.' . ji. X AVBBAOB DAILT CIBCXDATION fovvtiM Month ot Jnna i m _ THE WEATHER ■ Forwian Of tj. 8 Waathw 5,428 Baittord Member of tho AnMt Bwonu of Utrenlnttons. OenerMlj lUr tonight and 8nn- “ }’; not nrarh change la tempera- tore* .VOL. U n ., NO. 248. (LTnssUled Advertising on Pngo MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 21,1934. (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 4>- TO USE ALUOATORS 1 IS A.MAZON VENTURE i 10; POST OFFICE IS Army Planes Off To “Protect” Alaska Para, Brazil, July 21.—(AP)— Braall hopea to get some money OUT OF THE RED out of its millions of alligators. Count Penteado, Sao Paulo In- STRIKERS WOUNDED dustriiUlst, plans to establish a X.' FARLM ATES factory, here to extract alligator oU and cure hides for export. The oU, he believes, would make a good substitute for whale oil. The .Island of Marajo, In the MINNEAPOLIS RIOT Income Exceeds Expenses mouth of the Amazon, ^^11 be an abundant source of initlM supply, by $5,000; First Year with the whole Amazon system Thredt of General Walkout ,^to draw on If the industry b^m s. track f risco Is Almost Back Without Deficit Since Grips City-T-Coast Strike 1 9 1 9 ,7th in Half Century To Normal Conditions Spreads to Portland, Ore- FIVE CCC WORKERS Washington, July 21.—Postmaa San Francisco, July 21.—(AP) — , gon — Tear Gas Routs the day moss walkout which officially ! Iw General Farley has Informed THOUGHT DROWNED Hopes of peace stirred anew along ended Thursday. At Los Angeles ' President Roosevelt that a long- the strike tom Pacific coa.st today_ HuRh Johnson, NRA administrator, 2,000 Workers on Seat- . elusive goal of the Postoffice De- despite martial law threate at Port- declared he believed the maritime partment, a balanced budget, has d'.sputc will go before a mediation been achieved. Three Rescued When Boat land and disorders at’ Seattle—as board appointed by President Roose- tle’s Waterfront. In a radio message to the Presi- Federal agencies pressed for settle- i veil within 24 hours, dent aboard the cruiser Houston Mr. rcent of the prolonged maritime con- | The board has asked both the em- Upsets While Crossing a flict. Farley declared that pre-audited flg- ployers and maritime unions to sub- STRIKE SITUA'nON ' ures for the fiscal year ended June For the first time In two months, mit to arbitration. 30 showed that postal receipts for trucks driven by union men rolled By Associated Press Reservoir in New York. The Sap Francisco local of the the first time since 1919 had ex- n.ong the San Fianclsco waterfront International Longshoremen’s Asso- Minneapolis, blood-stained - Ify ceeded expenditures, tho surplus be when the la.st line of a general strike ciation will meet tonight to consider clashes between police and striking Ihg about $5,000,000. This was collapsed with the uncondltlqnal re- the board’s request. truck drivers was hit today by the after making the usual adJustmenU Providence, N. Y., July 21. (AP) turn tq work of teamsters. —Five CCC workers from United States Senator Robert F. th«at of a general walkout of All authorized by law "for certain sub- a camp Industrial leaders here pledged a' Wagner of New York, author of ventions and free mailing service, at Speculator were drowned In the pollcy of cooperation' toward or- union labor. I cderal labor legi.slatton, is here co- The wounding of 68 pert^ns, most Black Balance Rare Amsterdam Cit> reservoir today ganized labor to smooth away hit-, cperatlng with the President's The Postmaster General remarked tt-incss left In the wake of the four of them strikers, in yesterday's dis-^ while croasinp the lake In n boat. board. order, was followed by an appeal of that this record "was all the more impressive” when the fact was con- Three men In the party were saved. Miles Dunne, leader of the . union sidered that in the last fifty years The seven had been fighting a for- drivers, to other unions to carry est fire near the re.servolr. Provi- out a general strike. postal revenues had exceeded opera- tion costs in only seven. dence is a hamlet In northwest Freight trains moved again on •Saratoga county.'First reports of FARLEY HITS BACK [ MAN MEETS DEATH the Seattle waterfront after Mayor President Roosevelt replied to the Postmaster General in a radio mes- the accident were meager. Chhrles L. Smith led 300 police in sage which reached him at San The CCC workers were from a 7c ‘*1* A"- CorP" protect Alaska as well as to show Its raobllltv. a tear gas rout of 2,000 striking Jose, Calif., where he has been on a camp near Speculator which is op- rS-ifl planes took off from Washington, D. C AT BUREAU CRITICS I IN FRIENDLY TILT maritime workers and their sympa- Fairbanks, a distance of 3,667 miles. ---------- *- reconnalsance flight to speaking tour. He was "delighted" eruted for World War veterans. Here you see the planes os tliey appeared in thizers who had placed ties on the flight over the Capitol. "warming-up" rails. at the report and congratulated Mr. Had Called For Help Farley that such a result had been ne Con.<iervatlon Department had In Portland achieved despite a reduction in post- called upon i. en from the camp to Also Puts in Boost for Sena-j East Hartford Man Dies of Portland’s gasoline famine ended when heavy police guards escorted age on local letters and other handi- aflslat in subduing a fire in the roll- caps. ing and heavily timbered section tank trucks frb.n the strike-choked The President’s reply to Mr near Providence. tor Johnson in His San Injuries Received Outside waterfront to filling stations. STATE FACES 13TH DAY 1 ENGINEER is DEAD, Farley read: *^be forest fire had been burning The Pacific coast maritime strike F. U. la “Delighted" three days. when forest rangers lo- will continue, leaders announced. *1 am delighted to have your cated It yesterday. Rangers, CCC Francisco Speech. of Tavern in Glastonbury. The end of San Francisco’s general workers and other volunteers work- OF DRYk HOT weather VICTIM’OF BURNS strike brought from William Green, report that the Postoffice Depart- ment will have a surplus of approxi- ed throughout last night to extin- president of the American Federa- San Francisco, July 21.—(AP) mately $5,000,000 for the fiscal year guish or confine the fire. Hartford, July 21.—(AP) — A tion of Labor, the comment that which ended June 30, the first time . reports of the lake accl- James A. Farley, in the dual ca-’, friendly test'of strength outside the workers ‘made a grave mistake since 1919 hat such a result has oent did not ,1ve the names of the when they engaged in a sympathet- Humidity at Record Peak ^LEEING CONVICTS His Assistant Still on Danger paclty of Cabinet member and Na-} Glastonbury tavern led to the death been accomplished.,and this notwith- men in the boat. They did say ic strike, but they acted wisely tionai Democratic cha.rman, struck of one of thg combatants shortly standing a reduction in postage on ■ When they ordered it officially ter- List in New Haven Follow- back today at critics who say the minated.” ■ local letters and charges against the (Coiiilnued on Page Fl\*e) Yenerday - - Tlroughont after midnight today and the arrest postal revenues never before In- \f|A B B ED BY POSSE government Ls building a "bureau- of the other. Carmen of the Market Street cracy." cluded In the cost of postal service Railway in San Francisco remained Nation 100 Deaths Re- \ ___ ing Ship Explosion. In an address prepared for de- The slain man Is Joseph Speias of on strike. Congratulations and best wishes.” East Hartford, 39-years-old efn- -Mvasage Sent to President livery at noon before the Common- At Parkersburg, W. Va,, 550. em- PRESIDENT NAMES wealth Club, the postmaster general ploye of the Chance 'Voughl Ctorp. Mr. Farley's message to the Presi- ported Because of Heat Two of Three Prisoners Who His alleged assailant Is Peter Ter- ployees of the Ames-Baldwln-Wyo- dent read In part as follows: New Haven. July 21—(AP)—, also took occasion to endorse the mlng Tool Works walked out-zz the candidacy of Senator Hiram John- lesky of this city, who waz arrest- "When 1 assumed the office of Thpmaa Lewandowskt. 29. of Staten I result of a ulspute over an empoly- Postmaster General you expressed RAIL BOARD MEN Islanrt rhi.e .u • . ' Republican Independent who Is ees’ election for collective bargain- By Associated Press Escaped in Maine Are engineer on the tanker j seeking re-election. Farley said (Continiied on Page Five) - the desire that the postal service be ing. so conducted that the revenues and Faced with another day of dry, Ulster, died early today in New* Ha- I that "for two years he has stood Twenty-four Alabama textile expenditures would approximately torrid weather today, Connecticut Quickly Recaptur^. ven hospital, bf burns received loyally and courageously mills remained closed in the textile balance each other, and the drain was likely to see the 12 day fair when gasoline fumes exploded i *^eside the great leader in the White workers strike. Picked Officials WiO Direct aboard the tanker. | House." upon the general Treasury and tax- weather hot spell of 1889 record ‘KING’ OF ANDORRA payers In making up the huge def- Lewandowskl’s life had been de- i prepared address had no OENER.AL STRIKE THREAT broken before nightfall.
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