khonghun Romualdez Labadlabad Romualdo Lagman Roque (H.) Lanete Roque (R.) Laogan Sacdalan Lazatin Sagarbarria Leachon Sahali Lee Salimbangon Lobregat Salo Lopez (B.) Sambar Lopez (M.L.) Sandoval Loyola Santos-Recto Macapagal-Arroyo Sarmiento (C.) Maceda Sarmiento (E.M.) Madrona Savellano Malapitan Siao Manalo Silverio Mangaoang Singson Mangudadatu (Z.) Suansing (E.) Marcoleta Suansing (H.) Marcos Suarez Mariño Tambunting Marquez Tan (A.) Martinez Tan (S.) Matugas Teves Mellana Tiangco Mercado Tinio Mirasol Tolentino 17 th Congress 2 nd Regular Session 3 JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 Treñas Appropriations during the voting process, he Tugna stressed that his vote was a negative vote because Ty the Bill was a huge step backward from the success Umali attained by the labor sector during the 1900s. He Ungab likewise withdrew his coauthorship thereof. Unico Uy (R.) MANIFESTATION OF Vargas REPRESENTATIVE DE JESUS Vargas-Alfonso Velarde Upon recognition by the Chair, Rep. Emmi A. Velasco De Jesus adverted to the same Journal which in- Velasco-Catera cluded her name among those who had voted in the Veloso affirmative on House Bill No. 6152. She stressed Vergara that her vote thereon was in the negative and that Villanueva she was submitting a written explanation of her Villaraza-Suarez vote. Villarica Villarin MANIFESTATIONS OF Violago REPRESENTATIVES ELAGO, Yap (M.) TINIO, AND ZARATE Yu Zamora (M.C.) Recognized by the Chair, Reps. Sarah Jane I. Zamora (R.) Elago, Antonio L. Tinio, and Carlos Isagani T. Zar- Zarate ate asked that their affirmative votes on House Bill Zubiri No. 6152 be amended so as to reflect their negative votes. With 226 Members responding to the Call, the APPROVAL OF JOURNAL NO. 14, Chair declared the presence of a quorum. (See Ap- AS AMENDED pendix) Thereupon, as manifested by the aforecited ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GUESTS Members, on motion of Representative Gullas, there being no objection, the Body approved Jour- nal No. 14 dated August 23, 2017, as amended. Rep. Christopher V.P. de Venecia acknowl- edged the presence in the Session Hall of the guests REFERENCE OF BUSINESS of Reps. Francisco G. Datol Jr., Milagros Aquino- Magsaysay, Jeffrey D. Khonghun, and Cristal L. On motion of Representative Gullas, there be- Bagatsing. ing no objection, the Body proceeded to the Refer- ence of Business. At this juncture, on motion of Representative Gullas, the Chair recognized Rep. Ariel “Ka Ayik” Upon direction of the Chair, the Secretary Gen- B. Casilao. eral read on First Reading the titles of the following Bills and Resolutions, including the Communica- MANIFESTATION OF tion and Committee Report, which were referred to REPRESENTATIVE CASILAO the appropriate Committees as hereunder indicated: Representative Casilao manifested that on page BILLS ON FIRST READING 9 of Journal No. 14, dated August 23, 3017, his vote on House Bill No. 6152, entitled, “AN ACT IN- House Bill No. 6229, entitled: CREASING THE NORMAL WORK HOURS PER DAY UNDER A COMPRESSED WORK WEEK “AN ACT REQUIRING ALL EMPLOYEES SCHEME, AMENDING ARTICLES 83, 87, AND AND OFFICIALS OF THE LAND 91 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 442, AS TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE AND REGULATORY BOARD (LTFRB) LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES” was rec- TO COMMUTE VIA PUBLIC orded as an affirmative vote. Clarifying that he was TRANSPORT AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK attending the budget hearing in the Committee on DURING WEEKDAY RUSH HOURS” 4 17 th Congress 2 nd Regular Session JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 By Representative Ong (H.) House Bill No. 6234, entitled: TO THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTA- “AN ACT CONVERTING THE PROVIN- TION CIAL ROAD TRAVERSING BARAN- GAYS BINASBAS, MANGLOY, House Bill No. 6230, entitled: IMELDA, INACAYAN, BELMONTE, ANDAP, MELALE, DATU AMPUNAN, “AN ACT ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL DATU DAVAO IN THE MUNICIPALITY HIGH SCHOOL IN BARANGAY MARIA OF LAAK IN THE PROVINCE OF COM- CLARA, MAASIN CITY, SOUTHERN POSTELA VALLEY INTO A NATIONAL LEYTE” ROAD AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR” By Representative Mercado By Representative Gonzaga TO THE COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCA- TION AND CULTURE TO THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS House Bill No. 6231, entitled: House Bill No. 6235, entitled: “AN ACT ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN BARANGAY “AN ACT REDUCING FOOD WASTE CANJUOM, MAASIN CITY, SOUTH- THROUGH FOOD DONATION AND ERN LEYTE” FOOD WASTE RECYCLING” By Representative Mercado By Representative Garin (S.) TO THE COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCA- TO THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON FOOD TION AND CULTURE SECURITY House Bill No. 6232, entitled: House Bill No. 6236, entitled: “AN ACT ESTABLISHING A NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN BARANGAY “AN ACT ABOLISHING THE ROAD PANAN-AWAN, MAASIN CITY, BOARD CREATED BY REPUBLIC ACT SOUTHERN LEYTE” NO. 8794 AND TRANSFERRING ITS POWERS AND FUNCTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS By Representative Mercado AND HIGHWAYS AND TO THE DE- PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TO THE COMMITTEE ON BASIC EDUCA- AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE RE- TION AND CULTURE PUBLIC ACT NO. 8794” House Bill No. 6233, entitled: By Representatives Fariñas and Alvarez (P.) “AN ACT DESIGNATING A SPECIALLY TO THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT MARKED LANE IN MAJOR THOR- REORGANIZATION AND THE COM- OUGHFARES IN METRO MANILA EX- MITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS AND CLUSIVELY DEDICATED FOR HEAVY HIGHWAYS VEHICLES AND PRESCRIBING PEN- ALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF House Bill No. 6237, entitled: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” “AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE GOOD SA- By Representative Castelo MARITANS WHO PROVIDE REASON- ABLE ASSISTANCE IN AN EMER- TO THE COMMITTEE ON METRO MA- GENCY BY PROTECTING THEM NILA DEVELOPMENT FROM LIABILITY” 17 th Congress 2 nd Regular Session 5 JOURNAL NO. 15 Tuesday, August 29, 2017 By Representative Lee House Resolution No. 1214, entitled: TO THE COMMITTEE ON PEOPLE’S PAR- “RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING AND TICIPATION COMMENDING KIM MANGROBANG AND CLAIRE ADORNA FOR WINNING THE GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS RE- House Bill No. 6238, entitled: SPECTIVELY IN THE WOMEN'S TRI- ATHLON EVENT AT THE 2017 SEA “AN ACT REMOVING THE RE- GAMES IN MALAYSIA” STRICTIONS IN THE REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLES UNDER SECTIONS By Representative Antonio 118, 119, AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS AGAINST ENCUMBRANCE OR AL- TO THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH AND IENATION ON FREE PATENTS IS- SPORTS DEVELOPMENT SUED UNDER SECTION 44 OF COM- MONWEALTH ACT NO. 141 OR THE House Resolution No. 1215, entitled: PUBLIC LAND ACT, AS AMENDED” “RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING AND By Representatives Salon and Lee COMMENDING MARY JOY TABAL FOR WINNING THE GOLD MEDAL IN TO THE COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE THE WOMEN'S MARATHON EVENT AT THE 2017 SEA GAMES IN MALAY- House Bill No. 6240, entitled: SIA” “AN ACT PROVIDING ALL BARANGAY By Representative Antonio OFFICIALS, INCLUDING BARANGAY TANODS, MEMBERS OF THE LUPON TO THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH AND NG TAGAPAMAYAPA, BARANGAY SPORTS DEVELOPMENT HEALTH WORKERS AND BARANGAY DAY CARE WORKERS, A LUMP SUM House Resolution No. 1216, entitled: RETIREMENT PAY EQUIVALENT TO ONE (1) YEAR HONORARIUM, “RESOLUTION CONGRATULATING AND AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE SEC- COMMENDING NIKKO BRYAN HUEL- TION 393 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7160, GAS AND JOHN CHICANO FOR WIN- AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN NING THE GOLD AND SILVER MED- AS THE ꞌLOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE ALS RESPECTIVELY IN THE MEN'S OF 1991 ꞌ ” TRIATHLON EVENT AT THE 2017 SEA GAMES IN MALAYSIA” By Representative Benitez By Representative Antonio TO THE COMMITTEE ON LOCAL GOV- TO THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH AND ERNMENT SPORTS DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTIONS House Resolution No. 1217, entitled: House Resolution No. 1213, entitled: “RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COM- MITTEE ON HIGHER AND TECH- NICAL EDUCATION TO CONDUCT “A RESOLUTION URGING THE EXECU- AND INQUIRE, IN AID OF LEGISLA- TIVE BRANCH OF THE GOVERN- TION, INTO THE APPROPRIATENESS MENT TO IMPLEMENT A NATION- AND CURRENTNESS OF OUR CIVIL WIDE IN-CITY HOUSING PROGRAM” ENGINEERING CURRICULUM, WITH PARTICULAR INTENTION TO EARTH- By Representative Benitez QUAKE DESIGN, IN ORDER TO DE- TERMINE ITS NEED TO BE UPDATED TO THE COMMITTEE ON HOUSING AND IN RESPONSE TO RECENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRONGER EARTHQUAKES THAT 6 17 th Congress 2 nd Regular Session JOURNAL NO.
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